WHKMLA : History of the Qing Dynasty
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Sources on the History of East Asia
Sources on the History of Core China . South China . Gobi Region . Northeast Asia
Ming Dynasty Republic of China
First posted on October 9th 2009, last revised on January 24th 2014

KMLA Papers . References : Online Secondary Sources . Online Primary Sources . Bibliographic and Print Sources

For earlier history, see Ming China 1368-1644
for the years since 1949 see People's Republic of China, Taiwan, Mongolia
For the years 1911-1949, see Republic of China, Taiwan, Mongolia, Tibet, Manchuria, Tannu Touva

Demographic History of China
Historical Atlas : China, Macau, Hong Kong

History by Province : Anhui, Fujian, Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Inner Mongolia, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan, Tibet, Xinjiang, Yunnan, Zhejiang
For Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang see Manchuria
Former foreign colonies / leased territories / concessions in China : Macau, Hong Kong
States in tributary relations with Qing China : Korea (until 1897), Vietnam (Annam-Tonkin, 1802-1885), Annam (-1802), Tonkin (-1802)

Students' Papers : Shim, Soho, The Influence of China on the Development of Early Global Trade, and the Role of Silver (2013)
Students' Papers : Lyu, Seungin, History of Water-Power in Korea, in Comparison with China and Europe (2013)
Students' Papers : Lee, Hye Jin, Maritime History : The South China Sea until the later 19th Century (2012)
Students' Papers : Son, Bo Kyung, The History of Persecution of the Buddhist Faith (2011)
Students' Papers : You, In Sun, Analysis of Decline of East-Asian Medicine - Where should Traditional Medicine in Korea (ROK) Head ? (2011)
Students' Papers : Choi, Jeong Hoon, Impact of Climate Change in East Asian History (2009)
Students' Papers : Kim, Sun Hoo, Namecalling Used by the People's Republic of China in its Modern National Historiography (2010)
Students' Papers : Cho, Yeon Ju, History of Textiles in East Asia (2009)
Students' Papers : Nam, Sangjoon, History of Transportation in China and Japan (2009)
Students' Papers : Lim, Seung Hwan, Chinese Loans, 1861-1911 (2009)
Students' Papers : Kim, Young Yoon, Slavery in Imperial China (2009)
Students' Papers : Ko, Young Kon, The Changing View of Confucius in Chinese History. From Ancient China to Communist China (2009)
Students' Papers : Kim, Do-Gyun, Old Cities : Beijing and Nanjing in Historic Encyclopedias (2009)
Students' Papers : Park, Keuk Ryul, Sino-Korean Relations as Portrayed in European Encyclopedias 1771-1930 (2009)
Students' Papers : Lim, Seung Hwan : History of China's Open Ports (2009)
Students' Papers : Kim, Min Woo : The Coverage of the Sepoy Rebellion and the Boxer Rebellion in Historic Encyclopedias (2009)
Students' Papers : Suh, Hee-won: History of Water Management in China (2008)
Students' Papers : Sung, Min Kyung: Industrialization and China until 1949 (2008)
Students' Papers : Lee, Si-eun : History of Indian and Chinese Coolies and their Descendants (2008)
Students' Papers : Park, HyoSong : Premodern Chinese Food. Chinese Culinary History before the Republic of China (2008)
Students' Papers : Ko, Young Kon, Academic History of China and Korea before 1800 (2008)
Students' Papers : Chung, Habin : Economic Factors in Chinese Rebellions of the 19th Century (2005)

Narrative . References : ONLINE SECONDARY SOURCES . Online Primary Sources . Bibliographic and Print Sources

Country Profiles . Links . Organizations . Accounts of History . Politics . Military History . Economic History . Social History . Ethnography
History of Religion . Regional History . Local History . Institutions . Culture . Biography . Environmental History . Others
Country Profiles modern Articles Qing Dynasty, from Wikipedia
Library of Congress Country Studies : China
historical D.F. Navarrete, Tratados historicos, politicos, ethicos y religiosos de la monarchia de China, 1676, in Spanish, GB
Auber, Peter, China an outline of its government, laws and policy and of the British and the foreign ambassies to, and intercourse with that empire, 1834, SBB
Zeller, Magnus Friedrich, Beschreibung des chinesischen Reichs und Volkes nebst Uebersicht der Geschichte Chinas Mit Rücksicht auf die Ausbreitung des Christenthums in diesem Länder-Gebiet, 1836, in German, SBB
Alvarez y Tejero, Luis Prudencio, Resena historica del gran imperio de China, 1857, in Spanish, SBB
Arbeiten der Kaiserlich Russischen Gesandtschaft zu Peking über China, sein Volk, seine Religion, seine Institutionen, socialen Verhältnisse etc., trsl. into German, 1859, SBB
Douglas, Robert K., China, 1887, SBB
Chen, Jitong, China und die Chinesen, 1896, in German, SBB
Gorst, Harold Edward, China, 1899, SBB
J.H. Gray, The Chinese Empire, Past and Present (1900), IA
S.W. Wells, The Middle Kingdom : a survey of the geography, government, education, social life, arts, and history of the Chinese Empire and its inhabitants (1882), IA
Coucheron-Aamot, William, Li Hung-Changs Vaterland, 1901, in German, SBB
political situation and prospects Eulenburg, Fritz, Ost-Asien 1860 - 1862 in Briefen des Grafen Fritz zu Eulenburg, K?iglich Preu?schen Gesandten, betraut mit au?rordentlicher Mission nach China, Japan und Siam , 1900, in German, SBB
Courcy, Marie Rene Roussel L'empire du milieu description g?graphique, pr?is historique, institutions sociales, religieuses, politiques, notions sur les sciences, les arts, l'industrie et le commerce , 1867, in French, SBB
Colquhoun, Archibald Ross, The opening of China six letters reprinted from The Times on the present condition and future prospects of China, 1884, SBB
J.A. Whitney, The Chinese, and the Chinese question (1888), IA
Brandt, Max, Die Zukunft Ostasiens, ein Beitrag zur Geschichte und zum Verständnis der ostasiatischen Frage, 1895, in German, SBB
Chirol, Valentine, The far eastern question, 1896, SBB
Curzon, George Nathaniel Problems of the Far East : Japan - Korea - China, 1896, SBB
Brandt, Max von, Ostasiatische Fragen. China - Japan - Korea 1897, in German, IA
The Break-up of China: With an Account of Its Present Commerce, Currency, Waterways, Armies .. (1899), posted on Internet Archive
Robert Hart, "These from the land of Sinim." Essays on the Chinese question (1901), posted on Internet Archive
B.L. Putnam Weale, Indiscreet Letters from Peking (1907), posted on Internet Archive
Links, General from Library of Congress, Portals to the World; from BUBL; from dmoz; from Internet Guide for Chinese Studies (Virtual Library China); Links on China (chapter on Ch. History) from Univ. Oregon, Asian Studies
List of China-related topics, from Wikipedia
Links, on History from IGCS; from East Asia Digital Library; click for Qing Dynasty; from Univ. Oregon, Asian Studies
Organizations Johns Hopkins University, Society for Qing Studies
Historical Dictionary Encyclopedia of China, from Jongo Knows
The cities and towns of China, a geographical dictionary, 1879, SBB
Biot, Edouard, Dictionnaire des noms anciens et moderne des villes et arrondissements de premier, deuxieme et troisieme ordre compris dans l'empire chinois indiquant les latitudes et les longitudes des tous les chefs lieux de cet empire et les epoques auxquelles leurs noms ont ete changes , 1842, in French, SBB
Giles, Herbert A., A glossary of reference on subjects connected with the Far East, 1878 edition, 1886 edition, SBB
W.F. Mayers, The Chinese Government: A Manual of Chinese Titles, Categorically Arranged .. (1886), posted on Internet Archive
