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beloved, cherished; greatly valued: The old photographs are dear to her.
Not to be confused with:
deer – hoofed ruminant mammal: The deer stood motionless in the forest.
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree

dear 1

adj. dear·er, dear·est
a. Loved and cherished: my dearest friend.
b. Greatly valued; precious: lost everything dear to them.
2. Highly esteemed or regarded. Used in direct address, especially in salutations: Dear Lee Dawson.
a. High-priced; expensive.
b. Charging high prices.
4. Earnest; ardent: "This good man was a dear lover and constant practicer of angling" (Izaak Walton).
5. Obsolete Noble; worthy.
6. Heartfelt: It is my dearest wish.
1. A person who is greatly loved. Often used as a form of address.
2. An endearing, lovable, or kind person: What a dear she is!
1. With fondness; affectionately.
2. At a high cost: sold their wares dear.
Used as a polite exclamation, chiefly of surprise or distress: oh dear; dear me.

[Middle English dere, from Old English dēore.]

dear′ly adv.
dear′ness n.

dear 2

Severe; grievous; sore: our dearest need.

[Middle English dere, from Old English dēor.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. beloved; precious
2. used in conventional forms of address preceding a title or name, as in Dear Sir or my dear Mr Smith
3. (foll by: to) important; close: a wish dear to her heart.
a. highly priced
b. charging high prices
5. appealing or pretty: what a dear little ring!.
6. for dear life urgently or with extreme vigour or desperation
used in exclamations of surprise or dismay, such as Oh dear! and dear me!
(often used in direct address) someone regarded with affection and tenderness; darling
dearly: his errors have cost him dear.
[Old English dēore; related to Old Norse dӯrr]
ˈdearness n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



adj. , -er, -est,
n., adv., interj. adj.
1. beloved; loved.
2. (used in the salutation of a letter as an expression of affection or respect or as a conventional greeting): Dear Sir or Madam.
3. cherished: our dearest possessions.
4. heartfelt: no dearer wish.
5. expensive.
6. Obs. worthy.
7. a kind or generous person.
8. a beloved one.
9. (sometimes cap.) an affectionate or familiar term of address (sometimes offensive when used to a stranger, subordinate, etc.)
10. dearly; fondly.
11. at a high price: I paid dear for that painting.
12. (used as an exclamation of surprise, distress, etc.).
[before 900; Middle English dere, Old English dēore]
dear′ly, adv.
dear′ness, n.
usage: Definition 12 is an affectionate term of address used to a child, sweetheart, etc. However, when used in the workplace or in social interactions with strangers, it is sometimes perceived as insulting.



adj. -er, -est. Archaic.
hard; grievous.
[before 1000; Middle English dere, Old English dēor brave, bold, severe]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.dear - a beloved persondear - a beloved person; used as terms of endearment
lover - a person who loves someone or is loved by someone
2.dear - a sweet innocent mild-mannered person (especially a child)
inexperienced person, innocent - a person who lacks knowledge of evil
Adj.1.dear - dearly loveddear - dearly loved        
loved - held dear; "his loved companion of many years"
2.dear - with or in a close or intimate relationship; "a good friend"; "my sisters and brothers are near and dear"
close - close in relevance or relationship; "a close family"; "we are close sympathy with..."; "close kin"; "a close resemblance"
3.dear - earnest; "one's dearest wish"; "devout wishes for their success"; "heartfelt condolences"
sincere - open and genuine; not deceitful; "he was a good man, decent and sincere"; "felt sincere regret that they were leaving"; "sincere friendship"
4.dear - having a high price; "costly jewelry"; "high-priced merchandise"; "much too dear for my pocketbook"; "a pricey restaurant"
expensive - high in price or charging high prices; "expensive clothes"; "an expensive shop"
Adv.1.dear - with affectiondear - with affection; "she loved him dearly"; "he treats her affectionately"
2.dear - at a great cost; "he paid dearly for the food"; "this cost him dear"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. beloved, close, valued, favourite, respected, prized, dearest, sweet, treasured, precious, darling, intimate, esteemed, cherished, revered Mrs Cavendish is a dear friend of mine.
beloved hated, disliked
2. (Brit. informal) expensive, costly, high-priced, excessive, pricey (informal), at a premium, overpriced, exorbitant Don't buy that one - it's too dear.
expensive cheap, inexpensive, worthless
3. charming, appealing, winning, pleasing, attractive, engaging, lovely, pleasant, fetching, delightful, cute, irresistible, captivating, bewitching, winsome, cutesy (informal, chiefly U.S.), likable or likeable the joy of seeing the looks on their dear little faces
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. Regarded with much love and tenderness:
2. Bringing a high price:
A person who is much loved:
Informal: sweetie.
Idiom: light of one's life.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
حَبيب، عَزيزشَخْص عَزيزشَخْص مَحْبوبعَزِيزعَزيزي
drahýmilýmůj božeVáženýdrahý/drahá
dyrkæreskatdyrebar forih nej altså
æ, æ!, ja hérna!dÿrelskan, væniháttvirti, kæriinnilegur
brangusisgerbiamasismielas žmoguso Dieve!oi!
dārgaisdārgsgodātais kungs!jauksjauks/mīļš cilvēks
pahalısevgilisevimli/cana yakın kimseYaa!sayın
đắt đỏthân yêu


