Austrian People's Party

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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Austrian People’s Party


(ÖVP, Österreichische Volkspartei). Expresses the interests of large industrialists and landowners and is closely connected with the Catholic Church. Founded in April 1945 on the basis of the former Christian Social Party, it has more than 700,000 members (1969).

The ÖVP includes three organizations: the Economic Federation, made up mainly of entrepreneurs, the Federation of Workers and Employees, and the Federation of Farmers. The party defends the freedom of private property and the strengthening of the position of capital in the country. For over 20 years, the ÖVP formed a coalition government with the Austrian Socialist Party. After receiving a majority of seats (85 out of 165) in the parliamentary elections of March 1966, the ÖVP formed a single-party government in April 1966. Its press organs are the newspaper Volksblatte and the magazine Österreichische Monatschäfte.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The Austrian People's Party (OeVP) recently made the suggestion as part of its campaign for a parliamentary election in late September, for which it has a commanding poll lead.
Chancellor and Chairman of the Austrian People's Party Sebastian Kurz refused to cooperate with the Austrian Freedom Party, and then an interim government was set up consisting of ministers from the Austrian People's Party and experts.
In Hungary, the nationalist Fidesz party of Prime Minister Viktor Orban took over 50 percent of the vote and, in Austria, conservative Chancellor Sebastian Kurz's Austrian People's Party won too.
Kurz's conservative Austrian People's Party won the EU elections.
Summary: Vienna [Austria], May 28 (ANI): Sebastian Kurz, Austria's chancellor, on Monday ousted in a no-confidence vote just a day after his centre-right Austrian People's Party enjoyed a triumphant victory in the European Parliament elections last weekend.
This is reflected, for example, in the positioning of Britain's Conservative Party or the Austrian People's Party that have adopted tougher positions on immigration, the integration of ethnic minorities and asylum-seekers, the refugee crisis or European integration.
Something similar happened in Austria, where the Social Democratic Party ruled either alone or in conjunction with the Austrian People's Party between 1971 and 1999 (except for 1983-1986).
The Austrian People's Party last year entered a coalition agreement with the Freedom Party following a federal election.
All parties represented in the national parliament, the Austrian Nationalrat, after the election are included in the study: The Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPO), the Austrian People's Party (OVP), the Freedom Party of Austria (FPO), The Greens--The Green Alternative (The Greens), the New Austria and Liberal Forum (NEOS), and Team Stronach for Austria (Team Stronach).
In December 2017, the far-right Freedom Party of Austria became a junior coalition partner after striking a deal with the right-wing Austrian People's Party.
Or consider how, at the end of the year, 31-year-old Sebastian Kurz became Chancellor of Austria after refashioning the conservative Austrian People's Party (UVP) into a movement called "The Sebastian Kurz list - The New People's Party." Across the European continent, more voters have come to see traditional political parties as self-interested and power-hungry.
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