home - Benjamin Moll


Professor of Economics

I am a macroeconomist interested in understanding inequality within and across countries.

My work seeks to advance two core research agendas. The first addresses one of the longest-standing questions in economics: “Why are some countries so much poorer than others?” The second is to understand how the enormous heterogeneity observed at the micro level, and in particular, the vast disparities in income and wealth, impact the macroeconomy and macroeconomic policy. My work approaches these questions with a mix of theory and empirics.

My current work aims to improve our understanding of the causes of the unequally distributed growth observed in many developed countries and the macroeconomic and distributional consequences of both monetary and fiscal policy.

Here is a flattering summary of my work up to 2018 by ECB Vice President Luis de Guindos. Here is a summary of my current research agenda (as of November 2020). And here is a high-resolution photograph.

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