NYT: Black cops beat black man to death, white privilege to blame, by Steve Sailer - The Unz Review
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NYT: Black Cops Beat Black Man to Death, White Privilege to Blame
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From the New York Times news section:

Jan. 27, 2023, 6:20 p.m. ET3 hours ago
3 hours ago
K.K. Rebecca Lai

Data shows racial disparities in the use of force by Memphis police officers.

Black residents of Memphis, who make up two-thirds of the city’s population of 628,000, are significantly more likely than white residents to be the subjects of police use of force. In thousands of encounters since 2016 in which officers used force, 86 percent of the subjects were Black, according to city data.

On a per capita basis, the data shows that Black residents were subjects of police use of force at a rate nearly three times that of white residents, and eight times that of Hispanic residents.

A correction was made on Jan. 27, 2023:
An earlier version of this article incorrectly indicated the rate at which Black residents experience police use of force compared with white residents. Black residents experience police use of force at nearly three times the rate of white residents. They are not six times as likely to be subjected to such force.

According to FBI UCR statistics, the Memphis police department reported that from 2016-2020, blacks made up 904 out of 970 known homicide perpetrators. That’s 93%.

But, according to the NYT, blacks made up only 86% of subjects of use of force by the MPD.

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  1. Black residents eat fried chicken experience police use of force at nearly three times the rate of white residents.

    • Replies: @PaceLaw

    Speaking of blacks eating fried chicken, in Baltimore apparently it should be illegal to even sell it to minors:

    “This Popeyes has been cited before for selling to minors and students during the daytime,” said Scott. “This is something that shouldn’t happen because those young people wouldn’t be here if they knew they couldn’t buy something from this place.”


  2. By 4Honesty.com ‘s principle of TOTAL HONESTY through FULL DISCLOSURE the following omissions serve to mislead the reader

    incomplete information needs FULL DISCLOSURE

    how many times more Blacks are likely

    to resist arrest, explain different leves of resistance from being uppity to deadly force

    to attack police,

    to lack respect

    and are given a pass by police for their race (why are only 3 times as many Blacks arrested if they commit 10 times as much crime)

    If the above questions are not mentioned, the article is misleading, anti-scientific and should be assailed as such.
    We also devised the PC Obfuscation index, how many relevant pieces of information are omitted

    It is also of relevance of interest to what extent Blacks are more likely

    to commit violent crimes towards non-police

    to be under parole

    to have prior

    to drive wrong,

    lack tail lights, run stop signs,

    speed ing,

    and in general how much likely to rob, steal, take drugs, murder, rape,

  3. Anonymous[954] • Disclaimer says:

    Well, I think this resolves the age-old silly black person’s question:

    Q: What if they weren’t no damned white people in America?

    A: Quadruple the annual number of black bodies pile up to the heavens, with no white folks from anywhere else in the world coming to your rescue.

  4. Multiple outlets are desperate to deflect in any way to shield this Black on Black crime. Some attempts are more outlandish than others. Here is Van Jones Op-Ed from CNN:

    The police who killed Tyre Nichols were Black. But they might still have been driven by racism


    He might be trying to give The Babylon Bee a run for their money on satire headlines.

    But the narrative “White cop kills unarmed Black man” should never have been the sole lens through which we attempted to understand police abuse and misconduct. It’s time to move to a more nuanced discussion of the way police violence endangers Black lives.

    Now now, let’s not take our eye off of the real perpetrators of police misconduct. Nuance and all.

    • Replies: @SMK

    How many blacks, guilty or innocent, arrested for crimes, and how many black prisoners, are murdered and beaten and tortured and abused by black police and jail and prison guards in Haiti and Jamaica and the nations of sub-Saharan Africa? Are whites to blame for these atrocities? Are these crimes an effect of "systemic racism" and "white supremacy"?


    You Caucasians are SICK!!!

    You make me SICK.

    Your violence is SICK.

    Your utter lack of empathy is SICK.

    Your aggression is SICK.

    Your institutions are SICK.

    Your laws are SICK.

    Your wanton disregard for human life and paranoid fear of criminals is SICK.

    Your teaching Black cops to behave like this against their own people is SICK.

    white cops leading Black officers to kill their own people is SICK.

    Valuing a traffic ticket over a young man’s life is SICK.

    The next wave of riots and cop killings is going to cure you of your sickness.

    • Replies: @Reg Cæsar
    @Tiny Sick

    Was it Ann Landers or Dear Abby who would start off replies to readers with "Sick, sick sick!"?

    Then again, "sick" has lately come to mean "cool", in the way "bad" meant "good" not so long ago.

    , @Bardon Kaldian
    @Tiny Sick


    , @fish
    @Tiny Sick

    Oh’s Sicky’s…

    , @Hibernian
    @Tiny Sick

    A parody of a parody?

    Replies: @tyrone, @fish

    , @tyrone
    @Tiny Sick

    You make me SICK.
    ........well then ,it was all worthwhile.
  6. Anon[169] • Disclaimer says:

    It looked like Tyre Nichols was on cocaine and heroin (a speedball). If you get tazed while on coke, you will have a heart attack because of a sodium channel shutting off. I imagine this is why he died. He really wasn’t beaten nearly as bad as I had thought he was.

    When he escaped the cops after the stop, one of the cops was trying to pepper spray him and hit another cop in the face enough to get him in the eyes. This seemed to really make a couple of the cops mad. If the kid would have rolled over and put his hands behind his back and allowed himself to be cuffed, none of this would have happened.

    Out-of-town people are going to come do Memphis and wreak havoc. I’m guessing the Deep State really wants the Project Veritas video memory-holed quickly as the Pfizer employee admitted that they are passing new strains back and forth between monkeys in their labs, trying to make a new strain that people will need new boosters against as a never-ending revenue stream. You can count on the media to pull out all the stops to cover for this, and fanning racial flames are their premier tactic.

    • Replies: @Mr. Anon

    Out-of-town people are going to come do Memphis and wreak havoc. I’m guessing the Deep State really wants the Project Veritas video memory-holed quickly as the Pfizer employee admitted that they are passing new strains back and forth between monkeys in their labs, trying to make a new strain that people will need new boosters against as a never-ending revenue stream. You can count on the media to pull out all the stops to cover for this, and fanning racial flames are their premier tactic.
    For the record, it isn't clear that Walker is/was a Pfizer employee. It looks like he is (or perhaps was) with a consulting firm (Boston Consulting Group) that worked with Pfizer. None the less, what he said is interesting, and perhaps damning. The way that the story was scrubbed from the media (you could see it happening even as it happened) was also very illuminating. It looks like Pfizer's lawyers were out in force warning people off of any coverage of the story.

    I've often heard people claim that this or that story was promoted in the press to make this or the other story disappear (I'll note that video evidence in the Pelosi case was released today too). I've never really bought those claims. They seemed too far fetched. But who knows? Maybe there is some direction in the media to that effect, i.e. "Release story A, so that we can bury story B". I wouldn't put anything past them at this point.

    Replies: @bomag

    , @Ron Mexico

    Well YouTube pulled the plug on Project Veritas. Unless one is a devotee of Mark Dice or Tucker Carlson you aren't going to hear anything about Pfizer or the condition of Damar Hamlin. You will get reminded constantly of the cops / white supremacy by NBA, NFL and MSM.

    , @AnotherDad

    I’m guessing the Deep State really wants the Project Veritas video memory-holed quickly as the Pfizer employee admitted that they are passing new strains back and forth between monkeys in their labs, trying to make a new strain that people will need new boosters against as a never-ending revenue stream. You can count on the media to pull out all the stops to cover for this, and fanning racial flames are their premier tactic.
    Hadn't seen this story.

    But this is unlikely to work very well. Pfizer is huge but this thing has been out of the Wuhan lab for three+ years now and in tens of millions of people doing trillions of replications as we speak. Hard for a lab to "compete" with that.

    There were only two reasonable end points for this once "out".
    -- A moderately sterilizing vaccine--enough to break endemic transmission. (Didn't happen.)
    -- Selection pushes it toward something more highly infectious, but in the process also tends to generate something that doesn't put you on your ass and out of commission (and ergo not out spreading it). So it joins the ranks of the commonly circulating "cold and flu" viruses that we just live with. That's what already happened with omicron variants.

    Pfizer would have to find a mutation that:
    -- different enough to significantly beats current built up "seen something like this before" immune protect
    -- spreads really well
    -- is again much worse than typical cold/flu so that people want to run out and get boosted
    -- avoid anyone spilling the beans which would land them in prison and destroy the company with legal liability

    Replies: @That Would Be Telling, @Colin Wright, @Mr. Anon

    , @ic1000

    Last night's NBC Evening News with Lester Holt ran Tyre Nichols as the lede, and spent more time on this Most Important Story than any other.

    > It looked like Tyre Nichols was on cocaine and heroin... When he escaped the cops after the stop...

    Despite the lavish coverage, Lester's stable of crack reporters somehow forgot to mention these aspects, which aren't very important compared to the insights offered by a parade of Antiracism experts and Grievance Jackpot lawyers.

    Lester opened with America braces for the justified unrest which, I hope, is sure to follow from the galvanic release of this graphic video of the unprovoked racist attack on an innocent Black man. *

    For those viewers who weren't paying attention, he rephrased his summary each time the video clip was replayed.

    * A sarcastic paraphrase of America's Most Trusted News Source, if it wasn't obvious.

