DENIAL | definizione, significato - che cosa è DENIAL nel dizionario Inglese - Cambridge Dictionary

Significato di denial in inglese

Esempi di denial

The platform could also be inundated by denial of service attacks.
Idealizing the positive defensive and protective aspects of warriorhood may also involve a denial of the destructive, senseless realities of modern warfare.
He adopts an interactional footing in which he is merely relaying denials previously expressed by himself and others.
These elements combine to create a profile that is an outright denial of the semiotics of the meyhanes and the luxury seafood restaurants.
It can be suggested that denial of access to adequate physical mobility is a contributory factor within each of these dimensions of exclusion.
Indeed, it is exactly the sort of denial that prompted the formulation of the neutrality thesis in the first place.
There is often a culture of denial within some cultures toward mental illness.
So a global denial of their veridicality would amount to an ontological claim that is, if not synonymous with atheism, at least antagonistic to theism.
Their feeling of security was a self-deception, they were effacing an aspect of reality, a phenomenon which, in clinical psychiatry, is labelled denial.
While relying on established method, simultaneously there is fluidity in treatment, for example denial is accepted if it helps achieve the goals.
What most obviously differentiates the two lexemes is the sense of denial of some prior point of view that each gives rise to.
It is a denial of life camouflaged as an acceptance of life.
Figurative thinking can hardly be subsumed under the generic category of denial.
In such a system, the judge's discretionary powers are limitless, and their arbitrariness would entail a denial of basic human rights.
The reconstruction of old age as a time of agelessness is the epitome of such denial.
Qualsiasi opinione presente negli esempi non rappresenta l’opinione degli editor di Cambridge Dictionary o di Cambridge University Press, né dei loro licenziatari.

Collocazioni con denial


Queste parole sono spesso utilizzate in combinazione con denial.

Clicca su una collocazione per vedere più esempi.

categorical denial
This is in contrast to the categorical denial of any meaningful change, discussed above.
complete denial
Members of the group expressed diverse reactions to their ageing, from complete denial to acute awareness.
denial of access
It can be suggested that denial of access to adequate physical mobility is a contributory factor within each of these dimensions of exclusion.
Questi esempi provengono dal Cambridge English Corpus e da fonti internet. Qualsiasi opinione presente negli esempi non rappresenta l’opinione degli editor di Cambridge Dictionary o di Cambridge University Press, né dei loro licenziatari.

Traduzioni di denial

in cinese (tradizionale)
不對, 否認,否定, (某人)否認(做過某事)…
in cinese (simplificato)
不对, 否认,否定, (某人)否认(做过某事)…
in spagnolo
negación, negativa, negación [feminine]…
in portoghese
negativa, negação, negação [feminine]…
in italiano
negazione, rifiuto, smentita…
in altre lingue
in giapponese
in turco
in francese
in catalano
in arabo
in ceco
in danese
in indonesiano
in thailandese
in vietnamita
in polacco
in malese
in tedesco
in norvegese
in coreano
in Ukrainian
in russo
inkâr, yalanlama, red…
démenti [masculine], dénégation [feminine], reniement [masculine]…
negació, negativa…
إنكار, رَفض…
popření, odmítnutí…
benægtelse, dementi, afvisning…
bantahan, penolakan…
การไม่ยอมรับ, การปฎิเสธ…
sự phủ nhận, sự từ chối…
zaprzeczenie, pozbawienie, odmowa…
penafian, sangkalan…
das Leugnen, die Ablehnung…
nektelse [masculine], benektelse [masculine], fornektelse [masculine]…
заперечення, відмова…
отрицание, отказ…
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a metal object, usually with a part shaped like an arrow, that is put on top of a high building and turns to show which way the wind is blowing from

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