FRANTIC | significado en inglés - Cambridge Dictionary

Significado de frantic en inglés

(Definición de frantic del Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
(Definición de frantic del Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
(Definición de frantic del Cambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Ejemplos de frantic

Frantic activity, however, does not of itself produce change.
The hurried judgements suggest a frantic attempt to find some legal base for what is in effect a moral and personal decision.
The almost frantic rush to grasp every opportunity, especially during the early months of the war, had led to over-investment in some industries.
Frantic government attempts to call a special court session to suspend the injunctions failed and as a result the auction was postponed indefinitely.
Any doubts raised by other historians are dismissed by a frantic wave of the hand.
They had believed that they were in a frantic race to save the western democracies.
The air of frantic anxiety was so thick you could smell it, even through the haze of cigarette smoke.
Despite the natures of the sounds - soft unvoiced, ephemeral - there is a kind of frantic urgency throughout.
The assessment should not trigger off frantic practising, but the ward sister can arrange for the student to have the relevant experience.
Up to this point the story has been told in limp and lackluster prose, but now the tone becomes frantic and feverish.
Their soldiers are bored, the tedium relieved only by seconds of frantic danger and usually futile endeavour.
Clinicians have noted that much of the cognitive distortion of borderline individuals is a function of a frantic fear of abandonment or rejection.
Imperialism could not be understood any longer as the frantic search for 'third markets'.
The lady said, "trying to reconcile the different clocks is like this new burden, something else to get frantic about".
The ships and docks evoke departures and arrivals ; the cemetery suggests bereavements ; the crowd scenes, frantic searches for missing characters.
Las opiniones mostradas en los ejemplos no representan las opiniones de los editores de Cambridge University Press o de sus licenciantes.

Traducciones de frantic

en chino (tradicional)
非常擔心/恐懼, 發狂似的,情緒失控的, 匆忙的…
en chino (simplificado)
非常担心/恐惧, 发狂似的,情绪失控的, 匆忙的…
en español
desesperado, frenético, desesperado/ada [masculine-feminine]…
en portugués
louco, frenético, desesperado/-da…
en más idiomas
in Marathi
en turco
en francés
en japonés
in Dutch
in Tamil
in Hindi
in Gujarati
en danés
in Swedish
en malayo
en alemán
en noruego
in Urdu
in Ukrainian
en ruso
in Telugu
in Bengali
en checo
en indonesio
en tailandés
en vietnamita
en polaco
वेडेपिसे, घाईगर्दीने…
telaşla/heyecanla/düzensiz şekilde yapılmış, rastgele ele alınmış, çılgın…
frénétique, désespéré/-ée, fou d’inquiétude…
vertwijfeld, razend…
கவலை போன்ற தீவிர உணர்ச்சிகளின் காரணமாக கிட்டத்தட்ட கட்டுப்பாட்டை மீறுகிறது, அவசர கதியில் அல்லது பரபரப்பாக அல்லது குழப்ப நிலையில் செய்யப்பட்டது அல்லது ஏற்பாடு செய்யப்பட்டது…
(चिंता आदि के कारण) व्यग्र, उन्मत्त, घबराया हुआ…
પાગલ થઈ જવું, ઉન્માદી, ભગીરથ…
sanseløs, ude af sig selv, hektisk…
utom (ifrån) sig, vanvettig, hektisk…
cemas, sangat kalut…
außer sich, wahnsinnig…
panisk, frenetisk, som er ute av seg…
پاگل, سودائی, بے تحاشہ طور پر…
несамовитий, нестямний, шалений…
неистовый, сделанный в спешке, обезумевший…
ఆందోళన వంటి తీవ్రమైన భావోద్వేగం కారణంగా దాదాపు నియంత్రణలో లేదు, పూర్తి లేదా ఆతురుతలో మరియు ఉత్సాహం లేదా గందరగోళ స్థితిలో ఏర్పాటు చేయబడింది…
আনন্দ, বেদনা, উদ্বেগ ইত্যাদিতে উদ্বেল…
šílený, zoufalý, rušný…
kalut, sangat kalut…
ซึ่งเป็นกังวล, ซึ่งตื่นตระหนก…
phát điên lên vì lo lắng, dữ dội, điên cuồng…
gorączkowy, oszalały, szalony…
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Palabra del día


/ˌpɪtʃ ˈpɜː.fekt/
/ˌpɪtʃ ˈpɝː.fekt/

singing each musical note perfectly, at exactly the right pitch (= level)

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