  7. According to FBI UCR statistics, the Memphis police department reported that from 2016-2020, blacks made up 904 out of 970 known homicide perpetrators. That’s 93%.

    But, according to the NYT, blacks made up only 86% of subjects of use of force by the MPD.

    I wouldn’t be excessively surprised if it turned out that the cases of genuinely excessive uses of force turned out to disproportionately be instances of white detainees getting uppity and black cops seeing an opportunity.

    …if I was white, and stopped by a black cop in Memphis, I would think twice before standing on my rights. Best to know your place and all that.

    • Replies: @Cutter
    @Colin Wright

    I did community service there back in '01. I was really careful how I talked to the black cops at the substation.

    They were cool enough (I guess I wasn't who they usually dealt with), but I watched how I carried myself.`

    , @Renard
    @Colin Wright

    Memphis police department reported that from 2016-2020, blacks made up 904 out of 970 known homicide perpetrators. That’s 93%.
    Even if you generously allow that the same percentage applies to the "unknown" perps, you get ever closer to 100% of the total.
    , @Pop Warner
    @Colin Wright

    I read a City Journal article a couple of years back that pointed out that black cops are more likely to use lethal force on suspects than white cops. I think it was a Heather Mac Donald column, and I might have read it in the Wall Street Journal. Either way, it wouldn't be a surprise if black cop behavior had similar trends to black non-cop behavior. They are going to be that much more violent than their white peers

  8. “Systemic racism” means a group of black police officers, commanded by a black (female) police chief, violently beats down (including with soccer kicks) a suspect, and it’s still racism and society’s fault. That’s actually right – it is the society’s fault, but not in the way the Narrative is intended. If there weren’t AA, and competent, psychologically stable individuals were sworn in and well-led by a capable leader, the chance of this kind of a horror show would have been minimized greatly (though not altogether eliminated).

    This is yet another consequence of sanity and practicality being sacrificed at the altar of the ideology of Diversity.

    • Agree: mark green
    • Replies: @Bardon Kaldian

    Those who have no time nor interest to read this:


    may find this to be of a paramount importance:


    Internalized racism

    Replies: @The Wild Geese Howard

  9. According to FBI UCR statistics, the Memphis police department reported that from 2016-2020, blacks made up 904 out of 970 known homicide perpetrators. That’s 93%.

    Yeah, but that just means Systemic RacismTM just isn’t out looking for white homicide perpetrators. It’s just disparate impact, you see.

    • Replies: @Mr. Grey

    related to that, many in the "inner city" have little experience outside the 'hood and believe crime is just as bad in white neighborhooods, but the racist cops choose to pick on po' black folk.

  10. If it were a 100% black city with an obviously all black popo force and all the perps were of course black, yet being abused by fellow blacks, ole YT would somehow still get the blame…

  11. Trying to figure out what the ultimate goal of all this “noticing” is.

    Is it mailbox money?

  12. Check this out.

    • Replies: @68W58

    They were charged with second degree murder so there won't be any death penalty. No way to prove any of the elements needed to get the death penalty here.

  13. Used to be Memphis was known for barbecue, the Blues and Elvis. Nashville WAS second fiddle in the Volunteer State. Nashville is booming now and Memphis is as bad as New Orleans, Baltimore and Detroit, three cities that helped put America on the map. Thank God the cops were Black, had the officers been White, every major city in America would be facing the usual shit of TNB and (((leftist))) “peaceful demonstrations.

    Cue : Midnight In Memphis by Bette Midler

    • Agree: usNthem, europeasant
    • Replies: @Richard B

    Midnight In Memphis by Bette Midler
    I'd love to see Bette Midler in Memphis at Midnight.* And not just Bette Midler.

    *Live Satellite View, of course.
    , @Eric Novak

    Nashville replaced LA as the music industry and live music capital 20 years ago already. Even legions of old LA rock stars have sold the houses in Malibu and bought homes in or near Nashville. The list is too long to bother with. The commercial studios that have survived the digital recording revolution are also in Nashville.

  14. The Enwards kicked in the head of the Dindu. Call the cops.

  15. @Tiny Sick

    You Caucasians are SICK!!!

    You make me SICK.

    Your violence is SICK.

    Your utter lack of empathy is SICK.

    Your aggression is SICK.

    Your institutions are SICK.

    Your laws are SICK.

    Your wanton disregard for human life and paranoid fear of criminals is SICK.

    Your teaching Black cops to behave like this against their own people is SICK.

    white cops leading Black officers to kill their own people is SICK.

    Valuing a traffic ticket over a young man's life is SICK.

    The next wave of riots and cop killings is going to cure you of your sickness.

    Replies: @Reg Cæsar, @Bardon Kaldian, @fish, @Hibernian, @tyrone

    Was it Ann Landers or Dear Abby who would start off replies to readers with “Sick, sick sick!”?

    Then again, “sick” has lately come to mean “cool”, in the way “bad” meant “good” not so long ago.

    • Thanks: SafeNow
    • LOL: bomag
  16. @Anon
    It looked like Tyre Nichols was on cocaine and heroin (a speedball). If you get tazed while on coke, you will have a heart attack because of a sodium channel shutting off. I imagine this is why he died. He really wasn't beaten nearly as bad as I had thought he was.

    When he escaped the cops after the stop, one of the cops was trying to pepper spray him and hit another cop in the face enough to get him in the eyes. This seemed to really make a couple of the cops mad. If the kid would have rolled over and put his hands behind his back and allowed himself to be cuffed, none of this would have happened.

    Out-of-town people are going to come do Memphis and wreak havoc. I'm guessing the Deep State really wants the Project Veritas video memory-holed quickly as the Pfizer employee admitted that they are passing new strains back and forth between monkeys in their labs, trying to make a new strain that people will need new boosters against as a never-ending revenue stream. You can count on the media to pull out all the stops to cover for this, and fanning racial flames are their premier tactic.

    Replies: @Mr. Anon, @Ron Mexico, @AnotherDad, @ic1000

    Out-of-town people are going to come do Memphis and wreak havoc. I’m guessing the Deep State really wants the Project Veritas video memory-holed quickly as the Pfizer employee admitted that they are passing new strains back and forth between monkeys in their labs, trying to make a new strain that people will need new boosters against as a never-ending revenue stream. You can count on the media to pull out all the stops to cover for this, and fanning racial flames are their premier tactic.

    For the record, it isn’t clear that Walker is/was a Pfizer employee. It looks like he is (or perhaps was) with a consulting firm (Boston Consulting Group) that worked with Pfizer. None the less, what he said is interesting, and perhaps damning. The way that the story was scrubbed from the media (you could see it happening even as it happened) was also very illuminating. It looks like Pfizer’s lawyers were out in force warning people off of any coverage of the story.

    I’ve often heard people claim that this or that story was promoted in the press to make this or the other story disappear (I’ll note that video evidence in the Pelosi case was released today too). I’ve never really bought those claims. They seemed too far fetched. But who knows? Maybe there is some direction in the media to that effect, i.e. “Release story A, so that we can bury story B”. I wouldn’t put anything past them at this point.

    • Replies: @bomag
    @Mr. Anon


    If we are now in the age of rioters as the dispensers of justice and public policy suggestions, looks like time for rioting at Pfizer et al.

  17. Anon[108] • Disclaimer says:

    The New York Post top page is great: “SENSELESS” above the five mugshots of the black cops.

    The released video is just a garden variety black dustup. I don’t understand the shock. Haven’t these people ever watched WorldStarHipHop? The cops, if anything were fighting girly style for blacks.

  18. Georgia is 33% black, but only 3.2% of its surface area is water. In contrast, Maine is 1.9% black, yet 12.8% of its surface area is water.

    What accounts for this disparity!?

    • Agree: SafeNow, ic1000
    • Replies: @AnotherDad
    @New Dealer

    Georgia is 33% black, but only 3.2% of its surface area is water. In contrast, Maine is 1.9% black, yet 12.8% of its surface area is water.

    What accounts for this disparity!?
    Blacks--on average--don't swim very well?
    , @Nicholas Stix
    @New Dealer

    As Johnny used to say, "That's a little cerebral," but I get the joke.

    , @Reg Cæsar
    @New Dealer

    Maine accounts for 49.9% of New England by area, but less than 10% of population.

  19. Whoever was at fault in that interaction, it’s a case of Erectoid Dysfunction.

  20. @newrouter
    Black residents eat fried chicken experience police use of force at nearly three times the rate of white residents.

    Replies: @PaceLaw

    Speaking of blacks eating fried chicken, in Baltimore apparently it should be illegal to even sell it to minors:

    “This Popeyes has been cited before for selling to minors and students during the daytime,” said Scott. “This is something that shouldn’t happen because those young people wouldn’t be here if they knew they couldn’t buy something from this place.”


  21. Picture of first Abrams tank heading to Ukraine.

    • Agree: A. Clifton
    • Replies: @PaceLaw
    @Francis Serpico

    You sir, are genius for this photo! If I could nominate you for a genius award, I would.

  22. @Colin Wright

    According to FBI UCR statistics, the Memphis police department reported that from 2016-2020, blacks made up 904 out of 970 known homicide perpetrators. That’s 93%.

    But, according to the NYT, blacks made up only 86% of subjects of use of force by the MPD.
    I wouldn't be excessively surprised if it turned out that the cases of genuinely excessive uses of force turned out to disproportionately be instances of white detainees getting uppity and black cops seeing an opportunity.

    ...if I was white, and stopped by a black cop in Memphis, I would think twice before standing on my rights. Best to know your place and all that.

