Aleksandr Mikhailovich

The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Aleksandr Mikhailovich


Born 1301; died 1339. Grand prince of Tver’ from 1326; also received the yarlyk (decree of the khan) to the grand princeship of Vladimir in 1326. Second son of Prince Mikhail Iaroslavich.

Aleksandr Mikhailovich struggled against the increasing power of Grand Prince Ivan Kalita of Moscow. During the uprising of the people of Tver’ in 1327 against the Tatar baskak (khan’s representative and tax collector) Choi-Khan, he attempted to restrain the insurgents; however, he was charged by the khan with duplicity and deprived of his rights as grand prince. He fled to Pskov, where he was proclaimed prince. On orders of Ivan Kalita, whose army was advancing against Pskov, the metropolitan Feognost damned and “excommunicated” Aleksandr Mikhailovich and all the people of Pskov. Aleksandr Mikhailovich fled to Lithuania in 1329. In 1331 he returned to Pskov with the aid of the Lithuanians. In 1337 he recovered the yarlyk to the Tver principality from the Golden Horde. According to the chronicle, in 1339 he was summoned to the Horde where he and his son Fedor were killed.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Two months later, Grand Duke Aleksandr Mikhailovich inquired about the status of the experimental airplane.
In his telegram dated January 16, 1916, Vladimir Lebedev reported to the Chief of Russian aviation, Grand Duke Aleksandr Mikhailovich: "at the end of February [we will] test [a] two-engined fighter 'Lebed XIV' of 900 kg load carrying capacity." However, by the second half of 1917, the plane was not yet built.

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