JHS 98 Herman Ridder in New York - U.S. News Education

JHS 98 Herman Ridder

1619 Boston Rd, Bronx, NY 10460|(718) 589-8200|Website

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Total Enrollment


Overview of JHS 98 Herman Ridder

JHS 98 Herman Ridder is a public school located in Bronx, NY, which is in a large city setting. The student population of JHS 98 Herman Ridder is 148 and the school serves 6-8. At JHS 98 Herman Ridder, 5% of students scored at or above the proficient level for math, and 25% scored at or above that level for reading.The school’s minority student enrollment is 99%. The student-teacher ratio is 8:1.The student population is made up of 49% female students and 51% male students. The school enrolls 97% economically disadvantaged students. There are 17 equivalent full-time teachers.

At a Glance

Student/Teacher Ratio
Math Proficiency
Reading Proficiency

JHS 98 Herman Ridder 2024 Rankings

JHS 98 Herman Ridder is unranked in New York Middle Schools. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation, and how well they prepare their students for high school. Read more about how we rank the Best Middle Schools.

All Rankings

Students/Teachers at JHS 98 Herman Ridder

These counts and percentages of students and teachers are from data reported by state education agencies to the federal government

School information is provided by the government.

Enrollment by Grade

6th Grade

7th Grade

8th Grade

Enrollment by Gender


Student Diversity


Minority Enrollment


Minority Enrollment




Black or African American


Asian or Asian/Pacific Islander


American Indian or Alaska Native




Two or more races

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander is not included in this breakdown due to an enrollment of 0%.


economically disadvantaged students at JHS 98 Herman Ridder

Full-time teachers


Percentage of full-time teachers who are certified


Student-teacher ratio


Percentage of teachers with 3 or more years experience


Number of full-time school counselors


Test Scores at JHS 98 Herman Ridder

At JHS 98 Herman Ridder, 5% of students scored at or above the proficient level for math, and 25% scored at or above that level for reading.Compared with the district, the school did worse in math and worse in reading, according to this metric. In New York City Public Schools, 60% of students tested at or above the proficient level for reading, and 47% tested at or above that level for math.JHS 98 Herman Ridder did worse in math and worse in reading in this metric compared with students across the state. In New York, 57% of students tested at or above the proficient level for reading, and 46% tested at or above that level for math.

School information is provided by the government.

Subject Proficiency










School Data

School profile information is based on government data.

School information is provided by the government.


Large City

Charter School


Magnet School



This information relates to schools run by this school's state operating agency. Many districts contain only one school.

School information is provided by the government.

Total Schools (all grades)


Total Ranked Elementary Schools


Total Ranked Middle Schools


Total Students (all grades)


All District Schools

School Map

JHS 98 Herman Ridder

1619 Boston Rd, Bronx, NY 10460

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Insufficient student data was reported by six states (California, D.C., Delaware, New Mexico, Oregon, and Washington). As such, the rankings for these states were held at their previous positions. They are therefore based on assessment data from 2018-2019 and include schools that were active as of 2019-2020. Updated directory information from 2021-2022 was provided for schools when available.

Data is based on the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 school years.