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According to Mars, what is the driving force of history [as well as of religion, philosophy, and all other types of theory]?
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Terms in this set (48)
According to Mars, what is the driving force of history [as well as of religion, philosophy, and all other types of theory]?
Not criticism, but revolution is the driving force of history.
What does Marx believe to be the shortcoming of all previous historiography? what is the shortcoming of German historiography? And what is the shortcoming of English and French historiography?
That it negated the real basis of history---economic determinism. English and French historiography was driven by political illusion. German was driven be religious illusion.
Explain what Marx means when he states: "The ideas of the ruling class are, in every age, the ruling ideas."
That ideas don't exist alone in themselves. That rule come from the superstructure power of the ruling class.
What characterizes the general character of the social, political and spiritual process of life?
the mode of production
List the four progressive epochs on the economic formation of society
The Asiatic, the ancient, the feudal, and the modern bourgeois modes of production
List the three stages of development of the proletariat and indicate the peculiar characteristics.
1. Proletariat fights 2. Proletariat organizes a government 3. revolution and the elimination of ruling class.
what is indispensable in the revolution of the proletariat?
the destruction of the private property and taking over means of production.
What makes the revolution of the proletariat singular?
in that its s the movement of the immense majority in interest of the majority.
Please interpret Marx's assertion: "The tradition of all the dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brain of the living."
When men make their own history, their attempts are molded by spirits and traditions of the past. Example Paul to Luther.
What does Marx mean when he states that the French Revolution performed "the task of unchaining and setting up modern bourgeois society."
Unchaining: knocked the feudal basis to pieces and moved off the feudal head which had grown on it. Setting up: created inside France the conditions, under which alone free competition could be developed, properly exploited, swept feudalism to set up Bourgeois society.
In what sense was the Revolution of 1848 at faux revolution
In that it looked back to the old ways of doing things. It looked to the old traditions of their forefathers.
Explain the meaning of the statement bade by Marx, "the social revolution of the nineteenth century cannot draw its poetry from the past, but only from the future?"
the revolutionaries must ignore the style and ideas of their predecessors and think for themselves.
How does Marx vie the Febuary Revolution?
it went backwards instead of forwards.
What, in Marx's opinion, constitutes the main difference between the "bourgeois revolution" and the "proleterian revolution?"
Bourgeois revolutions move from success to success, there is a series of dramatic, sparkling events, ecstacy, and soon it reforms to its former condition. Proleterian revolutions constatntly criticise themselves bu in the end grow strong and irreversable.
What does Marx regard to be the three periods of the Revolution of 1848?
1)The Febuary period; may 4, 1848, to May 28, 1879;
2) The period of the constitution of the republic, or of the Constituent National Assembly
3) the period of the constitutional republic or of the constitutional republic or o the legislative national assembly.