Kronologi for en del Bayernregenter  

Regenter i Bayern og nogle af deres slægtsforhold

Opdateret 2020-10-24 og igen 2021-03-23.

Ældste bayerske fyrster
Karl den Stores slægt - karolingerne
Sachsiske fyrster
Luxemborgske fyrstehus
Saliske slægt
Luxemborg - anden del
Ezzoniske linje, Lothringen
Saliske slægt igen
Welfer og Babenbergere, første
Bayern delt 1253-1503
   Øvre Bayern 1253-1340
   Bayern forenet 1340-1349
   Øvre Bayern 1347
   Nedre Bayern 1349
   Nedre Bayern fra 1353
   Bayern-Landshut deles i tre
   Bayern-München 1392-1467
   Bayern-Ingolstadt 1443-1447
   Bayern-Landshut 1392-1503
   Bayern-München-Dachau 1467-1501
   Bayern forenet igen 1505
   Bayern elektorat 1623-1805
   Bayern kongerige 1805-1918


Hertugdømmets rigshistorie er i middelalderen og frem til renæssancens begyndelse kompliceret med hensyn til opdeling og regerende fyrster. Jeg har nedenstående forsøgt så logisk som muligt på listeform at angive de regerende fyrster og deres nærmeste familie opdelt efter områderne, som de styrede. Der må nødvendigvis blive nogle overgange, hvor områdernes opsplitning eller samling ikke passer ind på det kronologiske sted, hvorfor der skal springes lidt frem og tilbage. Jeg har forsøgt at indsætte hop-links, så en bestemt linje kan følges.

Hertugdømmet blev oprettet omkring 748, hvor den frankiske konge placerede en bestyrer i området på grænsen mod de slaviske naboer mod øst. De første årstal er behæftet med usikkerhed, og fra perioden 630 til 680 kendes hertugernes navne ikke. Der havde dog været et tidligere klanstyre i området og fra den tid kendes fyrster eller konger fra omkring år 500.

Hertugdømmets magt blev større frem mod begyndelsen af 700-årene, og omkring 720 var det en selvstyrende region i det frankiske rige. I perioden fra Theodos (040) død i 716 var riget delt mellem hans sønner, men Grimwald (070) fik hen mod 725 igen samlet hertugdømmets styring alene under sig selv.

Mens de karolingiske konger og kejsere (121-170) regerede Det Frankiske Rige, satte de deres egne folk ind som hertuger, eller tog selv hertugdømmet til sig. Denne periode varede til 911.

Under Ludvig den Hellige (122) blev hertugdømmet i 817 tildelt Ludvigs søn Ludvig den Tyske (130), og han fik titel af konge over Bayern. Da faderen døde i 840 blev hertugdømmet lagt ind under Ludvigs arvepart som en del af kongeriget Østfranken.

Den næste kejser, Ludvig den Tyske (130), overgav i 864 kontrollen med Bayern til sønnen Karloman (150), der var hertug til 880, hvorefter hans to brødre, Ludvig den Yngre (151), regerede 880 til 882 og, Karl den Tykke (152), fra 882 til 887.

Karloman havde en illegitim søn, Arnulf (160), der i 887 gjorde oprør mod onkel Karl og overtog magten efter Karls død i 887. Arnulf blev i 899 efterfulgt af sin søn, Ludvig IV Barn (170), der blev den sidste karolingiske hersker.

Fortsættes med Luitpoldingerne

Abbreviations used:
b = brother of, d = daughter of, m = married to (year),
s = son of, gs = grandson of,
ggs = great grandson; † = died; ‡ = buried.

No. Born Ruled Ruler's name and relations
Spouse's name and relations
006 - 508-512 Theodo I;
King of Bavaria from 508;
007 - 512-537 Theodo II;
King of Bavaria from 512;
008 - 537-565 Theodo III;
King of Bavaria from 537;
009 - 537-567 Theobald I;
King of Bavaria from 537;
Agilolfinger Line to 788
No. Born Ruled Ruler's name and relations
Spouse's name and relations
010 - 0553-596
Garibald I = Garwalt = Gariwald;
Agilufing Duke of Bavaria from 553;
Duke of Bavaria from 548 or 553;

child :
1.   Tassilo (020);
020 - 590-609
Tassilo I = Thasilo I;
Named himself king of Bavaria from 590;

child :
1.   Garibald I (030);
030 - 609-640
Garibald II;
Duke of Bavaria from 609;

children :
1.   Theodo I (040);
040 - 640-680
Theodo I = Dietho;

Duke of Bavaria from 640 or 660;

children :
1.   Theodebald (050);
2.   Theobert (060);
3.   Grimoald (070);
4.   Tassilo II (080) ?;
045 - 680-702
Theodo II;
Duke of Bavaria from 680;
After Theodo II the duchy was divided into
Nordgau, Rhaetiae and Upper Bavaria;

Only Bavaria is continued below.
050 - 702-715
Theodebald = Theudebald;
s(040); † 715;
Duke of Nordgau from 702; or
Duke of Bavaria from 717 according to [5366];
060 - 702-725
Duke of Rhaetiae from 702 to 725; Duke in Salzburg;
Duke of Nordgau from 715 to 725; or
Duke of Bavaria from 722;

child :
1.   Hugbert (090):
070 - 702-723
Grimoald = Grimwald;
s(040); killed by Charles Martel 725
Duke of Upper Bavaria, Freising, from 702; or 716-725;
Duke of Bavaria from 722-725;
080 - 716-719 Tassilo II;
s(040), uncertain lineage according to [5366];
Duke of Passau from 716-719;

child :
1.   Otilo (100);
090 - 725-737 Hugbert;
Duke of a united Bavaria from 725; under Frankish supremacy;
100 - KING
Otilo = Odilo;
King of Bavaria from 737;

Hiltrude; d Karl Martel;
child :
1.   Tassilo III (110);

A usurper, Grifo, tried in 748 to take command, but failed;
110 - KING
Tassilo III;
s(100); Could be numberede II, if no. (080) is discarded;
King of Bavaria from 748;
Deposed 748, entered monastery, renounced Duchy 784;

child :
1.   Theodo II (120);
120 - 777-788
Theodo II;
Duke of Bavaria from 777 or 788;

Karolingians to 909 orr 911

121 742 DUKE

Charlemagne = Karl den Store
* c. 2/4 742, † 28/1 814 at Aachen;
King of Germany from 9/10 768;
King of Lombardy June 774;
Emperor from 800. See details on family etc.;
Duke of Bavaria from 788;
Appointed Gerold as subduke from 794 to 799;
122 778 DUKE
Louis I the Pious - Ludvig I den Fromme;
* 778; † 20/6 840;
King of Aquitania 15/4 781-;
Co-emperor Holy Roman Empire from 813,
Emperor from 28/1 814 after Pepin and Charles have died.
Louis reunited the three parts of Franconia.

children :
1.   Louis the German (130);
..... See family details;
130 804 KING
Ludwig II der Deutsche = Louis the German;
s(122); * c.804, † 28/8 876;
King of East Francia 817 to 876;
King of Bavaria from 817 or May 826 to 865;
As German king he was Ludwig I, as Emperor Ludwig II;

Emma of Bavaria = Emma of Altdorf = Hemma Welf; * c. 818; † 31/1 876; m(1) 827;
     sister to Ludvig's stepmother Judith; and d of Count Welf;
children :
1.   Hildegard; * 828; † 856;
2.   Carloman of Bavaria, (150); * 829; † 884;
3.   Irmgard = Ermengard of Chiemsee; † 866;
4.   Gisela;
5.   Louis III the Younger (151); * c.830; † 20/1 882;
6.   Charles III the Fat (152); * 839; † 887.
7.   Bertha; † 877;

See family details under Germany;
140 - KING
Lothar I;
s(Germania2 002); * 795; † 29/9 855.
German Emperor from 20/6 840.
Just before he died, he abdicated and became a monk in the Abbey of Prüm, Germany.
King of Bavaria from 843;
King in Italy from 822.
Joint emperor from 817, crowned emperor by pope Paschal I in 823, sole emperor from 840.
He was defeated at the battle of Fontenay in 841 which was fought because he tried to rule his brothers' territories.
The Verdun Treaty of 843 settled the dispute.

Irmengard = Ermengarde de Tours; * 800; † 20/3 851;
children :
1.   Louis II, (Germania2 004);
2.   Charles, King of Provence and Burgundy 855-863;
3.   Lothair II, King of Friesland and Lorraine 855-869; no legitimate children.
4.   Ermengarde; * 830; † c. 850;
5.   Hiltrude; * c. 826; † 865-855;
6.   Berta; * c. 830; † c. 852;
7.   Gisela; * c. 840;
8.   Rotrud; * 853;

Married twice more;
150 828 KING
Karloman = Carloman of Bavaria;
* c. 828; † 22/3 or 22-29/9 880; A illegitimate gs of Louis the German (130);
King of East Franconia from 876;
King of Bavaria from 876 or 880;
King of Lombardy from Oct. 877;

Luitxinda = Liutswinde;
child :
1.   Arnulf (160);

Married once more;
151 830 c 880-882 Louis the Younger;
s(130); * c. 830; † 20/1 882 in Lorsch ?? 5/8 882; See France (906);
King of Saxony, Thuringia, the East Franks king from 28/8 876 to 882.
King of Bavaria from 880 after his brother Carloman's death;
He defeated Charles the Bald at Andernach Oct. 876 and incorporated Western Lotharingia in Germany.
The treatises at Verdun 879 and Ribémont 880 on the partition of the realm.

unknown; m(1);
child :
1.   Hugo; * c. 850; † 880;

Liutgard of Saxony; m(2); of the Liudolfinger dynasty;
children :
2.   Louis; * c. 877; † 879;
3.   Hildegard; * c. 878; † 3/3 895 or 931;
152 839 KING

Charles the Fat;
s(130); * 13/6 839; † 13/1 888; See France (908);
King of Allemannia or Swabia 28/8 876 to 20/1 882;
King of Saxony & Bavaria from 20/1 882; and
incorporated in East Franconia;
Sole king of East Franconia 20/1 882 to 17/11 887;
King of West Franconia from 12/12 884 to 13/1 888; after death of nephew Carloman II;
King of Italy Nov. 879 after brother's stroke;
Emperor from 12/2 881 til 13/1 888;
Crowned by pope Johannes VIII in Rome 12/2 881;
[9830] has: Sole King and Emperor from 884 to he is deposed 887;
Deposed from East Franconia, Lotharingia and maybe Italy by Arnulf (160) at the Diet of Tribur in 887;

no children ;
160 850 887-889 Arnulf I = Arnulf of Carinthia = Arnolf von Kärnten;
s(150); * 850; † 8/12 899;
King of Bavaria November 887-899;
Duke of Carinthia from 876;
King of East Franconia from 887;
Holy Roman Emperor from February 896.

Oda of Bavaria = Ota; m;
children :
1.   Louis IV the Child (170); * 893; † 24/9 911;
2.   Glismut; daughter who m (Germania2 013);
3.   Hedwige;

With Holenrada:
The children were born out of wedlock:
3.   Zwentibold * 8/900; † 13/8 900;
     became King of Lotharingia May 895; and
4.   Ratold von Meran;

Uncertain children. One source has a single wife, Oda, and the children Zwentibold, Louis IV the Child, and Hedwige.
170 893 899-909
Louis IV the Child = Ludwig das Kind;
s(160); * 893; † 24/9 911;
Duke of Bavaria from 899; see no. 180 - some disputes about titles;
King of East Franconia from 4/2 900;
He was defeated by the Magyars at Augsburg in 910;
His duchy administstration was transferred to the Archbishop Hatto of Mainz, and the duke died shortly after;
Luitpoldinger Line from 911 to 947
Luitpoldingerdynastiet fra 911 til 947
Luitpoldingerne var den næste slægt, der kom til at regere i Bayern. Den første, Luitpold (180), var markgreve i Kärnten og anerkendte Ludvig Barn (170) som konge. Luitpold regerede også som markgreve i Bayern, og den svage tyske kongemagt, og de mange indfald fra Ungarn gjorde markgreverne mere uafhængige af den tyske konge, og da Luitpolds søn, Arnulf I, overtog styret i 907 og fra 911 forlangte hertugtitlen, måtte den tyske konge fra 920 anerkende ham som sådan med udstrakt selvstyre i Bayern.