A. ADJ (dearer (compar) (dearest (superl)))
1. (= loved) → querido
she's a very dear friend of minees una amiga mía muy querida
my dearest friendmi amigo más querido, mi amigo del alma
2. (= lovable) he's a dear boy, but rather impetuouses un chico muy majo, pero un poco impulsivo
what a dear little boy!¡este niño es un encanto!
what a dear little necklace that is!¡qué bonita que es esa gargantilla!
3. (= precious) it's my dearest wishes mi mayor deseo
to hold sth dearapreciar algo
the values and beliefs which our society holds dearlos valores y las creencias que nuestra sociedad aprecia
I had to leave everything I held most deartuve que dejar atrás todas las cosas que más quería
his family life was very dear to himsu familia era muy importante para él
your country is very dear to metengo su país en mucha estima
it is a subject dear to her heartes uno de sus temas preferidos
see also life A2
4. (in letter writing) Dear DaddyQuerido papá
Dear PeterEstimado Peter; (to closer friend) → Querido Peter
Dear Mr/Mrs SmithEstimado Sr./Estimada Sra. Smith; (more formally) → Distinguido Sr./Distinguida Sra. Smith
Dear Mr and Mrs SmithEstimados señores (de) Smith
Dear MadamEstimada Señora, Muy señora mía, De mi/nuestra consideración (esp LAm)
Dear Sir(s)Estimado(s) Señor(es), Muy señor(es) mío(s), De mi/nuestra consideración (esp LAm)
Dear Sir or MadamEstimado Señor(a)
5. (form of address) → querido
my dear fellow, I won't hear of it (o.f.) → amigo mío or mi querido amigo, ni se le ocurra
my dear girl, nothing could be further from the truthquerida, estás muy equivocada
6. (= expensive) [product, shop, price] → caro
dear money (Fin) → dinero m caro
B. EXCL dear, dear, have you hurt your knee?¡ay, mi niño! ¿te has hecho daño en la rodilla?
dear me, it's nearly one o'clock!¡madre mía, es casi la una!
oh dear, we're going to be latevaya hombre or vaya por Dios, vamos a llegar tarde
dear, oh dear, look at the mess you're in!ay, Dios mío or qué horror, ¡mira qué desastre vienes hecho!
C. N (as form of address) → cariño m
come along, dearven, cariño
would you be a dear and pass me my book?anda, sé bueno y pásame el libro
(you) poor dear!¡pobrecito!
he's such a deares un cielo, es un encanto
D. ADV [sell, buy, pay] → caro
it cost me dear (fig) → me costó caro
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= beloved) [friend] → cher(chère); [thing] → cher(chère)
She's a dear friend of mine → C'est une amie très chère.
(in letter) Dear Sir/Madam → Monsieur/Madame
Dear Mr Green → Cher Monsieur Green
Dear Mrs Duval → Chère Madame Duval
(= important) to be dear to sb → être cher à qn(chère)
to be dear to sb's heart → tenir à cœur à qn
(= expensive) → cher(chère), coûteux/euse
my dear → mon cher(ma chère)
to cost sb dear (= have serious consequences for) → coûter cher à qn
dear me! → mon Dieu!
oh dear → oh mon Dieu
dear, dear, dear → oh là là
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


