International degree programs

Degree programs

Degree programs

International degree programs

International degree programs HU

Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) offers a wide range of degree programs to international students who intend to obtain a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree at ELTE and who want to complete the entire program in English at ELTE in Budapest, Hungary. Courses of the programs are in English. Courses for philology degree programs in foreign languages at the Faculty of Humanities are always offered in the given language. The language of instruction and the language requirements of a particular program are indicated in the description of the given program.

The degree programs are accredited by the Hungarian Accreditation Committee. Diplomas issued at ELTE are acknowledged worldwide and course credits are transferable in all countries of the European Union.

As member of various consortia, ELTE also offers joint degree programs together with other European universities. Students of a joint degree program complete their studies at ELTE in Budapest (at least one semester) and at other member universities in the consortium (at least one semester).

Certain study programs at ELTE also offer pre-university programs, which are built up of special preparatory courses in the preparatory year. A successfully completed pre-university program is acknowledged with a certificate.

If you want to read more about the degree programs offered to international students at ELTE, look for a suitable program and read about how to apply and about the experience of our international students. If you have any specific questions, ask us directly.

If you are a student at another university and want to study at ELTE as an exchange student for one or two semesters, read about the possibilities here. Courses offered to exchange students in foreign languages can be found here.

In case you are eligible to certain conditions, you can apply for a scholarship covering your tuition fee or even more costs of your studies at ELTE. Tempus Public Foundation is offering you Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme and Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship Programme, while Hungary Helps is offering you Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People. Read about the process of application on the provided links.