This process is open for placement during the year.

Please click on the application block above to finalise the application (this will add your son to the waiting list). 

Documents you will be required to upload for the application:

(1) Latest school report

(2) Reference letter from current school

(3) SA Unabridged birth certificate OR Passport (if non-SA citizen)

(4) Mother/Guardian ID or Passport (if non-SA citizen)

(5) Father/Guardian ID or Passport (if non-SA citizen)

(6) Current pay slips if applying as a boarder

(7) Proof of residence

PLEASE NOTE: Regrettably placement is not guaranteed as we require students to leave in order to create a space.

When we undertake placement, we apply our Admission Policy (see on website) in which will consider the following criteria:

  • Academic performance
  • Sporting achievements
  • Cultural achievements
  • Behaviour
  • Leadership qualities
  • Affordability
  • Proximity to school (for day boys) as students must live within Pretoria to apply as a day boy.

Please note: The residential address provided should be that of the parent or legal guardian. If the guardian is not the biological parent, proof of legal guardianship (as recognised by South African Law), including a commitment to pay school fees, must accompany the application. The applicant must permanently reside at the address provided.

Applicants will only be contacted if their application is successful.



The Grade 8 admission process for 2025 is run entirely by the Department of Education and parents are required to apply directly through the Department of Education on 

This process will open later this year.

The online application process usually opens around about May/June each year.  Please monitor our website as well as social media (radio & TV) for updates from the Department of Education.

The Department of Education’s placement process is done using the below five criteria:

List 1 – Living with in the schools feeder zone

List 2 – Siblings

List 3 – Working in schools feeder zone

List 4 – Living within 30km from school

List 5 – Living outside 30km

Primary schools are not a criteria.

Placements are done automatically by the GDE online system. Everyone on List 1 “Living within schools feeder zone” are placed first before moving on to any other lists. Although our feeder area is quite large we usually fill up within a 5km radius of the school. Lists 3, 4 and 5 are only placed in the event of there still being space available.

On average, Pretoria Boys High School receives approximately 500 “living within feeder zone” applications and we only have 200 available space to fill. In total, we receive approximately 1 500 applications each year.

Once you have filled in all the required information on the GDE online system, you will be required to upload the following documents to the GDE online system. This has to be done in order for the application to be finalised correctly on their system. Failure to upload the below documents will influence your son’s application.

Please save these documents separately to your PC before you start the process.

  • Copy of latest school report
  • Copy of unabridged birth certificate
  • Copy of parent ID (The parent who is applying)
  • Water and Lights account or Rental agreement (NO RATES ACCOUNTS OR AFFADAVITS ARE ACCEPTED)
  • Letter of employment (if applying based on work in feeder zone)

Once you have submitted your application, we will be able to access the information in order to verify and link the reserved spot to your son’s name.

The Department of Education will communicate with you via SMS. Please ensure you have the correct cell number. Please check your sms messager regularly. You are also welcome to log on to the GDE online system where you applied to view the status online.

The status will remain “Application being processed” until placement is finalised.

Once the Department of Education releases placements offers, you will receive an SMS telling you to please confirm. You will then be required to log onto the GDE online system where you applied and click “Accept” next to Pretoria Boys High’s name.

At this stage you will be required to make an upfront payment of school fees of R7000 to reserve your placement for 2025. The upfront payment of school fees will be deducted from the full year’s fees for 2025 and then divided over 10 months for the monthly installment.

Please note that this amount is non-refundable for any cancelations after 31 October 2024.



Based inter alia on the number of educators, the school’s facilities and the choice of subjects offered at the school, the school shall admit no more than 1550 students at any time. Grade 8 classes shall be no bigger than 30 students per class.

The language of instruction at the school shall be English with the obvious exception of other languages offered as additional languages. It is in the best interests of the pupil that they are able to cope in an English medium environment.

Priority will be given to pupils whose parents/legal guardians (as recognised by SA law):

  • comply in full with the Admission Procedure, submitting all documentation on time, and
  • who permanently reside in the area for which the School is the nearest suitable school.

If space permits, following the application of these criteria, preference will be given to pupils who:

  • have specialised skills or talents that the school has the potential to develop, or
  • who have strong academic ability to be able to cope with the high standards expected at the school, or
  • are able to cope in a traditional boys school environment.

Preference will also be given to those who:

  • have siblings who are either at the school or who are Old Boys of the school, or
  • have a father who is an Old Boy of the school.


Thank you for your enquiry regarding boarding for your son at Pretoria Boys High School for Grade 8 2025.

Admissions for boarding will open on 12 February 2024 will and will close at the end of August 2024.

Please carefully follow the procedures listed below:

Step 1:

Obtain a reference letter from your son’s current school (before starting the application process as it must accompany this application). This letter should contain as much information as possible about his school career e.g. academic, sport and cultural participation, including leadership positions held. This information will be taken into consideration during the shortlisting process.

Step 2:

The following documents are to be attached to your application. Please scan and save these documents onto your computer before starting the electronic application form.