    Replies: @Cutter, @Renard, @Pop Warner

    I did community service there back in ’01. I was really careful how I talked to the black cops at the substation.

    They were cool enough (I guess I wasn’t who they usually dealt with), but I watched how I carried myself.`

  23. Why would anyone want to be a cop in a Black area is beyond me?

    Don’t cops listen to the news or adjust their training?

    Are cops that stupid to continue their tactics after George Floyd?

    Cops are stupid and tone deaf and they deserve the hell that will be coming their way……

    White liberals like Eric Stone will see that Memphis is burned to the ground.


    • Replies: @Jon
    @Gore 2004

    I watched that tiktok and read some of the comments, it's all just so bizarre at this point. The left is really just a brainwashed cult. I don't see how we get back to normal as a country.

    , @fish
    @Gore 2004

    White liberals like Eric Stone will see that Memphis is burned to the ground.

    Oh well.....!

    I guess these are some of the teething problems the black supremecists in black run cities staffed primarily by blacks are just going to have to work through.

  24. @Tiny Sick

    You Caucasians are SICK!!!

    You make me SICK.

    Your violence is SICK.

    Your utter lack of empathy is SICK.

    Your aggression is SICK.

    Your institutions are SICK.

    Your laws are SICK.

    Your wanton disregard for human life and paranoid fear of criminals is SICK.

    Your teaching Black cops to behave like this against their own people is SICK.

    white cops leading Black officers to kill their own people is SICK.

    Valuing a traffic ticket over a young man's life is SICK.

    The next wave of riots and cop killings is going to cure you of your sickness.

    Replies: @Reg Cæsar, @Bardon Kaldian, @fish, @Hibernian, @tyrone

    • LOL: Twinkie
  25. @Twinkie
    “Systemic racism” means a group of black police officers, commanded by a black (female) police chief, violently beats down (including with soccer kicks) a suspect, and it’s still racism and society’s fault. That’s actually right - it is the society’s fault, but not in the way the Narrative is intended. If there weren’t AA, and competent, psychologically stable individuals were sworn in and well-led by a capable leader, the chance of this kind of a horror show would have been minimized greatly (though not altogether eliminated).

    This is yet another consequence of sanity and practicality being sacrificed at the altar of the ideology of Diversity.

    Replies: @Bardon Kaldian

    Those who have no time nor interest to read this:

    may find this to be of a paramount importance:


    Internalized racism

    • Replies: @The Wild Geese Howard
    @Bardon Kaldian

    We actually owned that set of Britannica's Great Books when I was growing up.

    I tried to read several. Looking back, it is evident the editors picked some of the driest, most sleep-inducing translations possible.

  26. @Tiny Sick

    You Caucasians are SICK!!!

    You make me SICK.

    Your violence is SICK.

    Your utter lack of empathy is SICK.

    Your aggression is SICK.

    Your institutions are SICK.

    Your laws are SICK.

    Your wanton disregard for human life and paranoid fear of criminals is SICK.

    Your teaching Black cops to behave like this against their own people is SICK.

    white cops leading Black officers to kill their own people is SICK.

    Valuing a traffic ticket over a young man's life is SICK.

    The next wave of riots and cop killings is going to cure you of your sickness.

    Replies: @Reg Cæsar, @Bardon Kaldian, @fish, @Hibernian, @tyrone

    Oh’s Sicky’s…

    • LOL: MEH 0910, Renard
  27. It’s not crazy, New Dealer. Blacks are uncomfortable IN the water, and maybe this even applies to being in the vicinity of a view of water. This could be due – – my theory – – to ancient African wiring that unconsciously tells them that they might get eaten by crocodiles. Probably real estate brokers who sell lakeview and non-lakeview homes would know if middle-class blacks tend to pass on the waterview homes.

    Btw, fascinating fact of the day: A study by paleontologists a few years ago found that millions of years ago, African crocodiles surfed across the Atlantic to South America!


    • Replies: @Renard

    Does the article mention that if you go back far enough, Africa and South America were very, very close together?

  28. A minor local story, cops take down a black miscreant, and BAM it’s national news. The disconnect between the importance of the event and the magnitude of the coverage is off the charts. What’s the game here? My inference is that the evil media and ruling class won’t rest until all black misbehavior is unpunished, and until anyone who favors law and order is silenced or maybe imprisoned. They will call this “justice” or “equity” or something. Stay safe, steer clear of the sacred criminals and their enablers.

    • Replies: @Redneck farmer

    There does seem to be an effort to act like stock characters in a bad novel by the media.

  29. @CalCooledge
    A minor local story, cops take down a black miscreant, and BAM it's national news. The disconnect between the importance of the event and the magnitude of the coverage is off the charts. What's the game here? My inference is that the evil media and ruling class won't rest until all black misbehavior is unpunished, and until anyone who favors law and order is silenced or maybe imprisoned. They will call this "justice" or "equity" or something. Stay safe, steer clear of the sacred criminals and their enablers.

    Replies: @Redneck farmer

    There does seem to be an effort to act like stock characters in a bad novel by the media.

  30. I thought it was funny in the movie, but I never thought reality could become so warped that I would be experiencing it in real life!

    Thanks NYT!!

  31. @Colin Wright

    According to FBI UCR statistics, the Memphis police department reported that from 2016-2020, blacks made up 904 out of 970 known homicide perpetrators. That’s 93%.

    But, according to the NYT, blacks made up only 86% of subjects of use of force by the MPD.
    I wouldn't be excessively surprised if it turned out that the cases of genuinely excessive uses of force turned out to disproportionately be instances of white detainees getting uppity and black cops seeing an opportunity.

    ...if I was white, and stopped by a black cop in Memphis, I would think twice before standing on my rights. Best to know your place and all that.

    Replies: @Cutter, @Renard, @Pop Warner

    Memphis police department reported that from 2016-2020, blacks made up 904 out of 970 known homicide perpetrators. That’s 93%.

    Even if you generously allow that the same percentage applies to the “unknown” perps, you get ever closer to 100% of the total.

  32. @SafeNow
    It’s not crazy, New Dealer. Blacks are uncomfortable IN the water, and maybe this even applies to being in the vicinity of a view of water. This could be due - - my theory - - to ancient African wiring that unconsciously tells them that they might get eaten by crocodiles. Probably real estate brokers who sell lakeview and non-lakeview homes would know if middle-class blacks tend to pass on the waterview homes.

    Btw, fascinating fact of the day: A study by paleontologists a few years ago found that millions of years ago, African crocodiles surfed across the Atlantic to South America!


    Replies: @Renard

    Does the article mention that if you go back far enough, Africa and South America were very, very close together?

  33. @Gore 2004
    Why would anyone want to be a cop in a Black area is beyond me?

    Don't cops listen to the news or adjust their training?

    Are cops that stupid to continue their tactics after George Floyd?

    Cops are stupid and tone deaf and they deserve the hell that will be coming their way......

    White liberals like Eric Stone will see that Memphis is burned to the ground.


    Replies: @Jon, @fish

    I watched that tiktok and read some of the comments, it’s all just so bizarre at this point. The left is really just a brainwashed cult. I don’t see how we get back to normal as a country.

    • Agree: Colin Wright, Gore 2004
  34. @Anon
    It looked like Tyre Nichols was on cocaine and heroin (a speedball). If you get tazed while on coke, you will have a heart attack because of a sodium channel shutting off. I imagine this is why he died. He really wasn't beaten nearly as bad as I had thought he was.

    When he escaped the cops after the stop, one of the cops was trying to pepper spray him and hit another cop in the face enough to get him in the eyes. This seemed to really make a couple of the cops mad. If the kid would have rolled over and put his hands behind his back and allowed himself to be cuffed, none of this would have happened.

    Out-of-town people are going to come do Memphis and wreak havoc. I'm guessing the Deep State really wants the Project Veritas video memory-holed quickly as the Pfizer employee admitted that they are passing new strains back and forth between monkeys in their labs, trying to make a new strain that people will need new boosters against as a never-ending revenue stream. You can count on the media to pull out all the stops to cover for this, and fanning racial flames are their premier tactic.

    Replies: @Mr. Anon, @Ron Mexico, @AnotherDad, @ic1000

    Well YouTube pulled the plug on Project Veritas. Unless one is a devotee of Mark Dice or Tucker Carlson you aren’t going to hear anything about Pfizer or the condition of Damar Hamlin. You will get reminded constantly of the cops / white supremacy by NBA, NFL and MSM.

  35. For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn. And, The laborer is worthy of his hire. —1 Timothy 5:18

    Let policemen beat arrestees;
    Muzzle not the ox. Say “Yes, please.
    The workman’s worthy of his hire.”
    Behave, or you’ll be one with Tyre!

  36. @New Dealer
    Georgia is 33% black, but only 3.2% of its surface area is water. In contrast, Maine is 1.9% black, yet 12.8% of its surface area is water.

    What accounts for this disparity!?

    Replies: @AnotherDad, @Nicholas Stix, @Reg Cæsar

    Georgia is 33% black, but only 3.2% of its surface area is water. In contrast, Maine is 1.9% black, yet 12.8% of its surface area is water.

    What accounts for this disparity!?

    Blacks–on average–don’t swim very well?

  37. @New Dealer
    Georgia is 33% black, but only 3.2% of its surface area is water. In contrast, Maine is 1.9% black, yet 12.8% of its surface area is water.

    What accounts for this disparity!?

