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Last Updated: Saturday, 24 January, 2004, 22:10 GMT
Report 'dispels Diana theories'
Diana and Dodi

A French police report scotches conspiracy theories over Princess Diana's death, a newspaper says.

A dossier on the 1997 crash shows why a French judge ruled her car crashed because her driver was drunk and drove too fast, the Daily Mail reports.

It says Paul Henri was far over the drink-drive limit and nothing could be done to save Diana and Dodi Fayed.

Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir John Stevens will study the report as part of his probe into the crash.

A summary of the French inquiry was released in 1999.

Diana had no chance of making it. The accident was too violent.
Ambulance official quoted in report
But author Martyn Gregory said he had seen the full 6,000-page police report during his research for a television documentary on Diana's death in Paris.

Writing in the Mail, Mr Gregory said he believed the confidential dossier would be "the determining influence" in the inquest into Diana's death.

Diana was killed with Dodi Fayed and their driver after their car hit an underpass pillar.

The only survivor was bodyguard Trevor Rees-Jones who was seriously injured.

There has been widespread speculation over the crash which was further fuelled when the Daily Mirror reported two weeks ago that Diana alleged in a letter to her butler, Paul Burrell, that Prince Charles was behind a plot to kill her.

Claims dispelled

Dodi's father Mohamed Al Fayed has continued to allege Diana was killed in a deliberate plot with his son because their relationship was embarrassing the royal household.

But Mr Gregory, who has written two books about Diana's death, said the dossier dispels many of the conspiracy claims.

He said the report refutes claims that an ambulance which took Diana to hospital was deliberately driven slowly and rumours that she may have been pregnant.

The 1997 crash killed Diana, Dodi and their driver
The 1997 crash killed Diana, Dodi and their driver
Mr Gregory said medics quoted in the dossier said Diana's medical problems meant she was too ill for the ambulance to go faster.

Mr Gregory said the report also disproved claims the blood samples which showed Paul was three times over the French drink-drive limit had been switched or taken from another body.

Sir John Stevens is overseeing the investigation into the deaths of Diana, her lover Dodi Al Fayed and their chauffeur Henri Paul.

Coroner Michael Burgess ordered the inquiry as he opened and adjourned an inquest into Diana's death on 6 January.

graphic of the route Diana and Dodi took and the crash itself
Diana and Dodi's journey began when they left the Ritz hotel in a Mercedes driven by Henri Paul
They travelled west along the bank of the Seine and into the underpass beneath the Place de l'Alma
As the car entered the tunnel it struck the righthand wall
It then crossed two lanes of traffic and hit the 13th pillar supporting the tunnel roof
The crumpled vehicle then span round and came to a halt

The theory about conspiracies
06 Jan 04  |  Magazine


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