Crime | Definition, Types & Categories - Lesson |
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Crime | Definition, Types & Categories

Rachel Payne Gill, Jessica Schubert
  • Author
    Rachel Payne Gill

    Rachel Payne Gill is a World Cultures teacher, and has her Master's in Education from Lamar university. She attended the Business school at the University of Houston where she received her Bachelor's in Business Administration. She is certified to teacher Math, Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts for levels EC-8th grade. She has been a classroom teacher for more than 16 years and currently works at an international baccalaureate middle school located in Houston, TX.

  • Instructor
    Jessica Schubert

    Jessica is a practicing attorney and has taught law and has a J.D. and LL.M.

Learn about the different types of crimes and criminals. Also, understand the most common types of crimes, the history of crime, and views on crime and criminals. Updated: 11/21/2023
Frequently Asked Questions

What are the top ten most common crimes?

The top ten most common crimes committed in the United States are theft, burglary, auto theft, aggravated assault, robbery, basic assault, indecent exposure, trespassing, petty theft, public intoxication

What is the legal definition of crime?

A crime is an illegal act that is punishable by the government; an offense that merits community condemnation and punishment, usually by way of fine or imprisonment

What is Crime? Crime is a term that encompasses illegal acts in which someone can be punished by the government. An example of a crime is robbery. Robbery is when someone takes items from another person by force. Since this act is unlawful, it is considered a crime with a subsequent legal punishment. There are different categories of crime which determine the severity of punishment.

What is Crime?


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Coming up next: Categories of Crime | Definition & Examples

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  • 0:01 Definition of Crime
  • 1:35 Categories of Crime
  • 3:28 Types of Crime
  • 5:13 Views on Crime
  • 6:54 Lesson Summary

The idea of crime being punishable dates to Hammurabi's code, a Babylonian set of laws created during the rule of King Hammurabi from approximately 1792-1750 B.C.E. Hammurabi's code is the earliest known set of laws, consisting of 282 laws, for the public to follow. This set of laws had very specific instructions on what the punishment was for each law if broken and was based on the idea of eye for an eye. Hammurabi's code was known to be very extreme within punishment. However, as noted above, today there are different categories of crime that dictate the severity of punishment.

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There are three views on crime: consensus, conflict, and interactionist. The consensus theory on crime is that everyone should have a relatively similar concept of what is considered, as far as social behavior, to be right or wrong. With this viewpoint, it is suggested that if a person commits a crime, it is a result of being raised with flawed values. The conflict theory on crime is that people are treated differently within different class statuses. With this viewpoint, it is suggested that a person commits a crime based on being subjected to social, political, or economic inequalities. The interactionist theory on crime is that the determination as to whether an act is considered a crime is relative to a given community. With this viewpoint, it is suggested that a deviant act may or may not be considered a crime depending on what the socially acceptable norms within their social community are. The views on crime and criminals have steadily changed over time to focusing on proactive methods to address the symptoms of what creates a criminal rather than on reactively handing down direct and harsh punishment.

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There are three categories of crime: felony, misdemeanor, and violation. A felony is the most serious of crimes, usually resulting in long periods of prison time and heavy fines. A misdemeanor is a less serious crime that usually results in a short period of time in jail and/or small fines. A violation is the least serious offenses of breaking the law. Violations are usually given through warnings, tickets, or small fines.

United States Crime rate increase from 1960 to 2015

Crime rate


Felonies are the most serious crimes, and they hold very heavy punishments of large fines, several years in prison, or permanent loss of freedoms. Some examples of felonies and subsequent punishments are as follows:

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There are different types of crime often divided into two categories. These two categories of crime are commonly referred to as blue-collar and white-collar. Different types of criminals commit different types of crimes. When a person commits a crime, depending on which type of crime they committed, they are labeled as a blue-collar criminal or a white-collar criminal.

Blue-Collar Criminals

Blue-collar criminal refers to a criminal that commits crimes commonly thought to be offenses committed by lower social classes. The term blue-collar refers to the working class. In the past, labor workers used to commonly wear a work shirt or uniform with a blue collar, and it was assumed that the more brazen or violent crimes were committed by this social class.

