conductor de televisi�n - English translation – Linguee

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Empresas chilenas -tales como el crucero
[...] Antarctic Dream, en la que el conductor de televisi�n Mario Kreutzberger es socio, [...]
y DAP, l�nea a�rea
local que ofrece tours a�reos- han hecho algunas incursiones en este mercado.
Chilean ventures, such as the Antarctic Dream cruise ship in which TV star Mario Kreutzberger [...]
is a partner, and DAP, a local
airline that offers air tours, have made some inroads into this market.
En diciembre
[...] de 1978 en Chile, el conductor de televisi�n Mario Kreutzberger, [...]
"Don Francisco" hizo p�blico el compromiso de apoyar a las personas con
discapacidad, proyecto que hoy en d�a en muchos pa�ses de Am�rica Latina se conoce como Telet�n.
In December,
[...] 1978 in Chile, the driver of television Mario Kreutzberger, "Don [...]
Francisco" publicized the commitment to support the persons with disability,
project that nowadays in many countries of Latin America is known as Telet�n.
Al principio dio apoyo al brutal y anticonstitucional Gobierno Interino de Hait� (IGH
por sus siglas en ingl�s), dirigido por el Primer Ministro
[...] G�rard Latortue, conductor de televisi�n y partidario [...]
de Bush, transferido desde Boca Raton, Florida.
It originally supported the brutal and
unconstitutional Interim Government of Haiti (IGH), led by Prime Minister G �rard Latortue,
[...] a Bush supporter and television host flown in from Boca [...]
Raton, Florida.
Recientemente un conductor de televisi�n presumi�, "Yo [...]
no creo en ning�n poder superior imaginario, soy un ser l�gico,"
seguido de aplausos de una peque�a audiencia.
Recently a television host boasted, "I don't believe [...]
in any imaginary higher power; I'm logical," followed with applause from the small audience.
El atentado se atribuye a dos individuos, de los que el
[...] periodista y conductor de televisi�n Emilio Oviedo [...]
Reyes se queja haber sido blanco tras el golpe de Estado.
Journalist and presenter Emilio Oviedo Reyes believes [...]
the shots were fired by two individuals who have been targeting him since the coup.
9 de septiembre de 2010 - Segundo asesinato dirigido de un conductor de televisi�n
15 September 2010 - Spanish judge to go to Baghdad to investigate cameraman's death in 2003
Samuel G�mez hizo menci�n de la experiencia de Nacho Cadena como
[...] periodista y conductor de televisi�n en programas [...]
de este tipo, adquirida en sus apariciones
en el Canal Gourmet de Argentina, donde su hijo Alfonso contin�a apareciendo.
Samuel Gomez underlined Nacho Cadena's
[...] experience as journalist and TV conductor in this type of program, [...]
acquired during his appearances
on the Gourmet Channel, where his son Alfonso continues to appear.
Una unidad especial del Servicio Secreto y el Ministerio del Interior identificaron a los
atacantes del Rabino Dov-Ber Baitman,
[...] maestro de la escuela jud�a "Lecciones de Torah" y conductor de un programa judo de televisi�n, el 27 de enero.
A special unit of the Secret Service and Ministry of Interior Affairs named the assailants who severely beat Rabbi Dov-Ber
Baitman, a teacher at
[...] the Jewish educational center Shiurey Torah and the anchor of the local Jewish television show "Video-HiTaS," [...]
on Jan. 27.
Ha sido presentador y conductor de radio y televisi�n y editor de revistas.
He has been a radio and television conductor and a magazine writer.
Renato �lvarez, director y conductor del principal noticiero de televisi�n del pa�s, dijo [...]
en su programa del martes por
la noche, horas despu�s del asesinato de Suazo, que "estos hechos no se pueden tolerar m�s".
Renato �lvarez, director and news anchor of the country's leading newscast, [...]
stated categorically on his programmed Tuesday
night, a few hours after Suazo was gunned down outside his home in La Masica, a town on Honduras' Caribbean coast, that "these things simply cannot be tolerated.
Fue el conductor ancla del programa de televisi�n ALTO NIVEL en [...]
donde entrevist� a presidentes y primeros ministros a nivel
mundial, el programa se transmiti� en Canal 3 de Guatemala.
He was anchorman of the television program "Alto Nivel" ("Top Level"), [...]
in which he interviewed presidents and prime ministers
worldwide. The program was broadcast on Guatemala's Channel 3.
Esto no se
[...] aplicar� a los monitores de televisi�n o aparatos similares que utilice el conductor para el control o conducci�n [...]
del veh�culo,
por ejemplo para supervisar las puertas de servicio.
This shall not preclude any television monitor or similar device used as part of the driver's control or guidance [...]
of the vehicle, for
example to monitor service doors.
Esto no se aplicar� a los monitores de televisi�n o aparatos similares que utilice el conductor para el control o la conducci�n del [...]
veh�culo, por ejemplo para supervisar las puertas de servicio.
When the
[...] structural thickness of the roof is more than 150 mm, the smaller section of the pyramid shall contact the aperture area of the escape hatch [...]
at the level of the outside surface of the roof.
El periodista jordano Muhammad Najawi, que
[...] trabaja como fot�grafo de la televisi�n alemana (N24), y su conductor liban�s, Muhammad [...]
Haddad, sufrieron heridas
leves cuando Israel bombarde� una gran caravana de veh�culos de la prensa que regresaban de las ciudades fronterizas de Yarun y Rmaish.