  • Reference letter from current school (Compulsory – this is how we get to know more about your son)
  • Latest school report
  • Unabridged birth certificate
  • Your son’s passport and study permit (if a non-South African citizen)
  • Mother’s/Guardian’s ID document OR Passport with valid residence permit (or death certificate, if relevant)
  • Father’s/Guardian’s ID document OR Passport with valid residence permit (or death certificate, if relevant)
  • Mother’s most recent pay slip OR if self-employed, a letter from your accountant stating approximate monthly income
  • Father’s most recent pay slip OR if self-employed, a letter from your accountant stating approximate monthly income)
  • Medical aid card (both sides of the card on one page)

Step 3:

Click on the button above to complete the Grade 8 2025 boarding application form.


Admission to boarding is not guaranteed (please refer to our Boarding Admission Policy).

Should you be invited for an interview, you will be contacted telephonically and will receive a full tour of both the school and boarding facilities.

Incomplete application documents will not be considered.

Pay slips for both parents are required as affordability has to be established. There is a fixed joint monthly income amount in place that must be met to be shortlisted.

For your budgetary purposes, upon acceptance, you will be required to pay an advance payment towards boarding and school fees of R17 000 which will be deducted from the annual fees for 2025 before being divided over 10 months.

Please note this amount is non-refundable.

All applicants will be advised of the final outcome via email (by the end of August).  There is no financial assistance for boarding. All fees must be paid and your account kept up to date if your son is to remain in boarding.

Each boarding place is linked to a place in the school/class. This package cannot be split at any time.

Should your circumstances change and you withdraw your son from boarding, a specific dayboy application would need to be made (to the Admissions Secretary) to apply for him to remain as a dayboy. You are required to give the school 3 months written notice to leave boarding (email to Mrs Cameron –


Please note: It is imperative that you honour your financial commitment to the school if we are to maintain the standards and facilities we currently have. Our boarding facilities are run entirely on the fees received from parents. Boarding and school fees (Grade 8-9) for 2024 are R 15 785 per month. This amount may increase by approximately 8% for 2025.

Although we are a termly boarding facility, boys may only go home after sport fixtures on Saturday (approximately 14:00) and re-enter the boarding house on a Sunday evening (18:00) or Monday morning before 07:00

We regret to inform you that in the event that your son is accepted into boarding at Pretoria Boys High School, he will not be permitted to leave the school grounds for club sports.



This process is now open.

The application can be accessed by clicking the block above. This creates a waiting list in the back-end of our programme which we refer to should a student leave.

Documents you will be required to upload to the application:

(1) Latest school report

(2) Reference letter from current school

(3) South African Unabridged birth certificate OR Passport (if non-SA citizen)

(4) Mom/Guardian’s ID or Passport (if non-SA citizen)

(5) Dad/Guardian’s ID or Passport (if non-SA citizen)

(6) Payslips of both parents/guardians (this is to establish affordability for boarding). There is a fixed minimum amount in place that must be met in order to be shortlisted

(7) Proof of residence

PLEASE NOTE: Regrettably space is not guaranteed as we require students to leave in order to create a space

When doing placement we apply our admission policy (see on website) which considers the following criteria:

  • Academic performance
  • Sporting achievements
  • Cultural achievements
  • Behaviour
  • Leadership qualities
  • Affordability
  • Proximity to school (for day boys) Students must live within Pretoria to apply as a day boy.


Based inter alia on the number of Educators, the School’s facilities and the choice of subjects offered at the school, the School shall admit no more than 1550 students at any time. Grade 8 classes shall be no bigger than 30 students per class.

The School shall further admit a maximum of 69 Boarders in each Grade to its Boarding Establishments. A student who has been accepted into Boarding is automatically accepted into the School and forms part of the total number of students mentioned above.

The Language of Instruction at the School is English with the obvious exception of other languages offered as Additional Languages. It is in the best interests of the student that they are able to cope in an English medium environment.

Not all boarding applicants will be interviewed. Only those applicants who are being considered, based on their application form, will be interviewed by the Headmaster or his designate. Not all applicants who are interviewed will be accepted and we will accept the most suitable sixty-nine candidates based on the criteria below.

Priority will be given to students whose parents/legal guardians (as recognised by SA law) comply in full with the Admission Procedure, submitting all documentation on time.

Preference will be given to students who:

  • have specialised skills or talents that the School has the potential to develop, or
  • who have strong academic ability to be able to cope with the high standards expected at the School, or
  • are able to cope in a traditional boys boarding school environment, as identified in the interview.

Preference will also be given to those who:

  • have siblings who are either at the School or who are Old Boys of the School, or
  • have a father who is an Old Boy of the school.



The School Governing Body has resolved that the Headmaster will administer and decide on admission in accordance with the SGB admissions policy.

The Application Forms for Grades 8 to 11 must be printed from the link above and completed in full and signed by both parents or legal guardians.  All supporting documents must be submitted together with the application form.

Application forms for dayboys for Grade 9-11 shall reach the Admissions Secretary by the end of the third school term of each year (for admission to the School for the following year). Admission to Grades 9 – 11 shall only be considered should there be available space and if the applicant fulfils the requirements of the Admissions Policy, which has been approved by the School Governing Body. Only successful applicants will be contacted.


These are to be directed to the Admissions Secretary, Mrs Cathy Cameron

Telephone: 012 460 2246