Ultimate Jelqing Guide: 4 Simple Steps (Proven Results)

The Ultimate Jelqing Guide: 4 Simple Steps to Get Proven Results

Steffo Shambo

Updated on Apr 9, 2024

What The JELQ! 

Gentlemen, who’s brave enough to admit they’ve Googled “How to Jelq” late at night? 

No judgments here, just a show of hands—or should I say, “a show of mans”?

Once upon a time, Jelqing was this mysterious word whispered in the darkest corners of internet forums. A bunch of dudes huddled over their keyboards who wanted to get a bigger penis so bad that they resorted to all sorts of painful and unnatural, questionable methods. 

With the way those dudes spoke about it, you would’ve thought they were discussing the whereabouts of Atlantis. 

Now, even your grandma might know what jelqing means. After all, more mainstream media are spelling it out for the masses. 

So, tell Grandma to stick to her knitting patterns because this is guy talk.

Penis enlargement surgery and male enhancement pills—move aside! A better penis enlargement method is in town.

This article is the ultimate guide to Jelqing and getting a bigger penis naturally, including the science behind it and why you might have failed to grow your manhood in the past.

Still think it’s BS? Then this article is really for you. I’ve scientifically reloaded this guide with references and before and after pictures!

Are you ready? Let’s get started with a quick video tutorial on jelqing.

What is Jelqing?

what is jelqing

Jelqing is a penis exercise that is done with the fingers and hands. 

The main idea is to increase the blood flow to the penis to stimulate new cell growth by gently and slowly pushing blood from the base to the head of the penis. This also encourages a slight penile stretch. In other words, a bigger penis size

Jelqing should be done regularly over an extended period. Thereafter, it will produce a natural increase in penis length and girth.

Now, the word “jelq” is a widely popular technique in Penis Enlargement (PE) communities online. It’s considered amongst PE enthusiasts to be the cornerstone of any good male enhancement routine.

The Origins of Jelqing: The Jelq Legend

Priapus Fresco

Jelqing comes from an ancient Arabic origin. It was a ritual culturally passed down from father to son as a rite of passage: an initiation process from boyhood to manhood.

There is a legend about boys from ancient Jordan and the Middle East. When they reached puberty, their fathers would initiate them into the secret massage technique of “milking the penis.”

In their culture, a big and strong penis played an important role. It was a symbol of masculinity, fertility, and virility.

However, this historical legend is yet to be confirmed. The word “jelq” is not found in the Arabic dictionary. 

How Does Jelqing Work?

Jelqing works by slowly stretching the penis from the bottom to the top. The aim is to work on the smooth muscles that make up a penis by increasing penis blood flow. It could be easier to label it as “penis bodybuilding.”

The blood circulation focused on the penis will create internal pressure, which leads to micro-tears in the smooth muscle and other tissues. Through controlled damage and rebuilding, new cell growth in the penis is emerged.

As blood cells expand, the overall capacity of the penis increases in regard to the amount of blood it can hold. Contrary to bodybuilding, this action grows the length and girth.

Jelqing is also known as ‘milking’ since the motion resembles that of milking a cow. Hence the jelq meaning can be considered “to milk the penis.” Another way to put it is to think of the penis as an almost empty toothpaste tube—you need to squeeze everything from the bottom of the tube up to the top.

How to Jelq: The Simple Step-by-Step Jelqing Guide

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  • OK-Grip: Use your thumb and index finger to form an OK grip.
  • Start: Begin penis stretching by squeezing your ok-grip around the base of your penis.
  • Middle: Slowly slide up along the shaft with light pressure. (It should not hurt, but at the same time, it should push blood to the head.)
  • Finish: Stop before reaching the glans penis – that completes one jelq. (Now, take the other hand and repeat.)

Always lubricate the penis, base, and hands with coconut oil (or organic lube).

To perform one normal jelq should take 2-3 seconds, don’t do it faster than that.

You want to bring your awareness to your hands and penis while doing it.

Being present and feeling good about jelqing should be a priority.

There are also those who insist on faster size gains when jelqing is done much slower – for 5-7 seconds per jelq.

PRO TIP: trim your pubes for a smoother experience during your penis stretching sessions.

Watch the basic jelq exercise being demonstrated in this jelqing video.

The Best Jelqing Balm

Jelq2Grow contains African shea butter, tea tree oil, and beeswax. It’s one of the best lotions for masturbation.

Other masturbation balms like coconut oil will give you a pleasant sensation, except Jelq2Grow offers so much more than just sexual pleasure. 


