Catherine Yurievskaya
In Biographical Summaries of Notable People
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Catherine Yurievskaya
In Biographical Summaries of Notable People
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NameCatherine Yurievskaya
BirthSep 9 1878
 Saint Petersburg
DeathDec 22 1959
 Hayling Island
MarriageSpouse: Sergei Obolensky
Oct 6 1916
MotherCatherine DolgorukovNov 14 1847
FatherAlexander II of RussiaApr 29 1818
BrotherBoris Alexandrovich YurievskyFeb 23 1876
SisterOlga Alexandrovna YurievskayaNov 7 1874
HusbandSergei ObolenskyOct 3 1890
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