No. Born Ruled Ruler's name and relations
Spouse's name and relations
175 - 849-861 Ernest Margrave of Carinthia;
† 865;
Duke of Bavaria from 849 under Louis the German;
Louis the German (Germ. 005) April 861 deposed Ernest who got the Nordgau March;

children :
1.   Daughter; m Carloman of Bavaria;
2.   Ernest; possible father of Margrave Luitpold of Bavaria (180);
180 - 889-907 Luitpold;
gs(175)?; * ?; † 4/7 907 or 908;
Margrave of Ostmark & Carinthia = Kärnten;
Margrave of Bavaria from 889;

Kunigunde of Swabia; * c. 879; † 915; m c. 895; d Pfalzgraf Berthold of Swabia;
according to [9951-X] was she d Count Eringer of Swabia;
she re-married after 907 Konrad I of Franken (Germ. 013) [9951-X]
children :
1.   Arnulf I (190); † 937;
2.   Daughter; m Count Rudolf of Saalegau;
3.   Berthold (220); † 947;
190 898 907-911
Arnulf I the Bad = Arnulf the Evil = Arnulf den Onde;
s(180); * c. 898; † 14/7 937;
Margrave of Bavaria 907 to 911, when he claimed the title of duke;
Duke of Bavaria from 911;
Temporarily deposed between 914 and 919;
Co-founder of the Wittelsbacher Line;

Judith of Friaul; m c. 910;
children :
1.   Luitpold;
2.   Judith; * 925; † 987;
     m c. 938 Duke Henry I of Bavaria (230);
3.   Eberhard (210); † 940;
4.    Swanila; * c. 925;
     m Margrave Burckhard of Bavarian Ostmark † 982;
5.   Arnulf II (192); Count Palatine of Scheyren & Bavaria; † 954;
6.   Hermann; Count Palatine of the Rhine; † 959;
7.   Berthold I; Margrave of Nordgau; † 980;
8.   Henry;
9.   Luitpold I; Margrave of Ostmark; † 994;
192 - - Arnulf II;
s(190); † 954 killed during the siege of Regensburg;
Count Palatine of Scheyren & Bavaria;

The dynasty founded what later became the Wittelsbach line, but the sources disagree with regard to the course. The dynasty is registered from the source [9951-X*];
Son of Arnulf I (180), Arnulf II got the so :
1.   Berthold Count Palatine of Scheyren; † 982;
he got:
   a) Werner, Count Palatine of Scheyren;
he got:
     i) Otto I, Count Palatine of Scheyren; † 1040;
he got:
       A) Otto II, Count Palatine of Scheyren; † 1079;
he got:
         I) Otto III, Count of Wittelsbach; † 1101;
His son was Otto of Bavaria see Bavaria 475;

and from the slightly different list on the Arnulf I's son Berthold - a brother to Arnulf II - got:

1.   Margrave Berthold I of Bavarian Nordgau; * ca. 915; † 980; m ca. 949 Heilika d Count Lothar of Walbeck; they got 3 children, one was:
   a) Count Henry of Schweinfurt; * 975; † 1017;
he got 8 children, one was:
     i) Count Henry I of Pegnitz and Schweinfurt; * ca. 992; † 1043;
he got 4 children, one was:
       A) Count Otto I of Scheyren; † 1072;
he got 4 children, one was:
   1. Count Ekkehart I of Scheyeren; † 1088-1094;
he got 2 children, one was:
     a) Count Otto II of Wittelsbach, Palatine of Bavaria; † 1156;
he got 8 children, one was:
       i) Otto I of Bavaria (480);
BUT this pedigree is not acknowledged by all, but one of the best guesses.
Followed by a second session under Arnulf the Evil (190)
210 - 937-938 Eberhard;
s(190); * ?; † 940;
Duke of Bavaria from 937; deposed 938;

Luitgard of Verdun;
children :
1.   Wigfrid; Bishop of Verdun; † 985;
2.   Wigburg;
220 900 938-947
s(180); * 900; † 23/11 947;
Duke of Bavaria from 938;

children :
1.   Henry the Younger (270); † 989;
2.   Kunigunde; m Count Ulrich I of Schweinachgau;
Saxon emperors ruled Bavaria

Det saksiske kejserdynasti

I den ottonske periode regerede kejserslægtens medlemmer i Bayern. Både nogle af kejserne og mange af deres slægtninge, brødre, nevøer m.fl. tog del i områdets styring. I nogle perioder var Ostmarken med, altså områder ind i det nuværende Østrig, og til andre tider var hertugdømmet begrænset i størrelse på forskellig vis, der forbigås her.

No. Born Ruled Ruler's name and relations
Spouse's name and relations
230 920 945-955
Henry I of Bavaria = Heinrich I;
s Henry the Fowler (Germ. 014); * c. 920; † 1/11 955;
Duke of Bavaria from 945 or 948;
Duke of Lotharingia from 939, revolted 940;

Judith of Bavaria; * c.925; † 987; m 938; d (190);
children :
1.   Heinrich der Zänker (250); * c.951; † 995;
2.   Gerberge; * c. 940; † 14/11 1001; abbess in Gandersheim;
3.   Bruno, Margrave of Saxony, Lord of Braunschweig;
     he was connected with Richenza (Germ. 023);
4.   Hedevig; m Duke Burkhard II of Swabia;
240 - 955-957 Ludolf = Liudolf;
s Otto I of Germany (Germ. 015); † 957, poisoned in Italy;
Duke of Swabia from 948 or 950 to 954;
According to some lists he should have been Duke of Bavaria from 955-957 contemporarily with Henry II (250);

Ida of Swabia; d Herman I of Swabia;
child :
1.   Otto Duke of Swabia and Bavaria (260); † 982
Henry II the Quarrelsome = Henry the Wrangler =
Heinrich der Zänker = Henrik den Trættekære
s(230); * 946 or 951; † 28/8 995;
Duke of Bavaria from 955 to 976 and from 985 to 995;
Mother was regent during Henry's infancy;

In 974 Henry instigated revolt against the emperor, was defeated and imprisoned.
He escaped and started another revolt in Bavaria, was defeated again in 976 and deposed from the Duchy.
The Duchy lost the Austrian areas as a consequence of the revolts.
Henry was reinstated in 985;

Gisele of Burgundy; * 955; † 1006; m 972; d King Konrad I Welf of Burgundy;
children :
1.   Friedrich; Duke of Lower Lorraine;
2.   Henry II the Saint, (280); Emperor (Germ. 018);
3.   Bruno; * c. 980; † 1029; Bishop of Augsburg;
4.   Gisela; * c. 977; † 1065;
     m 995 King Stephen I of Hungary;
     they got:
     a) Agatha, m Edward den Fredløse (Wessex W035) † 1057;
     who was a son of King Edmund Ironside, England;
5.   Brigitta; * c. 985; † c. 1004;
6.   Arnold; * c. 940; † 1001; Archbishop of Ravenna;
260 - 976-982
Otto of Swabia;
s(240); * 954; † 982;
Duke of Swabia from 973 or 976 to 982;
Duke of Bavaria from 975 to 982 [9951];

child :
1.   Herman I, Duke of Swabia 997-1004; † 1004;
     he got:
     a) Gisela, † 1043, m Emperor Konrad II;
270 - 983-985 Henry III the Younger;
s(220); * ?; † 989;
Duke of Bavaria from 983;

280 972 995-1005
Henry IV of Bavaria = Henry II the Saint;
s(250); * 6/5 972; † 13/7 1024 i Grone; ‡ Bamberger Dom;
Duke Henry IV of Bavaria from 995 to 1005 as Henry IV;
King of Germany (Germ. 018) from 7/6 1002;
King of Lombardy, Italy from 15/5 1004;
Emperor from 14/2 1014 as Henry II;
Canonized 1146;

Kunigunde; * 975; † 3/3 1033, canonized 1200; m c.998; d Count Siegfried of Luxemburg
no children ;
Luxemburg Line
supplied two dukes: (290) and (320), no. (290) got two sessions;

Den luxemborgske fyrsteslægt

I 1004 overførte den tyske kong Henrik II hertugtitlen til sin svoger via sin kone Kunigunde. Svogeren hed også Henrik og var Hertug Henrik I af Luxemborg, men allerede fem år efter, i 1009, kom de to svogre op at skændes, og Henrik af Luxemborg afstod fra hertugdømmet Bayern. Senere blev de forsonet, og i 1017 blev Henrik af Luxemborg igen Hertug af Bayern.

Henrik af Luxemborg døde ugift og barnløs, og hertugdømmet gik tilbage til kejsermagten.

No. Born Ruled Ruler's name and relations
Spouse's name and relations
290 - 1004-1009
Henry V of Bavaria;
s Siegfried I of Luxembourg and Hedwige of Nordgau; † 1026;
Count of Luxemburg from 998 as Henry I;
Duke of Bavaria from 1004 to 1009 and from 1017 to 1026;

no children ;
The Salian Dynasty
supplied four dukes and a female regent: (310), (330), (350), (360) og (370),
no. (310) ruled two periods;

Den saliske fyrsteslægt

Henrik af Luxemborg døde ugift og barnløs, og hertugdømmet gik tilbage til kejser Konrad II af Tyskland, der gav det videre til sin ældste søn, der blev Henrik VI af Bayern i 1026 og senere, i år 1046, kejser som Henrik III med tilnavnet "Den Sorte" eller "Den Hellige".

No. Born Ruled Ruler's name and relations
Spouse's name and relations
310 1017 1026-1042
and again
Henry VI of Bavaria;
s (Germ. 019); * 29/10 1017; † 5/10 1056;
Duke of Bavaria from 1026 as Henry VI;
King of Germany from 1028 as Henry III;
Crowned on Easter Day in Aachen;
Duke of Swabia from 1038 as Henry I;
King of Burgundy from 1033;
Emperor from 4/6 1039 as Henry III; crowned in Rome 1046;

Gunhilde = Kunigunde; m(1) 1036; † 1038; d Knud den Store
no children ;

Agnes of Guienne; m(2) 1043; d William V of Aquitania and Poitou;
children :
1.   Henry (Germ. 021); * 1050;
2.   Conrad;
3.   Mathilde;
4.   Beatrix;
5.   daughter; m king Salomon of Hungary;
The Luxemburg Line followed
second period;

Den luxemborgske fyrsteslægt

Anden omgang

Den luxemborgske hertug Henrik II havde arvet riget fra sin onkel, Henrik I, der var død barnløs i 1026.

Hans fader var Grev Frederick af Moselgau. Som hertug af Bayern kaldtes han Henrik VII, og han fik hertugdømmet i 1042 fra kejseren, der havde holdt titlen fra 1026 til 1042. Årsagen i 1042 var, at kejseren ikke kunne undvære en lokal hertug på grund af ufredelige ungarnske naboer mod øst, der brød ind over grænserne til hertugdømmet.

I 1042 mistede Henrik VI af Bayern titlen, men fik den kortvarigt tilbage fra 1047 til 1049. Han giftede sig aldrig og døde barnløs, og hertugdømmet overgik til Hertug Cuno.

No. Born Ruled Ruler's name and relations
Spouse's name and relations
320 - 1042-1047 Henry VII;
s Count Frederick of Moselgau; † 16/10 1047;
Count of Luxemburg from 1026 as Henry II;
Duke of Bavaria from 1042;

Died unmarried and without heirs:
Ezzonian Line, Lotharingia

Fyrsteslægten Ezzoniderne

Efter Henrik VIIs død i 1047 gik hertugdømmet tilbage til den tyske kejser Henrik III (Germ. 020) for de næste knap to år.

Henrik III delegerede hertugdømmet til Grev Cuno eller Konrad af Zütphen (340) i 1049. Cuno var fra Lothringen og havde gennem ægteskab med den ottonske slægt fået betydning. Navnet Ezzonerne stammer fra den første pfalsgreve Ezzo, 1015-1034.

Det menes, at kejserens plan var med denne - omend langt ude - slægtning at knytte hertugdømmet tættere til kejseren og måske endda Ezzo-slægten tættere til sig, da kejseren endnu på dette tidspunkt var uden mandlige arvinger, men de bayerske fyrster var modstandere, og da Konrad mod kejserens vilje giftede sig med en schwabisk kvinde, faldt han delvis i unåde. Dertil kom hans sammenstød med kirken gennem biskoppen af Regensburg, så han blev i 1053 afsat.

Mindre end et år efter blev hertugdømmet tildelt kejserens søn, den senere kejser Henrik IV (350), der var født i 1050. Konrad prøvede at skaffe forbundsfæller til et oprør fra Østrig og Ungarn, men måtte drage i eksil efter at have forsøgt at få snigmyrdet kejseren.

