Absolutism in France Flashcards | Quizlet

Absolutism in France

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assassinated in 1589
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Terms in this set (19)
assassinated in 1589
Henry III
began Bourbon dynasty
Henry IV
granted freedom of worship and political rights to Huguenots
Edict of Nantes
Duke of Sully
Maximilian de Bethune
tax on the offices of state
land tax on the peasantry
The French legislative body was known as the:
Estates General
Richelieu's two goals were:
to make the king all powerful in France
to make France supreme in Europe
Royal officials who were directly responsible to the king were called
France was established as the strongest nation in Europe as a result of the:
Thirty Years' war
Causes of the Fronde included:
bad harvests
discontent of provincial governors and officeholders encouraged by English civil wars
decline in grain prices
Louis XIV did not believe in the divine right of kings.
Louis persecuted the Huguenots.
Approximately, how much did it take to build the Versailles?
$100 million
The official language of many royal courts was: