Coalition Government meansA. Government formed by two or more partiesB. Government that remains in power for five yearsC. Government formed with the State partiesD. Government that makes law with consensus
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Coalition Government means
A. Government formed by two or more parties
B. Government that remains in power for five years
C. Government formed with the State parties
D. Government that makes law with consensus

Last updated date: 09th May 2024
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Hint: In India, the first coalition government who completed its full-term was the Atal Bihari Vajpayee, which led to the National Democratic Alliance from 1999 to 2004.

Complete Answer:
A coalition government is a form of government in which two or more political parties cooperate to form a government. Coalition Government: It is a form of government in which two or more political parties cooperate to form a government. If no single party achieves an absolute majority after an election, in such cases a coalition government is formed. Such a government might also be formed in a time of national crisis (for example, during war or economic decline) to give the concerned government a higher degree of perceived political legitimacy or collective identity. It can also help to diminish the internal strife between political parties of the country. In such predicaments, parties usually form all-party coalitions (grand coalitions or national unity government).
Countries which often operate with coalition cabinets are:
Australia, Cyprus, Austria, France, Germany, India, Greece, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Ireland, Japan, Kenya, Lebanon, New Zealand, Turkey, Ukraine, etc. Switzerland has been ruled by a coalition of four parties in parliament from 1959 to 2008, which is popularly known as the ‘Magic Formula’. Between 2010 and 2015, the United Kingdom also operated a coalition between the Conservative and the Liberal Democrat parties. However, this was unusual since the UK has usually been run by a single-party majority government.
So, the correct answer is Option A.

Note: A coalition government is made if no single party achieves an absolute majority after an election. Such a government might also be formed in a time of national crisis (for example, during war or economic decline) to give the concerned government a higher degree of perceived political legitimacy or collective identity.