    Replies: @AnotherDad, @Nicholas Stix, @Reg Cæsar

    As Johnny used to say, “That’s a little cerebral,” but I get the joke.

    • Thanks: New Dealer
  38. @Anon
    It looked like Tyre Nichols was on cocaine and heroin (a speedball). If you get tazed while on coke, you will have a heart attack because of a sodium channel shutting off. I imagine this is why he died. He really wasn't beaten nearly as bad as I had thought he was.

    When he escaped the cops after the stop, one of the cops was trying to pepper spray him and hit another cop in the face enough to get him in the eyes. This seemed to really make a couple of the cops mad. If the kid would have rolled over and put his hands behind his back and allowed himself to be cuffed, none of this would have happened.

    Out-of-town people are going to come do Memphis and wreak havoc. I'm guessing the Deep State really wants the Project Veritas video memory-holed quickly as the Pfizer employee admitted that they are passing new strains back and forth between monkeys in their labs, trying to make a new strain that people will need new boosters against as a never-ending revenue stream. You can count on the media to pull out all the stops to cover for this, and fanning racial flames are their premier tactic.

    Replies: @Mr. Anon, @Ron Mexico, @AnotherDad, @ic1000

    I’m guessing the Deep State really wants the Project Veritas video memory-holed quickly as the Pfizer employee admitted that they are passing new strains back and forth between monkeys in their labs, trying to make a new strain that people will need new boosters against as a never-ending revenue stream. You can count on the media to pull out all the stops to cover for this, and fanning racial flames are their premier tactic.

    Hadn’t seen this story.

    But this is unlikely to work very well. Pfizer is huge but this thing has been out of the Wuhan lab for three+ years now and in tens of millions of people doing trillions of replications as we speak. Hard for a lab to “compete” with that.

    There were only two reasonable end points for this once “out”.
    — A moderately sterilizing vaccine–enough to break endemic transmission. (Didn’t happen.)
    — Selection pushes it toward something more highly infectious, but in the process also tends to generate something that doesn’t put you on your ass and out of commission (and ergo not out spreading it). So it joins the ranks of the commonly circulating “cold and flu” viruses that we just live with. That’s what already happened with omicron variants.

    Pfizer would have to find a mutation that:
    — different enough to significantly beats current built up “seen something like this before” immune protect
    — spreads really well
    — is again much worse than typical cold/flu so that people want to run out and get boosted
    — avoid anyone spilling the beans which would land them in prison and destroy the company with legal liability

    • Agree: ic1000
    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling

    — is again much worse than typical cold/flu so that people want to run out and get boosted
    That's might be only so difficult, since for someone without any immunity even the current Omicron variants are likely to be worse than the typical flu, which is pretty nasty. Thus avoiding the "make you too sick to spread it well" problem you touch on.

    The trick is of course sufficiently escaping vaccine and natural immunity, really, creating a new strain that should be called SARS-CoV-3 just like SARS-CoV-2 was different from SARS-CoV(-1), MERS-CoV and the four endemic human coronaviruses, one of which some suspect caused the late 19th Century "Russian Flu."

    — avoid anyone spilling the beans which would land them in prison and destroy the company with legal liability
    Is not yet a real problem for Fauci's NIH institute or the EcoHealth Alliance, the latter of which was reported to have gotten another, I think not-NIH grant very recently.

    Also note Pfizer admits to what was said to a degree (line breaks added):

    In addition, to meet U.S. and global regulatory requirements for our oral treatment, PAXLOVID™, Pfizer undertakes in vitro work (e.g., in a laboratory culture dish) to identify potential resistance mutations to nirmatrelvir, one of PAXLOVID’s two components. With a naturally evolving virus, it is important to routinely assess the activity of an antiviral.

    Most of this work is conducted using computer simulations or mutations of the main protease–a non-infectious part of the virus. In a limited number of cases when a full virus does not contain any known gain of function mutations, such virus may be engineered to enable the assessment of antiviral activity in cells.

    In addition, in vitro resistance selection experiments are undertaken in cells incubated with SARS-CoV-2 and nirmatrelvir in our secure Biosafety level 3 (BSL3) laboratory to assess whether the main protease can mutate to yield resistant strains of the virus.

    It is important to note that these studies are required by U.S. and global regulators for all antiviral products and are carried out by many companies and academic institutions in the U.S. and around the world.
    We don't know yet if that's a modified limited hangout. (Oh, the joys of noticing, that modification of "limited hangout" came from (((John Ehrlichman))).)

    This however does not necessarily equal using non-human primates for crude serial passage gain of function experimentation which is something that caught my eye, because they're expensive animals to do research with. On the other hand there's lots of them that have been "burned" so to speak for a variety of experiments since they now have adaptive immune system responses to SARS-CoV-2 and plenty I assume to multiple variants.

    My other question is what coronavirus would they start with, which would be noticed once it was sequenced? But again that's not been proven to be a problem.... This method implies you're starting with a new coronavirus or other respiratory virus that's not well adapted to humans, because as you note a lab with a few monkeys can't compete with an endemic in trillions of humans virus strain.

    The first gain of function research experiments that got published and freaked out sane people used avian flu on ferrets, who are a preferred animal model for respiratory diseases. Nowadays we've got partly "humanized" mice, that is chimeric ones with here human lung cells, and the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) did some work with those.

    Note here Pfizer claims to be doing this at BSL-3, which is considered to be the minimum for SARS-CoV-2 work. But any gain of function research should be done in BSL-4 labs as BU did, but there aren't many, 13-14 in the US, they're booked up, would likely ask inconvenient questions, and each level is progressively more annoying and difficult to work in. One of the things that freaked us out about the above true Mad Scientist flu experiments was that they were done in BSL-2 labs, just like the WIV experiments that gave us SARS-CoV-2 a decade later.

    Replies: @Twinkie, @Nicholas Stix

    , @Colin Wright

    '...Selection pushes it toward something more highly infectious, but in the process also tends to generate something that doesn’t put you on your ass and out of commission (and ergo not out spreading it)... '
    Don't the vaccines we've so insistently administered supposedly accomplish at least half that?

    After all, no one even claims any more that they actually eliminate the virus -- they supposedly just ameliorate its effects. So now you can have the virus -- and feel up to going to the grocery store and sharing it!

    For some reason, that is held to be an improvement. All through this, there was a perceptible aversion to just doing nothing -- even though for most people in most places, that would have been the best policy.

    It was sheer stupidity, over all. God forbid just accepting it.

    Replies: @That Would Be Telling

    , @Mr. Anon

    But this is unlikely to work very well. Pfizer is huge but this thing has been out of the Wuhan lab for three+ years now and in tens of millions of people doing trillions of replications as we speak. Hard for a lab to “compete” with that.
    Exactly. If what walker said is true, it not only proves that Pfizer is nefarious (well, we all knew that anyway), but that they are stupid. The key thing about mutations is that they are random. Even if you see a given mutation in your lab, it doesn't mean that same mutation would be occur even in another lab, let alone in the wild.

    Robert Malone, interviewed by Tucker, made a good point. If they are doing this, it tends to prove that the mRNA technique for making vaccines is a failure. The whole rationale behind it was to be able to quickly come up with a vaccine for a new pathogen. But by creating permutations of the virus to be able to get ahead of it - to see into the future, if you will - they are kind of admitting that they can't create a vaccine as fast as they said they could. Of course, the vaccines don't even work very well or - after enough boosters - at all, as we now know.
  39. @Twinkie

    According to FBI UCR statistics, the Memphis police department reported that from 2016-2020, blacks made up 904 out of 970 known homicide perpetrators. That’s 93%.
    Yeah, but that just means Systemic RacismTM just isn’t out looking for white homicide perpetrators. It’s just disparate impact, you see.

    Replies: @Mr. Grey

    related to that, many in the “inner city” have little experience outside the ‘hood and believe crime is just as bad in white neighborhooods, but the racist cops choose to pick on po’ black folk.

  40. @Mr. Anon

    Out-of-town people are going to come do Memphis and wreak havoc. I’m guessing the Deep State really wants the Project Veritas video memory-holed quickly as the Pfizer employee admitted that they are passing new strains back and forth between monkeys in their labs, trying to make a new strain that people will need new boosters against as a never-ending revenue stream. You can count on the media to pull out all the stops to cover for this, and fanning racial flames are their premier tactic.
    For the record, it isn't clear that Walker is/was a Pfizer employee. It looks like he is (or perhaps was) with a consulting firm (Boston Consulting Group) that worked with Pfizer. None the less, what he said is interesting, and perhaps damning. The way that the story was scrubbed from the media (you could see it happening even as it happened) was also very illuminating. It looks like Pfizer's lawyers were out in force warning people off of any coverage of the story.

    I've often heard people claim that this or that story was promoted in the press to make this or the other story disappear (I'll note that video evidence in the Pelosi case was released today too). I've never really bought those claims. They seemed too far fetched. But who knows? Maybe there is some direction in the media to that effect, i.e. "Release story A, so that we can bury story B". I wouldn't put anything past them at this point.

    Replies: @bomag


    If we are now in the age of rioters as the dispensers of justice and public policy suggestions, looks like time for rioting at Pfizer et al.

  41. @Tiny Sick

    You Caucasians are SICK!!!

    You make me SICK.

    Your violence is SICK.

    Your utter lack of empathy is SICK.

    Your aggression is SICK.

    Your institutions are SICK.

    Your laws are SICK.

