Alexander von Habsburg-Salazar | Wiki | Pirates of the Caribbean Amino
None His Outfit The Black Reaver Alexander's Blade 2nd in Command Deacon Clockwork Marines and Clockwork Marine Sergeants Clockwork Halberds and Clockwork Halberds Sergeants Clockwork Battle Angels Clockwork Dragoons Ranking of Clockwork Soliders

Alexander von Habsburg-Salazar



Place of Birth Kiel, Germany
Languages English, German, Russian, Spanish
Ship Name The Black Reaver
2nd in Command Deacon
Age 20

"Fear can be used as a weapon, and it will work on your enemies."

- Alexander Salazar

Capt. Alexander von Habsburg-Salazar was born and raised in Keil, Germany by parents who were former pirates hunters. Once he got older, he got his own ship and crew, but when he went out to fight pirates, he lost his first ship and his crew. He looked up to the sky and swore on God and his deceased parents that he'll di better, his wish came true.

"You better not think about harming the Captain, you fiendish pirate!"

- Deacon

Deacon was the first ever Clockwork he made, and since he was made by Alex, he severed as his 2nd in Command. Then on he made Marines, Dragoons, Musketeers, Battle Angels and Halberds. They all have their own ranking system.

(All the Clockworks wear Red and Black as there main colors)

Due to his curse, he was forced to have his heart ripped out and placed in a chest that he keeps in the same room as his Pipe Organ that he plays. Each note he plays, his pain, his sorrow, his anger is all channeled into music. Davy Jones's Lullbye felt like it was perfect for him, so he plays it and other pieces of music to calm his nerves and also he has a scar where his heart is spouse to be.

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