Fighting Words! | A Critical Approach to Linguistic Transgression | Er


Fighting Words! is a critical exploration of all kinds of “bad language” and how that language shapes, reinforces, or subverts identity, ideology, and power. Eric Louis Russell expertly investigates facets of taboo language, drawing on diverse interdisciplinary material to define key concepts and using them to examine the complex dynamics behind a wide range of examples from popular culture, from Donald Trump’s controversies to Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion’s WAP.

What emerges from this analysis is the intersectionality of how language is performed and how it contributes to the shaping of identity and simultaneously shapes and is shaped by social attitudes, cultural assumptions, and systems of power with regard to race, sexuality, and gender.

With fascinating "A Closer Look" boxes and a rich array of pedagogical features, this is the perfect text for advanced students and researchers in sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology, and related fields.

chapter 1|10 pages

Rethinking Language

Foundations for Critique

chapter 2|22 pages

Languaging Transgression

"Grabbing Pussy" and "Locker Room Talk"

chapter 3|27 pages

Languaging Meaning

"Rolling Coal" and "Having Balls"

chapter 4|20 pages

Languaging Worldview

Ideology and Mythology

chapter 5|21 pages

Languaging Authority and Power

Karens in the Wild

chapter 6|21 pages

Languaging Consequence

Linguistic Performativity and Hate Speech

chapter 7|20 pages

Languaging Cancellation

The Ecology of Discourse and Hegemony

chapter 8|17 pages

Languaging Rebellion

When Pussy Grabs Back