Oir Conjugation: Present Tense & Subjunctive | Study.com
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Oir Conjugation: Present Tense & Subjunctive

Instructor Elena Sacramento Lechado

Elena has a PhD in linguistics from University of La Laguna (Spain). Currently, she teaches Spanish as a foreign language and creates teaching resources.

Talk about your favorite (and least favorite) sounds with the Spanish verb 'oír.' In this lesson, you'll learn its conjugation in the present tense and the present subjunctive through plenty of real life examples.

You're probably hearing lots of different sounds right now, but if you're paying attention to what you're reading, you might not be aware of them. You might be hearing the traffic, a car horn or someone talking on the radio or TV, or if you're lucky enough to be surrounded by nature, you might be hearing the birds singing or even the sound of a fountain or a river. In Spanish, we use the verb oír (pronounced: oh-EER), which means 'to hear,' to refer to the sounds we hear or perceive, as opposed to what we listen to.

Let's look at out how to conjugate this verb in the present tense and the present subjunctive and how to use it adequately in context. Daniela and her friend Ana will help us with lots of examples.

Translation: To hear the river

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With the present indicative (usually called 'present tense') we can talk about our habits or routines, or we can simply mention facts. So with the present of oír you might say that you can hear the TV playing in the background while you cook, or that you can hear the river from your house.

Oír is an irregular verb, so pay attention to the spelling in every form. Notice that the i from the stem becomes y in some of the forms. This is to avoid having three vowels together.

Pronunciation Translation
yo oigo (OY-goh) I hear
oyes (OH-yays) you hear
oye (OH-yay) he/she hears -
you (formal) hear
oímos (oh-EE-mohs) we hear
oís (oh-EES) you all hear
oyen (OH-yayn) they hear
you all hear

Note: Only Spaniards use the form vosotros/as when addressing more than one person in informal situations. In the rest of the Spanish-speaking countries, everyone uses ustedes.

Examples of Oír in the Present Indicative

Daniela lives in Madrid, the capital city of Spain. Although she likes her city, she says it can be quite stressful sometimes.

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The subjunctive is a set of verbal forms we use in order to express information that is not factual or certain, but subjective, like wishes, doubts and possibilities. You can use the present subjunctive of oír to tell a friend that you hope she hears her alarm clock in the morning or that you might hear the radio later.

The good news is that the conjugation of oír in the present subjunctive is a bit easier now, since we'll use the same stem for all subject pronouns. Take the stem from the first person in the present tense (oig-) and add the endings below:

Pronunciation Translation
yo oiga (OY-gah) I hear
oigas (OY-gahs) you hear
oiga (OY-gah) he/she hears -
you (formal) hear
oigamos (oy-GAH-mohs) we hear
oigáis (oy-GIYS) you all hear
oigan (OY-gahn) they hear
you all hear

Uses & Examples of Oír in the Subjunctive

Let's take a look at the ways in which you can use the present subjunctive.

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In this lesson, we've learned how to use the Spanish verb oír, which means 'to hear.'

Now you know how to conjugate it in the present tense. Use it to talk about sounds you hear often or to mention what sounds you're perceiving now.

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