Corning : plus de 100 questions d'entretien avec réponses | Glassdoor
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Questions d'entretien chez Corning

Mis à jour le 21 déc. 2023

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Résultat : 388 entretiens sur plus de 388

Entretiens chez Corning

2,9/5 Difficulté

Expérience d'entretien

62 %Positive
Négative17 %

Comment d’autres personnes ont décroché un entretien

52 %
Candidature en ligne
Candidature en ligne
13 %
Recrutement à l'université
Recrutement à l'université
13 %

Entretiens pour les meilleurs postes chez Corning


Candidat anonyme à un entretien, Raleigh, NC

Aucune offre d'embauche
Expérience positive
Entretien moyen

J'ai postulé en ligne. Le processus a pris 1 semaine. J'ai passé un entretien chez Corning (Raleigh, NC) en nov. 2023


First round had a phone call with HR, lasted about 10 min. Some basic questions about past experience, skill sets, knowledge about the company, salary expectation, etc. Second round was with hiring manager, lasted about 30 minutes.

Questions d'entretien
  • Why Corning, why this role
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Candidat anonyme à un entretien, Charlotte, NC

Aucune offre d'embauche
Expérience négative
Entretien facile

J'ai postulé en ligne. J'ai passé un entretien chez Corning (Charlotte, NC) en nov. 2023


I received a phone call about a month after I applied for an on the spot interview. I was then chosen for a second round video with the hiring manager. Both interviews were pleasant and I felt like a strong candidate for the role. However I struggled to get in contact with my recruiter and attempted multiple times to get an update and feedback on my interview. After a month of no response for my follow up emails, I contacted the company through their corporate contact page explaining the situation. A few days later I got an automated rejection email. I would have liked more transparency and responsiveness for this role.

Questions d'entretien
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Candidat anonyme à un entretien, Newark, NJ

Aucune offre d'embauche
Expérience positive
Entretien moyen

J'ai postulé en ligne. J'ai passé un entretien chez Corning (Newark, NJ)


The interview process consisted of three rounds: one technical interview and two behavioral interviews. Each interview was relatively straightforward and went smoothly. Notably, every interview was allocated a very short time frame of only 3 minutes. Here's a breakdown of the different elements: Technical Interview: This was the first round, and it likely focused on assessing your technical skills and knowledge related to the job or industry you were interviewing for. Technical interviews often involve solving problems or answering questions related to the specific field. Behavioral Interviews: These comprised the second and third rounds. Behavioral interviews are designed to evaluate your interpersonal and soft skills, as well as your ability to fit into the company culture. They often involve questions about your past experiences, teamwork, and how you handle various situations. Three-Minute Duration: The most unusual aspect of this interview process was the extremely short time allocated for each interview, just 3 minutes. This suggests that the interviews were conducted in a very time-efficient manner, potentially focusing on key questions or a quick assessment of your abilities. Overall, this description highlights the brevity and simplicity of the interview process, with a focus on both technical and behavioral aspects in a fast-paced setting.

Questions d'entretien
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Employé anonyme, Sunnyvale, CA

Offre acceptée
Expérience positive
Entretien moyen

J'ai postulé en ligne. J'ai passé un entretien chez Corning (Sunnyvale, CA)


Started with a phone screen with recruiter. Second, had a Zoom call with potential manager. Later on had an onsite interview lasting most of the day with various team members

Questions d'entretien
1 personne a trouvé ce retour d'entretien utile


Candidat anonyme à un entretien, New York, NY

Aucune offre d'embauche
Expérience positive
Entretien facile

J'ai postulé en ligne. J'ai passé un entretien chez Corning (New York, NY)


It was a screening call and lasted for like 20 min. It was just to know if you can fit their job requirements before moving on to set up technical interviews.

Questions d'entretien
  • The first screening call lasted about 20 min and consisted of questions related to tell me about yourself, about current work, the earliest joining date, relocation assistance, visa status, etc. The job desired the candidate to have lab experience and so, some emphasis in the screening call was given to prior hands-on experience with the related equipment and lab experience.
1 personne a trouvé ce retour d'entretien utile


Candidat anonyme à un entretien, Taichung

Offre déclinée
Expérience positive
Entretien facile

J'ai passé un entretien chez Corning (Taichung)


Step0. apply position Step1. HR phone call with few minutes Step2. onsite interview with two team around 3 people in a hour Step3. offer call with HR Reply them your decision

Questions d'entretien
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Employé anonyme

Offre acceptée
Expérience positive
Entretien moyen

J'ai passé un entretien chez Corning


Went through the basic questions with a recruiter. After you get interviewed by fellow colleagues to see if you are a good fit for the company. Overall, pleasant interview experience

Questions d'entretien
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Candidat à l'entretien anonyme

Aucune offre d'embauche
Expérience neutre
Entretien moyen

J'ai postulé via un recruteur. Le processus a pris 4 semaines. J'ai passé un entretien chez Corning en mai 2023


Met a recruiter to move onto other rounds of interviews. Met with the hiring manager, directors, and had to go into person at corporate building. This was Multiple phone calls, web calls with many managers you'd be working with on tasks.

Questions d'entretien
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Candidat anonyme à un entretien, New York, NY

Aucune offre d'embauche
Expérience positive
Entretien moyen

J'ai passé un entretien chez Corning (New York, NY)


Multiple rounds of interviews: Started with HR interview screen, followed by hiring manager, then group Sales Director, then Sales VP. I also had two additional interviews with another VP then the BU GM

Questions d'entretien
  • Typical questions about strengths, explaining examples of successes or turning a failure into a success.
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Candidat à l'entretien anonyme

Aucune offre d'embauche
Expérience positive
Entretien moyen

J'ai passé un entretien chez Corning


Multi step zoom, unclear whether or not there were more rounds after the 3 I was in. Overall standard competence based interview and personality interviews with several senior members of the HR team globally

Questions d'entretien
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1 - 10 sur 388 Entretiens

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Photos chez Corning

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Photo Corning de : Corning HQ
Photo Corning de : Corning Interns
Photo Corning de : Gorilla Glass Manufacturing
Photo Corning de : Corning HQ
Photo Corning de : Corning, NY
Photo Corning de : Erwin Plant
Photo Corning de : Corning Interns
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