Kejser Henrik III fik endnu en søn, Konrad (360), i 1052, og han overførte i 1054 hertugdømmet til ham. Desværre døde Konrad allerede året efter, og hertugdømmet blev igen givet til den første søn, Henrik (350), der således blev hertug af Bayern to gange.

Børnenes moder, enkekejserinde Agnes, var indsat som regent, og hun besluttede i 1061 at overføre hertugmagten til Otto af Nordheim (380).

No. Born Ruled Ruler's name and relations
Spouse's name and relations
340 1020 1049-1053 Conrad I of Bavaria = Cuno = Kuno = Konrad;
s Count Liudolf of Zütphen; * c. 1020; † 5/12 1055;
Duke of Bavaria from 2/2 1049;
Deposed 1053;
Some confusion on the enumeration; he is both called I and II;

Judith of Schweinfurt; d Duke Otto III of Swabia;
Salian Dynasty - A third time
350 1050 1053-1054
Henry VIII of Bavaria;
s (Germ. 020); * 28/10 1017; † 5/10 1056;
Duke of Bavaria from 1053 - mother regent during minority - to 1054;
Duke of Bavaria from 1055 to 1061;
Duke again while Welf (390) was deposed; See (400) below;
King of Germany from 1056; See details under Germany;
360 1052 1054-1055 Konrad II of Bavaria;
s (Germ. 020); * 1052; † 10/4 1055;
Duke of Bavaria from 1054 to 1055;
380 1020 c 1061-1070 Otto II of Bavaria = Otto of Northeim;
* ca. 1020; † 11/1 1083;
Duke of Bavaria from 1061;
Accused of plotting against the emperor and deprived of Bavaria 1070;
Otto had several other periods of opposition and fights against the emperor;

Richenza of Swabia; her m(2); widow of Count Herman of Werla;
children :
1.   Count Otto II of Nordheim;
2.   Ida of Nordheim,
     m Margrave Conrad of Meissen;
3.   Margrave Henry the Fat of Frisia;
4.   Count Kuno of Beichlingen;
5.   Count Siegfried III of Boyneburg;
6.   Ethelinde of Nordheim;
     m Duke Welf I of Bavaria (390);
7.   Mathilde of Nordheim;
Welfs and Babenbergs 1070-1180

Welfernes og Babenbergernes slægter 1070-1180

Efter Otto (380) var blevet afsat, overgik hertugdømmet til Welfernes slægt, idet Grev Welf (390) af Welf-Este-grenen blev hertug i 1070, men skænderier mellem kejser og hertug forårsagede hertugens afsættelse i 1077, og det varede til 1096, før Welf I igen fik tildelt hertugdømmet.

I de nitten år, hvor hertugen var afsat, blev Bayern regeret direkte fra kejserhoffet.

Efter Welf Is død i 1101 blev hertugtitlen overtaget af hans to sønner, Welf II (410) og Henrik IX af Bayern den Sorte (420) og derefter af sidstnævntes søn, Henrik X den Stolte (430).

No. Born Ruled Ruler's name and relations
Spouse's name and relations
390 ? 1070-1077
Welf I of Bavaria = Welf IV of Bavaria;
s Azzo II of Este, Italy; * ?; † 9/11 1101;
Duke of Bavaria from 1070 to 1077 and 1096 to 1101;

Ethelinde; m(1), divorced 1070; d Duke Otto of Northeim (380);
no children ;

Judith of Flanders / Normandy; * 1033; † 5/3 1094; m(2) 1071; d Richard II of Normandy;
Her m(1) Earl Tostig Godwinson of Northumberland;
children :
1.   Welf II of Bavaria; (410); * c. 1073; † 1120;
2.   Henry the Black (420); * c.1074; † 1126;
400 1050 1077-1096
Henry VIII of Bavaria = Henry IV of Germany (Germ. 021);
s(Germ. 020); * 11/11 1050; † 7/8 1106; ‡ Speyer Cathedral 1111;
Duke of Bavaria as Henry VIII 1055-1061 and 1077-1096;
See above under (350);
410 1073 c 1101-1120 Welf II of Bavaria;
s(390); * c.1073; † 24/9 1120;
Duke of Bavaria from 1101;

Matilda of Tuscany and Canossa; † 1115; m 1089; d Margrave Bonifacius of Canossa;
no children ;
420 1074 c 1120-1126 Henry IX of Bavaria = Henry the Black = Heinrich der Schwarze;
s(390); * c.1074; † 13/12 1126;
Duke of Bavaria from 1120;
Abdicated in 1126 and died shortly after;

Wulfhilde of Saxony; * 1075; † 29/12 1126; d Duke Magnus Billing of Saxony (019);
child :
1.   Henry the Proud (430); † ;
430 1108 c 1126-1139 Henry X of Bavaria = Henry the Proud = Heinrich der Stolze;
s(390); * ca. 1108; † 20/10 1139;
Duke of Bavaria from 1126;

Gertrud of Supplingenburg; * 18/4 1115; † 18/4 1143; d Emperor Lothar III = (Tysk.020);
She re-married (460) in 1142;
child :
1.   Henry the Lion; † 1195; See Germany;

Magtkamp mellem
kejsermagten og Babenbergerne 1139-1180

Da Henrik X den Stolte (430) døde i 1139 havde han tabt magtkampen med kejser Konrad III i Tyskland, og hertugdømmet blev tildelt Markgreve Leopold af Østrig (440).

Da Leopold døde, gik Bayern retur til kejseren, der efter knapt et par år gav det til Leopolds broder, Henrik XI Jasomirgott (460).

No. Born Ruled Ruler's name and relations
Spouse's name and relations
440 1108 1139-1141 Leopold of Babenberg;
s Margrave Leopold II The Pious of Austria; * 1073; † 1141;
Brother to (460);
Duke of Bavaria from 1139;

Maria of Bohemia; † 1160 c.; m 1138;
no children ;
No. Born Ruled Ruler's name and relations
Spouse's name and relations
Hohenstauf Dynasty - for short
450 1093 1141-1143
Konrad III of Germany;
s Frederick I, Duke of Swabia; * 1093; † 15/2 1152;
First of the Hohenstaufen emperors.
Emperor from 7/3 1138;
Duke of Bavaria from 1141 to 1143;
460 1112 1143-1156 Henry XI Jasomirgott = Heinrich XI von Bayern;
s Margrave Leopold II The Pious of Austria; * 1112; † 13/11 1177 in battle;
Brother to (440);
Duke of Bavaria from 1143;
Count Palatine of the Rhine from 1140 to 1142;

Gertrud; * 1115; † 1143; d Emperor Lothar III of Germany (Germ.023);
It was her 2nd marriage, the first was to (430);
child :
1.   Richardis; * 1143; † 1200;
     m Count Henry V of Steffling;

Theodora Komnena; † 1183; m(2) 1148;
children :
2.   Duke Leopold V of Austria; * 1157; † 31/12 1194;
3.   Duke Henry of Mödling; * 1158; † 19/1 1223;
4.   Agnes; * c. 1154; † 13/1 1182;

Welferne fik igen Bayern 1156-1180

Endnu en gang skiftede Bayern fyrstehus. Da Frederik I Barbarossa i midten af århundredet blev kejser, gav han efter Henrik XIs død hertugdømmet tilbage til Welfernes slægt, og Henrik Løve blev hertug. Hans levnedsløb er nærmere omtalt under Tyskland.

Henrik Løve kom efterhånden i større og større modsætningsforhold til kejseren, og i 1180 mistede han sit hertugdømme i Sydtyskland, og i de næste 75 år blev Bayern regeret af Wittelsbachslægtens fyrster, hvorefter landet blev delt op i mindre enheder.

No. Born Ruled Ruler's name and relations
Spouse's name and relations
470 1129 1147-1180 Henry XII of Bavaria = Henry the Lion;
s(430); * 1129; † 6/8 1195;
Duke of Saxony from 1142 to 13/4 1180;
Duke of Bavaria from 1147 to 24/6 1180;

Klementia of Zähringen; † c. 1167; m(1) 1147 c; divorced 1162;
children :
1.   Henry; died in infancy - fell from table;
2.   Richenza, died in infancy 1168;
3.   Gertrud; * 1155 c.; † 1/7 1197;
     m(1) 1166 Duke Frederick IV of Swabia * 1145, † 19/8 1167;
     m(2) 1177 King Knud of Denmark.

Matilda of England; * 1156; † 6/8 1195; m(2); d King Henry II of England;
children :
4.   Richenza; * 1172; † 1209;
     m(1) 1189 Count Geoffroi of Perche † 5/4 1202;;
     m(2) 1204 Count Enguerrand de Coucy; † 1242;
5.   Count Palatine Henry; * 1173 c.; † 28/4 1227,
     m(1) ca. 1193 Agnes von Staufen; * 1176; † 9/5 1204;
       they got Agnes who m Otto II (500);
     m(2) 1211 Agnes von Landsberg; † 1/1 1248;
6.   Lothair; * 1174 c.; † 15/10 1190 as hostage;
7.   Emperor Otto IV; Germany (028);
8.   Duke William of Lüneburg; * 1184; † 13/12 1213;
     m 1202 Helene of Denmark; † 22/11 1233; d King Valdemar I;
     they got:
     Duke Otto I the Child of Braunschweig and Lüneburg;

9.   Mechtilde = Matilde; * c. 1150; † c. 1219;
     m c. 1178 Prince Henry Borwin I of Mecklenburg Venden 1150-1227;
     they founded the Mecklenburg dynasty;
Wittelsbachs 1180-1253

Wittelsbacherne styrede Bayern 1180-1253

I 1180 var modsætningerne mellem kejser og Henrik Løve vokset, så et brud var uundgåeligt, og hertugen tabte sit hertugdømme.

Kejser Frederik I overdrog derefter styret til Otto af Wittelsbach, og dennes slægt beholdt i store træk fyrstedømmet indtil Første verdenskrig; dog var Bayern - som det følgende vil vise - til tider delt mellem flere slægtninge.

No. Born Ruled Ruler's name and relations
Spouse's name and relations
475 - - Count Otto II of Wittelsbach;
The sixth generation ascended from Arnulf the Evil;
s Count Otto I of Scheyren and Count of Wittelsbach, † 1123;

Heilika of Lengenfeld-Hopfenohe-Pettendorf; † 1170;
children :
1.   Otto I (480); † 1117;
2.   Friedrich der Bärtige, Count Palatine von Wörth, took later order, Innersdorf; † 1998;
3.   Ulrich; † ca. 1160; cleric at Freising;
4.   Konrad; † ca. 1200; Archbishop of Mainz 1161-1177;
5.   Count Otto IV of Wittelsbach; † 1189;
     he got:
     a) Count Otto V (or VII) of Wittelsbach † 1209, who
     murdered the German Philip of Swabia 1208 (Germ. 027);
6.   Hedwig; † 1174;
     m Count Berthold II of Andechs;
7.   Adelheid; m Count Otto of Stefling;
8.   Agnes;
480 1117 c 1180-1183 Otto I of Bavaria;
s Count Otto II of Wittelsbach; * c. 1117; † 11/7 1183;
Duke of Bavaria from 16/9 1180;
Otto was the third Otto, but saw himself as founder of a new dynasty and preferred number I;

Agnes of Looz; ; * 1150 c.; † 1191;
children :
1.   Otto; † 1178 c.;
2.   Ulrich; ?;
3.   Louis I of Bavaria (490); * 1173; † 1231;
490 1173 1183-1231 Louis I of Bavaria = Ludwig I von Bayern;
s(480); * 23/12 1173; † 15/9 1231, murdered at Kelheimer Bridge;
Count Palatine of the Rhine from 1214;
Duke of Bavaria from 1214;

Ludmilla of Bohemia; * c. 1170; † 4/8 1240; d Duke Friedrich of Bohemia;
children :
1.   Otto II of Bavaria (500); * 1206; † 1253;
500 1206 1231-1253 Otto II of Bavaria = Otto II der Erlauchte von Bayern = Henry II the Illustrious;
s(490); * 7/4 1206; † 29/11 1253;
Duke of Bavaria from 1231; the second Otto of this dynasty;
Count Palatine of the Rhine from 1227;

Agnes of the Rhine / Braunschweig; ; * 1201 c.; † 1267; d Henry the Younger - a son of Henry the Lion (470-5);
children :
1.   Louis Severus II of Upper Bavaria (590); * 1229; † 1294;
2.   Henry XIII of Lower Bavaria (510); * 1235; † 1290;
3.   Elisabeth; * c. 1227; † 1273;
     m(1) 1246 King Konrad IV of Germany;
4.   Sophie; * 1236; † 1289;
     m 1258 Count Gerhard IV of Sulzbach and Hirschberg 1220-1275;
5.   Agnes; * c. 1240; † c. 1306;
Bavaria partitioned 1253 to 1503

Første opdeling af Bayern 1253 til 1340

Efter Otto IIs død blev Bayern delt mellem hans to sønner i et Øvre og Nedre Bayern. Ludvig II (590) fik Øvre Bayern, og Henrik XIII (510) fik Nedre Bayern, og der var medregenter af brødre og nevøer en del af tiden, derfor flere overlappende regeringsår i listen.