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Another way to categorize types of crime is to differentiate them between a personal crime and a property crime. A property crime is a non-violent crime committed against a person causing some sort of property damage. A personal crime is an act of violence against another person and, as a result, the victim is damaged either physically or emotionally.

FBI Property Crime Rate in the United States, 2005

Property crime

Personal Crime

Some examples of types of crime that would fall under the personal crime category are:

  • Murder
  • Assault
  • Kidnapping

Property Crime

Some examples of types of crime that would fall under the property crime category are:

  • Arson
  • Burglary
  • Vandalism

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What is Crime? Crime is a term that encompasses illegal acts in which someone can be punished by the government. The earliest known set of laws, Hammurabi's code, was created by King Hammurabi of Ancient Babylonia. There are three views on crime: consensus, conflict, and interactionist. The consensus view is the most common theory and claims that crime is harmful behaviors that affect the majority of society. There are also three major types of crimes depending on the severity of the action. A felony is the most serious offense and can result in long prison sentences and heavy fines. A felony may include such crimes as burglary and murder. A misdemeanor is less severe and may result in small jail sentences and/or low fines. These may include such crimes as simple assault and writing bad checks. The least severe offense is a violation. Violations are the least severe and usually result in small fines or tickets. These crimes can fall under two categories: personal crime or property crime. Property crime is offenses committed against someone else's property and do not involve violence. For example, larceny is a property crime because it is the theft of someone else's property. A personal crime is an offense against a person that harms another person physically or mentally.

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Video Transcript

Definitions and Types of Crime

It seems like no matter what day it is, there is always a news story bombarding you with some sort of crime. From a terrorist act in another country to a robbery in your neck of the woods, there is always some type of crime happening somewhere in the world. These days, crime is something that you just cannot escape.

Crime is a hot topic, but did you ever stop for a minute and ask yourself what is crime? Well, let's look at this question and examine the concept of crime. Crime consists of conduct that is in violation of federal, state or local laws. When a law is broken, there is a penalty imposed. The penalty can include a loss of one's freedom or even one's life. Without a law to indicate the particular prohibited behavior, there can be no crime. Therefore, even if an individual's behavior is so horrible that it is shocking, it will still not be considered criminal if there is no law making it a crime.

Let's take a look deeper into what crime is and how it is defined through looking at some famous cases involving celebrities.

Categories of Crime

There are three categories of crime:

  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanors
  • Violations (also known as infractions)

Felonies are the most serious of crimes that one can commit. Felonies are punishable by one year or more imprisonment. In fact, there are some states which impose the death penalty for certain types of felony crimes. Felony crime includes personal crimes, such as murder, robbery, and rape. Other types are crimes against property, including burglary or larceny.

One well-known celebrity case that involved a felony charge was the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. Celebrity O.J. Simpson, the former husband of Nicole Brown Simpson, was charged with the murders of the two victims. After a lengthy public trial, O.J. Simpson was found not guilty of the felony murder charges.

Misdemeanors are less serious crimes. These crimes are punishable by less than one year imprisonment. Examples of misdemeanors include assault, battery or writing bad checks. For instance, in 2011, actress Lindsay Lohan pled guilty to a misdemeanor charge for stealing a $2,500 necklace.

Finally, violations are less serious than misdemeanors and include traffic violations or violations of town or city ordinances. An example of a violation can be something as simple as riding a bicycle down the wrong side of the road in New York City. This is an example of a violation of a New York City ordinance.

Types of Crime

There are many different types of crime. One category of crime is crimes against individuals, often called personal crimes. The harm that is sustained due to a personal crime is always against a person. This category of crime includes:

  • Murder
  • Rape
  • Robbery
  • Aggravated assault
  • Kidnapping

One celebrity crime that constitutes a personal crime was the 1980 murder of John Lennon. Lennon was shot four times in the back of his head by his assailant, and he died. Lennon's murder was a personal crime because the harm was aimed against Lennon as an individual, as opposed to his property.

Another category of crime is property crimes, which are not directed specifically at individual people but aimed at property. With property crime, the property may be destroyed or the property may be defaced. Usually, people are not injured, but it is possible that individuals may be harmed, such as in arson. Crimes against property include:

  • Burglary
  • Larceny-theft
  • Motor vehicle theft
  • Arson

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