    Your wanton disregard for human life and paranoid fear of criminals is SICK.

    Your teaching Black cops to behave like this against their own people is SICK.

    white cops leading Black officers to kill their own people is SICK.

    Valuing a traffic ticket over a young man's life is SICK.

    The next wave of riots and cop killings is going to cure you of your sickness.

    Replies: @Reg Cæsar, @Bardon Kaldian, @fish, @Hibernian, @tyrone

    A parody of a parody?

    • Replies: @tyrone

    A parody of a parody?
    ........Yes ,it seems that Tiny Duck has disappeared up his own asshole.
    , @fish

    My working theory is that Tiny’s goes off his meds routinely and people around him are forced to intervene. The underlying sentiment doesn’t change but his spelling, sentence structure and grammar improve for a while after.

    Not sure what they’re doing about the various alter egos.

  42. Anyone who has ever worn a blue shirt knows what it feels like to have the savage state,”What I did? Yo’ ain’t takin’ me to jail mofo!” And the fight begins because the policemen is confronted by a subspecies displaying over a thousand years of animal instinct, and the inability to think rationally. It will never change. Pray for the Memphis policemen. Free Derek Chauvin.

  43. @Trinity
    Used to be Memphis was known for barbecue, the Blues and Elvis. Nashville WAS second fiddle in the Volunteer State. Nashville is booming now and Memphis is as bad as New Orleans, Baltimore and Detroit, three cities that helped put America on the map. Thank God the cops were Black, had the officers been White, every major city in America would be facing the usual shit of TNB and (((leftist))) "peaceful demonstrations.

    Cue : Midnight In Memphis by Bette Midler

    Replies: @Richard B, @Eric Novak

    Midnight In Memphis by Bette Midler

    I’d love to see Bette Midler in Memphis at Midnight.* And not just Bette Midler.

    *Live Satellite View, of course.

  44. @Anon
    It looked like Tyre Nichols was on cocaine and heroin (a speedball). If you get tazed while on coke, you will have a heart attack because of a sodium channel shutting off. I imagine this is why he died. He really wasn't beaten nearly as bad as I had thought he was.

    When he escaped the cops after the stop, one of the cops was trying to pepper spray him and hit another cop in the face enough to get him in the eyes. This seemed to really make a couple of the cops mad. If the kid would have rolled over and put his hands behind his back and allowed himself to be cuffed, none of this would have happened.

    Out-of-town people are going to come do Memphis and wreak havoc. I'm guessing the Deep State really wants the Project Veritas video memory-holed quickly as the Pfizer employee admitted that they are passing new strains back and forth between monkeys in their labs, trying to make a new strain that people will need new boosters against as a never-ending revenue stream. You can count on the media to pull out all the stops to cover for this, and fanning racial flames are their premier tactic.

    Replies: @Mr. Anon, @Ron Mexico, @AnotherDad, @ic1000

    Last night’s NBC Evening News with Lester Holt ran Tyre Nichols as the lede, and spent more time on this Most Important Story than any other.

    > It looked like Tyre Nichols was on cocaine and heroin… When he escaped the cops after the stop…

    Despite the lavish coverage, Lester’s stable of crack reporters somehow forgot to mention these aspects, which aren’t very important compared to the insights offered by a parade of Antiracism experts and Grievance Jackpot lawyers.

    Lester opened with America braces for the justified unrest which, I hope, is sure to follow from the galvanic release of this graphic video of the unprovoked racist attack on an innocent Black man. *

    For those viewers who weren’t paying attention, he rephrased his summary each time the video clip was replayed.

    * A sarcastic paraphrase of America’s Most Trusted News Source, if it wasn’t obvious.

  45. @Francis Serpico
    Picture of first Abrams tank heading to Ukraine.

    Replies: @PaceLaw

    You sir, are genius for this photo! If I could nominate you for a genius award, I would.

  46. @Dream
    Check this out.


    Replies: @68W58

    They were charged with second degree murder so there won’t be any death penalty. No way to prove any of the elements needed to get the death penalty here.

  47. @AnotherDad

    I’m guessing the Deep State really wants the Project Veritas video memory-holed quickly as the Pfizer employee admitted that they are passing new strains back and forth between monkeys in their labs, trying to make a new strain that people will need new boosters against as a never-ending revenue stream. You can count on the media to pull out all the stops to cover for this, and fanning racial flames are their premier tactic.
    Hadn't seen this story.

    But this is unlikely to work very well. Pfizer is huge but this thing has been out of the Wuhan lab for three+ years now and in tens of millions of people doing trillions of replications as we speak. Hard for a lab to "compete" with that.

    There were only two reasonable end points for this once "out".
    -- A moderately sterilizing vaccine--enough to break endemic transmission. (Didn't happen.)
    -- Selection pushes it toward something more highly infectious, but in the process also tends to generate something that doesn't put you on your ass and out of commission (and ergo not out spreading it). So it joins the ranks of the commonly circulating "cold and flu" viruses that we just live with. That's what already happened with omicron variants.

    Pfizer would have to find a mutation that:
    -- different enough to significantly beats current built up "seen something like this before" immune protect
    -- spreads really well
    -- is again much worse than typical cold/flu so that people want to run out and get boosted
    -- avoid anyone spilling the beans which would land them in prison and destroy the company with legal liability

    Replies: @That Would Be Telling, @Colin Wright, @Mr. Anon

    — is again much worse than typical cold/flu so that people want to run out and get boosted

    That’s might be only so difficult, since for someone without any immunity even the current Omicron variants are likely to be worse than the typical flu, which is pretty nasty. Thus avoiding the “make you too sick to spread it well” problem you touch on.

    The trick is of course sufficiently escaping vaccine and natural immunity, really, creating a new strain that should be called SARS-CoV-3 just like SARS-CoV-2 was different from SARS-CoV(-1), MERS-CoV and the four endemic human coronaviruses, one of which some suspect caused the late 19th Century “Russian Flu.”

    — avoid anyone spilling the beans which would land them in prison and destroy the company with legal liability

    Is not yet a real problem for Fauci’s NIH institute or the EcoHealth Alliance, the latter of which was reported to have gotten another, I think not-NIH grant very recently.

    Also note Pfizer admits to what was said to a degree (line breaks added):

    In addition, to meet U.S. and global regulatory requirements for our oral treatment, PAXLOVID™, Pfizer undertakes in vitro work (e.g., in a laboratory culture dish) to identify potential resistance mutations to nirmatrelvir, one of PAXLOVID’s two components. With a naturally evolving virus, it is important to routinely assess the activity of an antiviral.

    Most of this work is conducted using computer simulations or mutations of the main protease–a non-infectious part of the virus. In a limited number of cases when a full virus does not contain any known gain of function mutations, such virus may be engineered to enable the assessment of antiviral activity in cells.

    In addition, in vitro resistance selection experiments are undertaken in cells incubated with SARS-CoV-2 and nirmatrelvir in our secure Biosafety level 3 (BSL3) laboratory to assess whether the main protease can mutate to yield resistant strains of the virus.

    It is important to note that these studies are required by U.S. and global regulators for all antiviral products and are carried out by many companies and academic institutions in the U.S. and around the world.

    We don’t know yet if that’s a modified limited hangout. (Oh, the joys of noticing, that modification of “limited hangout” came from (((John Ehrlichman))).)

    This however does not necessarily equal using non-human primates for crude serial passage gain of function experimentation which is something that caught my eye, because they’re expensive animals to do research with. On the other hand there’s lots of them that have been “burned” so to speak for a variety of experiments since they now have adaptive immune system responses to SARS-CoV-2 and plenty I assume to multiple variants.

    My other question is what coronavirus would they start with, which would be noticed once it was sequenced? But again that’s not been proven to be a problem…. This method implies you’re starting with a new coronavirus or other respiratory virus that’s not well adapted to humans, because as you note a lab with a few monkeys can’t compete with an endemic in trillions of humans virus strain.

    The first gain of function research experiments that got published and freaked out sane people used avian flu on ferrets, who are a preferred animal model for respiratory diseases. Nowadays we’ve got partly “humanized” mice, that is chimeric ones with here human lung cells, and the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) did some work with those.

    Note here Pfizer claims to be doing this at BSL-3, which is considered to be the minimum for SARS-CoV-2 work. But any gain of function research should be done in BSL-4 labs as BU did, but there aren’t many, 13-14 in the US, they’re booked up, would likely ask inconvenient questions, and each level is progressively more annoying and difficult to work in. One of the things that freaked us out about the above true Mad Scientist flu experiments was that they were done in BSL-2 labs, just like the WIV experiments that gave us SARS-CoV-2 a decade later.

    • Replies: @Twinkie
    @That Would Be Telling

    for someone without any immunity even the current Omicron variants are likely to be worse than the typical flu, which is pretty nasty.
    Can confirm. I got the two doses of Pfizer plus one booster. I neglected the second booster, figuring Omicron and the subsequent variants weren’t so bad. One of my teenage sons got Covid last year and was well after a day of very mild illness.

    Well, I finally got it this year and it was worse than any flu I ever had. Several days of high fever, violent shakes and chill, burning throat, and coughing up blood from my lungs. Felt like death. Finally had Paxlovid and symptoms started to go away within 4 doses of a 10 dose regimen (2 doses per day, 5 days).

    I wish I had gotten the second booster. It probably wouldn’t have prevented it, but would have moderated the severity.

    Can only imagine what the Delta variant would have done to me, has this been earlier in the pandemic and I wasn’t vaccinated.