De to brødres slægtninge styrede de to riger frem til 1340, hvor de igen blev samlet under en fyrste, men det varede kun til 1349, hvorefter den anden opdeling fandt sted. Det skyldtes, at den samlende hertug, Ludvig IV (610), havde seks sønner, der alle skulle have en del af riget, og de blev alle medregenter - tre i hvert af det delte Bayern.

Det fungerede i Øvre Bayern, hvor Ludvig V (620), Ludvig VI (630) og Otto V (650) regerede indtil 1363, hvorefter Øvre Bayern deltes i Bayern-Straubing og i Bayern-Landshut.

I Nedre Bayern holdt Ludvig IV's sønner, Stephen II (690), William I (665) og Albert I (660) kun til 1353, hvor riget blev opdelt, så Bayern-Landshut blev styret af Stephen II (690), og Bayern-Straubing blev styret af William I (665) og Albert I (660).

No. Born Ruled Ruler's name and relations
Spouse's name and relations
Nedre Bayern - Lower Bavaria
510 1235 1253-1290 Henry XIII of Lower Bavaria = Henry I of Lower Bavaria;
s(500); * 19/11 1235; † 3/2 1290;
Duke of Lower Bavaria from 1253 to 1290, jointly with brothers (520), (530) and (540);

Elisabeth of Hungary; * 1236; † 24/10 1271; m 1244 or 1250; d King Bela IV of Hungary;
children :
  1.   Otto III of Lower Bavaria (520); * 1261; † 1312;
  2.   Henry; * 23/2 1262; † 16/9 1280;
  3.   Louis III of Lower Bavaria (530); * 1262; † 1280;
  4.   Stephen I of Lower Bavaria (540); * 1271; † 1310;
  5.   Agnes; * 1254; † 20/10 1315 in a monastery;
  6.   Agnes; * 17/7 1255; † 10/5 1260;
  7.   Agnes; * 29/10 1256; † 16/11 1260;
  8.   Elisabeth; * 23/4 1258; † 8/8 1314; a nun;
  9.   Sophie; * c. 1264; † 4/2 1282;
10.   Katharina; * 9/6 1267; † 9/1 1310;
     m Margrave Friedrich of Meissen-Landsberg;
520 1261 1290-1312 Otto III of Lower Bavaria;
s(510); * 11/2 1261; † 9/9 1312;
King of Hungary from 1305 as Otto III to 1308;
Duke of Lower Bavaria from 1290;

Katharina of Habsburg; * 1256; † 4/4 1282; m(1) 1279;
     d Emperor Rudolf I (Germ. 031-3);
children :
1.   Henry; * 1280; † 1280;
2.   Rudolf; * 1280; † 1280;

Agnes of Glogau; * c. 1293; † 25/12 1361; m(2) 1308 or 18/5 1309;
     d Duke Henry III of Silesia-Glogau;
children :
3.   Henry XIV of Bavaria (550); * 1312; † 1333;
4.   Agnes; * 1310; † 1360;
530 1269 1290-1296 Louis III of Lower Bavaria = Ludwig III;
s(510); * 9/10 1269; † 13/5 1296;
Duke of Lower Bavaria from 1290;
540 1271 1290-1310 Stephen I of Lower Bavaria = Stefan I;
s(510); * 14/3 1271; † 21/12 1310;
Duke of Lower Bavaria from 1290;

Jutta of Schweidnitz; * ca. 1285; † 15/9 1320;
children :
1.   Friedrich;
2.   Henry III of Lower Bavaria (570); † 1339;
3.   Otto IV of Lower Bavaria (560); † 1334;
4.   Ludwig;
5.   Agnes; * 1301; † 1316; a nun;
6.   Beatrix; * 1302; † 1360;
     m 1322 Count Henry II of Görz † 1323;
7.   Elisabeth; * 1306; † 1330;
     m 1325 Duke Otto Habsburg of Austria; * 1301, † 1339;
550 1312 1312-1333 Henry II of Lower Bavaria = Heinrich II;
s(520); * 28/8 1312; † 18/6 1333;
Duke of Lower Bavaria from 1312;
Henry number XIV for Bavaria, some lists have him as no. XV; Don't trust numbers!

Anna of Austria; ; * 1318; m ca. 1328; † 14/12 1343 in Wien; d Friedrich I;
child :
1.   Agnes; * 1310; † 1360;
560 1307 1310-1334 Otto IV of Lower Bavaria;
s(540); * 3/1 1307; † 14/12 1334;
Duke of Lower Bavaria from 1310;

Ricarda of Jülich; * 7/3 1314; † 7/3 1360; m ca. 1330;
child :
1.   Albrecht; * ca. 1332; † ca. 1335;
570 1305 1333-1339 Henry III of Lower Bavaria = Heinrich III;
s(540); * 29/9 1305; † 1/9 1339;
Duke of Lower Bavaria from 1333;

Margarete of Bohemia; * 8/7 1313; † 11/7 1341; m 12/8 1328; d King Jan (Boh. 450) or Brandb.028);
children :
1.   John the Child (580); * 1329; † 1340;
2.   Henry; * 1330; † 1330;
3.   Eberhard - illegitimate;
580 1329 1339-1340 John I the Child = Johann I das Kind;
s(570); * 29/11 1329; † 20/12 1340;
Duke of Lower Bavaria from 1339;
Lower Bavaria united with Upper Bavaria 1340 see after no. 620

Øvre Bayerns regenter 1253 til 1340

Som omtalt i ovenstående tekstafsnit regerede Otto IIs søn, Ludvig II, fra 1253 i Øvre Bayern, hvor fyrsternes linje følger her:

No. Born Ruled Ruler's name and relations
Spouse's name and relations
Øvre Bayern - Upper Bavaria
590 1229 1253-1294 Louis II the Stern = Ludwig II der Strenge;
s(500); * 13/4 1229; † 1 or 2/2 1294;
Duke of Upper Bavaria from 1253;
Count Palatine of the Rhine from 1253;
After the division in 1255, Louis received the Upper B. and the Palatinate;
Supported Conradin of Swabia in his campaign for German kingship;
The campaign was unsuccesful and Louis accompanied Conradin to North Italy;
In 1268 Conradin was executed in Naples;
Louis inherited possessions from Conradin;

Maria; * 1226; † 1256 executed; m(1) 1254;
     d Duke Henry II of Brabant;

Anna of Glogau; * 1250-1252; † 1271; m(2) 24/8 1260;
     d Duke Konrad II of Schlesien-Glogau;
children :
1.   Maria; * 1261; † ; became a nun;
2.   Agnes; * ca. 1262; † 21/10 1269;
3.   Louis; * 13/9 1267; † 23/11 1290 at a tournament;
     m 1288 Elisabeth of Lorraine * 1272 † 1335;

Mechtild of Habsburg; * 1251; † 23/12 1304; m(3) 24 or 27/10 1273;
     d King Rudolf I of Germany;
children :
4.   Agnes; * ca. 1267; † 22/07 1345;
     m(1) 1290 Count Henry II of Hesse † 1298;
     m(2) 1298 to 1303 Margrave Henry I Lackland of Brandenburg;
5.   Rudolf I (600); * 4/10 1274; † 12/8 1319;
6.   Mechthild; * 1275; † 28/3 1319;
     m 1288 Duke Otto II of Braunschweig-Lüneburg * 1266 † 1330;
7.   Anna; * ca. 1280; † ?; became a nun;
8.   Louis IV (610); * 1282; † 1347;
600 1274 1294-1317 Rudolf I The Stammerer;
s(590); * 04/10 1274; † 12/08 1319; Duke of Upper Bavaria from 1294;
Count Palatine of the Rhine from 1294;

Mechthild of Nassau = Matilda; * ca. 1280; m 01/09 1294; † 19/06 1233;
children :
1.   Louis; * 1297; † ca. 1311;
2.   Adolf Count Pal. o.t.Rhine; * 27/09 1300; † 29/01 1327;
     m 1320 Countess Irmengard of Öttingen; * 1304; † 1399;
3.   Rudolf the Blind; Count Pal. o.t.Rhine * 8/8 1306; † 04/10 1353;
     m(1) 1328 Anna of Görtz; * ca. 1300; † 1331;
     m(2) 1348 Magherita of Sicily; * 1331; † 1377;
4.   Ruprecht I the Red; Count Pal. o.t.Rhine; * 09/06 1309; † 16/02 1390;
     m(1) ca. 1350 Elizabeth of Namur; * 1329; † 29/03 1382;
     m(2) ca. 1385 Beatrix of Berg; * ca. 1360; † 16/05 1395;
5.   Mathilde; * 1312; † 25/11 1375;
     m 1331 Count Johann III of Sponheim;
6.   Anna; * ca. 1318; † 29/01 1319;
610 1282 1294-1347 Louis IV the Bavarian = Ludwig IV = Ludvig af Bayern;
s(590); * 1283c; † 11/10 1347;
Duke of Upper Bavaria from 1294 to 1340;
Duke of Bavaria from 1340 to 1347;
King of Germany from 25/11 1314 (Germany 035);
King of Italy from 25/11 1314 or 1327;
Holy Roman Emperor from 17/1 1328;

Beatrix of Schweidnitze; * ca. 1292; † 24/8 1322; m(1) ca. 1309;

children :
  1.   Mathilda; * ca. 1313; † 02/07 1346;
     m 1/7 1329 Margrave Friedrich II of Meissen; * 1310; † 18/11 1349;
  2.   child; * 1314; † 1314;
  3.   Anna; * ca. 1316; † 29/01 1319;
  4.   Louis V of Brandenburg (Bavaria 620); * 1315; † 18/09 1361;
     m(1) 1324 Margaret of Denmark; * 1305; † 1340;
     m(2) 1342 Margaret of Carinthia; * 1318; † 1369;
  5.   Agnes; * ca. 1318; -?;
  6.   Stephen of Bavaria (Bavaria 690); * 1319; † 1375;
     m(1) 1328 Elizabeth of Sicily; * ca. 1309; † 1349;
     m(2) 1359 Margarete of Nuremberg; * ca. 1333; † 1377;

Margaret of Hainault; * 1311; † 23/06 1356; m(2) 25/2 1324;
children :
  7.   Margarete; * 1325; † 1374;
     m(1) 23/01 1351 Prince Stephen of Croatia; † 1354; Duke Transylvania / Slavonia;
s King Charles I Robert of Hungary;
     m(2) 1357 or 1358 Gerlach of Hohenlohe; * ca. 1344; † ca. 1387;
  8.   Anna; * ca. 1326; † 03/06 1361;
     m John of Lower Bavaria; * 1329; † 1340;
  9.   Louis VI of Bavaria (Bavaria 630); * 12/05 1330; † 14/05 1365;
     m(1) ca. 1345 Princess Kunigunde of Poland; * ca. 1335; † 1357;
     m(2) 1360 Princess Ingeborg of Mecklenburg; * ca. 1340; † ca. 1395;
10.   Elisabeth; * 1329; † 2/8 1402;
     m(1) 22/11 1350 Cangrande II della Scala, Verona; * 1332; † 14/12 1359;
     m(2) 1362 Count Ulrich of Württemberg; * 1342; † 23/8 1388;
11.   William I of Bavaria-Straubing (Bavaria 665); * 1330; † 1388 or 1389;
     m 1352 Matilda of Lancaster; * 1335; † 1362;
12.   Albrecht I of Bavaria-Straubing (Bavaria 660); * 25/7 1336; † 13/12 1404;
     m(1) 1353 Margarete of Brieg; * 1342; † 1386;
     m(2) 1394 Margarete of Cleve; * ca. 1375; † 1412;
13.   Otto V the Lazy (Bavaria 650); * 1340; † 15/11 1379;
     m 19/3 1366 Katharina of Luxemburg; * 1342; † 20/05 1386 or 1395;
14.   Beatrice; * 1344; † 25/12 1359;
     m before 25/10 1356 Erik XII of Sweden;
15.   Agnes; * 1345; † 11/11 1352;
16.   Louis; * Oct. 1347; † 1348;
Upper and Lower Bavaria united 1340 to 1349

