York Bicycling | Meetup
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What we’re about

York Bicycling is NOT a cycling club.  But it IS an on-line site for local cyclists to find and organize group rides in the York County Pennsylvania and surrounding area. So there are no dues, no obligations and no boring meetings to attend!  Just open group rides!
Ride descriptions have moved! Please keep scrolling for ride description details.

This page is not affiliated with any one person, club or bike shop, though individuals, clubs and bike shops are encouraged to post rides. Our goal is that eventually all open rides in York County Pennsylvania and the surrounding areas will be posted here.  This Meet-Up site is accessible to all who enjoy the social interaction of group rides and endorse the idea of "The More the Merrier" when it comes to riding bikes.
We also have a Facebook page for all of the chitter-chatter that cyclists like to engage in when they aren't cycling.  Please join if Facebook is your thing by using the link on at the bottom of this home page.

Ride Descriptions:
When posting rides, please include the planned distance, the terrain profile (flat, rolling or hilly) and the ride "pace" information as below. If you are looking to join a ride, the descriptions below should help you find an appropriate ride. When joining a ride, it is important that your skill and fitness level matches the announced ride profile, not only for your own enjoyment but for the enjoyment of the rest of the ride attendees. Read the ride description, and if in doubt, ask the ride organizer for clarification.

"D" ride - Usually 10 - 11 MPH average speed on flat or gently rolling terrain. A "D" ride is usually appropriate for entry level riders, casual riders or those returning to riding after a long break. "D" rides are generally good for riders on hybrid bicycles. A "D" ride may be a road or rail trail ride. Check the description of the individual ride for clarification.

"C" ride - Usually 12 - 13 MPH average speed. Typically a flat or rolling road ride, though a "C" ride may be hilly in parts of York County so check out the description of the ride. A "C" ride is a step up from entry level and most riders should be mounted on road bikes. If you are a "B" or "A" rider joining a "C" ride, something other than a road bike may be appropriate, but otherwise a skinny-tired bike is recommended. Check the description of the individual ride for clarification.

"B" ride - 14 -17 MPH average road ride depending upon the terrain profile. Hilly rides will be slower, flat ones faster. A "B" ride is usually somewhat competitive in spurts, but social between bursts of activity. Riders should be mounted on road bikes with road tires. A "B" ride in hillier parts of the county can be quite challenging, so check the individual ride description for clarification.

"A" ride - 17+ MPH average. "A" rides are usually geared towards racers or wanna-be racers on road bikes. Plan on working hard for the whole distance and ending with a 17-20+ MPH average depending on the hilliness of the ride. A "no mercy" attitude is the norm. Make sure you are easily doing B rides before attending a ride announced as an A ride.

Upcoming events (4+)

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