Georgia teacher arrested after she was caught masturbating in class
US News

Georgia substitute teacher arrested after she was caught masturbating in class

A Georgia substitute teacher has been arrested after she allegedly masturbated in front of her second-grade class during school hours, authorities said.

Amelia Ressler, 30, of Carrollton, allegedly filmed herself performing the act while in the classroom at Mt. Zion Elementary School, news station WAGA reported.

“It appears she was masturbating while the classroom was full of kids,” Carroll County Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Ashley Hulsey told the outlet.

Hulsey slammed the incident as “disturbing,” adding that kids could’ve seen her touch herself.

 “Where she was sitting, it wasn’t like it was a closed desk and [the kids] couldn’t look up and visually see what she was doing at the time,” Hulsey told news station CBS46.

Detectives began investigating Ressler after receiving a tip about the video circulating in the community.

“We obtained video evidence because she videoed it herself and disseminated it and we were able to get ahold of that evidence,” Husley told WAGA.

Ressler was arrested Friday and booked into Carroll County jail on 19 counts of child molestation, authorities said.

“We appreciate the dedication Carroll County Schools has for the safety of their students as we were contacted immediately following the allegations and we will continue to work closely with them during the remainder of the investigation,” the sheriff’s office said.