drum - English-Spanish Dictionary - WordReference.com


UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈdrʌm/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/drʌm/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(drum)

Inflections of 'drum' (v): (⇒ conjugate)
v 3rd person singular
v pres p
v past
v past p

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Principal Translations
drum n (percussion instrument)tambor nm
 Dan beat the drum slowly.
 Dan golpeaba el tambor lentamente.
drums npl (percussion instrument)batería nf
  percusión nf
 Geoff plays drums and guitar.
 Geoff toca batería y guitarra.
the drums npl (percussion: in a band)la batería nf
 Sally plays the drums in a rock and roll band.
 Sally toca la batería en una banda de rock and roll.
drum n (part of washing machine, etc.)tambor nm
  cilindro nm
 Melanie switched on the washing machine and the drum began to turn.
 Melanie prendió la lavadora y el tambor empezó a girar.
drum n (barrel, cylindrical container)tambor nm
  barril nm
 The beer was stored in drums.
 La cerveza estaba almacenada en tambores.
drum [sth] vtr (tap: fingers on [sth])tamborilear vtr
  dar toquecitos con los dedos loc verb
 Linda always drums her fingers when she's thinking.
 Linda siempre tamborilea los dedos cuando piensa.
drum [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep (tap fingers)tamborilear sobre, tamborilear en vtr + prep
 Adam drummed his fingers on the table.
 Adam tamborileó los dedos sobre la mesa.
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Additional Translations
drum n (drumming sound)repiqueteo nm
  (instrumento)redoble nm
 Glenn lay awake, listening to the drum of rain on the roof.
 Glenn permaneció despierto escuchando el repiqueteo de la lluvia en el tejado.
drum n (ear membrane)tímpano nm
 An object had entered the ear and pierced the drum.
 Un objeto entró en el oído y rompió el tímpano.
drum vi (music: play beat, rhythm)tocar el tambor loc verb
  tocar la batería loc verb
 The musician was drumming.
 El músico estaba tocando el tambor.
drum vi figurative (rain: make rhythmic sound)repiquetear vtr
 Rain drummed against the window.
 La lluvia repiqueteaba contra la ventana.
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Locuciones verbales
drum [sth] in vtr phrasal sep (instill by repetition) (figurado, coloquial)machacar vtr
  martillear vtr
 The teacher made her pupils recite their seven times table over and over to drum it in.
 La profesora machacó la tabla del siete a sus alumnos y los hizo repetirla una y otra vez.
drum [sth] into [sb] vtr phrasal sep (instill by repetition) (figurado)machacar algo a loc verb
  (figurado)meter algo a los golpes a loc verb
 The teacher was trying to drum the information into the students.
drum up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (obtain or produce)suscitar vtr
 The company ran lots of TV commercials to drum up interest in their product.
 La compañía difundió muchos comerciales de TV para suscitar interés en el producto.
  fomentar vtr
 La compañía difundió muchos comerciales de TV para fomentar el consumo del producto.
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Compound Forms:
bass drum n (large percussion instrument) (música: batería)bombo nm
 Peter struck the bass drum vigourously.
 Pedro le daba al bombo con fuerza.
beat the drum for [sth] v expr figurative (promote) (figurado)batir el parche de loc verb
  (AR, figurado)hacer bombo expr
  (figurado)vender la idea de loc verb
  proclamar vtr
 The environmental activist goes around the world beating the drum for energy reform.
 El activista ambiental va por mundo batiendo el parche de la reforma energética.
bongo drum n (small hand drum)bongó nm
 My favorite Cuban percussion instrument is the bongo drum.
brake drum n (part of car braking system)tambor de freno loc nom m
 Evelyn took her car to the garage to get the brake drums replaced.
drum brake n (automobile: type of brake)freno de tambor loc nom m
drum [sth] into [sb]'s head v expr (instill by repetition) (figurado)machacar a alguien con loc verb
 Our father, a clever but uneducated man, always drummed into our heads the importance of a good education.
 Nuestro padre, un hombre sabio pero sin educación, siempre nos machacó con la importancia de una buena educación.
drum machine n (electronic instrument: imitates drum)caja de ritmos loc nom f
  caja rítmica loc nom f
drum major n (band leader)bastonero nm
 The drum major was leading the band down the parade route.
 El bastonero guiaba a la banda por la ruta del desfile.
drum music n (percussive music played on drums)percusión nf
 El tema tiene un largo fragmento que es sólo de percusión.
drum [sb] out of [sth] v expr (dismiss in disgrace)expulsar a alguien de loc verb
 Edward was drummed out of the Corps following the incident.
drum roll,
(fast continuous drumming)redoble de tambor nm
 There was a drum roll before the winners were announced.
 Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Lo anunciaron con un redoble de tambor.
drum set,
drum kit
(kit consisting of several drums)batería nf
 It's always noisy at my house now; my brother got a drum set for his birthday.
 Los vecinos se han quejado del ruido que hace al tocar la batería.
freshwater drum n (fish)roncador de agua dulce loc nom m
kick drum n (bass drum)bombo de pedal nm + loc adj
drum majorette
(female leader of marching band) (voz francesa)majorette nf
  tambor mayor loc nom f
drum majorette
(female baton-twirler) (voz francesa)majorette nf
  (AmL)batonista nf
oil drum n (metal drum for oil)bidón de aceite nm + loc adj
  barril de petróleo nm + loc adj
red drum (fish)corvina roja loc nom f
  corvinón ocelado loc nom m
snare drum,
side drum
(percussion) (ES)caja nf
  (AR)redoblante nm
  (MX)tarola nf
 Tim played a drum roll on the snare drum.
 Tim tocó un redoble en la caja.
steel drum n (music: percussion instrument)tambor metálico loc nom m
  steelband, steeldrum nm
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'drum' aparece también en las siguientes entradas:
In the English description:

Collocations: the drum [size, contents, type], [bought, got] a new drum [kit, set], plays in the drum [section, line], more...

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