adj (+er)
(= loved)lieb, teuer (liter); I hold him/it dearer/es ist mir lieb und teuer; she is a dear friend of minesie ist eine sehr gute Freundin von mir; it is dear to my heartes liegt mir sehr am Herzen; that is my dearest wishdas ist mein sehnlichster or innigster Wunsch; my dear fellowmein lieber Freund; you are very dear to medu bist mir lieb und teuer; these memories are very dear to himdiese Erinnerungen sind ihm teuer
(= lovable, sweet) childlieb, süß, reizend; thingsüß, entzückend, reizend; what a dear little dress/baby/kittenwas für ein süßes or entzückendes Kleidchen/Kind/Kätzchen!
(in letter-writing etc) dear Daddy/Johnlieber Vati/John!; dear Sirsehr geehrter Herr X!; dear Madamsehr geehrte Frau X!; dear Sir or Madamsehr geehrte Damen und Herren!; dear Mr Kempsehr geehrter Herr Kemp!; (less formal) → lieber Herr Kemp!; Dear John letter (esp US inf) → Abschiedsbrief m
(= expensive) goods, shopteuer; priceshoch; to get dearer (goods)teuer werden
interj dear dear!, dear me!(ach) du liebe Zeit!, (du) meine Güte!; oh dear!oje!, ach du meine Güte or du liebe Zeit!
n hello/thank you dearhallo/vielen Dank; Robert dear(mein lieber) Robert; yes, dear (husband to wife etc) → ja, Schätzchen or Liebling; Edward, my dearmein lieber Edward; my dearestmeine Teuerste (geh), → mein Teuerster (geh), → (meine) Liebste, (mein) Liebster; are you being served, dear? (inf)werden Sie schon bedient?; give it to me, there’s a dear (Brit inf) → gib es mir, sei (doch) so lieb or gut; be a dear (inf)sei so lieb or gut; poor deardie Arme, der Arme; your mother is a dear (inf)deine Mutter ist ein Engel (inf)or richtig lieb; her little boy is such a dearihr kleiner Junge ist so ein süßer Knopf (inf); this old dear came up to me (Brit) → dieses Muttchen kam zu mir her (inf)
adv (lit, fig) buy, pay, sellteuer; this will cost them deardas wird sie teuer zu stehen kommen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. adj (-er (comp) (-est (superl)))
a. (loved, lovable) → caro/a
I hold it very dear → mi è molto caro
my dearest wish → il mio più ardente desiderio
what a dear little boy! → che amore di bambino!
a dear little cottage → una casetta deliziosa
b. (in letter writing) Dear Daddy/PeterCaro papà/Peter
Dearest Paul → Carissimo Paul
Dear Mr/Mrs Smith → Gentile Signor/Signora Smith
Dear Mr and Mrs Smith → Gentili Signori Smith
Dear Sir/Madam → Egregio Signore/Gentile Signora
c. (expensive) → caro/a
dear money (Comm) → denaro ad alto interesse
2. excl oh dear!oh Dio!, mamma mia!
dear me! → Dio mio!
3. ncaro/a
my dear → caro/a mio/a
my dearest → amore mio
(you) poor dear! → poverino!
he's a dear! (fam) → è un tesoro!
post this letter for me, there's a dear (fam) → sii gentile, imbucami questa lettera
4. advcaro to pay dear for sthpagare caro qc
he bought his freedom dear → la sua libertà gli è costata cara
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(diə) adjective
1. high in price. Cabbages are very dear this week.
2. very lovable. He is such a dear little boy.
3. (with to) much loved. She is very dear to me.
4. used as a polite way of addressing someone, especially in a letter. Dear Sir.
1. a person who is lovable or charming. He is such a dear!
2. a person who is loved or liked (especially used to address someone). Come in, dear.
ˈdearly adverb
very much or very strongly. I would dearly like to see you; She loved him dearly.
dear, dear! / oh dear!
mild expressions of regret, sorrow, pity etc. Oh dear! I've forgotten my key.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


عَزِيز, غَالٍ drahý, milovaný dyr, kære lieb, teuer αγαπητός, πολύτιμος caro, costoso, querido kallis, rakas cher dragi, skup caro, costoso 親愛な, 高価な 비싼, 사랑하는 dierbaar, duur dyr, kjær drogi, kochany caro, custoso, querido дорогой dyr, kär ซึ่งเป็นที่รักยิ่ง, มีราคาสูง pahalı, sevgili đắt đỏ, thân yêu 亲爱的, 昂贵的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


a. querido-a; estimado-a.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in classic literature ?
'Dear man!' said the spinster, as the door closed after him.
'My dear Louisa,' said her father, 'I prepared you last night to give me your serious attention in the conversation we are now going to have together.
"Come in good time, my dear Duchess," said Ribby's letter, "and we will have something so very nice.
'Dear me, Ma,' said Bella; 'you talk as if one was just born!'
yes, on the king's costumes; I know that, my dear Monsieur Percerin.
"Oh, you may laugh, doctor, dear, but it would be no laughing matter."
You must allow me to salute you--the custom of the country, my dear madam--your daughter too.'
Come, my dear Emma, let us be friends, and say no more about it.
"I have heard of you, my dear sir, "continued the stranger, "and of your misfortune." He seemed to emphasize the last word, as if to say- "Yes, misfortune!
'You are very kind.--Rosa, my dear, you will be under no restraint, I am sure.'
There was nothing to do, and he would do it charmingly; there was a handsome salary to draw, and he would draw it charmingly; it was a delightful, appropriate, capital appointment; and he almost forgave the donor his slight of himself, in his joy that the dear donkey for whom he had so great an affection was so admirably stabled.
George, my dear friend," says Grandfather Smallweed, removing his right arm from the neck of one of his bearers, whom he has nearly throttled coming along, "how de do?