    Replies: @Eric Novak

    , @Nicholas Stix
    @That Would Be Telling

    “We don’t know yet if that’s a modified limited hangout. (Oh, the joys of noticing, that modification of ‘limited hangout’ came from (((John Ehrlichman))).)”

    Ehrlichman was a gentile. His paternal grandparents were Jews, but the wife converted to Christian Science. However, since Judaism is matrilineal, it would have been irrelevant to his religion, if his paternal grandmother had remained a Jew.

    Do you think all Germanic names are Jewish? Did you also think that George Zimmerman is a Jew?

    Otherwise, an excellent post.

    Replies: @That Would Be Telling

  48. @Tiny Sick

    You Caucasians are SICK!!!

    You make me SICK.

    Your violence is SICK.

    Your utter lack of empathy is SICK.

    Your aggression is SICK.

    Your institutions are SICK.

    Your laws are SICK.

    Your wanton disregard for human life and paranoid fear of criminals is SICK.

    Your teaching Black cops to behave like this against their own people is SICK.

    white cops leading Black officers to kill their own people is SICK.

    Valuing a traffic ticket over a young man's life is SICK.

    The next wave of riots and cop killings is going to cure you of your sickness.

    Replies: @Reg Cæsar, @Bardon Kaldian, @fish, @Hibernian, @tyrone

    You make me SICK.

    ……..well then ,it was all worthwhile.

    • Agree: Colin Wright
  49. @Hibernian
    @Tiny Sick

    A parody of a parody?

    Replies: @tyrone, @fish

    A parody of a parody?

    ……..Yes ,it seems that Tiny Duck has disappeared up his own asshole.

  50. @Bardon Kaldian

    Those who have no time nor interest to read this:


    may find this to be of a paramount importance:


    Internalized racism

    Replies: @The Wild Geese Howard

    We actually owned that set of Britannica’s Great Books when I was growing up.

    I tried to read several. Looking back, it is evident the editors picked some of the driest, most sleep-inducing translations possible.

  51. @Gore 2004
    Why would anyone want to be a cop in a Black area is beyond me?

    Don't cops listen to the news or adjust their training?

    Are cops that stupid to continue their tactics after George Floyd?

    Cops are stupid and tone deaf and they deserve the hell that will be coming their way......

    White liberals like Eric Stone will see that Memphis is burned to the ground.


    Replies: @Jon, @fish

    White liberals like Eric Stone will see that Memphis is burned to the ground.

    Oh well…..!

    I guess these are some of the teething problems the black supremecists in black run cities staffed primarily by blacks are just going to have to work through.

  52. @Hibernian
    @Tiny Sick

    A parody of a parody?

    Replies: @tyrone, @fish

    My working theory is that Tiny’s goes off his meds routinely and people around him are forced to intervene. The underlying sentiment doesn’t change but his spelling, sentence structure and grammar improve for a while after.

    Not sure what they’re doing about the various alter egos.

  53. @AnotherDad

    I’m guessing the Deep State really wants the Project Veritas video memory-holed quickly as the Pfizer employee admitted that they are passing new strains back and forth between monkeys in their labs, trying to make a new strain that people will need new boosters against as a never-ending revenue stream. You can count on the media to pull out all the stops to cover for this, and fanning racial flames are their premier tactic.
    Hadn't seen this story.

    But this is unlikely to work very well. Pfizer is huge but this thing has been out of the Wuhan lab for three+ years now and in tens of millions of people doing trillions of replications as we speak. Hard for a lab to "compete" with that.

    There were only two reasonable end points for this once "out".
    -- A moderately sterilizing vaccine--enough to break endemic transmission. (Didn't happen.)
    -- Selection pushes it toward something more highly infectious, but in the process also tends to generate something that doesn't put you on your ass and out of commission (and ergo not out spreading it). So it joins the ranks of the commonly circulating "cold and flu" viruses that we just live with. That's what already happened with omicron variants.

    Pfizer would have to find a mutation that:
    -- different enough to significantly beats current built up "seen something like this before" immune protect
    -- spreads really well
    -- is again much worse than typical cold/flu so that people want to run out and get boosted
    -- avoid anyone spilling the beans which would land them in prison and destroy the company with legal liability

    Replies: @That Would Be Telling, @Colin Wright, @Mr. Anon

    ‘…Selection pushes it toward something more highly infectious, but in the process also tends to generate something that doesn’t put you on your ass and out of commission (and ergo not out spreading it)… ‘

    Don’t the vaccines we’ve so insistently administered supposedly accomplish at least half that?

    After all, no one even claims any more that they actually eliminate the virus — they supposedly just ameliorate its effects. So now you can have the virus — and feel up to going to the grocery store and sharing it!

    For some reason, that is held to be an improvement. All through this, there was a perceptible aversion to just doing nothing — even though for most people in most places, that would have been the best policy.

    It was sheer stupidity, over all. God forbid just accepting it.

    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
    @Colin Wright

    ‘…Selection pushes it toward something more highly infectious, but in the process also tends to generate something that doesn’t put you on your ass and out of commission (and ergo not out spreading it)… ‘
    Don’t the vaccines we’ve so insistently administered supposedly accomplish at least half that?

    After all, no one even claims any more that they actually eliminate the virus — they supposedly just ameliorate its effects. So now you can have the virus — and feel up to going to the grocery store and sharing it!

    For some reason, that is held to be an improvement....
    Because "ameliorate its effects" is a spectrum! You think it's nothing that a bunch of people's illness was and is ameliorated to the point they don't die?? That presumably morbidity including delayed death is decreased going down the scale? Someone's got numbers on that now, like the WUSTL group that did that first pre-vaccine study on all of the above in people who used the VA health system.

    Doing nothing as you later advocate would have not just killed and disabled a lot more people, it would have caused many more failures to bend the curve where we would have disproportionately lost people because we wouldn't have, for example, been able to supply all the bad cases with oxygen. As I keep saying, that happened in my local region once during the Delta wave and people died as a result.

    Replies: @Colin Wright

  54. @AnotherDad

    I’m guessing the Deep State really wants the Project Veritas video memory-holed quickly as the Pfizer employee admitted that they are passing new strains back and forth between monkeys in their labs, trying to make a new strain that people will need new boosters against as a never-ending revenue stream. You can count on the media to pull out all the stops to cover for this, and fanning racial flames are their premier tactic.
    Hadn't seen this story.

    But this is unlikely to work very well. Pfizer is huge but this thing has been out of the Wuhan lab for three+ years now and in tens of millions of people doing trillions of replications as we speak. Hard for a lab to "compete" with that.

    There were only two reasonable end points for this once "out".
    -- A moderately sterilizing vaccine--enough to break endemic transmission. (Didn't happen.)
    -- Selection pushes it toward something more highly infectious, but in the process also tends to generate something that doesn't put you on your ass and out of commission (and ergo not out spreading it). So it joins the ranks of the commonly circulating "cold and flu" viruses that we just live with. That's what already happened with omicron variants.

    Pfizer would have to find a mutation that:
    -- different enough to significantly beats current built up "seen something like this before" immune protect
    -- spreads really well
    -- is again much worse than typical cold/flu so that people want to run out and get boosted
    -- avoid anyone spilling the beans which would land them in prison and destroy the company with legal liability

    Replies: @That Would Be Telling, @Colin Wright, @Mr. Anon

    But this is unlikely to work very well. Pfizer is huge but this thing has been out of the Wuhan lab for three+ years now and in tens of millions of people doing trillions of replications as we speak. Hard for a lab to “compete” with that.

    Exactly. If what walker said is true, it not only proves that Pfizer is nefarious (well, we all knew that anyway), but that they are stupid. The key thing about mutations is that they are random. Even if you see a given mutation in your lab, it doesn’t mean that same mutation would be occur even in another lab, let alone in the wild.

    Robert Malone, interviewed by Tucker, made a good point. If they are doing this, it tends to prove that the mRNA technique for making vaccines is a failure. The whole rationale behind it was to be able to quickly come up with a vaccine for a new pathogen. But by creating permutations of the virus to be able to get ahead of it – to see into the future, if you will – they are kind of admitting that they can’t create a vaccine as fast as they said they could. Of course, the vaccines don’t even work very well or – after enough boosters – at all, as we now know.

  55. @That Would Be Telling

    — is again much worse than typical cold/flu so that people want to run out and get boosted
    That's might be only so difficult, since for someone without any immunity even the current Omicron variants are likely to be worse than the typical flu, which is pretty nasty. Thus avoiding the "make you too sick to spread it well" problem you touch on.

    The trick is of course sufficiently escaping vaccine and natural immunity, really, creating a new strain that should be called SARS-CoV-3 just like SARS-CoV-2 was different from SARS-CoV(-1), MERS-CoV and the four endemic human coronaviruses, one of which some suspect caused the late 19th Century "Russian Flu."

    — avoid anyone spilling the beans which would land them in prison and destroy the company with legal liability
    Is not yet a real problem for Fauci's NIH institute or the EcoHealth Alliance, the latter of which was reported to have gotten another, I think not-NIH grant very recently.

    Also note Pfizer admits to what was said to a degree (line breaks added):

    In addition, to meet U.S. and global regulatory requirements for our oral treatment, PAXLOVID™, Pfizer undertakes in vitro work (e.g., in a laboratory culture dish) to identify potential resistance mutations to nirmatrelvir, one of PAXLOVID’s two components. With a naturally evolving virus, it is important to routinely assess the activity of an antiviral.