The cities and towns of China, a Geographical Dictionary 1879, SBB
Timelines from www.timelines.ws : to 1925
Timeline of Chinese-European Cultural Relations, posted by Institute of Asian Affairs, Hamburg
Chronologie Chine, from Clio, in French
Category : Years in China, from Wikipedia
China 1904-1914
Accounts of History General, Modern Concise Political History of China, posted by Chinese Culture (CUNY); based on Comptons; from Chinapedia
The Qing Dynasty, from All Empires
Y.K. Wang, Managing Hegemony in East Asia: China's Rise in Historical Perspective 2013; focus on Qing hegemony in East Asia
General, Historical The Chinese Traveller, Containing A Geographical, Commercial, and Political History of China ; With A particular Account of their Customs, Manners, Religion, Agriculture, Government, Arts, Sciences, Ceremonies, Buildings, Language, Physick, Trade, Manufactures, Shipping, Plants, Trees, Beasts, Birds, &c. &c. 1772, SBB
Senancour, Etienne Pivert de, Resume de l'histoire de la Chine, 1825, in French, SBB
Gützlaff, Karl, Gützlaff's Geschichte des chinesischen Reiches von den ältesten Zeiten bis auf den Frieden von Nanking, 1847, in German, SBB
D.C. Boulger, History of China (1881), vol.1, vol.2, IA
S. Ritter von Fries (trsl.), Abriss der Geschichte Chinas seit seiner Entstehung, nach chinesischen Quellen übersetzt und bearbeitet, 1884, in German, SBB
Williams, Samuel Wells Williams, Frederick Wells A history of China being the historical chapters from "The Middle Kingdom", 1897, SBB
E.R. Lyman, Chronological Tables of the Chinese Dynasties: (From the Chow Dynasty to the Ch'ing Dynasty) (1900), IA
J. MacGowan, The imperial history of China, being a history of the empire as compiled by the Chinese historians (1906), IA
F.L.H. Pott, A Sketch of Chinese History (1908), IA
Specific Periods The Decline of the Ming and the Rise of the Manchus, ch.31, The Manchus' Consolidation of Power, ch.32, The Manchu State in Decline 1723-1820, ch.33, The Road to the Opium Wars, ch.34, Sino-Western Conflicts 1832-1901, ch.35, The Mid-Century Rebellions and the Tongzhi Restoration, ch.36, Unstable Equilibrium 1894-1908, ch.37, The Early Republic, Revolution, Abortive Restoration, Warlordism, ch.38, from Edward Kaplan, Chinese Political History, at WWU
K.F.A. Gützlaff (ed.), The life of Taou-kwang, late emperor of China: with memoirs of the court of Peking (1852), IA
Gützlaff, Karl, Leben des Kaisers Taokuang Memoiren des Hofes zu Peking und Beiträge zu der Geschichte Chinas während der letzten fünfzig Jahre, 1852, in German, SBB
W. Schüler, Abriss der neueren Geschichte Chinas, 1912, IA
Historiography China Knowledge : Chinese Literature, Historiographical category
Articles : Chinese Historiography, Draft History of Qing, from Wikipedia
Category : Chinese History Texts, Wikipedia
Politics general W.F. Mayers, The Chinese Government: A Manual of Chinese Titles, Categorically Arranged .. (1886), posted on Internet Archive
Hung-Ming, Ku, Papers from a Viceroy's Yamen Chinese plea for the cause of good government and true civilization in China, 1901, SBB
Institutions Bartlett, Beatrice S. : Monarchs and Ministers: The Grand Council in Mid-Ch'ing China, 1723-1820. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991.
Stephen R. MacKinnon, A Late Qing-GMD-PRC Connection : Police as an Arm of the Modern Chinese State, Selected Papers in Asian Studies 1983
Article Zongli Yamen, from Wikipedia
Article : Three Departments and Six Ministries, from Wikipedia
Foreign Relations Article Zongli Yamen, from Wikipedia
Backgrounder : Sino-British Relations, from Chinese Embassy London
China, from Tram Views of Asia
Een kroniek van Nederlands-Chinese betrekkingen (A chronicle of Dutch-Chinese Relations), from Gele Draak, in Dutch
H.E. Richardson, A Ch'ing Missive to Tibet, in Asia Major vol.18 pt.1 1973
Juliana Peresvetova, Sino-Soviet Amur Conflict, ICE Case Studies 1997
A. Anderson, A Narrative of the British Embassy to China (1793), posted on Internet Archive
G. Staunton, An Authentic Account of an Embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China, (1793), Vol.1, Vol.2, posted on Internet Archive
Henry, Ellis, Journal of the Proceedings of the Late Embassy to China (1818), posted on Internet Archive
A journal of the first French embassy to China, 1698-1700, tr. by S. Bannister (1859), posted on Internet Archive
A. Moges, Recollections of Baron Gros's Embassy to China and Japan in 1857-58 (1860), posted on Internet Archive
H.B. Baron Loch, Personal narrative of occurrences during Lord Elgin's second embassy to China (1860), posted on Internet Archive
H.B. Morse, The international relations of the Chinese empire (1900), vol.1, vol.2, vol.3, posted on Internet Archive
S. W. Williams, Our Relations with the Chinese Empire (1877), posted on Internet Archive
Henderson, James Joseph, An international court for China, 1879, SBB
Paasch, Carl, Die Kaiserlich deutsche Gesandtschaft in China, eine Denkschrift über den Fall Carl Paasch, für die dt. Landesvertretungen, insbesondere den Reichstag, 1892, in German, SBB
Nocentini, Lodovico, L'Europa nell'Estremo Oriente e gli interessi dell'Italia in Cina, 1904, in Italian, SBB
Pauthier, Guillaume, Histoire des relations politiques de la Chine avec les puissances occidentales depuis les temps les plus anciens jusqu'?nos jours suivie du ceremonial observe a la cour de Peking pour la reception des ambassadeurs ; traduit pour la premiere fois dans une langue europ?nne , 1859, in French, SBB
X. Zhang and C. Xu, The Late Qing Dynasty Diplomatic Transformation: Analysis from an Ideational Perspective, The Chinese Journal of International Politics 2007 1 3 pp.405-445
G. Cahen, Some early Russo-Chinese relations, 1914, IA
Military History general see here
The Southeast Naval Force in the Ming and Ching Dynasties and the Development of the Maritime Rights, summary of Chinese language article posted on Shvoong
Article : Chinese Armies (pre 1911), from Wikipedia
Categories : Military History of the Qing Dynasty, Rebellions in the Qing Dynasty, Wars involving Qing Dynasty, from Wikipedia
List of Chinese Battles : Qing Dynasty, from Wikipedia
Chinas Kriege seit 1840 und seine heutigen Streitkr?te, 1900, in German, SBB
1st Opium War, 1839-1842 Y. Wei, Y. Wei, E.H. Parker, Chinese Account of the Opium War (1888), posted on Internet Archive
Th. de Quincey, The Opium Question in China in 1840 (1897), posted on Internet Archive
J. Ouchterlony, The Chinese war : an account of all the operations of the British forces from the commencement to the Treaty of Nanking (1844), posted on Internet Archive
J.E. Bingham, Narrative of the expedition to China, from the commencement of the war to its termination in 1842; with sketches of the manners and customs of the singular and hitherto almost unknown country (1843), posted on Internet Archive
Loch, Granville G., The closing events of the campaign in China: the operations in the Yang-Tze-Kiang and treaty of Nanking, 1843, SBB
Mackenzie, Keith Stewart, Narrative of the Second Campaign in China, 1844, SBB
Murray, Alexander, Doings in China, Being the Personal Narrative of an Officer Engaged in the Late Chinese Expedition, from the Recapture of Chusan in 1841, to the Peace of Nankin in 1842, 1843, SBB
Neumann, Karl Friedrich, Geschichte des englisch-chinesischen Krieges, 1855, in German, SBB
Richard, Cecile, Der Krieg in China, nach geschichtlichen Mittheilungen der Brittischen Offiziere MP?herson, Elliot-Bingham u. A., 1843, in German, SBB
Taiping Reb. 1851/64 Th.W. Blakiston, A. Barton, Five Months on the Yang-Tsze: And Notices of the Present Rebellions in China (1862), posted on Internet Archive