The Jordanian journalist Muhammad Najawi, working
[...] as a photographer for German television (N24) and his Lebanese driver Muhammad Haddad [...]
were slightly wounded
when Israel bombed a large press motorcade returning from the border towns of Yaroun and Rmaich.
VISTA P�BLICA ha recogido tambi�n las historias humanas y los
sucesos m�s destacados
[...] desde Canal Sur Televisi�n. Luis Mari�as ha sido el conductor de un espacio marcado [...]
por su sentido cr�tico
y social: la marca caracter�stica de nuestro equipo de investigaci�n.
VISTA P�BLICA (PUBLIC HEARING) has also accumulated the most
[...] stories and events for Canal Sur Television, with Luis Mari�as providing the [...]
critical and social point of view.
Adem�s, la televisi�n belga mostr� m�s tarde im�genes del Presidente sentado en la mesa de honor, no lejos de los Soberanos belgas y la pareja de pr�ncipes.
Moreover, the Belgian television subsequently showed pictures of the President sitting at the table of honour not far from the Belgian Sovereigns and the royal couple.
Adem�s, se ha nombrado un
[...] nuevo director general de televisi�n y se ha sustituido [...]
parte del personal directivo.
Furthermore, a new
[...] Director General of the Croatian TV has been appointed [...]
and other high level staff replaced.
[...] videojuegos y programas de televisi�n sin violencia y solo har� [...]
estas dos actividades por un m�ximo de una a dos horas al d�a.
I will choose non-violent television shows and video games, [...]
and I will spend only one to two hours each day - at the most - on these activities.
Tambi�n valoramos el hecho de que la propuesta de Directiva se refiera al
[...] contenido audiovisual de la televisi�n.
We also welcome the fact that the proposal for a directive refers mainly to the
[...] audiovisual content of television.
No es verdad porque en el mundo de la radio
[...] y en el mundo de la televisi�n estamos sometidos a un r�gimen de concesiones administrativas [...]
y se producen
injerencias de los poderes p�blicos.
It is not true because in
[...] the world of radio and the world of television we are subject to a system of administrative [...]
and there is interference by public powers.
Cada d�a m�s
[...] existe la necesidad de comprobar los cables de televisi�n instalados en nuevos edificios antes de [...]
que se disponga de ninguna se�al de TV.
Every day more often there is a need
[...] for testing the television cables installed into new buildings well before any TV signal is [...]
El resto vendr�a de la actualizaci�n de las ocho medidas vigentes, y de la introducci�n de una
[...] nueva sobre aparatos de televisi�n.
The rest of the savings would come from the upgrading of the existing eight measures, and
[...] from a new measure on televisions.
La informaci�n visual no relacionada con la conducci�n
que pudiera distraer
[...] perceptiblemente al conductor (por ejemplo, televisi�n, v�deo o im�genes y texto desplaz�ndose autom�ticamente)debe desconectarse o presentarse solo de manera que el conductor no pueda verla mientras [...]
que el veh�culo est� en movimiento.
Visual information not related to
driving that is likely
[...] to distract the driver significantly (e.g. TV, video and automatically scrolling images and text) should be disabled or should only be presented in such a way that the driver cannot see it while [...]
the vehicle is in motion.
Los expedicionarios que finalmente cruzaron el meridiano del Cabo de Hornos
fueron el triple campe�n de esqu�, Luc
[...] Alphand; el animador de televisi�n francesa, Vincent Lagaff y el conductor de programas televisivos [...]
sobre viajes, Alejandre Debanne.
The portion of the expedition which finally crossed the meridian of
Cape Horn was the triple champion of skiing, Luc Alphand;
[...] the French television actor Vincent Lagaff, and the director of television adventure programs, [...]
Alejandre Debanne.
Y si no se modifican las pol�ticas,
empeorar�n las condiciones laborales y el entorno de trabajo, con
[...] lo que el oficio de conductor resultar� menos atractivo.
Moreover, if current policy remains unchanged, the working and
[...] overall conditions for drivers will deteriorate, making [...]
the profession itself less attractive.
Si el conductor interviene, el sistema ampl�a la deceleracin de tal manera que el veh�culo se detenga, en lo [...]
posible, antes del obst�culo.
If the driver responds, the system increases deceleration to the point that the vehicle may come to a stop before [...]
a collision occurs.
Avisa al conductor de un posible fallo [...]
de la correa o de su desgaste y reduce la potencia del motor hasta que se ha solucionado el problema.
Warns rider of impending belt failure [...]
or excessive belt wear and reduces engine power until the problem is corrected.
El programa UNESCO SOS Medios de Comunicaci�n
[...] incluye un banco de programas de televisi�n que proporciona a todas las emisoras de televisi�n bosnias 300 horas de programas gratuitos [...]
de calidad que fomentan la cultura
de paz, la tolerancia, el entendimiento mutuo y la democracia.
[...] SOS MEDIA programme includes a television programme bank which provides all Bosnian television stations with 300 hours of free quality [...]
programmes promoting a culture of peace, tolerance, mutual understanding and democracy.
La disminuci�n de los precios es m�s
[...] evidente en las televisiones de peque�a pantalla, con un n�mero limitado de dispositivos y que se utilizan generalmente como segunda o tercera televisi�n en los hogares.
The erosion in prices is more evident in the small screen sizes, with a limited number of features and generally used as second or third set in households.
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