    Most of this work is conducted using computer simulations or mutations of the main protease–a non-infectious part of the virus. In a limited number of cases when a full virus does not contain any known gain of function mutations, such virus may be engineered to enable the assessment of antiviral activity in cells.

    In addition, in vitro resistance selection experiments are undertaken in cells incubated with SARS-CoV-2 and nirmatrelvir in our secure Biosafety level 3 (BSL3) laboratory to assess whether the main protease can mutate to yield resistant strains of the virus.

    It is important to note that these studies are required by U.S. and global regulators for all antiviral products and are carried out by many companies and academic institutions in the U.S. and around the world.
    We don't know yet if that's a modified limited hangout. (Oh, the joys of noticing, that modification of "limited hangout" came from (((John Ehrlichman))).)

    This however does not necessarily equal using non-human primates for crude serial passage gain of function experimentation which is something that caught my eye, because they're expensive animals to do research with. On the other hand there's lots of them that have been "burned" so to speak for a variety of experiments since they now have adaptive immune system responses to SARS-CoV-2 and plenty I assume to multiple variants.

    My other question is what coronavirus would they start with, which would be noticed once it was sequenced? But again that's not been proven to be a problem.... This method implies you're starting with a new coronavirus or other respiratory virus that's not well adapted to humans, because as you note a lab with a few monkeys can't compete with an endemic in trillions of humans virus strain.

    The first gain of function research experiments that got published and freaked out sane people used avian flu on ferrets, who are a preferred animal model for respiratory diseases. Nowadays we've got partly "humanized" mice, that is chimeric ones with here human lung cells, and the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) did some work with those.

    Note here Pfizer claims to be doing this at BSL-3, which is considered to be the minimum for SARS-CoV-2 work. But any gain of function research should be done in BSL-4 labs as BU did, but there aren't many, 13-14 in the US, they're booked up, would likely ask inconvenient questions, and each level is progressively more annoying and difficult to work in. One of the things that freaked us out about the above true Mad Scientist flu experiments was that they were done in BSL-2 labs, just like the WIV experiments that gave us SARS-CoV-2 a decade later.

    Replies: @Twinkie, @Nicholas Stix

    for someone without any immunity even the current Omicron variants are likely to be worse than the typical flu, which is pretty nasty.

    Can confirm. I got the two doses of Pfizer plus one booster. I neglected the second booster, figuring Omicron and the subsequent variants weren’t so bad. One of my teenage sons got Covid last year and was well after a day of very mild illness.

    Well, I finally got it this year and it was worse than any flu I ever had. Several days of high fever, violent shakes and chill, burning throat, and coughing up blood from my lungs. Felt like death. Finally had Paxlovid and symptoms started to go away within 4 doses of a 10 dose regimen (2 doses per day, 5 days).

    I wish I had gotten the second booster. It probably wouldn’t have prevented it, but would have moderated the severity.

    Can only imagine what the Delta variant would have done to me, has this been earlier in the pandemic and I wasn’t vaccinated.

    • Thanks: That Would Be Telling
    • Replies: @Eric Novak

    That booster and the original shot almost certainly compromised your immune system, rendering it even more susceptible to less-virulent covid mutations.

    Replies: @Twinkie

  56. @Colin Wright

    According to FBI UCR statistics, the Memphis police department reported that from 2016-2020, blacks made up 904 out of 970 known homicide perpetrators. That’s 93%.

    But, according to the NYT, blacks made up only 86% of subjects of use of force by the MPD.
    I wouldn't be excessively surprised if it turned out that the cases of genuinely excessive uses of force turned out to disproportionately be instances of white detainees getting uppity and black cops seeing an opportunity.

    ...if I was white, and stopped by a black cop in Memphis, I would think twice before standing on my rights. Best to know your place and all that.

    Replies: @Cutter, @Renard, @Pop Warner

    I read a City Journal article a couple of years back that pointed out that black cops are more likely to use lethal force on suspects than white cops. I think it was a Heather Mac Donald column, and I might have read it in the Wall Street Journal. Either way, it wouldn’t be a surprise if black cop behavior had similar trends to black non-cop behavior. They are going to be that much more violent than their white peers

  57. @Colin Wright

    '...Selection pushes it toward something more highly infectious, but in the process also tends to generate something that doesn’t put you on your ass and out of commission (and ergo not out spreading it)... '
    Don't the vaccines we've so insistently administered supposedly accomplish at least half that?

    After all, no one even claims any more that they actually eliminate the virus -- they supposedly just ameliorate its effects. So now you can have the virus -- and feel up to going to the grocery store and sharing it!

    For some reason, that is held to be an improvement. All through this, there was a perceptible aversion to just doing nothing -- even though for most people in most places, that would have been the best policy.

    It was sheer stupidity, over all. God forbid just accepting it.

    Replies: @That Would Be Telling

    ‘…Selection pushes it toward something more highly infectious, but in the process also tends to generate something that doesn’t put you on your ass and out of commission (and ergo not out spreading it)… ‘

    Don’t the vaccines we’ve so insistently administered supposedly accomplish at least half that?

    After all, no one even claims any more that they actually eliminate the virus — they supposedly just ameliorate its effects. So now you can have the virus — and feel up to going to the grocery store and sharing it!

    For some reason, that is held to be an improvement….

    Because “ameliorate its effects” is a spectrum! You think it’s nothing that a bunch of people’s illness was and is ameliorated to the point they don’t die?? That presumably morbidity including delayed death is decreased going down the scale? Someone’s got numbers on that now, like the WUSTL group that did that first pre-vaccine study on all of the above in people who used the VA health system.

    Doing nothing as you later advocate would have not just killed and disabled a lot more people, it would have caused many more failures to bend the curve where we would have disproportionately lost people because we wouldn’t have, for example, been able to supply all the bad cases with oxygen. As I keep saying, that happened in my local region once during the Delta wave and people died as a result.

    • Replies: @Colin Wright
    @That Would Be Telling

    'Doing nothing as you later advocate would have not just killed and disabled a lot more people, it would have caused many more failures to bend the curve where we would have disproportionately lost people because we wouldn’t have, for example, been able to supply all the bad cases with oxygen. As I keep saying, that happened in my local region once during the Delta wave and people died as a result.'
    Even granting all that, I think this was definitely a case of the cure being worse than the disease.

    Frankly, the life of an eighty-something who had so many co-morbidities that he was statistically unlikely to last another six months (and I say this as a sixty four year-old myself) is not equal to that of a twenty four year old who dies of a fentanyl overdose out of boredom when in a few years he quite likely would have more or less straightened out absent all our bullshit.

    Certainly, when it's objectively evident a health crisis is erupting -- New York City, for example -- measures would be reasonable, but around here...

    Shit, it was all the crap, businesses being wrecked -- and a few 'eighty-somethings who had so many co-morbidities that they were statistically unlikely to last another six months.'

    That's exactly what it was -- and for that we got inflation, a generation of screwed-up children, recession, more moral decay (do you know how much fraud there was?), and the rest of it.

    Our response was not rational. It was the Salem Witch Trials on a global scale.

    Life isn't all good. Sometimes you have to choose between the bad and the worse. We chose the worse.
  58. @Trinity
    Used to be Memphis was known for barbecue, the Blues and Elvis. Nashville WAS second fiddle in the Volunteer State. Nashville is booming now and Memphis is as bad as New Orleans, Baltimore and Detroit, three cities that helped put America on the map. Thank God the cops were Black, had the officers been White, every major city in America would be facing the usual shit of TNB and (((leftist))) "peaceful demonstrations.

    Cue : Midnight In Memphis by Bette Midler

    Replies: @Richard B, @Eric Novak

    Nashville replaced LA as the music industry and live music capital 20 years ago already. Even legions of old LA rock stars have sold the houses in Malibu and bought homes in or near Nashville. The list is too long to bother with. The commercial studios that have survived the digital recording revolution are also in Nashville.

    • Thanks: Trinity
  59. @Twinkie
    @That Would Be Telling

    for someone without any immunity even the current Omicron variants are likely to be worse than the typical flu, which is pretty nasty.
    Can confirm. I got the two doses of Pfizer plus one booster. I neglected the second booster, figuring Omicron and the subsequent variants weren’t so bad. One of my teenage sons got Covid last year and was well after a day of very mild illness.

    Well, I finally got it this year and it was worse than any flu I ever had. Several days of high fever, violent shakes and chill, burning throat, and coughing up blood from my lungs. Felt like death. Finally had Paxlovid and symptoms started to go away within 4 doses of a 10 dose regimen (2 doses per day, 5 days).

    I wish I had gotten the second booster. It probably wouldn’t have prevented it, but would have moderated the severity.

    Can only imagine what the Delta variant would have done to me, has this been earlier in the pandemic and I wasn’t vaccinated.

    Replies: @Eric Novak

    That booster and the original shot almost certainly compromised your immune system, rendering it even more susceptible to less-virulent covid mutations.

    • Replies: @Twinkie
    @Eric Novak

    That booster and the original shot almost certainly compromised your immune system, rendering it even more susceptible to less-virulent covid mutations.
    Are you joking? If not, that’s quite idiotic. If my immune system were compromised, why didn’t I catch Covid, the flu, or a common cold since getting vaccinated?
  60. @New Dealer
    Georgia is 33% black, but only 3.2% of its surface area is water. In contrast, Maine is 1.9% black, yet 12.8% of its surface area is water.

