Dorothea Goff - Public Records

Found 4 results for
Dorothea Goff

Presumed owner of the real estate located at 527 Leisure Pl, Lakeland
(954) 856-9561

Last Name Possible Variations

People sometimes make mistakes in spelling last names. Below you will find a list of surnames similar to Dorothea Goff that were found in public records

Alter Last NameFull NamePersons Count Share
GossDorothea Goss 232.47%
GroffDorothea Groff 110.12%
SmithDorothea Smith2174.04%
GrossDorothea Gross103.93%
WilliamsDorothea Williams1513.23%
JohnsonDorothea Johnson2122.74%
JonesDorothea Jones1352.39%
DavisDorothea Davis611.93%
GaffDorothea Gaff11.87%
BrownDorothea Brown1211.74%
MillerDorothea Miller1051.55%
McDorothea Mc21.46%
LeeDorothea Lee421.41%
JacksonDorothea Jackson641.38%
GoughDorothea Gough51.36%
WilsonDorothea Wilson761.36%

This surname is found in public records in various versions, some of which are Golf, Gott, Off, Guff, Goft, Goffjr, Coff, Golff, Geoff

First name Dorothea was ranked 2457 in the United States in 2020, according to the SSA. See historical data and popularity analysis for Dorothea.

Looking for another Goff?

808 persons, age 27 to 100
603 persons, age 25 to 91
581 persons, age 29 to 101
575 persons, age 25 to 102
566 persons, age 26 to 102
526 persons, age 26 to 102
389 persons, age 25 to 103
366 persons, age 25 to 98
315 persons, age 26 to 103
280 persons, age 26 to 100 aggregates public records to analyze the US cities, their social demography, and business environment. We cannot guarantee the accuracy, correctness and/or timeliness of the data. Therefore, cannot be used for any purpose covered by the FCRA

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