180+ Movies And Shows With Five In The Title
Photo: Universal Pictures / Universal Pictures / Columbia Pictures

180+ Movies And Shows With Five In The Title

Jason Bancroft
May 3, 2024 185 items

Are you ready to dive into a cinematic and television countdown that's as intriguing as it is specific? Welcome to our ultimate roundup of the best movies and shows with "five" in the title, a list that promises not just quality entertainment but also an interesting peek into how numbers play a pivotal role in storytelling. Whether it’s the suspense of counting down or the significance of five elements coming together, these titles have captured audiences' imaginations across generations.

What makes this list particularly exciting? It's ranked by popularity based on votes from fans like you. That’s right - every movie and show here has been placed according to fan favorites, ensuring that what you’re getting is not just critically acclaimed but also beloved by audiences who enjoy their screen time. From thrilling adventures and gripping dramas to heartwarming tales, there’s something here for everyone who loves their entertainment served with a side of numerical intrigue.

So why focus on “five”? There's something universally compelling about this number; it symbolizes balance, adventure, and often a twist in narratives that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. As we count down through these top-ranked titles, prepare for an array of emotions and insights brought forth by some truly innovative filmmaking and storytelling. Get ready to add some fantastic fives to your watchlist!