Burn of the Day – The American Catholic

Burn of the Day


Most of wokery is simple racism for fun and profit and Sam Rocha, aging hipster, is Exhibit A. His word salad most reminds me of Nazi rants against “cosmopolitan” Jews who they claimed had no homeland and could only destroy the homelands of others.  Sam is as race obsessed as any Klansman circa 1866. The woke are bearers of an old poison in a new bottle.

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T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Friday, May 20, AD 2022 6:06am

One, “White Supremacist” is anyone so evil and brazen as to voice opposition to the left’s insanity.

Two, If these execrable rats are ‘for’ Ukraine, maybe Russia has just cause for its brutal invasion, just like Iraq in 2003. FYI I don’t ‘heart’ these Ukraine flag laptop warriors. .

Father of Seven
Father of Seven
Friday, May 20, AD 2022 6:17am

“Race obsessed” is being kind. They are racists, every last one of them. They only want people to be judged on the basis of skin tone. Yeah, sounds Catholic to me too.

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Friday, May 20, AD 2022 6:37am

How does Sam Rocha, a white man, reconcile his hatred of white people with his support of Ukraine, a nation of white people. Indeed, how does he NOT commit suicide, being the white man whom he hates?

I think these white people who hate white people and want to rid the world of white people should start with themselves. Indeed, I likewise think that these people who favor abortion, pre- and post-birth, should start with themselves before they cause conception.

Nate Winchester
Nate Winchester
Friday, May 20, AD 2022 6:45am

So is Sam saying that the nations of Europe need to close their borders then to preserve the white places so white people have nations and homes they can be from? Never expected him to go all “14 words” there.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Friday, May 20, AD 2022 8:15am

Indeed, how does he NOT commit suicide, being the white man whom he hates?

He markets himself as hispanic.

What’s curious about this is that he insists he had an itinerant upbringing and that his parents were missionaries. They appear to have landed in Ohio at some point. His parents lived in Lorain, Ohio for some time and have now relocated to an exurb of Austin, Tx. Rocha himself landed a position on the faculty of the University of British Columbia. (His specialty is BS).

Dale Price
Dale Price
Friday, May 20, AD 2022 8:39am

Because most contemporary American whites don’t think of themselves as whites first.

But that braying fraud is doing his part to wake up the racial consciousness he claims to be horrified by.

God help us all if he and the rest of the “anti-racist” (sic) red guards succeed.

Friday, May 20, AD 2022 8:51am

He’s likely going for his PhD in BS. Pile it Higher and Deeper. Ignore these morons they’ll go away.

Friday, May 20, AD 2022 8:55am

The category of “white” was invented to be a contrast to the politicized “black.”
“Black” got turned into a motte-and-bailey of “minority” where the only constant as not-white is African ancestry, but depending on time and place you will find India-Indians, Italians or even the Irish rolled into the group.

And we’re all familiar with the abuse of “white” to mean “functional cultural adaptations,” ranging from showing up on time through ability to employ logic to doing math, which is used to declare someone who is objectively of very high levels of African ancestry to not be “really” black.

Basically, all that stuff about trying to appropriate culture, and othering, and erasing, and such?
As usual, projecting like an imax.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Friday, May 20, AD 2022 9:28am

He’s likely going for his PhD in BS.

Awarded some years ago by Ohio State. I think he actually has tenure now. (His position is in a teacher training faculty).

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Friday, May 20, AD 2022 10:53am

@Art – Hispanics (those of Spanish descent) ARE Caucasians.

Greg Mockeridge
Greg Mockeridge
Friday, May 20, AD 2022 11:18am

“He’s likely going for his PhD in BS. Pile it Higher and Deeper. Ignore these morons they’ll go away.“

Wrong! You ignore them at your peril! They must be defeated, not ignored!

Art Deco
Art Deco
Friday, May 20, AD 2022 11:38am

@Art – Hispanics (those of Spanish descent) ARE Caucasians.

