Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - GCSE English Literature - BBC Bitesize
  • Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

    • Plot summary - AQA

      Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a about the complexities of science and the duplicity of human nature. Dr Jekyll is a well-respected and intelligent scientist who meddles with the darker side of science.

    • Characters - AQA

      Through the third person narrative structure the reader is positioned with Mr Utterson for most of the story, unravelling the clues to the mysterious connection between Jekyll and Hyde alongside the lawyer. The final chapters are told from the perspective of his friend, Dr Lanyon and then Dr Jekyll himself.

    • Themes - AQA

      A theme is a key idea that runs through a text. The key themes in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde are scientific development, duality of mankind and the supernatural verus nature debate.

    • Form, structure and language - AQA

      The form, structure and language reveals how Stevenson presented his novel to his readers - his intentions and what he was trying to make the reader think and feel.

    • Sample exam question - AQA

      An example of the type of question you might be asked in the exam and how best to approach it.
