Solidarność and the start of a freer Eastern Europe

Solidarność and the start of a freer Eastern Europe

Anna Jędrzejewska
Anna Jędrzejewska

Forty years ago, on Aug. 31, 1980, one of the most astounding events of the 20th century took place in Poland. It was a peaceful rebellion that led to the consent of the authorities to the establishment of independent trade unions. The August Agreements were a break in the political system of the communist bloc. The event also meant that authorities could be effectively forced to make concessions. Without a doubt, August 1980 was the most important ascent in the second half of the 20th century. A peak after which you could think about real change in history.

This agreement was preceded by nationwide strikes. On Aug. 28 and 29, there were 600,000 workers, employed at almost 600 plants, on strike across the country. This resulted in the signing of the Gdańsk Agreement on Aug. 31 by Lech Wałęsa, the leader of what would become the Solidarity Union (Solidarność), and Jagielski, a government representative. The government delegation agreed, among other things, to the creation of new, independent, self-governing trade unions, the right to strike, the construction of a monument to the victims of December '70, broadcasts of Sunday masses on Polish Radio and the restriction of censorship. A provision was also adopted that the new unions recognize the leading role of the PZPR (Polish United Workers' Party) in the state and the principles of the social and political system of the People's Republic of Poland. Solidarność obtained everything that could be achieved in the current situation: most importantly, independent, self-governing trade unions. For the protesters, the agreement was only the first step, a means to build new free, social institutions and develop the self-government of society.

Solidarity, NSZZ "Solidarność" (Independent Self-Governing Trade Union "Solidarity") was registered on Nov. 10, 1980 by the Provincial Court in Warsaw. Solidarity’s victory brought freedom to Central Europe. There would be no fall of the Berlin Wall, there would be no freedom for other nations, there would be no reunification of Germany were it not for Solidarity, for the sacrifice of all those who fought.

Zbigniew Jedrzejewski

On this 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Solidarity Union in Poland, I must praise the strong and dedicated activity, full of allegiance to Solidarność, by my late husband Zbigniew Jedrzejewski. Zbigniew was the press spokesperson of “NSZZ Solidarność Region Ziemia Radomska” of Radom, Poland, our hometown. He was the editor of the Solidarity Bulletin and assisted in the organization of Solidarity in Radom. He provided workers with advice on how to organize a workers' union in the workplace. On Dec. 13, 1981, he was arrested for planning to organize a strike in workplaces on the first day of martial law and was imprisoned for two months. Shortly after his release, we migrated to the United States as political immigrants.

My husband passed away in 2001 in the United States, his second homeland. Almost nine years after his death, on the 30th anniversary of the establishment of "Solidarnosc," the chairman of the "Solidarity” Union, Ziemia Radomska, posthumously awarded Zbigniew a medal of honor, along with a letter of praise and appreciation for his activity, dedication and heroism in the work for NSZZ "Solidarnosc" and the Homeland of the Republic of Poland in the difficult fight for freedom, independence and democracy. A few years later, on Aug. 24, 2017 at a ceremonial meeting of the Solidarnosc Union in Gdańsk, Poland, I received an award on behalf of my late husband, given by the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda — a Cross of Freedom and Solidarity. Three months later, on Nov. 15, 2017, Zbigniew was posthumously awarded a medal from the Union of Combatants.

The 40th anniversary of the founding of the Solidarity Union in Poland brings me great pride for the struggle of my fellow Polish citizens who, risking their lives, fought for independence, freedom and democracy, as well as for the well-being of working people. The victory of "Solidarnosc" in Poland opened the gates to freedom for people in other Eastern European countries.

Anna Jędrzejewska lives in Springfield.