His father’s high school yearbook has been digitized and placed on Ancestry.com. The elder Mr. Rocha is definitely mestizo. His mother’s maiden name is Italian.

Friday, May 20, AD 2022 12:26pm

I remember. Way back i. The last century, I reading an article about an unfortunate man in South Africa. He ra. Afoul of someone who called the government. Which sicced some sort of official Department of Racial Puirity on him. A group of investigators showed up with charts, tapes, and calipers, forcibly measured various parts of the victim’s body. After which they declared him, based on Science, to be Non-white. He lost his job. His house, and, basically his existence as a human. Thankfully, it can’t happen here…

Art Deco
Art Deco
Friday, May 20, AD 2022 12:43pm

I remember. Way back i. The last century, I reading an article about an unfortunate man in South Africa. He ra. Afoul of someone who called the government. Which sicced some sort of official Department of Racial Puirity on him. A group of investigators showed up with charts, tapes, and calipers, forcibly measured various parts of the victim’s body. After which they declared him, based on Science, to be Non-white. He lost his job. His house, and, basically his existence as a human. Thankfully, it can’t happen here…

That was a subplot in Alan Paton’s Ah, But Your Land is Beautiful. The character was subject to no investigation, just a pair of officials showing up at his door and asking him to explain the discrepancy between his birth certificate and his marriage certificate. I assume Paton was working off a contemporaneous newspaper story. The novel was set ca. 1955 and was salted with historical characters.

Rudolph Harrier
Rudolph Harrier
Friday, May 20, AD 2022 12:54pm

Rocha is really close to an actual point here. It is true that most people who are called “white” in America are adrift culturally, with no traditions to cling to (not even “American traditions” since those have been systematically destroyed in the last fifty years.)

But the natural next place to go is to say that this is a bad thing and that white people need to revisit their actual roots (i.e. German, Italian, Norwegian, etc.) or (like the diaspora blacks) create a new culture out of their shared longing for identity.

Rocha will never see that though because he just wants to dunk on white people.

Saturday, May 21, AD 2022 8:13pm

AD, actually I read it in a now long-defunct glossy, hardcover (!) Magazine called “Atlas”, to which my Mom subscribed. It was a sort of aggregator of international news stories.

Sunday, May 22, AD 2022 1:51am

Re “white Americans with no traditions”, sure there are traditions. Read the History of White People in America 1 and 2 authored by Martin Mull. e.g. clear plastic upholstery over newly purchased
.brocade upholstery furniture; the ubiquitous moulded jello salads at family holiday dinners.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Sunday, May 22, AD 2022 5:49am

AD, actually I read it in a now long-defunct glossy, hardcover (!) Magazine called “Atlas”, to which my Mom subscribed. It was a sort of aggregator of international news stories.

Known later as World Press Review. IIRC, it folded in 2002.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Sunday, May 22, AD 2022 5:59am

It is true that most people who are called “white” in America are adrift culturally, with no traditions to cling to (not even “American traditions” since those have been systematically destroyed in the last fifty years.)

Have people stopped celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas?

I’m not seeing ‘systematic destruction of the culture’ so much as I’m seeing things that are gross and evil successfully marketed to the young and (now and again) people old enough to know better (along with general slatternliness). What also hits you is that you cannot figure out if the (generally faceless) people in charge of institutions are craven, stupid, or vicious. How is it that the CEO of Disney allows himself to be jerked around by sexual deviants and Munchausen mommies working for him?

Thursday, June 9, AD 2022 9:24pm

Possibly Trevor Noah in his biography alluded to a similar story. His father was Swiss and his mother was mixed.
Sick of being referred to as “White”. I check “Other” then write in “Caucasian”.

Thursday, June 9, AD 2022 9:33pm

In kindergarten for a self portrait I didn’t use the white crayon to color my face, nor did my boys. Crayola has done away with Nude which was a pinky tan. Isn’t that racist since there are still in the bid box different shades of yellow, red, brown, black and tan crayons.

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