Bayern forenet 1340 til 1349

I de få år mellem 1340 og 1349 var Bayern igen forenet. Den første hertug var Ludvig IV, der regerede fra 1340 til 1347. Ved hans død blev rigets styring de næste to år overdraget til alle hans seks sønner, men i 1349 var uoverensstemmelserne blevet så store, at riget igen blev delt i de to områder Øvre og Nedre Bayern. De seks sønner var:

Ludvig V Brandenburgeren (620), der fra 1349 fik del i Øvre Bayerns regering;
Ludvig VI Romeren (630), der fra 1349 fik del i Øvre Bayerns regering;
Otto V (650), der fra 1349 fik del i Øvre Bayerns regering;

Stephen II (690), der fra 1349 fik del i Nedre Bayerns regering;
Wilhelm I (665), der fra 1349 fik del i Nedre Bayerns regering;
Albert I (660), der fra 1349 fik del i Nedre Bayerns regering;

No. Born Ruled Ruler's name and relations
Spouse's name and relations
Øvre Bayern - Upper Bavaria   - -   Anden opdeling - Second Partition
620 1315 1347-1361 Louis V of Upper Bavaria = Ludwig V = Louis the Brandenburger;
s(610); * 1315 or 1316; † 18/09 1361;
Duke of Bavaria from 1347 to 1349; co-ruler with (630), (650), (660), (665) and (690);
Duke of Upper Bavaria from 1349; co-ruler with (630) and (650), from 1351 sole ruler;
Margrave of Brandenburg from 1323;

Margaret of Denmark; * 1305; † 1340; m(1) 1324; d King Christoffer II;
no children ;

Margaret Maultasch of Carinthia; * 1318; † 03/10 1369; m(2) 10/02 1342; d Henry of Carinthia (Bohemia 420);
children :
1.   Hermann; * 1343; † ca. 1360;
2.   Meinhard (640); * 09/02 1344; † 13/01 1363;
3.+4.   Daughters;
630 1330 1347-1351 Louis VI the Roman = Ludwig VI der Römer;
s(610); * 12/05 1330; † 14/05 1365;
Duke of Bavaria from 1347 to 1349; co-ruler with (620), (650), (660), (665) and (690);
Duke of Upper Bavaria from 1349; co-ruler with (620) and (650);
Margrave of Brandenburg from 1351;

Kunigunde, Princess of Poland; * 1335; † 26/4 1357; m(1) 1345;
   d King Kazumi III (PVI-85-2);

Ingeborg of Mecklenburg;1) * ca. 1340; † ca. 1395; m(2) 1360;
no children in neither marriage ;

1) An Ingeborg of Mecklenburg, * 1340; † after 25/7 1395; was married to Henry II Iron of Holstein; * c. 1317; † 1381 or 1412; (Denmark 120);
650 1340 1347-1379 Otto V der Faule = Otto V the Lazy;
s(610); * 1340 or 1342; † 15/11 1379;
Duke of Bavaria from 1347 to 1349, co-ruler with (620), (630), (660), (665) and (690);
Duke of Upper Bavaria from 1349, co-ruler with (620) and (630);
Margrave of Brandenburg from 1360 or 1365;
Continued below under Bavaria-Landshut;

Katharina of Luxemburg; ; * 1342; † 20/05 1386 or 1395; m 19/03 1366; d King Karel of Bohemia
no registered issue ;
640 1344 1361-1363 Meinhard;
s(620); * 9/2 1344; † 13/1 1363;
Duke of Upper Bavaria from 1361;

Margaret of Austria; * 1346; † 14/1 1366; m 1359;
no children found ;

Nedre Bayern fra 1349 til 1353

I 1349 opstod Nedre Bayern igen, men allerede i 1353 blev området opdelt i:

     hertugdømmet Bayern-Landshut;
     hertugdømmet Bayern-Straubing;

No. Born Ruled Ruler's name and relations
Spouse's name and relations
Nedre Bayern - Lower Bavaria   - -   Anden opdeling - Second Partition
Lower Bavaria to 1353 - Bavaria-Landshut and Bavaria-Straubing from 1353-1392
660 1336 1347-1404 Albrecht I;
s(610); * 25/7 1336; † 13/12 1404;
Duke of Bavaria from 1347 to 1349; co-ruler with (620), (630), (650), (665) and (690);
Duke of Lower Bavaria from 1349 to 1353; co-ruler with (665) and (690);
Duke of Bavaria-Straubing from 1353; co-ruler with (665);
Count of Holland, Zeeland and Hainault from 1358;

Margarete of Brieg; * 1342; † 18/2 or 22/2 1386; m(1) ca. 1353;
children ;
1.   William II of Holland; * 1365; † 1417;
2.   Albrecht (668); * 1365; † 21/1 1397;
3.   John (680); * 1374; † 1425;
4.   Katharina; * ca. 1361; † 1400;
     m 1379 Duke William of Jülich and Geldern † 1402;
5.   Johanna; * ca. 1356; † 31/12 1386;
     m 29/9 1370 King Wenzel IV of Luxemburg and
     King of Bohemia, German King; or Elector of Brandenburg * 26/2 1361; † 16/8 1419;
     Johanna was created Queen of Bohemia 17/11 1370 and Queen of Germany 6/7 1376;
6.   Margarete; * 1363; † 23/1 1423;
     m 1385 Duke Jean of Burgundy; * 28/5 1371, † 10/9 1419;
7.   Johanna; * 1373 or 1377; † 17/10 1410;
     m 1390 Duke Albrecht IV of Austria; * 1377, † 1404;

Margarete of Cleves; * ca. 1375; † 1412; m(2) 1394;
no children ;
665 1330 1347-1388 William I = Wilhelm I;
s(610); * 1330; † 1388;
Duke of Bavaria from 1347 to 1349; co-ruler with (620), (630), (650), (660) and (690);
Duke of Lower Bavaria from 1349 to 1353; co-ruler with (660) and (695);
Duke of Bavaria-Straubing from 1353 to 1388; co-ruler with (660);
Count of Holland and Zeeland from 1351 to 1358;
Count of Hainault from 1356;

Matilda of Lancaster; * 1352; † 1362; m 1352;
child :
1.   Daughter * 1356, died during infancy;
690 1319 1347-1375 Stefan II of Bavaria = Stephen II;
s(610); * 1319; † 10/5 1375;
Duke of Bavaria from 1347 to 1349; co-ruler with (620), (630), (650), (660) and (665);
Duke of Lower Bavaria from 1349 to 1353; co-ruler with (660) and (665);
Continued below under Bavaria-Landshut;

Elizabeth of Sicily; * ca. 1309; † 31/3 1349; m(1) 27/6 1328; d King Friedrich II of Sicily;
Friedrich II of Sicily can not fit into my lists at the moment;
children :
1.   Stefan III (700); * ca. 1337; † 1413;
2.   Friedrich II (760); * 1339; † 1393;
3.   John II of Bavaria-Münich (810); * ca. 1341; † 1397;
4.   Agnes; * 1338; † ?;
     m ca. 1356 King James of Cyprus;

Nedre Bayern fra 1353

I 1353 blev Nedre Bayern som nævnt ovenfor opdelt i:

     hertugdømmet Bayern-Landshut;
     hertugdømmet Bayern-Straubing;
Og de to ovenstående nævnte hertuger, (660) og (665), regerede Bayern-Straubing, mens (690) regerede i Bayern-Landshut, som vist herunder.

     Hop til hertugdømmet Bayern-Straubing, hvis liste følger efter;
No. Born Ruled Ruler's name and relations
Spouse's name and relations
Bavaria-Landshut from 1353 to 1392
690 1319 1347-1375 Stefan II of Bavaria;
s(610); * 1319; † 10/5 1375;
Duke of Bavaria-Landshut from 1353 to 1375;

Details - see above;
650 1340 1347-1379 Otto V der Faule = Otto V the Lazy;
s(610); * 1340 or 1342; † 15/11 1379;
Duke of Bavaria-Landshut from 1353 to 1379, co-ruler with (700), (760) and (810);

Details - see above;
700 1337 1375-1413 Stefan III der Kneissl = Stefan der Knäufel = Stephen III;
s(690); * ca. 1337; † 25/9 1413;
Duke of Bavaria-Landshut from 1375 to 1392; co-ruler with (650), (690), (760) and (810);
Duke of Bavaria-Ingolstadt from 1392;
Continued below under Bavaria-Ingolstadt;

Taddea Visconti; ; * 1351; † 28/9 1381; m(1) 13/10 1364;
children :
1.   Louis VII the Bearded (710); * ca. 1365; † 1381;
2.   Isabella = Elisabeth; * ca. 1369; * 24/9 1435;
     m 1385 King Charles VI of France * 1368; † 1422;

Elisabeth of Cleves; * ca. 1378; † ca. 1430; m(2) 16/1 1401;
no children found ;
760 1339 1375-1393 Friedrich II;
s(690); * 1339; † 4/12 1393;
Duke of Bavaria-Landshut from 1375 to 1393; co-ruler with (650), (690), (700) and (810);

The last year was after the partition of Bavaria-Landshut into Bavaria-Munich, -Ingolstadt and -Landshut;

Anna of Neuffen; ; * 1327; † 15/10 1380; m(1) 1360;
no children found ;

Maddalena Visconti; * 1361; † 17/07 1404; m(2) 02/09 1381;
children :
1.   Henry XVI (770); * 1386; † 1450;
2.   John; * ca. 1390; † 20/12 1396;
3.   Elisabeth = Isabella; * 1361; † 17/01 1382;
     m Marco Visconti † 1382;
4.   Elisabeth; * 1383; † 13/11 1442;
     m 1401 Elector Friedrich I of Brandenburg; * 1371; † 1440;
5.   Margareta; * 1384; † during infancy;
6.   Magdalena; * 1388; † 1410;
     m 1404 Count John Meinhard VII of Görz, * 1378, † 22/05 1430;
810 1341 1375-1397 John II of Bavaria;
s(690); * ca. 1341; † 08/08 1397;
Duke of Bavaria-Landshut from 1375 to 1392; co-ruler with (650), (690), (700) and (760);
Duke of Bavaria-Munich from 1392 to 1397;

Katharina of Görz; ; * 1350; † 31/05 1391; m 1372;
children :
1.   Ernst I (830); * 1373; † 1438;
2.   William III (820); * 1375; † 1435;
3.   Sofie; * 1376; † 26/09 1425;
     m 02/05 1389 King Wenzel IV of Bohemia; and Elector of Brandenburg;
     she was created Queen of Bohemia 15/03 1400;

Bayern-Landshut deles i tre

I 1392 opdeltes Bayern-Landshut i tre hertugdømmer, således at Johann II (810) fik den del, der kaldtes for Bayern-München (se efter Bayern-Straubing).

Friedrich (760) fik den del, der videreførte navnet Bayern-Landshut, og Stefan III (700) fik Bayern-Ingolstadt.

Hop her til Bayern-München sidste del.

