FULLY LOADED - traduzione in italiano - dizionario inglese-italiano di bab.la lcp

Qual è la traduzione di "fully loaded" in Italiano?


"fully loaded" traduzione italiano

fully loaded

English Esempi contestuali di "fully loaded" in Inglese

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Once moving, however, it will be equally hard to arrest that movement (like trying to stop a moving,
fully loaded
freight train).
There are no charted obstructions that would pose a safety hazard to
fully loaded
oil tankers.
When one side of a
fully loaded
trailer is riding higher, it's more likely to tip, they say.
Reaching across the desk, he turned the page to another
fully loaded
cruiser with a quilted satin lining for $8,000.
Well, we are a little concerned about sending a team to the pad with a
fully loaded
The sight of two
fully loaded
fat bikes being wheeled into the pub immediately spun the locals around on their bar stools.
By 12:30 p.m. it was all over save disappointment for some and
fully loaded
gold embossed trophy bags for others.
In calm air, bees with heavy legs were less nimble than bees with
fully loaded
For a
fully loaded
car, the tyre pressure should be increased by 10-15% from normal pressure level.
But the desire to have that
fully loaded
note book was too strong.

English Italian Esempi contestuali di "fully loaded" in Italiano

No one had conceived of using a fully loaded, large passenger plane as a weapon.
Nessuno aveva mai pensato di utilizzare un grande aereo carico di passeggeri come un'arma.
Another person walks into the lot, and they're about to buy a Hummer, nine miles per gallon, fully loaded, luxury.
E sta per comprare un Hummer, 4 km con un litro, accessoriata, di lusso.

Traduzioni simili a "fully loaded" in italiano

fully avverbio
loaded aggettivo
loaded verbo
fully fledged aggettivo
fully equipped aggettivo
the dice are loaded