J. Scarth, Twelve years in China; the people, the rebels, and the mandarins (1860), posted on Internet Archive
J.M. Callery, History of the insurrection in China : with notices of the Christianity, creed, and proclamations of the insurgents (1853), posted on Internet Archive
A. Wilson, The "ever-victorious Army,": A History of the Chinese Campaign Under Lt. Col. C. G. Gordon (1868), posted on Internet Archive
Article : Taiping Rebellion, from Wikipedia
Biernatzki, K. L. Die gegenwärtige politisch-religiöse Bewegung in China, 1854, in German, SBB
Hamberg, Theodore, The Chinese rebel chief, Hung-siu-tsuen, and the origin of the insurrection in China, 1855, SBB
Mackie, J. Milton, Life of Tai-Ping-Wang, Chief of the Chinese insurrection, 1857, SBB
Meadows, Thomas Taylor, The Chinese and their rebellions viewed in connection with their national philosophy, ethics, legislation, and administration; to which is added, an essay on civilization and its present state in the east and west, 1856, SBB
Medhurst, Walter Henry, Pamphlets issued by the Chinese insurgents at Nanking to which is added a history of the Kwang-Se rebellion gathered from public documents; and a sketch of the connection between foreign missionaries and the Chinese insurrection; concluding with a critical review of several of the above pamphlets, 1853, SBB
Spielmann, Christian, Die Taiping-Revolution in China. (1850-1864) ein Kapitel der menschlichen Tragikomödie ; nebst einem Überblick über Geschichte und Entwicklung Chinas, 1900, in German, SBB
Yates, Matthew Thompson, The T'ai-Ping Rebellion, 1865, SBB
S.J. Kim, Liang Fa��s Quanshi liangyan and Its Impact on the Taiping Movement, thesis Baylor 2011
A. Johnson, Taiping Pipe Dreams : Women's Roles in the Taiping Rebellion, thesis Ohio State 2006
A. Gouzoules, The Use of Foreign Soldiers during the Taiping Rebellion
K. Bernhardt, Elite and Peasant during the Taiping Occupation of the Jiangnan, 1860-1864, Modern China, Vol.13, No.4 (Oct. 1987), pp.379-410
Arrow War 1856/60 E. Ringmar, The European Destruction of the Yuanmingyuan (2006), posted on Internet Archive
Th. de Quincey, the China Question in 1857 (1897), posted on Internet Archive
Article : Second Opium War, from Wikipedia
Article : Seconde guerre d'opium, from Wikipedia French edition
Category : Second Opium War, from Wikipedia
Varin, Paul, Expedition de Chine, 1862, in French, SBB
Wolseley, Garnet Joseph, Narrative of the war with China in 1860, 1862, SBB
Sino-Fr. War 1883/85 Article : Sino-French War, from Wikipedia
Article : Guerre Franco-Chinoise, from Wikipedia French edition
Category : Sino-French War, from Wikipedia
Lewis M. Chere, Great Britain and the Sino-French War : Problems of an Involved Neutral, 1883-1885, Selected Papers in Asian Studies, n.d.
Cordier, Henri, Le conflit entre la France et la Chine. Etude d'histoire coloniale et de droit international, 1883, in French, SBB
Rivi?e, Armand, Guerre avec la Chine, la politique coloniale et la question du Tonkin, 1883, in French, SBB
Sino-Jap. War 1894/95 Russo-Japanese War Research Society (covers First Sino-Japanese War)
J. Inouye, A Concise history of the war between Japan and China (1895), IA
T. White, The war in the East : Japan, China, and Corea : a complete history of the war (1895), Internet Archive
Brandt, Max, Drei Jahre ostasiatischer Politik 1894 - 1897 Beiträge zur Geschichte des chinesisch-japanischen Krieges und seiner Folgen, 1897, in German, SBB
Liposcak, Anton, Der chinesisch-japanische Krieg und die Machtstellung der europäischen Gross-Staaten in Ost-Asien, 1895, in German, SBB
Boxer Reb. 1900/01 China Relief Expedition 1900-1901, from Naval Historical Center
Thoralf Klein, Case Studies : The Boxer War - The Boxer Uprising , from Online Encyclopedia of Mass Violence
Boxer Rebellion P.H. Clements, The Boxer rebellion; a political and diplomatic review (1915), posted on Internet Archive
The Boxer Rising : a history of the Boxer trouble in China (1901), posted on Internet Archive
R. Coltman, Beleaguered in Peking; the boxer's war against the foreigner (1901), posted on Internet Archive
Great Britain, Foreign Office, Correspondence respecting the insurrectionary movement in China (1899-1901), posted on Internet Archive
A.S. Krausse, The story of the Chinese crisis (1900), posted on Internet Archive
H.C. Thomson, China and the powers; a narrative of the outbreak of 1900 (1902), posted on Internet Archive
A.H.S. Landor, China and the Allies (1901), vol.1, vol.2, posted on Internet Archive
A.H. Henderson, China in Convulsion (1901), posted on Internet Archive
La guerre de Chine ; Dieu le veut! ; Assassinats, incendies, viols et pillages ; commis et raconte par les officiers et soldats français ; aux ordres des missionaires ; extrait des articles et documents, 1901, in French, SBB
Binder-Krieglstein, Eugen, Die Kämpfe des Deutschen Expeditionskorps in China und ihre milit?ischen Lehren, 1902, in German, SBB
Genähr, Immanuel, Die Wirren in China in neuer Beleuchtung, ein Salongespr?h über die Mission, 1901, in German, SBB
Giehrl, Rudolf, China-Fahrt, Erlebnisse und Eindrücke von der Expedition 1900/01, 1903, in German, SBB
Günther, Hugo, Die Schreckenstage von Peking, 1902, in German, SBB
Hart, Robert, The Peking legations a national uprising and international episode, 1900, SBB
Schlieper, Paul, Meine Kriegs-Erlebnisse in China die Expedition Seymour, 1902, in German, SBB
Thomaschki, Paul, Der Krieg in China und die Mission, 1901, in German, SBB
Wereschtschagin, Alexander W., Russische Truppen und Offiziere in China in den Jahren 1901 und 1902, 1903, in German, SBB
Deutsche Schutzgebiete : Der Boxeraufstand, in German
R. Leonhard, The China Relief Expedition. Joint Coalition Warfare in China, Summer 1900
others Articles First Manchu Invasion of Korea (1627), Second Manchu Invasion of Korea (1636), from Wikipedia
Article Russian-Manchu Border Conflicts (1643-1689), from Wikipedia
Article Revolt of the Three Feudatories (S. China 1674-1681), from Wikipedia
Article Ten Great Campaigns (1755-1789), from Wikipedia
Donald S. Sutton, Ethnic Revolt in the Qing Empire : The "Miao Uprising" of 1795-1797 Reexamined, in : Asia Major 3rd series vol.16 pt.2 2003
Article White Lotus Rebellion 1796-1804, from Wikipedia
Article Nien Rebellion (N. China 1851-1868), from Wikipedia
Article Punti-Hakka Clan Wars (Guangdong 1855-1867), from Wikipedia
Article Panthay Rebellion (Yunnan 1856-1873), from Wikipedia
The anti-foreign Riots in China in 1891 with an appendix, 1892, SBB
Economy & Finances general Economic History of Premodern China, from Economic History Encyclopedia
The Economic History and the Economy of China, by Thayer Watkins
Rawski, Thomas G., and Lillian M. Li, editors Chinese History in Economic Perspective. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992.
Specific Periods Quantitative Growth, Qualitative Standstill : China's Economic Situation 1368-1800, Part 1, Part 2, Bibliography, by James Graham
Economic Policies Economic Thought from Ming to Early Ch'ing, ch.30, Nineteenth Century Chinese Society, ch.31, Economic Thought during Late Ch'ing, ch.37, from Edward Kaplan, Chinese Economic History from Stone Age to Mao's Age, at WWU
Currency & Finances A Global History of Currencies : China
Monies, Markets and Finance in China and East Asia 1600-1900, project descriptions
Zelin, Madeleine. The Magistrate's Tael: Rationalizing Fiscal Reform in Eighteenth Century Ch'ing China. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984.
