Prince Charles Stuart styled Duke of Kendal (1666–1667) • FamilySearch

Prince Charles Stuart styled Duke of Kendal

Male4 July 1666–22 May 1667

Brief Life History of Charles

When Prince Charles Stuart styled Duke of Kendal was born on 4 July 1666, in Saint James's Palace, London, England, United Kingdom, his father, King James Stuart II of England, Ireland and Scotland, was 32 and his mother, Lady Anne Hyde Duchess of York Duchess of Albany, was 29. He died on 22 May 1667, in his hometown, at the age of 0, and was buried in Westminster, London, England, United Kingdom.

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Family Time Line

King James Stuart II of England, Ireland and Scotland
Lady Anne Hyde Duchess of York Duchess of Albany
Prince Charles Stuart Duke of Cambridge
Mary Stuart II Queen of England
Prince James Stuart Duke of Cambridge, KG
Queen Anne Stuart
Prince Charles Stuart styled Duke of Kendal
Prince Edgar Stuart, Duke of Cambridge
Princess Henrietta Stuart
Princess Catherine Stuart

Sources (3)

  • Legacy NFS Source: Charles Stuart Duke of Kendal - Published information: Family genealogies: birth-name: Charles Stuart Duke of Kendal
  • Charles Stuart, "Find A Grave Index"
  • wikipedia: Charles Stuart, Duke of Kendal

Parents and Siblings

Siblings (8)

+3 More Children

Name Meaning

Scottish (Aberdeenshire and Banffshire): variant of Stewart . This French form of the name, there being no W in the French language, was adopted by Mary, Queen of Scots, on her return to Scotland in 1561 and has since come to be more popular among royalists than the earlier spellings.

History: Stuart or Stewart is the surname of one of the great families of Scotland (see note at Stewart ).

Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

Possible Related Names

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