Hill House School - Activities
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Life outside the classroom should be rich and rewarding. School years are an important time for trying out new skills and activities, which can give lifelong pleasure. Hill House offers a very full and vibrant programme of extra-curricular activities, which are additional to those offered as part of the normal school day. Over 100 activities are offered each term, which take place either before school, at lunchtime or after school, most of which are included in the school fees.

A small number of activities have a charge, these include activities such as horse riding, tae kwon do, ballet, tap, cookery, Kixx and RuggerEds.

Please note that whilst most activities are allocated on a random selection process, not first come first served, some activities such as horse riding or tae kwon do will give priority to those who have been attending the activity previously.

Some activities such as sports and music may already have a compulsory list which means that pupils are allocated to the activity. These will take priority over other choices.

Pupils from years 3-9 should select at least 2 activities with pupils in years 10 and 11 selecting at least 1.

The activities brochure for Summer 2024 is now available below.

Please take a look and then log in to the Parent Portal to make your booking selections. Your requests will be processed after 28 March 2024 and you will be informed of your allocations before the start of next term. Late requests will be dealt with on return to school.

An instructional video is available with this link How to select activities

If you encounter any problems, please email it@hillhouse.doncaster.sch.uk.

Activities commence on Wednesday 10 April 2024 and will run until 4pm Wednesday 10 July (Horse Riding Sessions will run from Monday 15 April up to and including Friday 5 July)