Ming and Early Ch'ing Money, Monetary and Fiscal Policy, ch.28, Late Ch'ing Money and the Price Revolution, ch.36, from Edward Kaplan, Chinese Economic History from Stone Age to Mao's Age, at WWU
Randall Morck and Fan Yang, The Shanxi Banks, Corporate Governance with Chinese Characteristics 2009 (Qing)
Ottomar Haupt, Währungs-Politik und Münz-Statistik, Berlin : Walther & Apolant 1884, in German, posted by DTBSWS, chapter Ferner Osten
J. Edkins, The revenue and taxation of the Chinese empire (1903), posted on Internet Archive
Gold standard in international trade : report on the introduction of the gold-exchange standard into China, the Philippine Islands, Panama, and other slver-using countries, and on the stability of exchange (1905), posted on Internet Archive
The Revenue of China, a series of articles reprinted from the "China Mail" ; with an appendix, 1885, SBB
Exner, August H., Die Einnahmequellen und der Credit Chinas nebst Aphorismen ?er die deutsch-ostasiatischen Handelsbeziehungen, 1887, in German, SBB
Gumpach, Johannes von, The Tonnage-Dues Fund, the harbour of Shang-hai and the Wu-sung bar, 1872, SBB
Jamieson, George, The silver question in China report on the consumption of silver in China as shown by the balance of trade between China and Foreign countries and on the effect of the fall in silver on prices of commodities in China and on the volume of exports, 1893, SBB
Trade Law, Commerce and Knowledge in 18th-20th Century China : An Institutional Perspective on "The Great Divergence", by Debin Ma
China's Growing Trade with European Ships 1517-1800, by James Graham
Philip R. Abbey, Treaty Ports and Extraterritoriality in 1920s China
The Foreign Trade Revenue of Sea-traders from Guangdong and Fujian Provinces in Ming and Qing Dynasties, summary of Chinese language article posted on Shvoong
Shanxi Merchants in Yangloudong Tea Area since Qing Dynasty, summary of Chinese language article, posted on Shvoong
Chinese Prices from Han to Early Ch'ing, ch.29, Trade with the West from Late Ming to Mid Ch'ing, ch.34, Trade with the West under the Treaty Port System, ch.35, Late Ch'ing Money and the Price Revolution, ch.36, from Edward Kaplan, Chinese Economic History from Stone Age to Mao's Age, at WWU
A. Wright, Twentieth century impressions of Hong-kong, Shanghai, and other Treaty Ports of China. Their history, people, commerce, industries, and resources (1908), posted on Internet Archive
China Hai guan zong shui wu si shu, Report on Trade at the Treaty Ports 1868, 1869, 1871, 1880, posted on Internet Archive
China inspectorate gen. of customs, Trade statistics of the treaty ports, for 1863-1872 (1873), posted on Internet Archive
E.S. Tai, Treaty Ports in China: A Study in Diplomacy (1918), posted on Internet Archive
C.J.G. and F. Rivington, Remarks on free trade to China (1830), posted on Internet Archive
J. Thompson, Considerations respecting the trade with China (1835), posted on Internet Archive
Th. H. Whitehead, The Expansion of Trade in China (1901), posted on Internet Archive
Handelsberichte der kaufmännischen Begleiter der Ostindischen Expedition (Mercantile Reports by Traders Accompanying the Prussian East Asian Expedition), Berlin : Königliche Geheime Ober-Druckerei 1861, in German, posted by DTBSWS : Fr. Wolff : China, pp.32-59; C. Jacob und Fr.W. Grube, China, pp.91-131
Nopitsch, Wilhelm Hermann, Kaufmännische Berichte, gesammelt auf einer Reise um die Welt mit der Kriegs-Corvette Galathea (Mercantile Reports, collected on a Journey on the War-Corvette Galathea in the Years 1845, 1846 and 1847), in den Jahren 1845, 1846 und 1847, Hamburg : Besser & Mauke 1849, in German, posted by DTBSWS, China pp.97-170
"Where Chineses drive." : English student-life at Peking (1885), posted on Internet Archive
S. W. Williams, A Chinese commercial guide : consisting of a collection of details and regulations respecting foreign trade with China, sailing directions, tables (1856), posted on Internet Archive
Bülow, Heinrich, Chinas handelspolitische Stellung zur Aussenwelt, 1904, in German, SBB
Gumpach, Johannes, The treaty-rights of the foreign merchant and the transit-system, in China supported throughout by official documents, partly unpublished , 1875, SBB
Neubaur, Paul, Die Stellung Chinas im Welthandel im Jahre 1900, 1901, in German, SBB
Schuemacher, Karl, Europäische Zollbeamte in China und ihr Einfluss auf die Förderung unseres Aussenhandels, 1901, in German, SBB
Williams, Samuel Wells, A Chinese commercial guide consisting of a collection of details and regulations respecting foreign trade with China, sailing directions, tables, etc., 1856, SBB
Entry : China, pp.1418-1425 in Official descriptive and illustrated catalogue : Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations, 1851, GB
Entry : China, pp.208-209 in 1852 ed. pp.72-76 in 1866 ed., of J. Hübner, Die Zolltarife aller Länder, in German, GB
China, pp.371-379 in vol.3 of E. Flagg, Report on the Commercial Relations of the United States with All Foreign Nations, 1857, GB
Max von Brandt, China und seine Handelsbeziehungen zum Ausland, 1899, in German, IA
Agriculture Article : History of Tea in China, from Wikipedia
P. Eijkhoff, Wine in China. Its History and Contemporary Developments; History, from Wine China
Stross, Randall E., The stubborn earth: American agriculturalists on Chinese soil, 1898-1937, Berkeley : University of California Press 1989
Chinese Agriculture during Ming and Early Ch'ing, ch.26, Agricultural Cycles in 19th Century China, ch.33, from Edward Kaplan, Chinese Economic History from Stone Age to Mao's Age, at WWU
Textile Industry 350 Years of Chinese Textiles, by Robert Oliver
Other Manufacture Chinese Commerce and Manufacture during Ming and Early Ch'ing, ch.27, Chinese Manufacture Reaches the Limit of Constant Costs, ch.32, from Edward Kaplan, Chinese Economic History from Stone Age to Mao's Age, at WWU
Ohlmer, Ernst, Stand und Aufgabe der deutschen Industrie in Ostasien ein Weck- und Mahnruf an dieselbe, 1905, in German, SBB
Modernization The Chinese Run for "Industrial Takeoff" finally Begins, ch.38, Economic Consequences of post-1901 Ch'ing Policies, ch.39, from Edward Kaplan, Chinese Economic History from Stone Age to Mao's Age, at WWU
Harriet T. Zumdorfer, Social Networks, Legal Loopholes and Innovating Enterprises - The Successful Chinese Family Firm in the Late Qing and Republican Era (1890-1937). A Rebuttal to Chandler, IEHC 2006
Kent Deng, The Nanking Treaty System, Institutional Changes, and Improved Performance in Qing China, 2008
Stephen L. Morgan, What did Chinese Managers Know ? A Bibliometric Analysis of Management and Accounting Literature in China before 1949, 2008
King, Frank H. H. Joint Venture in China: The Experience of the Pekin Syndicate, 1897-1961. Business and Economic History, 2d ser., 19 (1990): 113-22.
Our History in China, from Exxon Mobil Chemical
Social History Gregoire Espesset, Criminalized Abnormality, Moral Etiology, and Redemptive Suffering in the Secondary Strata of the Taiping jing, in : Asia Major 3rd series vol.15 pt.2 2002
Chia-lin Pao Tao, Chaste Widows and Institutions to Support Them in Late-Ch'ing China, in : Asia Major 3rd series vol.4 pt.1 1991
Esherick, Joseph W., and Mary Backus Rankin, editors Chinese Local Elites and Patterns of Dominance., Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990.
Arlene T. Golkin, Medical and Nutritional Aspects of Famine in Twentieth Century China, Selected Papers in Asian Studies, n.d.