Because it’s uniquely blended to reduce friction and is non-toxic. That’s why it’s become my go-to choice for sexual healing and jelqing.

Get yours for 30% off with the coupon code “STEFFO” – and you will get a premium product at a non-premium price.  → Get the jelqing balm here.

Lingam Yoga: Natural Penis Enlargement Course

Increase the power, stamina, and size of your lingam in a proven way with this unique, esoteric, and natural penis enhancement online course.

The 10-min Jelqing Routine

  1. Warm-up: Hot shower, penis pumping, or heating pad (2 minutes).
  2. The Jelq: Perform 100 repetitions/strokes.
  3. Penis Health: Massage the testicles and perineum (2 minutes).
  4. Warm-down: Hot shower (2 minutes).

Repeat the routine above for four days a week. Then, rest for three days to rebuild and grow new cells. 

Start with 100 repetitions in the beginning. Gradually and carefully increase the number of strokes once you get more comfortable.

Penis Health Massage

During the perineum and testicle massage, look to alleviate sore spots and tension.

This is a natural, effective way to keep your prostate health in check. It also removes any blocks that might restrict blood and energy flow in the groin area.

What Is The Jelqing Erection Level About?

Ideally, you want to have an erection level between 50-80% of a full hard-on while performing the jelqs.

Jelqing with a 100% erect penis can be dangerous — possibly creating permanent damage — and should be avoided.

It’s normal to find yourself getting a full-on erection while jelqing. If it happens, stop and cool down for a moment before continuing.

The V-Jelq Exercise (Jelqing Variation)

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Here’s how the V-Jelq works: 

  • Form a V sign with your hand between the middle and index finger
  • Face the palm upwards
  • Lightly squeeze the base of the penis
  • Jelq until you reach the glans
  • Repeat with your other hand

V-jelqs are good for increasing the thickness of the corpus cavernosum by putting pressure on the sides of the shaft. It also creates more of a stretch than the normal jelq, helping with length.

This method should be performed with an upward movement on a 30-60% erection level.

Here are a few more key points about V-Jelqs: 

  • It’s easier to perform this practice standing up than sitting down.
  • A firm grip at the base is essential before starting to move up.
  • Move upwards in a uniform manner, spreading the pressure equally on the sides of the penis.
  • Use enough lubrication and apply the right amount of pressure.

You can watch the V-Jelq video tutorial in my course.

How does jelqing compare to a penile extender device?

Jelqing is preferable for some men to a penile extender device such as a phallosan forte. This is because they usually need to be worn for multiple hours of the day. Jelqing can be completed in less than 10-30 minutes. 

Although a penis stretching device is passive and jelqing is active, jelqing is less invasive to a man’s daily life. You can combine both practices in your PEgym lifestyle.

Penis extenders are another device you might’ve come across alongside a penis pump

Jelqing is somewhat similar to penile traction therapy

Jelqing and penile traction therapy both involve physical techniques which can influence your penis health. In that aspect, they’re similar. How it’s done to achieve a positive outcome is different. 

  • Jelqing: Manual penis exercises that focus on increasing the penis size by increasing blood flow. 
  • Penile Traction Therapy (PTT): Relies on penile traction devices to stretch the penis. 

The Benefits of Jelqing

  • Get a bigger penis naturally.
  • Enjoy harder erections, treating erectile dysfunction.
  • Straighten out your penis so it’s symmetrical and curves less
  • Improve sexual control and premature ejaculation
  • Boost sexual confidence and psychological satisfaction
  • Helps with treating Peyronie’s disease
  • Restore circumcised foreskin

Moreover, jelqing is a safer alternative than the penis surgery, Penoplasty. 

The Top Jelqing Mistakes to Avoid: Do’s and Don’ts

Not following any of these warnings can result in damaging your sexual function. It could even lead to a shortened penis if not done correctly. 

For best results, follow the guidelines properly. 

Better still, employ a coach. This will guarantee you 100% safe and natural gains.

  • Never jelq with a fully erect penis (the maximum erection level should only be about 80%).
  • Don’t be too hard or fast. Start slow.
  • Never use commercial soap as a lubricant as it interferes with the micro-bacterial climate of the penis, which can create skin rashes.
  • Always warm up before jelqing.
  • Do not develop a bad technique. Going too fast with a dead grip can cause bruises and even lead to sexual dysfunction.
  • Avoid jelqing the head of the penis. Stop right underneath the glans.
  • Avoid ejaculating too quickly! Practice ejaculation control. When surfing just under the point of ejaculation, you will notice quicker size gains due to the continuous expansion and contraction of the tissue. This technique is also called “ballooning” or “edging”.

