CONTAINMENT | definizione, significato - che cosa è CONTAINMENT nel dizionario Inglese - Cambridge Dictionary

Significato di containment in inglese

Esempi di containment

Extensive redundancies are avoided without losing the necessary degree of self-containment of each of the chapters.
Any enclosure has, in principle, a pair of complementary capabilities: containment and exclusion.
Prisons are sites that seed isolation, conformity, order, and containment of body and mind.
In both cases, image "f" range "f" codomain "f", with at least one of the containments being equality.
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Questo esempio è tratto da Wikipedia e può essere riutilizzato ai sensi della licenza CC BY-SA.
Instead of cutting benefits or coverage, cost containment has focused overwhelmingly on controlling fees and overall spending.
Looking at events in individual countries, the conclusion that cost containment has prompted public backlash is considerably strengthened.
Two main policy directions stand out - cost-containment and activation.
Cost-containment is only one - if a very important - policy goal in health care.
Another manifestation is that containment relations are respected so that interiors map onto interiors while exteriors map onto exteriors.
Public participation initiatives are sites in which processes of co-option and containment may be present.
More recent studies have been limited by the high degree of containment needed to handle this virus.
Our study also suggests the need to re-examine the health sector in terms of health financing and health-care cost containment.
The music works to position us in terms of this diegetic containment.
Moreover, in doing so - in escaping or exposing its own 'strategies of containment' - narrative foregrounds that which it has, superficially, suppressed.
Containment and transcendence are experiential qualities associated with the image, and can be regarded as a companion concept to enclosure/ouverture.
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Collocazioni con containment


Queste parole sono spesso utilizzate in combinazione con containment.

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containment building
The relatively small leakage remained within the containment building.
containment structure
A blast room includes three of the four components of a blast cabinet: the containment structure, the abrasive blasting system and the dust collector.
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Questo esempio è tratto da Wikipedia e può essere riutilizzato ai sensi della licenza CC BY-SA.
containment system
Such a lengthy time span could provide a considerable challenge to the integrity of the containment system.
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Hansard archive
Esempi tratti dall’archivio Hansard. Contiene dati parlamentari concessi ai sensi della Licenza libera parlamentare v3.0
Questi esempi provengono dal Cambridge English Corpus e da fonti internet. Qualsiasi opinione presente negli esempi non rappresenta l’opinione degli editor di Cambridge Dictionary o di Cambridge University Press, né dei loro licenziatari.

Traduzioni di containment

in cinese (tradizionale)
控制, 抑制, 阻止…
in cinese (simplificato)
控制, 抑制, 阻止…
in portoghese
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to eat something eagerly and in large amounts so that nothing is left

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