Poetry Collection 2, Unit 5 Flashcards | Quizlet

Poetry Collection 2, Unit 5

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In "They are hostile nations," how does the speaker feel that people should act toward one another?
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In "They are hostile nations," how does the speaker feel that people should act toward one another?
People should be kind to one another.
Which of these statements best describes how the speaker says people actually do act toward one another in "They are hostile nations"?
People touch as though they are attacking one another.
To whom or what does the speaker apologize in "Under a Certain Little Star"? Choose three options.
to people in train stations, for sleeping soundly in the morning
to deserts, for not rushing in with a spoonful of water
to dead people, for not remembering them better
In "They are hostile nations," what does Atwood's speaker consider to be the most important "war"?
the war to ensure basic survival
In "Under a Certain Little Star," what does the poet conclude at the end?
Nothing can excuse the speaker as long as she lives, since she is her own obstacle.
If an eagle is diving rapidly towards its target, which of the following statements is most likely to be true? Base your answer on the meaning of target.
It is hunting its next meal.
Which of the following is most likely to be vulnerable? Base your answer on the meaning of vulnerable.
a lost toddler in a train station
Which of the following is most likely true of a hounded person? Base your answer on the meaning of hounded.
The person is being harassed and pursued relentlessly.
Part A
What does the speaker in "They are hostile nations" most want from her enemy?

Part B
Which lines from "They are hostile nations" best support the answer to Part A?
Not D

Not C
The speaker in "They are hostile nations" says, "there is almost / time / if we can only / make it as far as / the (possibly) last summer." In these lines, what is the speaker most likely implying about the world as she sees it?
Not B
Part A
How does the speaker in "Under a Certain Little Star" feel about the problems that she faces in her life, compared to the problems that others face?

Part B
Which excerpt from "Under a Certain Little Star" best supports the answer to Part A?
The speaker feels that her problems are minor in comparison to far more serious problems.

Truth, do not pay me too much attention.
Choose the most likely meaning the writer intended in the following line from "Under a Certain Little Star."
The writer believes her answers to life's important questions could be better.
Read these lines from "There are hostile nations."

Put down the target of me
you guard inside your binoculars,
in turn I will surrender
this aerial photograph

Who is the most likely audience the speaker is addressing?
the speaker's enemy
Part A
In the poem "Under a Certain Little Star," the speaker addresses various audiences. Which answer best describes her audiences?

Part B
Which excerpt from "Under a Certain Little Star" best supports the answer to Part A?
people, things, and ideals that she is not living up to

My apologies to everything that I can't be everywhere. / My apologies to all for not knowing how to be every man and woman.
Read these lines from the closing of "Under a Certain Little Star."

My apologies to everything that I can't be everywhere.
My apologies to all for not knowing how to be every man and woman.

The speaker's tone helps the author develop the poem's themes. Which of the following sentences best explains the speaker's tone and theme in the concluding lines?
Not C