Charles Lennox 3rd Duke of Richmond (1735–1806) • FamilySearch

Charles Lennox 3rd Duke of Richmond

Male22 February 1735–29 December 1806

Brief Life History of Charles

When Charles Lennox 3rd Duke of Richmond was born on 22 February 1735, in Westminster, Middlesex, England, his father, Charles Lennox, 2nd Duke of Richmond, was 33 and his mother, Sarah Cadogan Duchess of Richmond and Cadogan, was 28. He married Lady Mary Bruce Duchess of Richmond on 1 April 1757, in St James, Middlesex, England, United Kingdom. He registered for military service in 1751. In 1763, his occupation is listed as he held the office of lord-lieutenant of sussex militia in Sussex, England. He died on 29 December 1806, in Goodwood House, West Sussex, England, United Kingdom, at the age of 71, and was buried in London, Middlesex, England.

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Family Time Line

Charles Lennox 3rd Duke of Richmond
Lady Georgiana Lennox
Henrietta Le Clerc Lennox
Mary Bennett Lennox

Sources (7)

  • Charles Duke Of Richmond Lennox, "England Marriages, 1538–1973 "
  • Charles Lennox, "Find A Grave Index"
  • Charles, Duke Of Richmond, "British Newspaper Archive, Family Notices"

Spouse and Children

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World Events (8)


Age 10

England, Austria, Saxony and the Netherlands formed an alliance against Russia.

1752 · Gregorian Calendar is Adopted

Age 17

Gregorian calendar was adopted in England in 1752. That year, Wednesday, September 2, 1752, was followed by Thursday, September 14th, 1752, which caused the country to skip ahead eleven days.

1754 · Seven Years' War

Age 19

The Seven Years' War began as a North American conflict then stretched between England and France. England, along with allies, battled France in America, India, and Europe, making it arguably the first global war. The conflict ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1763 and England was victorious. The Seven Years' war ultimately led to discontent in the colonies and the American Revolution.

Name Meaning

Scottish and northern Irish: habitational name from the districtnear Dumbarton, recorded in 1174 in the form Leuenaichs and inthe following year as Levenax. Apparently it is named fromGaelic leamhan ‘elm’ + the locative suffix -ach +English -s.

Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

Possible Related Names

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