Først færdiggøres Bayern-Straubing her:

No. Born Ruled Ruler's name and relations
Spouse's name and relations
Bavaria-Straubing from 1353 to 1425
660 1336 1347-1404 Albrecht I;
s(610); * 25/7 1336; † 13/12 1404;
Duke of Bavaria-Straubing from 1353; co-ruler with (665) to 1388 and (668) to 1397;

Details - see above;
665 1330 1347-1388 William I = Wilhelm I;
s(610); * 1330; † 1388;
Duke of Bavaria-Straubing from 1353 to 1388; co-ruler with (660) and (668);

Details - see above;
668 1369 1389-1397 Albrecht II;
s(660); * 1369; † 21/1 1397;
Duke of Bavaria-Straubing from 1389; co-ruler with father (660);
670 1365 1404-1417 William II = Wilhelm II of Holland & Zeeland;
s(670); * 5/4 1365; † 30/5 1417;
Duke of Bavaria-Straubing from 1404;
Also known as William VI;

Margarete of Burgundy = Marguerite de Bourgogne; * 1374; † 8/3 1441; m 12/4 1385;
children :
1.   Jacobäa = Jacqueline (680); * ca. 1401; † 1436;
2.   Louis of Flushing = Ludwig von Vlissingen; † 1433;
3.   John of Hainault; † 1432;
4.   William; † 1455;
5.   Eberhard; † 1458;
6.   Balduin;
675 1374 1418-1425 John III = Johann III;
s(660); * ca. 1374; † 6/1 1425 poisoned;
Duke of Bavaria-Straubing from 1418; contested by (680);

Elisabeth of Bohemia; * 1390; † 3/8 1451; m 1418; her second m;
only illegitimate children ;
680 1401 1417-1425 Jacqueline = Jakobäa = Jakobea;
d(670); * ca. 1401; † 1436 poisoned;
Duchess of Bavaria-Straubing from 1417; contested by (675);

Dauphin Jean of France; * 1398; † 1417; m(1) 1415;
Duke Jean de Bourgogne of Brabant; † 1427; m(2) 1418; divorced 1422;
Duke Humphrey of Gloucester; † 1447; m(3) 1422; divorced 1425;
Count Frank von Borsselen; † 1470; m(4) 1432;
Bayern-Straubing indgik nu i de tre andre dele af Bayern: Bayern-München, Bayern-Ingolstadt og Bayern-Landeshut;

Bayern-München 1392 til 1467

Bayern-München var en af de tre dele af Bayern-Landshut.

Efter Bayern-München behandles Bayern-Ingolstadt, hvorefter der vendes tilbage til det nu formindskede fyrstedømme Bayern-Landshut.

No. Born Ruled Ruler's name and relations
Spouse's name and relations
Bavaria-Munich from 1392 to 1467
810 1341 1375-1397 John II of Bavaria;
s(690); * ca. 1341; † 8/8 1397; REPEAT from above;
Duke of Bavaria-Landshut from 1375 to 1392; co-ruler with (650), (690), (700) and (760);
Duke of Bavaria-Munich from 1392 to 1397;

Katharina of Görz; ; * 1350; † 31/5 1391; m 1372;
children :
1.   Ernst I (830); * 1373; † 1438;
2.   William III (820); * 1375; † 1435;
3.   Sofie; * 1376; † 26/9 1425;
     m 2/5 1389 King Wenzel IV of Bohemia;
     she was created Queen of Bohemia 15/3 1400;
820 1375 1397-1435 William III of Bavaria-Munich = Wilhelm III;
s(810); * 1375; † 1435;
Duke of Bavaria-Munich from 1397; co-ruler (830);

Margarete of Cleves; * 1416; † 1444; m 1433;
children :
1.   Adolf; * 1434; † 1440;
2.   William; * 1435; † 1445;
830 1373 1397-1438 Ernst I of Bavaria-Munich;
s(810); * 1373; † 2/7 1438;
Duke of Bavaria-Munich from 1397; co-ruler (820) to 1435;

Elisabeth Visconti; ; * 1374; † 2/2 1432; m 26/1 1395;
children :
1.   Albrecht III (840); * 1401; † 1460;
2.   Beatrix; * ca. 1403; † 12/3 1447;
     m(1) 1424 Count Hermann III of Cilli; † 1426;
     m(2) 1428 Palatine Count John of Neuburg; * 1385; † 1443;
3.   Elisabeth; * ca. 1406; † 05/03 1468;
     m(1) 1430 Duke Adolf II of Berg; † 1437;
     m(2) 1440 Count Hesso of Leiningen; † 1467;
4.   Amalie; * 1408; † 1432; became a nun;
840 1401 1438-1460 Albrecht III der Fromme = Albrecht III the Pious;
s(830); * 23/03 1401; † 29/02 1460;
Duke of Bavaria-Munich from 1438;

Was secretly married to Agnes Bernauer whom her father-in-law ordered murdered. She was accused of witchcraft and thrown into the Danube;

Anna of Braunschweig-Grubenhagen-Einbeck; * 1454; m 22/01 1437; † 14/10 1474; d Duke Erich I of Braunschweig-Grubenhagen; † 28/05 1427;
children :
  1.   John IV (850); * 1437; † 1463;
  2.   Ernst; * 26/8 1438; † 29/02 1460;
  3.   Sigmund (860); * 1439; † 1501;
  4.   Albrecht; * 24/12 1440; † 1445;
  5.   Albrecht IV (750); * 1447; † 1508;
  6.   Christoph; * 6/1 1449; † 08/08 1493; ‡ Rhodos;
  7.   Wolfgang; * 01/11 1451; † 24/05 1514; became a canon;
  8.   Margarete; * 01/01 1442; † 14/10 1479;
     m 10/5 1463 Marquis Federigo I of Mantua; * 25/06 1441; † 14/07 1484;
  9.   Elisabeth; * 02/02 1443; † 05/03 1486;
     m 19/11 1460 Elector Ernst of Saxony; * 1441; † 1486;
10.   Barbara; * 09/06 1454; † 24/06 1472; became a nun;
850 1437 1460-1463 John IV of Bavaria-Munich = Johann IV;
s(840); * 4/10 1437; † 18/11 1463;
Duke of Bavaria-Munich from 1460; co-ruler (860) and (750);
860 1439 1460-1467 Sigmund = Sigismund;
s(840); * 26/7 1439; † 1/2 1501;
Duke of Bavaria-Munich from 1460 to 1467; co-ruler (850) and (750) to 1467;
Duke of Bavaria-Dachau from 1467 to 1501;
Illegitimate children with two mistresses;
750 1447 1467-1508 Albrecht IV der Weisse = Albrecht den Vise = Albert IV of Bavaria-Munich;
s(840); * 15/12 1447; † 10/3 1508;
Original a clergyman, but returned after father's death;
Duke of Bavaria-Munich from 1467 to 1505; co-ruler (850) to 1463 and (860) to 1467;
Duke of the united Bavaria from 1505 to 1508;
His two brothers, Christoph (840-6) and Wolfgang (840-7), resigned their duchy shortly after father's death and Albert became sole ruler;
A part of Bavaria-Munich was set aside to brother Sigismund in 1467;

Archiduchess Kunigunde of Austria; * 16/3 1465; † 6/8 1520; m 3/1 1487; d Emperor Frederick III or (Austria 350);
children :
1.   Sidonie; * 1/5 1488; † 27/3 1505;
2.   Sibylle; * 16/6 1489; † 18/4 1519;
     m 1511 Elector Palatine Louis V; * 1478; † 1544;
3.   Sabine; * 24/4 1492; † 30/8 1564;
     m 1511 Count/Duke Ulrich I of Württemberg; * 1487; † 1550;
4.   William IV (870); * 1493; † 1550;
5.   Louis X (880); * 1495; † 1545;
6.   Susanne; * 1499; † 1500;
7.   Ernst; * 13/6 1500; † 1560; a clergyman;
     became Archbishop of Salzburg and Eichstädt;
8.   Susanne; * 2/4 1502; † 23/4 1543;
     m(1) 1518 Margrave Kasimir of Brandenburg; * 1481; † 1527;
     m(2) 1529 Elector Palatine Otto Henry; * 1502; † 1559;
Herfra springes frem til Bayern-Münchens deling i
Bayern-München og Bayern-Dachau i 1467.
Listen med disse to hertugdømmer fortsættes efter Bayern-Landshut.

Bayern-Ingolstadt 1443 til 1447

I det korte tidsrum 1443 til 1445 regerede Ludvig VIII samme med faderen Ludvig VII, men da han døde i 1447 blev området indlemmet i Bayern-Landshut.

No. Born Ruled Ruler's name and relations
Spouse's name and relations
Bavaria-Ingolstadt from 1443 to 1447
700 1337 1375-1413 Stefan III der Kneissl = Stefan der Knäufel = Stephen III;
s(690); * ca. 1337; † 25/9 1413;
REPEATED from above;
Duke of Bavaria-Landshut from 1375 to 1392; co-ruler with (650), (690), (760) and (810);
Duke of Bavaria-Ingolstadt from 1392;

Taddea Visconti; ; * 1351; † 28/9 1381; m(1) 13/10 1364;
children :
1.   Louis VII the Bearded (710); * ca. 1365; † 1381;
2.   Isabella = Elisabeth; * ca. 1369; * 24/9 1435;
     m 1385 King Charles VI of France * 1368; † 1422;

Elisabeth of Cleves; * ca. 1378; † ca. 1430; m(2) 16/1 1401;
no children found ;
710 1365 1413-1443 Louis VII = Ludwig VII der Gebartete = Ludwig der Bärtige = Louis the Bearded;
s(700); * 20/12 1365; † 1/5 1447 imprisoned;
Duke of Bavaria-Ingolstadt from 1413 to 1443;
Anne de Bourbon; * ca. 1380; † 1408; m(1) 1/10 1402;
children :
1.   Louis VIII (720); * 1403 † 1445;
2.   John; * 1404; † 1404;

Catherine d'Alencon; * ca. 1395; † 25/6 1462; m(2) 1/10 1413;
children :
3.   John; * 6/2 1414; † during infancy;
4.   Daughter;

720 1403 1443-1445 Louis VIII the Hunchback = Ludwig VIII der Höckrige;
s(710); * 1/9 1403; † 7/4 1445;
Duke of Bavaria-Ingolstadt from 1443;

Margarete of Brandenburg; * 1410; † 24/7 1465;
   d Friedrich VI, Burggraf of Nürnberg;
two children, died young ;
1447 indgik Bayern-Ingolstadt i Bayern-Landshut;

Bayern-Landshut fra 1392 til 1503

Bayern-Landshut blev dannet i 1392 og fik i 1425 en del af det nedlagte Bayern-Straubing. I 1447 fik det yderligere området Bayern-Ingolstadt, og de sammenlagte områder fortsatte som Bayern-Landshut til det i 1503 indgik i Bayern-München.

No. Born Ruled Ruler's name and relations
Spouse's name and relations
Bavaria-Landshut 1392-1503
760 1339 1375-1393 Friedrich II;
s(690); * 1339; † 4/12 1393;
REPEATED from above;
Duke of Bavaria-Landshut from 1375 to 1393; co-ruler with (650), (690), (700) and (810);

The last year was after the partition of Bavaria-Landshut into Bavaria-Munich, B-Ingolstadt and B-Landshut;

Anna of Neuffen; ; * 1327; † 15/10 1380; m(1) 1360;
no children found ;

Maddalena Visconti; * 1361; † 17/7 1404; m(2) 2/9 1381;
children :
1.   Henry XVI (770); * 1386; † 1450;
2.   John; * ca. 1390; † 20/12 1396;
3.   Elisabeth = Isabella; * 1361; † 17/1 1382;
     m Marco Visconti † 1382;
4.   Elisabeth; * 1383; † 13/11 1442;
     m 1401 Elector Friedrich I of Brandenburg; * 1371; † 1440;
5.   Margareta; * 1384; † during infancy;
6.   Magdalena; * 1388; † 1410;
     m 1404 Count John Meinhard VII of Görz, * 1378, † 22/5 1430;
770 1450 1393-1450 Heinrich XVI der Reiche = Henry XVI the Rich;
s(760); * 1386; † 30/7 1450;
Duke of Bavaria-Landshut from 1393;
He made war against his cousin Louis VII in B-Ingolstadt and united Louis' enemies in the Parakeet Society in 1414 and formed the League of Constance in 1415;
In 1447 Henry got the Bavaria-Ingolstadt duchy;

Margarete of Austria; * 26/6 1395; † 24/12 1447; m 25/11 1412; d Duke Albert IV of Austria;
Henry treated his wife brutally and locked her up in the Castle of Burghausen;
children :
1.   Johanna; * 1413; † 20/7 1444;
     m 1430 Count Palatine Otto I of Mosbach; * 1390; † 1461;
2.   Albert; * 1414; † 1418;
3.   Friedrich; * 1415; † 7/6 1416;
4.   Louis (730); * 1417; † 1479;
5.   Elisabeth; * 1419; † 1/1 1451;
     m 1445 Count Ulrich V of Württemberg;
6.   Margarete; * 1420; † young; was a nun;
730 1417 1445-1479 Louis IX the Rich = Ludwig IX der Reiche;
s(770); * 23/2 1417; † 18/1 1479;
Duke of Bavaria-Landshut from 1445; sole ruler from 1450;

Princess Amalia of Saxony; * 1435; † 1502; d Friedrich II der Sanftmütige;
children :
1.   Elisabeth; * ca. 1453; † 1457;
2.   Georg (740); * 1455; † 1503;
3.   Margarete; * 7/11 1456; † 1501;
     m 1474 Count Palatine Philipp; * 1448; † 1508;
740 1455 1479-1503 Georg der Reiche = George the Rich;
Duke of Bavaria-Landshut from 1479;

Princess hedwig of Poland; * 21/9 1457; † 18/2 1502; m 15/11 1475;
children :
1.   Louis; * 1476; † 1500;
2.   Rupert; * 1477; † young;
3.   Wolfgang; * ca. 1482; † young;
4.   Elisabeth; * 1478; † 15/9 1504;
     m 1499 Count Palatine Ruprecht; * 1481; † 1504;
5.   Margarete; * 1480; † 1531; an abbess at Neuburg;

Bayern-München og Bayern-Dachau fra 1467 til 1501

Bayern-München annekterede i 1501 Bayern-Dachau, og i 1503 indgik Bayern-Landshut i området, og hermed var Bayern igen udelt.

