High Wycombe to London train tickets from £7 - Train Times - Omio

High Wycombe to London train

Mon, 22 Apr
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Cheap train tickets from High Wycombe to London

Showing times and prices for 22 Apr


The best way to find a cheap train ticket from High Wycombe to London is to book your journey as far in advance as possible and to avoid travelling at rush hour.

Chiltern Railways
High Wycombe
0 changes
Chiltern Railways
High Wycombe
0 changes
Chiltern Railways
High Wycombe
0 changes
Chiltern Railways
High Wycombe
0 changes
Chiltern Railways
High Wycombe
0 changes

Train timetableHigh Wycombe to London

Showing trains for tomorrow, Monday, 22 April
Chiltern Railways
High Wycombe
0 changes
Chiltern Railways
High Wycombe
0 changes
Chiltern Railways
High Wycombe
0 changes
Chiltern Railways
High Wycombe
0 changes
Chiltern Railways
High Wycombe
0 changes

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22 Apr
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Train times from High Wycombe to London

Showing times and prices for 22 Apr

Fastest Journey

29 m


37 m

Trains per day



45 km

Of the 7 trains that leave High Wycombe for London every day 7 travel direct so it’s quite easy to avoid journeys where you’ll have to change along the way.

Chiltern Railways
High Wycombe
0 changes
Chiltern Railways
High Wycombe
0 changes
Chiltern Railways
High Wycombe
0 changes
Chiltern Railways
High Wycombe
0 changes
Chiltern Railways
High Wycombe
0 changes

More than 1,000 travel companies trust us to sell their tickets all in one place.

Virgin Trains
East Coast
Cross Country
Deutsche Bahn

Overview: Train from High Wycombe to London

distanceDistance28 miles
durationAverage train duration24 min
priceAverage train ticket price£15 (€17)
frequencyTrain frequency50 a day
changesDirect trainYes, there are 50 direct trains a day
carriersTrain companiesChiltern Railways

Trains from High Wycombe to London cover the 28 miles long journey taking on average 24 min with our travel partners like Chiltern Railways. Normally, there are 50 trains operating per day. You can get the cheapest train tickets for this trip for as low as £7, but the average price of train tickets is £15. Travellers depart most frequently from High Wycombe and arrive in London Euston.

Train providers: Chiltern Railways trains High Wycombe to London

Find the best trains to London from High Wycombe with Omio's travel partners Chiltern Railways from £14. We can find you the best deals, timetables and tickets when comparing and booking the best journey.

Chiltern Railways is a train company based in the United Kingdom with trains to London from High Wycombe. It operates services from London Marylebone to Birmingham Snow Hill, Oxford, Banbury, Aylesbury, High Wycombe, and Stratford-upon-Avon. It also runs services from Birmingham Moor Street to Stratford-upon-Avon. Chiltern Railways offers a range of train types, including InterCity 125, Class 165 and Class 168 trains. These trains are equipped with comfortable seating, air conditioning, power sockets, and free Wi-Fi. The company offers a variety of ticket types, including Advance, Anytime, Off-Peak, and Super Off-Peak tickets. Onboard facilities include a café bar, a shop, and a quiet coach. The most popular routes for Chiltern Railways are London Marylebone to Birmingham Snow Hill, Oxford, and High Wycombe.

High Wycombe to London train information with Chiltern Railways:

  • Average Duration: 31 min
  • Cheapest Price: £14
  • Chiltern Railways frequency: 50 a day

Trains from High Wycombe to London

Taking the train is a fast, efficient, and affordable way to make the trip from High Wycombe to London. Travellers will encounter plenty of options whenever they need to book trains from High Wycombe to London, with 2-4 services every hour, seven days per week. Journeys aren't long, either, with durations averaging around 35 minutes.

High Wycombe to London Train Time: Daily departures

Trains leave from High Wycombe for London every day, with very slight differences in the number of services on weekdays and weekends. Whenever a journey is needed, expect a choice of over 40 direct options every day with around 2-4 departures per hour. Trains run from just before 8:00 a.m. until shortly after 8:00 p.m.

How long is the journey by train from High Wycombe to London?

Travellers shouldn't expect a long journey when taking trains from High Wycombe to London. Durations tend to start at around 25 minutes and can stretch to as much as 50 minutes on indirect services. However, when no changes are needed the average journey time is around 35 minutes - much faster than coaches or taxis.

What are the departure and arrival stations for trains from High Wycombe to London? 

