Here's Who'll Attend The Queen's Funeral From Canada & Some Picks Might Surprise You - Narcity

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Here's Who'll Attend The Queen's Funeral From Canada & Some Picks Might Surprise You

Former prime ministers, an actor and a singer will be present.

Canadian actor Sandra Oh. Right: The Queen's memorial in London.

Canadian actor Sandra Oh. Right: The Queen's memorial in London.


The Canadian government is sending a delegation to the Queen's funeral that is taking place in the United Kingdom on September 19 and the group is both diverse and surprising.

Announced by the Prime Minister's office on September 15, the delegation is filled with prominent Canadians such as past prime ministers, musicians and even an actor.

Along with Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, the delegation will feature former prime ministers Stephen Harper, Paul Martin, Jean Chrétien and Kim Campbell.

Federal politicians won't be the only ones in attendance, with a number of First Nations leaders such as Assembly of First Nations National Chief RoseAnne Archibald, President of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami Natan Obed as well as the President of the Métis National Council Cassidy Caron being part of the day.

And most surprisingly, a delegation of Order of Canada recipients will be joining the group, which includes Grey's Anatomy and Killing Eve star Sandra Oh.

Sandra Oh hasn't said anything on social media, but we can hope that maybe she'll reenact her phone call from The Princess Diaries.

Quebec singer Gregory Charles and Olympic swimmer Mark Tewksbury will also be joining Oh.

Officer in the Canadian Coast Guard Leslie Arthur Palmer who was given the Cross of Valour in 2006 for saving the lives of two fishermen in hazardous conditions on B.C's northern coast will also be attending.

Those who were given awards will be part of a procession of those who have been given national honours during the funeral service.

Along with the leaders and award-winners, current High Commissioner for Canada to The U.K. Ralph Goodale and the former holder of that title Janice Charette will be joining the group.

Members of the Canadian military as well as the RCMP will also be joining in uniform with other similar personnel from Commonwealth countries.

As for the ceremony taking place in Canada, there will be a national day of mourning on September 19 with a massive memorial taking place in Ottawa.

In the nation's capital, there will be a parade as well as a flyover from Canada's air force. The event has been confirmed to be attended by former Prime Ministers Brian Mulrooney and Joe Clark.

This article's cover image was used for illustrative purposes only.

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