U.S. Embassy in China, Progress of western education in China and Siam (1880), posted on Internet Archive
W.A.P. Martin, The Chinese: their education, philosophy, and letters (1881), posted on Internet Archive
Edwin John Dingle, Across China on Foot: Life in the Interior and the Reform Movement (1911), posted on Internet Archive
Brandt, Max, Sittenbilder aus China, Mädchen und Frauen ; ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Chinesischen Volkes, 1895, in German, SBB
Lay, George Tradescant, The Chinese as they are: their moral, social and literary character a new analysis of the language; succint viewsof their principal arts and sciences, 1841, SBB
Ratzel, Friedrich, Die chinesische Auswanderung ein Beitrag zur Cultur- und Handelsgeographie, 1876, in German, SBB
Ruhstrat, Ernst, Sittenbilder aus China, 1905, in German, SBB
Safford, A. C., Typical women of China translated from a popular native work on the virtues, words, deportment, and employment of the women of China, 1899, SBB
Schlegel, Gustaaf, Iets over de prostitutie in China, 1866, in Dutch, SBB
Wilkinson, George, Sketches of Chinese Customs & Manners, In 1811-12, taken on the spot and interspersed with a variety of curious occurrences, during a Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, Pulo Penang, China, Canton, Whampoa, and Saint Helena 1814, SBB
Yi Ge, Study of the Overseas Educational Missions in the Self-Strengthening Movement 2011
Ethnography Languages of China (236), from Ethnologue
Wikipedia Articles : Autonomous Areas of China, List of Ethnic Groups in China; articles on individual minorities linked here
China, from World Cultures Encyclopedia
The Hakka People, from OCAC
Chinese Coolies, by Ah Xiang
Donald S. Sutton, Ethnic Revolt in the Qing Empire : The "Miao Uprising" of 1795-1797 Reexamined, in : Asia Major 3rd series vol.16 pt.2 2003
Chinese Empire, pp.537-583 in G.G. Chisholm, The world as it is; a popular account of the countries and peoples of the earth 1884, IA
D.W. Smith, European Settlements in the Far East : China, Japan, Corea, Indo-China, Straits Settlements, Malay States, Siam, Netherlands, India, Borneo, the Philippines, etc 1900, IA; China pp.57-175
Religion Chronology of Catholic Dioceses : China, from Kirken i Norge
China, from The Jewish Virtual History Tour; China, from International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies - Cemetery Project
China's Christian History, by Charles Homer
Patron Saint Index : China
Chinese Religions, from Overview of World Religions
Daoism during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, from Development of Daoism
Lewis Hodus, Buddhism and Buddhists in China
A.T. Roy, Notes on the Inner Struggle in Ch'ing Dynasty Confucianism, Chung Chi Journal 1971
Elman, Benjamin A. Classicism, Politics, and Kinship: The Ch'ang-chou School of New Text Confucianism in Late Imperial China. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990.
R.Ch. Jenkins, The Jesuits in China and the Legation of Cardinal de Tournon: An Examination of Conflicting .. (1884), posted on Internet Archive
Culbertson, Michael Simpson, Darkness in the flowery land or, Religious notions and popular superstitions in north China, 1857, SBB
Dieckhoff, August Wilhelm, Das chinesische Heidenthum, 1859, in German, SBB
Grube, Wilhelm, Pekinger Todtengebräuche, 1898, in German, GB
Happel, Julius, Die altchinesische Reichsreligion vom Standpunkte der vergleichenden Religionsgeschichte, 1882, in German, SBB
Legge, James, The Notions of the Chinese concerning God and spirits, 1852, SBB
Ljungstedt, Andrew, An historical sketch of the Portuguese settlements in China; and of the Roman Catholic Church and mission in China, 1836, SBB
The China Mission Handbook 1896, SBB
P. Huetz, Chinois Orthodoxes. L'histoire de la mission spirituelle Russe a Pekin, Le Courrier de Russe 2009
History of Regions see History of Anhui, Fujian, Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Heilongjiang, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Inner Mongolia, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Jilin, Liaoning, Manchuria, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shansi, Sichuan, Tibet, Xinjiang, Yunnan, Zhejiang at this site
C.D. Bruce, The Provinces of China, together with a history of the first year of H.I.M. Hsuan Tung, and an account of the government of China (1910), posted on Internet Archive
Article : History of the Administrative Divisions of China : Provinces under the Ming and Qing Dynasties, from Wikipedia
Local History History of Beijing (Peking), by Lee Min Ju (at this site), from china.org, from Wikipedia
History of Tianjin (Tientsin), from Wikipedia
History of Shanghai, at this site, from Wikipedia
History of Nanjing (Nanking), from Wikipedia
History of Guangzhou (Canton), from Wikipedia
Deutsche Seewarte, Die wichtigsten Häfen Chinas, 1901
The cities and towns of China, a geographical dictionary, 1879, SBB
Biot, Edouard, Dictionnaire des noms anciens et moderne des villes et arrondissements de premier, deuxieme et troisieme ordre compris dans l'empire chinois indiquant les latitudes et les longitudes des tous les chefs lieux de cet empire et les epoques auxquelles leurs noms ont ete changes , 1842, in French, SBB
Favier, Alphonse, Peking histoire et description, 1897, in French, GB
Colonialism in comparative perspective: Tianjin under Nine Flags, 1860-1949
Institutions Transportation Article Rail Transport in the PRC, from Wikipedia
A.D. Blue, European Navigation on the Yangtse, Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 1976
Education History of the Educational System of China, by D. Surowski
Article Imperial Examinations, from Wikipedia
Vincent Goossaert , Bureaucratic Charisma : The Zhang Heavenly Master Institution and Court Taoists in Late-Qing China, in : Asia Major 3rd series vol.17 pt.2 2004
The Avoidance System in the Imperial Examination during the Early Qing Period, summary of Chinese language article posted on Shvoong
Culture, Arts The Qing Dynasty 1644-1911 : Loyalists and Individualists Painting, The Courtiers, Officials, and Professional Artists, The Traditionalists, from Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History
Ching Dynasty, from The Jade Road
Qing Dynasty, from Chinese Imperial Cuisines
Acrobatics in Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, from All China's Women Federation
Ting Yen, China and Vegetarianism, scroll down for Ching Dynasty; posted by IVU
Hummel, G. L., Kultur-Skizzen aus China, 1900, in German, SBB
Katscher, Leopold, Bilder aus dem chinesischen Leben mit besonderer Rücksicht auf Sitten und Gebräuche, 1881, in German, SBB
Biographies List of Famous Chinese, from Wikipedia
Xun Liu, Immortals and Patriarchs: The Daoist World of a Manchu Official and His Family in Nineteenth-Century China, in : Asia Major 3rd series vol.17 pt.2 2004
Service, John S., editor Golden Inches: The China Memoir of Grace Service. Berkeley: University of California Press, c1989.