Bayern fortsatte som udelt hertugdømme indtil 1805, hvor det blev et kongerige indtil 1918.

No. Born Ruled Ruler's name and relations
Spouse's name and relations
Bavaria-Munich 1467 to 1508
750 1447 1467-1508 Albrecht IV der Weisse = Albrecht den Vise = Albert IV of Bavaria-Munich;
s(840); * 15/12 1447; † 10/3 1508;
REPEAT of the above no. (750);
Duke of Bavaria-Munich from 1467 to 1505; co-ruler (850) to 1463 and (860) to 1467;
Duke of the united Bavaria from 1505 to 1508;

Archiduchess Kunigunde of Austria; * 16/3 1465; † 6/8 1520; m 3/1 1487; d Emperor Frederick III;
children :
1.   Sidonie; * 1/5 1488; † 27/3 1505;
2.   Sibylle; * 16/6 1489; † 18/4 1519;
     m 1511 Elector Palatine Louis V; * 1478; † 1544;
3.   Sabine; * 24/4 1492; † 30/8 1564;
     m 1511 Count/Duke Ulrich I of Württemberg; * 1487; † 1550;
4.   William IV (870); * 1493; † 1550;
5.   Louis X (880); * 1495; † 1545;
6.   Susanne; * 1499; † 1500;
7.   Ernst; * 13/6 1500; † 1560; a clergyman;
     became Archbishop of Salzburg and Eichstädt;
8.   Susanne; * 2/4 1502; † 23/4 1543;
     m(1) 1518 Margrave Kasimir of Brandenburg; * 1481; † 1527;
     m(2) 1529 Elector Palatine Otto Henry; * 1502; † 1559;

Bayern-Dachau fra 1467 til 1501

Bayern-München annekterede i 1501 Bayern-Dachau.

No. Born Ruled Ruler's name and relations
Spouse's name and relations
Bavaria-Dachau 1467 to 1501
860 1439 1460-1467 Sigmund = Sigismund;
s(840); * 26/7 1439; † 1/2 1501;
REPEATED from above;
Duke of Bavaria-Munich from 1460 to 1467; co-ruler (850) and (750) to 1467;
Duke of Bavaria-Dachau from 1467 to 1501;
The duchy returned to Bavaria-Munich after Sigiemund's death in 1501;

Illegitimate children with two mistresses;

Bayern - en enhed - fra 1505

For at undgå fremtidige umulige delinger mellem flere sønner, så oprettede Albert IV den Kloge en ny konstitution for staten, hvorefter kun den ældste søn kunne arve riget - og arve det udelt. Denne bestemmelse trådte fuldstændigt i kraft efter Ludvig X døde i 1545, og den var i kraft indtil rigets nedlæggelse i 1918.
No. Born Ruled Ruler's name and relations
Spouse's name and relations
750 1447 1467-1508 Albrecht IV der Weisse = Albrecht den Vise = Albert IV of Bavaria-Munich;
s(840); * 15/12 1447; † 10/3 1508;
REPEAT of the above no. (750);
Duke of Bavaria-Munich from 1467 to 1505; co-ruler (850) to 1463 and (860) to 1467;
Duke of the united Bavaria from 1505 to 1508;
He passed the decree that primogeniture should be introduced in Bavaria. However, Albert's sons were co-rulers and the decree was actually only followed from 1550.

Archiduchess Kunigunde of Austria; * 16/3 1465; † 6/8 1520;
     m 3/1 1487; d Emperor Frederick III;
children :
1.   Sidonie; * 1/5 1488; † 27/3 1505;
2.   Sibylle; * 16/6 1489; † 18/4 1519;
     m 1511 Elector Palatine Louis V; * 1478; † 1544;
3.   Sabine; * 24/4 1492; † 30/8 1564;
     m 1511 Count/Duke Ulrich I of Württemberg; * 1487; † 1550;
4.   William IV (870); * 1493; † 1550;
5.   Louis X (880); * 1495; † 1545;
6.   Susanne; * 1499; † 1500;
7.   Ernst; * 13/6 1500; † 1560; a clergyman;
     became Archbishop of Salzburg and Eichstädt;
8.   Susanne; * 2/4 1502; † 23/4 1543;
     m(1) 1518 Margrave Kasimir of Brandenburg; * 1481; † 1527;
     m(2) 1529 Elector Palatine Otto Henry; * 1502; † 1559;
870 1493 1508-1550 William IV = Wilhelm IV von Bayern;
s(750); * 13/11 1493; † 7/3 1550;
Duke of Bavaria from 1508; co-ruler with brother Louis X (880) to 1545;

Marie-Jacobäa of Baden-Sponheim; * 1507; † 1580; m 3/10 1522;
children :
1.   Theodor; * 10/2 1526; † 8/7 1534;
2.   Albrecht V (890); * 1528; † 1579;
3.   William; * 17/2 1529; † 22/10 1530;
4.   Matilde; * 12/7 1532; † 2/11 1565;
     m 1557 Margrave Philibert of Baden-Baden; ** 1536; † 1569;
880 1495 1516-1545 Louis X = Ludwig X von Bayern;
s(750); * 18/9 1495; † 22/4 1545;
Duke of Bayern from 1516; co-ruler with brother William (879);
890 1528 1550-1579 Albrecht V der Grossmütige = Albert V of Bavaria;
s(870); * 29/2 1528; † 24/10 1579;
Duke of Bavaria from 1550;
A devote Catholic and leader of the counter-reformation;
Part in the treaty of Passau in 1552 and the Augsburg peace in 1555.

Anne Habsburg of Austria; * 07/07 1528; m 04/07 1546; † 17/10 1590; d Emperor Ferdinand I and Anna of Bohemia and Hungary, a daughter of King Ladislaus II of Bohemia and Hungary; For the Austrian Line;
children :
1.   Karl; * 7/ 1547; † 7/12 1547;
2.   William V (900); * 1548; † 1626;
3.   Ferdinand; * 20/1 1550; † 30/1 1608;
4.   Marie Anne; * 21/3 1551; † 29/4 1608;
     m 26/8 1571 Archduke Karl von Steyer; * 3/6 1540; † 10/7 1590;
5.   Maximiliana Maria; * 4/7 1552; † 11/7 1614;
6.   Friedrich; * 26/7 1553; † 18/4 1554;
7.   Ernst; * 17/12 1554; † 17/2 1612;
     Eccliastical positions: Bishop of Freising, Hildesheim, Liége, Münster and Archbishop, elector of Cologne from 1583 to 1612;
900 1548 1579-1597 William V the Pious = Wilhelm V der Fromme;
s(890); * 29/9 1548; † 17/2 1626;
Duke of Bavaria from 1579;

Renata of Lorraine = Renée de Lorraine; * 20/4 1544; † 22/5 1602; m 22/2 1568; d Duke Franz II of Lorraine;
Renata's mother was Christine of Denmark (Dk 131-5);
children :
1.   Christoph; * 1570; † 23/1 1570;
1a.   Christoph; * 1572; † 1580; (only 1 source);
2.   Maximilian I (910); * 1573; † 1651;
3.   Christine; * 23/9 1571; † 27/4 1580;
4.   Maria Anna; * 8/12 1574; † 8/3 1616;
     m 23/4 1600; Emperor Ferdinand II;
5.   Philipp William; * 22/9 1576; † 18/5 1598; Bishop and Cardinal;
6.   Ferdinand; * 6/10 1577; † 13/9 1650; a Bishop and Archbishop, elector of Cologne;
7.   Eleonore Magdalene; * 7/10 1578 or 1579; † 18/4 1579 or 1580;
8.   Karl; * 30/5 1580; † 27/10 1587;
9.   Albert = Albrecht VI der Leuchtenberger;
     * 13/5 1584; † 5/7 1666;
     m 27/4 1612 Countess Mechthildis of Leuchtenberg; * 15/10 1588; † 1/6 1634;
   they got:
   a)   Maria Renata; * 03/08 1616; † 01/03 1630;
   b)   Karl Johann Franz;* 10/11 1618; † 19/05 1640;
   c)   Ferdinand Wilhelm; * 25/08 1620; † 23/10 1629;
   d)   Maximilian Heinrich; * 08/10 1621; † 03/06 1688; Archbishop & Prince-elector of Köln from 1650; Bishop of Hildesheim, Bishop of Liége;
   e)   Sigmund Albrecht; *05/08 1623; † 04/11 1685; Bishop of Freising & Regensburg from 1688;
10.   Magdalene; * 4/7 1587; † 25/9 1628;
     m 11/11 1613 Count Palatine Wolfgang William of Neuberg; * 4/11 1578; † 20/3 1653;
910 1573 1598-1651 Maximilian I the Great;
s(900); * 17/4 1573; † 22/9 1651;
Duke of Bavaria from 1598;
Elector Palatine from 25/2 1623; Prince-Elect = Kurfürst;
The electorate came from his cousin, Friedrich V of the Palatinate;
The Thirty Years' War 1618-1648;

Elizabeth of Lorraine = Elisabeth Renata his cousin; * 1574; m(1) 1595; † 1635;
d Duke Charles III of Lorraine; Austrian line here;
no children ;

Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria, his niece; * 13/1 1610; m(2) 15/7 1635; † 25/9 1665; d Emperor Ferdinand II who was married to Maximilian's sister;
children :
1.   Ferdinand Maria (920); * 1636; † 1679;
2.   Maximilian Philipp Hieronymus; * 30/9 1638; † 20/3 1705;
     m 24/4 1668 Princess Mauricienne Fébronie; * 12/4 1652; † 20/6 1706;

Bayern som Elektorat - fra 1623 til 1805

Foruden hertugtitlen havde Bayerns fyrster - med ovenstående (910) Maximilian I - nu fået den fornemme position som en af de fyrster, der indgik i kejservalgkollegiet.
No. Born Ruled Ruler's name and relations
Spouse's name and relations
920 1636 1651-1679 Ferdinand Maria;
s(910); * 31/10 1636; † 26/5 1679;
Duke of Bavaria from 1651;
Elector of Bavaria from 1651;

Adelaide Henriette of Savoy; * 6/11 1636; † 18/3 1676; m 25/6 1652;
children :
1.   Maximilian II (930); * 1662; † 1726;
2.   Louis Amadeus Victor; * 6/4 1665; † 11/12 1665;
3.   Kajetan Marie Franz; * 2/5 1670; † 7/12 1670;
4.   Josef Klemens; * 5/12 1671; † 12/11 1723;
     Bishop of Liége, Hildesheim, Regensburg, and Archbishop Elector of Cologne;
5.   Marie Anna Christine Victoria; * 28/11 1660; † 20/4 1690;
     m 1680 Dauphin Louis of France; * 1/11 1661; † 14/4 1711;
6.   Luise Margarete Antonie; * 18/9 1663; † 10/11 1665;
7.   Violante-Beatrix; * 23/1 1673; † 29/5 1731;
     m 1689 Ferdinando III de Medici; * 9/8 1673; † 31/10 1713;
8.-11-   4 children;
930 1662 1679-1726 Maximilian II Emanuel;
s(920); * 11/7 1662; † 26/2 1726;
Duke of Bavaria from 1679;
Elector of bavaria from 1679;

Archduchess Marie Antonie of Austria; ; * 18/1 1669; m(1) 1685; † 24/12 1692; d Emperor Leopold I
children :
  1.   Leopold Ferdinand; * 22/5 1689; † 25/5 1689;
  2.   Anton; * 28/6 1690; † 28/6 1690;
  3.   Josef Ferdinand Leopold; * 28/10 1692; † 6/2 1699;

