Calvin Coolidge | Domestic & Foreign Policies - Lesson |
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Calvin Coolidge | Domestic & Foreign Policies

Carson Clendenin, Nate Sullivan
  • Author
    Carson Clendenin

    Carson Clendenin has taught 7th Grade Social Studies for 1 year. He has a Bachelor's degree in Middle Grades Education, Social Studies from Catawba College. He also has a North Carolina Professional Educator's License.

  • Instructor
    Nate Sullivan

    Nate Sullivan holds a M.A. in History and a M.Ed. He is an adjunct history professor, middle school history teacher, and freelance writer.

Explore Calvin Coolidge's domestic policies and learn about Coolidge's foreign policies. Explore the context, history and impact of Calvin Coolidge's policies. Updated: 11/21/2023
Frequently Asked Questions

What were some of the components of Calvin Coolidge's economic policy?

The components of Coolidge's economic policy were limited government spending, limited government regulation, and low taxes. During Coolidge's presidency, 1/4 of the national debt was retired.

What was Calvin Coolidge's famous quotation concerning the collection of more taxes than necessary?

Calvin Coolidge's famous quote regarding taxes was, "Collecting more taxes than is absolutely necessary is legalized robbery." Calvin Coolidge was a supporter of cutting taxes, with the federal income tax rate being significantly lowered during his presidency.

What was Calvin Coolidge's reelection slogan?

Calvin Coolidge's reelection campaign slogan was, "Keep cool with Coolidge." Coolidge was re-elected as President of the United States in 1925.

What were some of the foreign policy ideals of Coolidge?

Coolidge was a non-interventionist, believing that the U.S. should not interfere in the affairs of other countries. Because of this policy, Coolidge refused to join the League of Nations.

What was Calvin Coolidge's major domestic policy accomplishment regarding the rights of Native Americans?

Calvin Coolidge's major domestic policy accomplishment regarding the rights of Native Americans was the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924. The Indian Citizenship Act allowed Native Americans to obtain U.S. citizenship and regain rights to their tribal land.

Calvin Coolidge was the 30th President of the United States, serving from 1923 to 1929. Coolidge was a member of the Republican Party, serving in many political offices before his election as President. Coolidge served in the Massachusetts House of Representatives, as the 16th Mayor of Northampton, in the Massachusetts Senate, as the 46th Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts, as the 48th Governor of Massachusetts, and as the 29th Vice President of the United States.

As President, Coolidge's domestic policy produced many social and economic positives for the United States. Coolidge was a fiscal conservative who believed in small government and zero government regulation on business. One of Calvin Coolidge's accomplishments was a booming economy that ushered in the Roaring Twenties, a decade famous for prosperity and pursuit of pleasure in the United States. Calvin Coolidge's foreign policy was built around non-interventionism and worked to improve ties with Latin American leaders. Although Calvin Coolidge is underrated today, many historians consider him to have been a very good president, praising several of Calvin Coolidge's policies. Coolidge was very popular in his day, being re-elected with the campaign slogan, "Keep cool with Coolidge."

Calvin Coolidge, the 30th President of the United States.

A sepia-toned photograph of Calvin Coolidge. He wears a plain suit jacket over a shirt and tie, and looks serious.

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  • 0:03 'Keep Cool With Coolidge'
  • 1:06 Coolidge's Economic Policy
  • 2:31 Coolidge's Domestic Policy
  • 3:23 Coolidge's Foreign Policy
  • 4:13 Lesson Summary

Calvin Coolidge's foreign policy was built around non-interventionism, which opposed interfering in the affairs of other countries. Coolidge refused to join the League of Nations, believing that it did not serve the interests of the United States. The Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928, named after United States Secretary of State Frank B. Kellogg and French Prime Minister Aristide Briand, was an international peace treaty. The treaty was sponsored by the U.S. and France and authored by Secretary Kellogg and Prime Minister Briand. The treaty stated that countries who signed the Kellogg-Briand Pact would not use war to resolve conflicts. The Pact was signed on August 27, 1928, by Australia, Belgium, Canada, Czechoslovakia, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Poland, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. The Pact had little to no effect, with World War II beginning only eleven years after the signing of the Pact. However, the Pact did provide the legal basis for the Nuremberg trials and the executions of Nazi leaders after World War II.

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Calvin Coolidge was the 30th President of the United States from 1923 to 1929. Coolidge was a member of the Republican Party and served in many political offices. He was a supporter of racial equality and fought for civil rights during his presidency. Coolidge signed the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 into law, allowing Native Americans to obtain U.S. citizenship and have increased rights to their tribal land. Coolidge's response to the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 was heavily criticized; Coolidge ultimately appointed Herbert Hoover to lead the federal response to the flood.

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Video Transcript

'Keep Cool With Coolidge'

If you had been living during the election of 1924, you probably would have seen signs reading 'Keep Cool With Coolidge.' This was President Calvin Coolidge's campaign slogan for his reelection campaign. Calvin Coolidge is probably not a president that most Americans know a whole lot about. We focus on presidents like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, and others, but Coolidge is one that has tended to slip through the cracks. This is unfortunate because he was tremendously popular in his day, and has been considered by many experts, a very good president.

In the past few years, there has been a movement among historians to draw more attention to this underrated U.S. President. Leading this rehabilitation has been Amity Schlaes, whose 2013 book Coolidge has become the definitive work on Calvin Coolidge. Let's dig deeper and learn a few things about 'Silent Cal' by examining his economic, domestic, and foreign policy.

Coolidge's Economic Policy

Calvin Coolidge was the 30th President of the United States. He was a Republican and was in office between 1923-1929. The United States underwent rapid economic and social change during this period. This was the time of the Roaring Twenties, characterized by peace, prosperity, the pursuit of pleasure, the spirit of modernity, and vibrant culture. Calvin Coolidge's economic policies are often credited as the reason for 1920s prosperity. Coolidge was a fiscal conservative who was opposed to high taxes and government regulation. He hated taxes: this can't be stressed enough. Coolidge once said: 'Collecting more taxes than is absolutely necessary is legalized robbery.' Coolidge signed the Revenue Act of 1924, which lowered tax rates and reduced the number of people paying tax. Subsequent tax reforms were passed in 1926 and 1928. Coolidge made progress in reducing the federal debt thanks to his disdain for government spending. Low taxes and limited government spending were the cornerstones of his economic policy.

Critics of Coolidge condemned him as a 'do-nothing' president because he tended to favor free market economics instead of government intervention. Some historians also see his economic policy as contributing to the Great Depression that began in 1929, although it should be noted this view is controversial, and the Great Depression stemmed from a number of complex economic factors.

Coolidge's Domestic Policy

Coolidge was outspoken in his support for civil rights for African Americans and other groups. Coolidge proposed laws to improve the lives of African Americans. He called for laws against lynchings, but in the U.S. Congress, these bills were blocked by Southern Democrats. A number of African Americans were appointed to federal office by Coolidge. He also signed into law the Indian Citizenship Act, allowing Native Americans to obtain U.S. citizenship and have increased rights to their tribal land.

The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 was the worst river flood in American history. After the flood, Coolidge was reluctant to have the federal government involved in assistance. He believed assistance should take place at the local level. He was widely criticized for inaction during the flood and in its aftermath, although eventually, he appointed Herbert Hoover to take charge of the situation.

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