Angry Kid - Season 1 - IMDb
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Episode List


Season 1

23 Jan. 1999
Car Sick
Excessive travel snacking leads to digestive disaster
Jan. 1999
A sibling struggle for sofa supremacy
Jan. 1999
Peer group pressure on the playing field
Jan. 1999
Blood Juice
Country and western radio leads to self-abuse
Jan. 1999
Road Hog
A lone cyclist wages war against automotive injustice
Jan. 1999
Angry Kid's stinky fingers make him puke, he delivers his own special Queen's speech, and finally takes his Dad over the edge.
Jan. 1999
In the dark, no one can hear you gurn
Jan. 1999
Cotton Bud
For those hard to reach nasal congestions
Jan. 1999
Sex Education
Some things you're never ready to know
Jan. 1999
Oh no, the bone! What's that doing there?
Jan. 1999
Captain Thunderpants
Stew my foot and call me Brenda
Jan. 1999
Join us on a linguistic journey of eloquence, assonance and ignorance
Jan. 1999
Queen's Speech
Christmas is a time for children and their views are important. Not just as the adults of the future but as children NOW.
Jan. 1999
Hard Face
Angry Kid is brushing his teeth in front of the bathroom mirror pretending to be different characters.
Jan. 1999
Angry Kid is enjoying a bag of chips but has an unwelcome scrounger.
Jan. 1999
Super Hero
Angry Kid is playing at super heroes. He is 'Captain Buggernuts, the masked bumcake avenger!'
Jan. 1999
Love Bite
Angry Kid receives his first love bits, freaks at the sight of his own bones, and tries to sneeze with his eyes open.
Jan. 1999
Buzz Off
Angry Kid is in the bathroom playing with his own special kind of electric toothbrush.
Jan. 1999
Backwards Writing
An ambulance goes past the car and Angry Kid asks his Dad why 'Ambulance' is written backwards. As his Dad tries to explain AK's sister shows that she understands completely.
Jan. 1999
Hoax Call
Angry Kid makes a hoax call to directory enquiries, with disastrous consequences.
Jan. 1999
Wee Wee
Angry Kid is trying to have a wee, but his sister keeps putting him off.
Jan. 1999
Angry Kid and his sister give the police the run around on his trusty chopper.
Jan. 1999
Angry Kid tries to find out what happens if you sneeze with your eyes open.
Jan. 1999
Angry Kid finds the tables are turned on him whilst watching a horror film with his sister.
Jan. 1999
Angry Kid finds out what happens when his Dad gets on the wrong side of the law.

 Season 1  Season 2  »

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