Princess Therese Kunigunde Sobieska of Poland;
     * 4/3 1676; † 10/3 1730; m(2) 2/1 1695;
children :
  4.   a Son; * 12/8 1695; † 12/8 1695;
  5.   Maria Anna Karoline; * 4/8 1696; † 1750; became a nun;
  6.   Karl Albert (940); * 1697; † 1745;
  7.   Philipp Moritz Maria; * 5/8 1698; † 12/3 1719;
     Elector of Paderborn and Münster;
  8.   Ferdinand Maria Innocenz; * 5/8 1699; † 9/12 1738;
     m 5/2 1719 Countess Anna Maria of Neuburg; * 30/1 1693; † 12/9 1751;
  9.   Klemens August; * 17/8 1700; † 6/2 1761;
     Bishop of Münster, Paderborn, Archbishop Elector of Cologne;
10.   William; * 12/7 1701; † 12/2 1704;
11.   Alois Johann Christoph; * 21/6 1702; † 18/6 1705;
12.   Johann Theodor; * 3/9 1703; † 1763;
     Bishop of Regensburg, Freising, Liége, a Cardinal;
13.   Maximilian Emanuel Thomas; * 21/12 1704; † 18/2 1709;
940 1697 1726-1745 Charles Albert = Karl Albrecht, Duke of Bavaria
s(930); * 6/8 1697; † 20/1 1745;
Duke of Bavaria from 1726;
Elector of Bavaria from 1726;
Emperor from 12/2 1742 as Karl VII;
King of Bohemia from 7/12 1741;

Maria Amalia; Archduchess of Austria; * 22/10 1701; † 11/12 1758;
     m 5/10 1722; d (Germ. 055);
children :
1.   Maximiliane; * 12/4 1723; † 12/4 1723;
2.   Maria Antonia Walburga Symphorosa = Walpurgis; * 18/7 1724; † 23/4 1780;
     m 20/6 1747 Elector Frederick Christian of Sachsen (Tysk.049); * 5/9 1722; † 17/12 1763;
3.   Therese Benedicta Maria; * 6/12 1725; † 29/3 1734;
4.   Maximilian III (950); * 28/3 1727; † 30/12 1777;
5.   Joseph Ludvig Leopold; * 25/8 1728; † 2/12 1733;
6.   Marie Anna Josepha Augusta; * 7/8 1734; † 7/5 1776;
     m 1755 Margrave Ludwig Georg Simpert of Baden-Baden; * 1722; † 1761;
7.   Maria Josepha Antonia Walburga; * 30/3 1739; † 28/5 1767;
     m Emperor Joseph II (Germ. 059); * 13/3 1741; † 20/2 1790;
950 1727 1745-1777 Maximilian III Josef Charles;
s(940); * 28/3 1727; † 30/12 1777;
Duke of Bavaria from 1745;
Elector of Bavaria from 1745;
Succeeded as Elector by a cousin, Charles Theodor of Sulzbach;

Maria Anna of Saxony; * 29/8 1728; † 17/2 1797; m 1747;
   d Duke Friedrich August II of Sachsen (Tysk.048); no children ;
960 1724 1777-1799 Charles IV Theodor = Karl IV Theodor;
s John Christian Joseph of Sulzbach, who descended from Rudolf I (600);
* 11/12 1724; † 16/2 1799;
Kurfürst von der Pfalz, Count Palatine from 1742; Elector of Bavaria from 1777;
Duke of Bavaria from 1777;
He was succeeded by a distant cousin from the Zweibrücken line;

Marie Elisabeth Auguste of Sulxbaxh; * 1721; † 1794; m(1) 1742;
child :
1.   Franz Ludwig Josef; * 28/6 1761; † 29/6 1761;

Archduchess Marie Leopoldine of Austria; * 10/12 1776; † 23/6 1848;
no children ;
970 1756 1799-1805 Maximilian IV Maria Michael Johann Baptist Franz von Paula Joseph Kaspar Ignatius Johann Nepomuk;
s of Count Palatine of Zweibrücken-Birkenfeld;
* 27/5 1756; † 13/10 1825;
Elector of Bavaria from 16/2 1799 to 1805;
Duke of Pfalz-Zweibrücken from 1/4 1795 to 1799;
Duke of Bavaria from 1799 to 1805;
King of Bavaria from 26/12 1805 as Maximilian I Joseph;

Countess Auguste Marie Wilhelmine of Hesse-Darmstadt; * 14/4 1765; † 30/3 1796; m(1) 30/9 1785; d Prince Georg Wilhelm of Hesse-Darmstadt;
children :
  1.   Louis I Charles August (990); * 1786; † 1868;
  2.   Princess Augusta Amalia Ludovika Georgia of Bavaria, Duchess of Leuchtenberg; * 21/6 1788; † 13/5 1851;
     m Eugène de Beauharnais;
  3.   Countess Amalie Marie Auguste of Zweibrücken; * 1790; † 24/1 1794;
  4.    Princess Charlotte Auguste of Bavaria; * 8/2 1792; † 9/2 1873;
     m(1) William I of Württemberg;
     m(2) Emperor Francis I of Austria;
  5.   Charles Theodor; * 7/7 1795; † 16/8 1875;
     Two morganatically marriages;

Princess Friederike Karoline Wilhelmine of Baden; * 13/7 1776; † 13/11 1841; m(2) 9/3 1797;
d Margrave Karl Ludwig of Baden;
children :
  6.   Son; * 5/9 1799; † 5/9 1799;
  7.   Charles Friedrich Louis William Maximilian Joseph; * 28/10 1800; † 12/2 1803;
  8.   Augusta Amalia Ludovika Georgia; * 21/6 1788; † 13/5 1851;
     m 14/1 1806 Duke Eugène de Beauharnais of Leuchtenberg; * 3/9 1781; † 21/2 1824;
  9.   Amalie Maria Augusta; * 1790; † 24/1 1794;
10.   Princess Elisabeth Ludovika, Queen of Prussia; * 13/11 1801; † 14/12 1873;
     m Frederick William IV of Prussia;
11.   Princess Amalie Auguste, Queen of Saxony; * 13/11 1801; † 8/11 1877;
     m 21/11 1822 in Dresden King Johann I of Sachsen; * 12/12 1801; † 29/10 1873;
12.   Princes Sophie, Archduchess of Austria; * 1805; † 1872;
     m 4/11 1824 Archduke Franz Karl of Austria; they got:
       a) Franz Joseph I of Austria;
       b) Maximilian I of Mexico;
13.   Princess Marie Anne Leopoldine Elisabeth Wilhelmine; * 27/1 1805; † 13/9 1877;
     m 24/04 1833 Frederick Augustus II of Sachsen; * 18/05 1797; † 09/08 1854;
14.   Princess Marie Ludovika Wilhelmine; * 1808; † 1892;
     m Duke Maximilian Joseph of Bavaria;
15.   Princess Maximiliana Josepha Caroline_ 21/7 1810; † 4/2 1821;

These children do not figure complete in all sources, some are missing in some lists other are mentioned in all lists;

Konriget Bayern fra 1805

Den 1. april 1795 blev Maximilian hertug af Zweibrücken ved sin broder Karl IIs død. Og da hans slægtning af Sulzbachlinjen, Karl IV Theodor, døde barnløs i 1799, arvede han som Maximilian IV også hertugtitlen i Bayern sammen med titlen Valgfyrste for Bayern og Falzgreve af Rhinen med flere titler.

Maximilian IV var indtil 1813 Napoleons allierede, hvilket bl.a. betød, at han fik omdannet sit hertugdømme til et selvstændigt kongerige fra 1805, ved hvilken lejlighed han skiftede titel til Maximilian I Joseph af Bayern. Forholdet mellem Frankrig og Bayern var så tæt, at Maximilian bortgiftede sin ældste datter, Augusta Amalia, til Eugène de Beauharnais, Napoleons stedsøn af Napoleons første hustru, Joséphine Tascher de la Pagerie, og Vicomte Alexandre de Beauharnais.

Kongetitlen blev tildelt ved Pressburgaftalen af 26/12 1805. Ved samme lejlighed forekom der nogle territoriale ændringer for Bayern. Ophøjelsen til kongerige trådte i kraft 1/1 1806.

Efter Napoleons fald og under Wienerkongressen skete der yderligere territoriale ændringer.
No. Born Ruled Ruler's name and relations
Spouse's name and relations
970 1756 1799-1805 Maximilian I Joseph;
s of Count Palatine of Zweibrücken-Birkenfeld;
* 27/5 1756; † 13/10 1825;
Elector of Bavaria from 1799 to 1805;
Duke of Pfalz-Zweibrücken from 1/4 1795 to 1799;
Duke of Bavaria from 1799 to 1805;
King of Bavaria from 26/12 1805 as Maximilian I Joseph;

For family detail - see above;
990 1786 1825-1848 Louis I Charles August = Ludwig I Karl;
s(970); * 25/8 1786; † 29/2 1868;
King of Bavaria from 1825;
Abdicated 20/3 1848;

Princess Therese of Saxe-Hildburghausen; * 8/7 1792; † 26/10 1854; m 12/10 1810;
   d Duke Friedrich of Sachsen-Hildburghausen (SA-050); * 29/04 1763; † 29/09 1834;
children :
1.   Maximilian (992); * 1811; † 1864;
2.   Mathilde Karoline Friederike Wilhelmine Charlotte; * 30/8 1813; † 25/5 1862;
     m 26/12 1833 Grandduke Louis III of Hesse; * 9/6 1806; † 13/6 1877;
3.   Otto Friedrich Ludwig; King of Greece; * 1/6 1815; † 26/7 1867;
4.   Theodelinde Charlotte Louise; * 7/10 1816; † 9/4 1817;
5.   Luitpold Karl Joseph Wilhelm Ludwig; * 12/3 1821; † 12/12 1912; Prince regent of Bavaria;
     m 15/4 1844 Archduchess Auguste of Austria-Tuscany; * 1/4 1825; † 26/4 1864;
     they got:
     a) Ludwig III (998); * 1845; † 1921;
     b)-d) Three more children;
6.   Adelgunde Auguste Charlotte Caroline Elisabeth Amalie Marie Sophie Louise; * 19/3 1823; † 28/10 1914;
     m 30/3 1842 Duke Francesco V of Modena, Archduke of Austria; * 1/6 1819; † 20/5 1875;
7.   Hildegard Luise Charlotte Theresie Friederike; * 10/6 1825; † 2/4 1864;
     m 1/5 1844 Archduke Albert of Austria; * 3/8 1817; † 18/2 1895;
8.   Alexandra Amalie; * 26/8 1826; † 21/9 1875;
9.   Adalbert Wilhelm Georg Ludwig; * 19/7 1828; † 21/9 1875;
     m 25/8 1856 Infanta Amalia of Spain; * 12/10 1834; † 27/8 1905;
992 1811 1848-1864 Maximilian II Josef;
s(990); * 28/11 1811; † 10/3 1864;
King of Bavaria from 20/3 1848; by father's abdication;

Princess Marie of Prussia; * 15/10 1825; † 27/05 1889; m proxy 05/10 1842, m person 12/10 1842;
children :
1.   Ludwig II Otto (994); * 1845; † 1886;
2.   Otto I Wilhelm (996); * 1848; † 1916;
994 1845 1864-1886 Ludwig II Otto Friedrich Wilhelm;
s(992); * 25/08 1845; † 13/06 1886 drowned by accident;
King of Bavaria from 1864;
Abdicated 10/06 1886;
996 1848 1886-1913 Otto I Wilhelm Luitpold Adalbert Waldemar;
s(992); * 27/04 1848; † 11/10 1916;
King of Bavaria from 13/6 1886;
Deposed 05/11 1913;
998 1845 1913-1918 Ludwig III Leopold Joseph Maria Aloys Alfred;
s(990-5); * 07/01 1845; † 18/10 1921;
Prince regent from 12/12 1912 to 05/11 1913;
King of Bavaria from 05/11 1913;
Dethroned 07/11 1918;
Duke of Bavaria from 1918;

Archduchess Marie Theres of Asutria; * 02/07 1849; † 03/02 1919; m 20/02 1868;
children :
1.   Ruprecht Maria Luitpold Ferdinand; * 18/05 1869; † 02/08 1955;
     Heir to the throne of Bavaria;
See the rest of the family on the net under Wittelsbach and Bavaria.

Updated 2020-10-24 and again 2021-05-10.
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