Student Recital 04/15/2024 | Join us for this afternoon's Student Recital in Sewell-Plunkett Chapel! | By Truett McConnell University Felix Manz School of Music | Uh we have a little over two weeks left to class juries which our music students love in finals. Graduation is coming quickly. Uh a few things coming up, Thursday night is the chorale concert at First Baptist Church of Cleveland, seven o'clock. Friday night back in here is true at Hendrick Senior Recital and the next Monday night in the Harris Athletic Complex is Wind Ensemble Concert and so those things coming up. Jazz Band is then a week after that. The Tuesday night. So, a lot of things happening very quickly now to get through the semester. Um we have a longer well, it's not a long program. We just have a lot of performers today. Uh this is what happens at the end of the semester. They all gravitate toward this particular one where they got sick when they were supposed to live here. It's a lot been going on. So, we're going to get started on this and let's have a word of prayer and then we'll just move on through this recital. Father, we give you thanks for this afternoon. We look forward to these performances. I'll be with the students now as they share, calm their nerves, give them clear minds, voices, help them with their instruments. We're just grateful that you continue to prepare us for the ministry you've called us to. In Jesus name, amen. Fought for reachable sorrow