Departure train station: trains from High Wycombe to London leave from High Wycombe Station, which is located on Totteridge Road, close to the town centre. Travellers can walk or catch local buses with ease, and transfers from most parts of town shouldn't take longer than 15 minutes. At the station there are ATMs, toilets, seating, a coffee shop, and public WiFi is also provided.

Arrival train station: every train from High Wycombe to London will run straight into London Marylebone station, which is in north-central London. From there, travellers can switch to London Underground or bus services to reach the city centre, and transfers will take 15-20 minutes to locations like Oxford Street or Westminster. There are cafes, shops, toilets, WiFi, and passengers can also take advantage of left-luggage lockers at the station if required.

Which train companies travel from High Wycombe to London?

Travellers can currently only book tickets with one company when heading from High Wycombe to London. Chiltern Railways is the sole operator, providing direct connections seven days a week, all year-round.

Chiltern Railways High Wycombe to London

Chiltern runs direct trains from High Wycombe to London, so there's no need to change along the way. Many are express services, which take from 25-30 minutes, although slower trains are also part of the schedule. These trains can take up to 50 minutes, so many passengers may wish to avoid them if time is a major consideration.

High Wycombe to London trains: services onboard

When travellers board trains from High Wycombe to London with Chiltern Railways, a comfortable experience is to be expected. However, Chiltern Railways is different from other rail companies in not offering First-Class. Instead, for an extra fee travellers can sit in the "Business Zone" where quiet conditions are assured. This area also offers unlimited WiFi, personal power sockets, and extra table space. Generally, passengers can take on board whatever they can carry, provided it can be stored in luggage racks. Folding bikes are fine, but regular bikes may be excluded before 10:00 a.m. and after 4:30 p.m. Travellers can take up to two dogs, as long as they are leashed, while all other animals must be stored in safe containers measuring up to 85 x 60 x 60 cm. There are also special provisions for disabled travellers. If help is required, the Chiltern Railways Assisted Travel Team is available, but help must be booked before 10:00 p.m. on the day before boarding. Trains also have wheelchair and mobility scooter spaces, along with the capacity to store folding wheelchairs without any problems.

How do I find cheap train tickets from High Wycombe to London?

Whenever travellers book a train from High Wycombe to London, it pays to shop smart to find the best fares. During the day, fares are fairly constant, with few variations for peak and off-peak periods. And it's generally not possible to make savings by choosing indirect journeys. However, Chiltern Railways do sometimes schedule discount tickets, and they should show up on the Omio database. There's scope to make group bookings as well, and these tickets can carry a 34% saving. Journeys into London may also qualify for Family Travelcards, which offer discounts for combinations of adults and the under 15s. Finally, booking in advance can deliver reductions, so be sure to plan London adventures beforehand. That way, the savings can be put to good use at shops and attractions.

FAQs: High Wycombe to London train

FAQs: Travel by train from High Wycombe to London easily. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from High Wycombe to London.
Cheap train tickets from High Wycombe to London can start from as little as £7 when you book in advance. The average train ticket price for High Wycombe to London is £15; however, prices vary depending on the time of day and class and they tend to be more expensive on the day.
The average journey time by train from High Wycombe to London is 24 min   to travel the 28 mile long journey, with around there are 50 trains per day. Journey times can vary on weekends and holidays.
The first train from High Wycombe to London leaves at 06: 44. Plan your trip with the Journey Planner   from Omio.
The last train from High Wycombe to London leaves at 23: 06.
There are 50 trains a day from High Wycombe to London which require at least one change with Chiltern Railways. Schedules can vary on holidays or weekends with fewer trains.
When taking a train from High Wycombe to London, you can count on Chiltern Railways for the best way to get you to London. You can also check all possible train providers who offer a service to London from High Wycombe and compare the amenities they offer before buying a train ticket.
No, there are no night trains, the latest train for this route is 23: 06.

Passengers board the train most frequently from High Wycombe, which is located around 0.2 miles (276 m) away from the city centre, and they get off the train at London Euston, located 1.8 miles (2.9 km) away from the city centre.

The cheapest month for a train from High Wycombe to London is January.
It's helpful to compare your options as there are 2 ways to travel from High Wycombe to London including taking a train or coach.

Important Stations and Airports in High Wycombe and London

High Wycombe
High Wycombe is the most popular High Wycombe railway station for Omio travellers, but it's not the only one. Read all the information you need to know about the main train stations in High Wycombe for your journey to London.
Amenities at station
Phone Number
+44 3456005165
Public transport options for High Wycombe
Location for Rail Replacement Services: At station entrance.

More options for your journey from High Wycombe to London

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HomeTrainsTrain Times to London High Wycombe to London train

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