K.F.A. Gützlaff (ed.), The life of Taou-kwang, late emperor of China: with memoirs of the court of Peking (1852), IA
J.O.P. Bland, Li Hung Chang (1917), IA
W.F. Mannix, Memoirs of Li Hung Chang (1913), IA
Li Hung-Chang's Scrap Book (1913), IA
R.K. Douglas, Li Hungchang (1895), IA
P.W. Sergeant, The Great Empress Dowager of China (1911), IA
J. Wardle, General Gordon, Saint and Soldier (1904), Gutenberg Library Online
J.M. MacKie, Life of Tai-ping-wang, chief of the Chinese insurrection (1857), IA
Hake, Alfred Egmont, Gordon in China and the Soudan, 1896, SBB
Hamberg, Theodore, The Chinese rebel chief, Hung-siu-tsuen, and the origin of the insurrection in China, 1855, SBB
Environmental History Peng Shijiang, Brief History of Environmental Protection in China
Robert M. Hartwell, Fifteen Centuries of Chinese Environmental History. Creating a Retroactive Decision-Support System, 1994
anon. The Environmental History of China and the Sustainable Management of Governments
Osamu Saito, Forest History and the Great Divergence : China, Japan and the West
Yaoqi Zhang, Deforestation and Forest Transition : Theory and Evidence in China
Others Hong, Wontack, What Part of Manchuria were the Han Chinese able to Rule, even intermittently ? The Willow Palisade (2005)
Lucie Olivova, Tobacco Smoking in Qing China, in : Asia Major 3rd series vol.18 pt.1 2005
Wing-Ming Chan, The Qianlong Emperor's New Strategy in 1775 to Commend Late-Ming Loyalists, in : Asia Major 3rd series vol.13 pt.1 2000
The History of Chinese Medicine : Qing, 1644-1911, from Shen Nong
Victor Bai, Emergency Management in China, FEMA
Art and Archeology : Timelines - China : Qing
Adam Lui Yuen-Chung, The Practical Training of Government Officials under the early Ch'ing 1644-1795, in Asia Major vol.16 pt.1/2 1971

Historical Data . Statistical Data . Documents Newspapers . Yearbooks . Image Databanks . Archival Deposits . Laws . Historiography
Document Collections . Historical Maps . Historical Encyclopedia Articles . Travelogues . Institutions . National Symbols
Historical Data Lists of Statesmen from World Statesmen (B. Cahoon); from Rulers (B. Schemmel)
Lists of Ambassadors Sveriges beskickningschef i Kina, from Wikipedia Swedish edition; Ambassadeurs de France en Chine, from Wikipedia French edition, Liste der deutschen Botschafter in China, from Wikipedia German edition, List of U.S. Ambassadors to China, from NNDB
List of Ambassadors from the United Kingdom to China, from Wikipedia
Statistical Data Population Figures China, from Population Statistics
Article : Han Chinese : Imperial History, from Wikipedia
Documents Historical Newspapers Hemerotheques Universität Heidelberg, Institute for Chinese Studies, Shenbao and electronic index to the early Shenbao
ICON, International Coalition on Newspapers : Newspaper Digitization Projects, scroll down for China
Specific Newspapers Peking Gazette (1874), posted on Internet Archive
Online Yearbooks
China Entries
Genealogisch-historisch-statistischer Almanach, vol.2 1824 pp.353-355, vol.7 1830 pp.505-510, vol.9 1832 pp.584-588, in German, GB
Ch. Pope, The yearly journal of trade, 1837-38, IA, on China pp.280-283, 1854-55, GB, on China pp.409-413
Statesman's Year-Book, Entry : China vol.1 1864 pp.615-621, GB, vol.2 1865 pp.620-627, GB, vol.3 1866 pp.622-632, GB, vol.4 1867 pp.625-636, GB, vol.5 1868 pp.625-636, GB, vol.6 1869 pp.625-635, GB, 1871, pp.630-641, IA, 1872, pp.630-641, IA, 1873, pp.633-641, IA, 1874, pp.637-645, IA, 1875, pp.637-645, IA, 1876, pp.645-654, IA, 1877, pp.661-670, IA, 1878, pp.661-670, IA, 1879, pp.661-670, IA, 1880, pp.661-670, IA, 1881, pp.661-670, IA, 1883, pp.661-670, IA, 1884, pp.728-740, IA, 1885, pp.749-762, IA, 1886, pp.767-780, IA, 1887, pp.791-805, IA, 1888, pp.796-810, IA, 1889, pp.806-820, IA, 1890, pp.409-422, IA, 1891, pp.413-426, IA, 1892, pp.419-432, IA, 1894, pp.419-433, IA, 1895, pp.419-433, IA, 1896, pp.419-433, IA, 1898, pp.419-433, IA, 1899, pp.456-471, IA, 1903, pp.504-521, IA
Almanach de Gotha : Chine (Empire de la), vol.97 1860 pp.897-902, vol.102 1865 pp.487-493, vol.106 1869 pp.515-522, in French, GB; search more volumes on IA
Image Databanks Surveys Historical Photographs Online (China), from Finding Images of East Asia at Harvard and Beyond (links)
Systematic Collections
Systematic Collections
Historical Chinese Postcard Project (Lyon); China Postcard Collection
Historic Postcards from China, Historic Stereoscopic Cards from China, posted by M.A. Martelli
Photos of Bound Feet, posted by Jeff Bloom
Old China Photography, 19th Century Chinese Phoitography
Digital Silk Road : Photos Past and Present (Beijing)
R. Gardella, Rare Photos Capture China's 19th Century Tea Trade
Robert Henry Chandless Photographs China c.1900
K. Sagimaro, Views and Custom of North China 1909, Toyo Bunko, Digital Silk Road Project
Y. Sanshichiro, Peking 1906, Toyo Bunko, Digital Silk Road Project
China Underground : 20 Rare Pictures oif Boxer Prisoners during Late Qing Dynasty
Univ. of Bristol, Historical Photographs of China 1870-1950
G.E. Morrison, Album of Hongkong Canton Macao Amoy Foochow 1866-1870, Toyo Bunko, Digital Silk Road Project
G.E. Morrison, Photographic Views of Canton, Toyo Bunko, Digital Silk Road Project
G.E. Morrison, Views of China vol.1, vol.2, Toyo Bunko, Digital Silk Road Project
F. Beato, Photographic Views in China c.1860, Toyo Bunko, Digital Silk Roads Project
China : Exploring the Interior, 1903-1904, exhibition
S. Fusazo, Souvenir of Nanking 1910, Toyo Bunko, Digital Silk Roads Project
Accidental Collections Wikimedia Commons
Oriental Collections
Items on Qing
A. Mumm von Schwarzenstein, Ein Tagebuch in Bildern. 1902 (Beijing, Shanghai), Toyo Bunko, Digital Silk Road Project
Australian National University Library, Giles Pickford Collection (contains photos related to the Boxer Rebellion)
Historic Camel Photos - China, Mongolia and India
China, from Images of Asia (historic postcards)
Universal Collections
Items on Qing
Historic Picture Postcards, from Postcardman, from collect.at, commercial site
Archival Deposits
Constitutions Verfassungen des Chinesischen Reichs, from verfassungen.de, texts of 1908 and 1911, in German
Search Prassi Italiana di Dirito Internazionale, Indice delle leggi e degli altri atti normativi, for Cina, 55 entries, in Italian
Treaties North China Herald, Treaties, &c., Great Britain, France, America, Russia, the Netherlands & Portugal: with China & Japan, 1861, GB
Treaties between the Empire of China and foreign powers together with regulations for the conduct of foreign trade, &c. , 1877, SBB
North China Herald Office, Treaties Between the Empire of China and Foreign Powers 1901, IA
W.F. Mayers, Treaties between the empire of China and foreign powers, together with regulations for the conduct of foreign trade, conventions, agreements, regulations, etc (1877) 1906, posted on Internet Archive
E. Hertslet, Hertslet's China treaties. Treaties, &c., between Great Britain and China: and between China and foreign powers; and orders in council, rules, regulations, acts of Parliament, decrees, &c., affecting British interests in China, vol.1 1908, vol.2 1908, IA
China, Imperial Maritime Customs, Treaties, Conventions and Customs between China and Foreign States, vol.1 1908, vol.2 1908, SBB
W.W. Rockhill, Treaties and conventions with or concerning China and Korea, 1894-1904 1904, IA
John V.A. MacMurray (ed.), Treaties and agreements with and concerning China, 1894-1919, vol.1 1894-1911, vol.2 1912-1919, 1921, IA
Treaties between the United States of America and China, Japan Lewchew and Siam [1833-1858] acts of Congress, and the Attorney-general's opinion, with the decrees and regulations issued for the guidance of U.S. Consular courts in China, IA
Documents diplomatiques. Affaires du Tonkin 1884, in French, IA
China, pp.647-854 in vol.6 of Treaties and Other International Agreements of the United States of America 1776-1949, 1971, GB