    What accounts for this disparity!?

    Replies: @AnotherDad, @Nicholas Stix, @Reg Cæsar

    Maine accounts for 49.9% of New England by area, but less than 10% of population.

  61. @Eric Novak

    That booster and the original shot almost certainly compromised your immune system, rendering it even more susceptible to less-virulent covid mutations.

    Replies: @Twinkie

    That booster and the original shot almost certainly compromised your immune system, rendering it even more susceptible to less-virulent covid mutations.

    Are you joking? If not, that’s quite idiotic. If my immune system were compromised, why didn’t I catch Covid, the flu, or a common cold since getting vaccinated?

  62. @That Would Be Telling
    @Colin Wright

    ‘…Selection pushes it toward something more highly infectious, but in the process also tends to generate something that doesn’t put you on your ass and out of commission (and ergo not out spreading it)… ‘
    Don’t the vaccines we’ve so insistently administered supposedly accomplish at least half that?

    After all, no one even claims any more that they actually eliminate the virus — they supposedly just ameliorate its effects. So now you can have the virus — and feel up to going to the grocery store and sharing it!

    For some reason, that is held to be an improvement....
    Because "ameliorate its effects" is a spectrum! You think it's nothing that a bunch of people's illness was and is ameliorated to the point they don't die?? That presumably morbidity including delayed death is decreased going down the scale? Someone's got numbers on that now, like the WUSTL group that did that first pre-vaccine study on all of the above in people who used the VA health system.

    Doing nothing as you later advocate would have not just killed and disabled a lot more people, it would have caused many more failures to bend the curve where we would have disproportionately lost people because we wouldn't have, for example, been able to supply all the bad cases with oxygen. As I keep saying, that happened in my local region once during the Delta wave and people died as a result.

    Replies: @Colin Wright

    ‘Doing nothing as you later advocate would have not just killed and disabled a lot more people, it would have caused many more failures to bend the curve where we would have disproportionately lost people because we wouldn’t have, for example, been able to supply all the bad cases with oxygen. As I keep saying, that happened in my local region once during the Delta wave and people died as a result.’

    Even granting all that, I think this was definitely a case of the cure being worse than the disease.

    Frankly, the life of an eighty-something who had so many co-morbidities that he was statistically unlikely to last another six months (and I say this as a sixty four year-old myself) is not equal to that of a twenty four year old who dies of a fentanyl overdose out of boredom when in a few years he quite likely would have more or less straightened out absent all our bullshit.

    Certainly, when it’s objectively evident a health crisis is erupting — New York City, for example — measures would be reasonable, but around here…

    Shit, it was all the crap, businesses being wrecked — and a few ‘eighty-somethings who had so many co-morbidities that they were statistically unlikely to last another six months.’

    That’s exactly what it was — and for that we got inflation, a generation of screwed-up children, recession, more moral decay (do you know how much fraud there was?), and the rest of it.

    Our response was not rational. It was the Salem Witch Trials on a global scale.

    Life isn’t all good. Sometimes you have to choose between the bad and the worse. We chose the worse.

  63. K.K. Rebecca Lai


    K.K. Rebecca Lai = Like crab cake.

    (Apologies to any Marylanders reading.)

    Humour is the only test of gravity, and gravity of humour, for a subject which will not bear raillery is suspicious, and a jest which will not bear serious examination is false wit. -Aristotle

  64. @ArthurinCali
    Multiple outlets are desperate to deflect in any way to shield this Black on Black crime. Some attempts are more outlandish than others. Here is Van Jones Op-Ed from CNN:

    The police who killed Tyre Nichols were Black. But they might still have been driven by racism



    He might be trying to give The Babylon Bee a run for their money on satire headlines.

    But the narrative “White cop kills unarmed Black man” should never have been the sole lens through which we attempted to understand police abuse and misconduct. It’s time to move to a more nuanced discussion of the way police violence endangers Black lives.
    Now now, let's not take our eye off of the real perpetrators of police misconduct. Nuance and all.

    Replies: @SMK

    How many blacks, guilty or innocent, arrested for crimes, and how many black prisoners, are murdered and beaten and tortured and abused by black police and jail and prison guards in Haiti and Jamaica and the nations of sub-Saharan Africa? Are whites to blame for these atrocities? Are these crimes an effect of “systemic racism” and “white supremacy”?

    • Agree: ArthurinCali
  65. @That Would Be Telling

    — is again much worse than typical cold/flu so that people want to run out and get boosted
    That's might be only so difficult, since for someone without any immunity even the current Omicron variants are likely to be worse than the typical flu, which is pretty nasty. Thus avoiding the "make you too sick to spread it well" problem you touch on.

    The trick is of course sufficiently escaping vaccine and natural immunity, really, creating a new strain that should be called SARS-CoV-3 just like SARS-CoV-2 was different from SARS-CoV(-1), MERS-CoV and the four endemic human coronaviruses, one of which some suspect caused the late 19th Century "Russian Flu."

    — avoid anyone spilling the beans which would land them in prison and destroy the company with legal liability
    Is not yet a real problem for Fauci's NIH institute or the EcoHealth Alliance, the latter of which was reported to have gotten another, I think not-NIH grant very recently.

    Also note Pfizer admits to what was said to a degree (line breaks added):

    In addition, to meet U.S. and global regulatory requirements for our oral treatment, PAXLOVID™, Pfizer undertakes in vitro work (e.g., in a laboratory culture dish) to identify potential resistance mutations to nirmatrelvir, one of PAXLOVID’s two components. With a naturally evolving virus, it is important to routinely assess the activity of an antiviral.

    Most of this work is conducted using computer simulations or mutations of the main protease–a non-infectious part of the virus. In a limited number of cases when a full virus does not contain any known gain of function mutations, such virus may be engineered to enable the assessment of antiviral activity in cells.

    In addition, in vitro resistance selection experiments are undertaken in cells incubated with SARS-CoV-2 and nirmatrelvir in our secure Biosafety level 3 (BSL3) laboratory to assess whether the main protease can mutate to yield resistant strains of the virus.

    It is important to note that these studies are required by U.S. and global regulators for all antiviral products and are carried out by many companies and academic institutions in the U.S. and around the world.
    We don't know yet if that's a modified limited hangout. (Oh, the joys of noticing, that modification of "limited hangout" came from (((John Ehrlichman))).)

    This however does not necessarily equal using non-human primates for crude serial passage gain of function experimentation which is something that caught my eye, because they're expensive animals to do research with. On the other hand there's lots of them that have been "burned" so to speak for a variety of experiments since they now have adaptive immune system responses to SARS-CoV-2 and plenty I assume to multiple variants.

    My other question is what coronavirus would they start with, which would be noticed once it was sequenced? But again that's not been proven to be a problem.... This method implies you're starting with a new coronavirus or other respiratory virus that's not well adapted to humans, because as you note a lab with a few monkeys can't compete with an endemic in trillions of humans virus strain.

    The first gain of function research experiments that got published and freaked out sane people used avian flu on ferrets, who are a preferred animal model for respiratory diseases. Nowadays we've got partly "humanized" mice, that is chimeric ones with here human lung cells, and the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) did some work with those.

    Note here Pfizer claims to be doing this at BSL-3, which is considered to be the minimum for SARS-CoV-2 work. But any gain of function research should be done in BSL-4 labs as BU did, but there aren't many, 13-14 in the US, they're booked up, would likely ask inconvenient questions, and each level is progressively more annoying and difficult to work in. One of the things that freaked us out about the above true Mad Scientist flu experiments was that they were done in BSL-2 labs, just like the WIV experiments that gave us SARS-CoV-2 a decade later.

    Replies: @Twinkie, @Nicholas Stix

    “We don’t know yet if that’s a modified limited hangout. (Oh, the joys of noticing, that modification of ‘limited hangout’ came from (((John Ehrlichman))).)”

    Ehrlichman was a gentile. His paternal grandparents were Jews, but the wife converted to Christian Science. However, since Judaism is matrilineal, it would have been irrelevant to his religion, if his paternal grandmother had remained a Jew.

    Do you think all Germanic names are Jewish? Did you also think that George Zimmerman is a Jew?

    Otherwise, an excellent post.

    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
    @Nicholas Stix

    Ehrlichman was a gentile. His paternal grandparents were Jews, but the wife converted to Christian Science. However, since Judaism is matrilineal, it would have been irrelevant to his religion....
    To paraphrase from memory from a recent comment, do you realize this is an HBD blog? This is not a question of a surface religion, but for example how thoroughly genetics determine behavior.
  66. @Nicholas Stix
    @That Would Be Telling

    “We don’t know yet if that’s a modified limited hangout. (Oh, the joys of noticing, that modification of ‘limited hangout’ came from (((John Ehrlichman))).)”

    Ehrlichman was a gentile. His paternal grandparents were Jews, but the wife converted to Christian Science. However, since Judaism is matrilineal, it would have been irrelevant to his religion, if his paternal grandmother had remained a Jew.

    Do you think all Germanic names are Jewish? Did you also think that George Zimmerman is a Jew?

    Otherwise, an excellent post.

    Replies: @That Would Be Telling

    Ehrlichman was a gentile. His paternal grandparents were Jews, but the wife converted to Christian Science. However, since Judaism is matrilineal, it would have been irrelevant to his religion….

    To paraphrase from memory from a recent comment, do you realize this is an HBD blog? This is not a question of a surface religion, but for example how thoroughly genetics determine behavior.

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