Document Surveys Ch.11 : De Scriptoribus Rerum Orientalium atque Asiaticarum, Par.5 : Sinarum rerum scriptores, pp.239-244 in B.G. Struve, Selecta bibliotheca historica, 1705, in Latin, GB ; a catalogue of narrative historical sources
Document Collections I.R. Savonarola, Universus terrarum orbis scriptorum calamo delineatus, hoc est auctorum fere omnium qui de Europae, Asiae, Africae et Americae regnis, provinciis, populis, civitatibus, oppidis... qualibet lingua scripserunt , 1713, GB ; Sinarum Imperium vol.2 pp.511-515
N.L. du Fresnoy, Methode pour etudier l'histoire: avec un catalogue des principaux historiens, & des remarques sur la bont?de leurs ouvrages, & sur le choix des meilleures editions : Histoire de la Chine, pp.118-126 in vol.14, 1772, in French, GB
Links to sources, from UWashington Library
Documents : China, from CEAS, from UCLA Center for East Asian Studies
Internet East Asian History Sourcebook
Chinese History Documents, from John Fairbank Memorial Chinese History Virtual Library
Chinese History : Government Documents, posted by R.R. Wertz
D.F. Navarrete, Tratados historicos, politicos, ethicos y religiosos de la monarchia de China, 1676, in Spanish, GB
Documents statistiques officiels sur l'Empire de la Chine, 1841, in French, GB
Shuck, Jehu Lewis, Portfolio Chinensis: or a collection of authentic Chinese state papers illustrative of the histor� of the present position of affairs in China, 1840, SBB
Asia for Educators : Primary Sources with Questions, China, 1450-1914
Society for Qing Studies, Primary Sources for Qing History links lead to Chinese language digital sources
Foreign Relations of the United States, Affairs in China 1901
Kgl. Dän. Ministerium, Berichte über chinesische Handels-Verhältnisse, 1865; trsl. into German, SBB
Individual Documents Foreign Office (British) : Correspondence Respecting the Insurrectionary Movement in China (1901), posted on Internet Archive
Asia for Educators : Primary Source with Questions Reform Edict of the Qing Imperial Government, Jan. 29 1901
Historical Maps see here
Links, from Univ. Oregon, Asian Studies
Albert Herrmann, History and Commercial Atlas of China (1935), posted by huhai.net
Map Qing Provinces 1820, from Wikipedia
Map : China and Japan 1898, Chinese Empire 1900, China 1905, Chinese Empire 1906, Chinese Empire and Japan 1911 (adm.), China Products and Industries 1906, from Probert Encyclopedia Antiquarian Map Archive
Zi-Ka-Wei Observatory, Atlas of the 620 Typhoons 1893-1918 (1920), posted on IA
Atlas de l'expedition de Chine en 1860, 1862, SBB
Encyclopedia Entries
General Article China, Peking, Schanghai, from Meyers Konversationslexikon 1885-1892, in German
Articles China, Peking, Shanghai, Canton, from EB 1911
Religious The worship of the Ancient and Modern Chinese, p.115-125 in J. Bellamy, The history of all religions, 1820, GB
Article China, from Jewish Encyclopedia (1906)
Article China, from CatholicEncyclopedia (1907)
Das Sinesische Reich, pp.697-700 in vol.2 of C.Fr. Staeudlin, Kirchliche Geographie u. Statistik, 1804, in German, GB
Article China, pp.24-30 in vol.2 of Allgemeines Kirchen-Lexikon, 1850, in German, GB
Economic J. Chr. Nelkenbrecher, Allgemeines Taschenbuch der Münz-, Maass- und Gewichtskunde für Banquiers und Kaufleute (General Manual on Coinage, Measurement and Weights, for Bankers and Merchants) Berlin 1832, in German, entries Canton, China, posted by DTBSWS
E.G. Balfour, The cyclopaedia of India and of Eastern and Southern Asia, commercial, industrial, and scientific; products of the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms, useful arts and manufactures (1885), vol.1, vol.2, vol.3, posted on Internet Archive; search for China
Article : Chinesische Eisenbahnen, from Röll, Enzyklopädie des Eisenbahnwesens (Encyclopedia of Railroads) 2nd ed. 1912-1923, in German
Gülich, Gustav von, Geschichtliche Darstellung des Handels, der Gewerbe und des Ackerbaus der bedeutenden handeltreibenden Staaten unserer Zeit (Historical Description of Trade, Industry and Agriculture of the Important Trading States of Our Time), Jena : Frommann 6 vol.s 1830-1845, chapter : Ostindien, China und Japan, vol.2 1830 pp.3-29, China vol.4 1844 pp.239-251, posted by DTBSWS
Chinesischer Handel, pp.64-75 (82), in : Friedrich Ludwig Langstedt, Geschichte des asiatischen Handels, 1803, in German, GB
Entry : China, pp.586-587 in vol.3 of Leipziger Handwörterbuch der Handlungs-, Comptoir- und Waarenkunde, 1819, in German, GB
Chine, pp.71-73 in vol.2 of S. Ricard, Traite general du commerce, 1781, in French, GB
W.H. Weed, The Copper Mines of the World 1907, China p.141
Geographical Entry : China, pp.46-81, in : T.G. Smollett, The Present State of the World, vol.7 1768, posted on Google Books
Chine, pp.561-612 in vol.5 of L.P. Anquetil, Precis de l'Histoire Universelle ou Tableau historique presentant les vicissitudes des Nations ... , 1799, in French, GB
Chinese Empire pp.256-279 in J. MacFarlane, Economic geography, c. 1910, GB
Chinese Empire, pp.381-385 in A. Harris, A geographical hand book, 1862, GB
Ethnographical The Chinese pp.208-212 in A.H. Keane, The World's Peoples: A Popular Account of Their Bodily & Mental Characters , 1908, GB
Empire Chinois, pp.347-358 in X. Heuschling, Manual de statistique ethnographique universelle, 1847, in French, GB
Historical L'Empereur de la Chine, pp.146-160 in : Ferdinand Ludwig Bresler, Les souverains du monde, 1722, in French, GB
China pp.354-379, in vol.2 of S. Maunder, The history of the world: comprising a general history, 1856, GB
Tour Guides E.R. Scidmore, Westward to the Far East: A Guide to the Principal Cities of China and Japan 1892, IA
Tientsin Press, Guide for Tourists to Peking and Its Environs 1897, IA
E.R. Scidmore, Par l'Occident a l'Extreme Orient: guide des principales villes de la Chine et du Japon, avec une notice sur la Coree 1900, IA
B. St. John, China Times guide to Tientsin and neighbourhood, 1908, IA
Travelogues J. Barrow, Travels in China, Containing Descriptions, Observations, and Comparisons, Made and Collected in the Course of a Short Residence at the Imperial Palace of Yuen-Min-Yuen, and on a Subsequent Journey through the Country from Pekin to Canton, 1805, IA
H. Ellis, Journal of the proceedings of the late embassy to China; comprising a correct narrative of the public transactions of the embassy, of the voyage to and from China, and of the journey from the mouth of the Pei-Ho to the return to Canton : interspersed wih observations upon the face of the country, the polity, moral character, and manners of the Chinese nation : the whole illustrated by maps and drawings 1817, IA
C. Abel, Narrative of a journey in the interior of China, and of a voyage to and from that country ... 1816 and 1817 1818, IA
Diary of a journey overland, through the Maritime Provinces of China from Manchao, on the south coast of Hainan, to Canton in the years 1819 and 1820 1822, IA
J.F. Davis, Sketches of China : partly during an inland journey of four months, between Peking, Nanking, and Canton; with notices and observations relative to the present war, vol.1 1841, vol.2 1841, IA
R. Fortune, A Journey through the Tea Countries of China 1852, IA
E.R. Huc, A Journey through the Chinese Empire, vol.1 1855, vol.2 1855, IA
Kreyher, Johannes, Die preussische Expedition nach Ostasien in den Jahren 1859 - 1862, Reisebilder aus Japan, China und Siam, 1863, in German, SBB
Spiess, Gustav, Die preussische Expedition nach Ostasien während der Jahre 1860-62 Reise-Skizzen aus Japan, China, Siam und der indischen Inselwelt, 1864, in German, SBB
R, Fortune, Yedo and Peking. A narrative of a journey to the capitals of Japan and China 1863, IA
T.T. Cooper, Travels of a pioneer of commerce in pigtail and petticoats; or, An overland journey from China towards India 1871, IA
W.J. Gill, The river of golden sand. The narrative of a journey through China and eastern Tibet to Burmah 1880, IA
A.J. Little, Through the Yang-tse gorges, or, Trade and travel in western China 1888, IA
E.H. Parker, Up the Yang-tse, 1891, IA
V.C. Hart, Western China; a journey to the great Buddhist centre of Mount Omei 1888, IA
G.E. Morrison, An Australian in China: Being the Narrative of a Quiet Journey Across China to Burma 3rd ed. 1902, IA
M.M. George, A Little Journey to China and Japan 1900, IA
J. Ricalton, China Through the Stereoscope: A Journey Through the Dragon Empire at the Time of the Boxer Rebellion 1901, IA
R.F. Johnston, From Peking to Mandalay: A Journey from North China to Burma Through Tibetan Ssuchuan and Yunnan 1908, IA
Memoirs of Residents A. Foster, In the Valley of the Yang-tse, 1899, IA
Max von Brandt, Dreiunddreissig Jahre in Ostasien, vol.1, 1901, vol.2 1901, vol.3 : China 1875-1893, 1901, IA
Exhibition Catalogues Official Catalogue of the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations 1851, GB; China pp.214-216
Official catalogue of the industrial department, London Exhibition 1862, GB; China pp.168-169
Official Catalogue : Dublin International Exhibition of Arts and Manufactures 1865 1865, BSB; China pp.82-83
International Exhibition 1876, Official Catalogue vol.1, vol.2, China represented; IA
Illustrated catalogue of the Chinese collection of exhibits for the International Health Exhibition, London, 1884, 1884, IA
Catalogue of the Collection of Chinese Exhibits at the Liege Universal and International Exhibition, 1905, 1905, IA
Institutions Archives Repositories of Primary Sources : Asia : China, from Univ. of Idaho. Mostly Archive Webpages, 9 entries
UNESCO Archives Portal : National Archives Asia Pacific, has one entry for China (Nov. 20th 2006), scroll down; has also 12 entries on provincial, 31 entries on municipal level
UNESCO Archives Portal : State and Regional Archives
Libraries in China, from LibDex, 23 entries
National Symbols Flags, Coats of Arms Flags, by Phil Abbey
Coins, Banknotes Banknotes of China, from World Currency Gallery, from Ron Wise's World Paper Money; Chinese Banknotes, from Numismondo; Pre Qing, Qing Dynasty, from Zeno
Coins of the Chinese Empire, from Zeno; Chinese Coinage Website by Vladimir Belyaev
Coin History Qing Dynasty 1644-1911, from Chinese Coins
Stamps China Stamps, Chinese States, from Sandafayre Stamp Library

Bibliographies . Online Libraries . Thesis Servers . Online Journals . General Accounts . Specific Topics . Historical Dictionaries . Statistical Data . Yearbooks
Bibliographies general ISBN Database
Online Library Catalogues (Academic, selection)
on China Links : Books on Chinese History, from Asia Source
Studies of Modern Chinese History : Reviews and Essays
Search for China
Royal Asiatic Society, China Branch, Shanghai, Library
Historical Research, English language abstracts of Chinese language theses, published since 2008
on Qing Qing Dynasty, 1644-1911, from The Dynasties of China - Bibliography, Univ. of Maine at Farmington
Bibliography of Photo-Albums and Materials related to Photography in China and Tibet before 1949, by Thomas H. Hahn
Sources for the Qing Dynasty (Princeton)
Online Libraries general Internet Archives
Gutenberg Library Online
NACRP Research Library
Austrasasian Digital Theses Program
on China Digitale Sammlungen : Ostasiatica, from Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin
Thesis Server Open Access Theses and Dissertations
Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR) : China
Hong Kong University Theses Online, titles in English, most theses in Chinese
Online Journals Directories Directory of Open Access Journals
full text online
on Asia
Asia Major, journal published by Institute of History and Philology of the Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft (Journal of the German Oriental Society, since 1847, in German)
Journal Asiatique 1822-1937, in French, at Gallica
Orientalia Parthenopea Journal 2005- , mostly in Italian
full text online
on Far East
Bulletin de l'Ecole Française de l'Extreme Orient 1901-1937, in French, at Gallica
Journal of Northeast Asian History (since 2004)
full text online
on China
Hong Kong Journals Online
Shvoong [provider of English language summaries of articles published in Chinese language academic magazines]
Historiography Article : Chinese Historiography - Chronicle/Annal Form Histories (Biannian Shi), by G. Hardy, pp.161-162, Article : Chinese Historiography - Commentaries, by Shoucheng Yan, pp.162-163, Article : Chinese Historiography - General Histories (tongshi) premodern and Imperial, by J.W. Jay, p.163, Article : Chinese Historiography - Histories of Illegitimate Dynasties (wei shi), by Q.E. Wang, pp.163-164, Article : Chinese Historiography - Histories of Institutions, by Q.E. Wang, p.164, Article : Chinese Historiography - Local Gazetteers (Fengzhi), by G. Alitto, pp.164-165, Article : Chinese Historiography - Manchu, by C. MacKerras, p.165, Article : Chinese Historiography - Miscellanea, by J.W. Jay, pp.165-166, Article : Chinese Historiography - Modern (post-Ming) and Communist, by G. Alitto, pp.167-170 Article : Chinese Historiography - Records of the Beginnings and Ends of Events, by J. Lee, pp.170-171, Article : Chinese Historiography - Standard Histories, by G.R. Hardy, pp.171-172, in vol.1 of A Global Encyclopedia of Historical Writing, NY 1998 [G]
General Accounts Article China, pp.36-231 in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th ed., Macropaedia, vol.16, KMLA Lib.Sign. R 032 B862n
General History Fairbank / Liu (ed.), The Cambridge History of China, Vol.11 : Late Qing 1800-1911, Part 2 1980 (2006), KMLA Lib. Call Sign 951.03 F164c v.11
David C. Wright, The History of China, Westport CT : Greenwood 2001, KMLA ib.Sign. 951 W947h
Gilbert Rozman (ed.), The Modernization of China, NY : the Free Press 1981, KMLA Lib.Sign. 951 R893m
Edwin E. Moise, Modern China. A History, London : Longman (1986) 1996, KMLA Lib.Sign. 951.05 M714m
Lin Yi, A Short History of China 1840-1919, Peking Foreign Language Press 1965 [G]
Tung Chi-Ming, An Outline History of China, Peking Foreign Language Press 1959 [G]
Tung Chi-Ming, A Short History of China from Earliest Times to 1840, Peking Foreign Language Press 1965 [G]
Compilation Group of "Modern China Series", The Taiping Revolution, Peking : Foreign Language Press 1976 [G]
Compilation Group of "Modern China Series", The Revolution of 1911, Peking : Foreign Language Press 1976 [G]
Chien Po-Tsan et al., Concise History of China, Peking : Foreign Language Press 1964 [G]
Specific Topics China, pp.103-158, in : Eric R. Wolf, Peasant Wars of the Twentieth Century, NY : Harper Torchbooks 1968 [G]
W. Ayers, Chang Chih-tung and Educational Reform in China, Cambridge MA : Harvard UP 1971 [G]
Yen Ching-Hwang, Coolies and Mandarins. China's Protection of Overseas Chinese during the Late Ch'ing Period (1851-1911), Singapore UP 1985 [G]
Philip Richardson, Economic Change in China c.1800-1950, Cambridge UP 1999, KMLA Lib. Call Sign 330.952 R521e
F.H.H. King, A Concise Economic History of Modern China, N.Y. : Praeger 1969 [G]
Tim Wright, Coal mining in China's economy and society, Cambridge : UP 1984 [B]
C.P. Fitzgerald, China, pp.437-464 in F.H. Hinsley, The New Cambridge History, vol.XI : Material Progress and World-wide Problems 1870-1898, Cambridge : UP (1962) 1978 [G]
Atlasses Nathan Sivin (ed.), The Contemporary Atlas of China, Boston : Houghton Mifflin 1988 [G]
Historical Dictionaries Michael Dillon, China, a Cultural and Historical Dictionary, Richmond (Surrey) : Curzon 1998, KMLA Lib.Sign. R 951.003 D579c
Leung, Edwin Pak-Wah, Historical Dictionary of Revolutionary China 1839-1976, Westport CT : Greenwood 1992, KMLA Lib. Call Sign R 951 L653h
James S. Olson, An Ethnohistorical Dictionary of China, Westport CT : Greenwood 1998 [G]
Michael Dillon, Dictionary of Chinese History, Bournemouth : Frank Cass 1979 [G]

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