The Risks and Side Effects of Overdoing the Jelq Exercise

jelqing side effects

Training too much or too hard can result in an imbalanced distribution of gains at the top of the penis, known as “the donut effect.” You should only jelq for a maximum of 4 days straight and gradually increase training volume. Do not rush, and never do more than one jelq session per day.

Overstraining may lead to a decrease in penis sensitivity, including the following risks:

  • Blue bruises (see image) or red spots on the penis for a long period of time.
  • Difficulties in getting or sustaining an erection.
  • Developing scar tissue.

Are there any dangers with Jelqing?

jelqing dangers

Not following any of the aforementioned warnings can result in permanent damage to the penis. 

For best results, follow the guidelines properly so you don’t do more harm than good. Better still, employ a coach. This will guarantee you 100% safe and natural gains. 

You have more to lose when you do this alone without any guidance. The safer way to increase penis length and prevent scar tissue is to work with a professional. Otherwise, you may end up having to resort to penis enlargement surgery, a vacuum device, or penile traction therapy.

How Long Does it Take to See Results From Jelqing?

A survey conducted across 1000 men in the Penis Exercise book found that: “The average time it takes to see the earliest results is between 2 to 4 months.” 

However, I see my students getting results in their first month of practice. You’re more likely to get faster results when you’re guided by a sex coach.  

Either way, there is no magic pill. 

Commit to at least six months of training if you are serious about getting good and lasting results. Just like lifting weights, you won’t get ripped right away. If you go to the gym now and then, you won’t see any changes. 

You need to stay consistent with a good routine and planned schedule.

The only thing we can do to speed up the process (and prevent injuries) is to get a personal trainer to coach us.

Jelqing Results: Hear From Real-Life Experiences 

Jelqing results meme

Besides growing an inch in length myself, I’ve helped hundreds of men get similar results. 

On average, I see an increase in penis length of 1 cm (0.4″) and 0.5 cm (0.2″) in girth after two months of committing to doing the proper practice.

Testimonials of Men Who Have Tried Jelqing

“Did I mention my dick got bigger? I didn’t join for that reason but, hey, I ain’t complaining’.”

– J.R., USA

“And although I didn’t believe in it before, with an erection I have a bigger Lingam.”

– M.S, Germany

“I predict that you will, as I did, increase your confidence, your size (an extra bonus, but not what I was most interested in).”

– K.D., USA

“For a long time, I was fixated on the idea of getting it bigger. I looked through the internet, read about and bought some remedies, and read about numerous exercises. They were all too complicated for me. On top of that, as I understood now, I had disbelief which held me back. Steffo’s training did several things for me. Firstly, it broke my belief that it cannot grow. This is a big thing! Have done 5 weeks of my steady practice. Result: plus 1 cm.”

– Russ, United Kingdom

“Before I signed up to your course and heard about the possibility of making the penis bigger, I totally thought that was bullshit! Now I excuse myself because my penis is more than 1 cm bigger and thicker in only 8 weeks.”

-A.A., Sweden

“My penis has, in fact, lengthened. I’m embarrassed to admit how satisfying it felt to notch six inches on my ruler.”

– C. Brian Smith of MEL Magazine

” In a survey of nearly 1000 men who exercised their penis for three or more months, the average size increase was 1 inch in length and 0.5 inches in girth – a volumetric increase of fifty percent.”

– Penis Exercises: A Healthy Book for Enlargement, Enhancement, Hardness, & Health

Before and After Results: Jelqing Pics of Real Men

dildo measured by a measuring tape

Reading and hearing testimonials isn’t enough for some people. They want to see real before and after pictures to see if it’s legit. 

The most popular, and certainly the most involved penis enlargement community is PE gym ( rebranded to The Biohacker)

Below, I’ve listed the three best examples of before and after pictures from their forum. (click: “attached images” and “pics here.”)

Important Note: These pics are certainly NSFW.

1. Rammln, who gained 22mm

“I started with PE [jelqing] in April 2010 and trained for 10 months. In that time, I’ve gained 22mm (0.87 inches) in EL [erect length], 18mm (0.71 inches) in EG [erect girth] and 40mm (1.57 inch) in FL [flaccid length]. For detailed measurements, take a look at the attached image.”

– Rammln from Germany, PE Gym

See his second batch of before and after images here.

2. JP90, who gained 2 1/4 in length

“These are the exercises I started with, on my way to gaining 2 1/4″ in length and 1 1/2″ in girth in just over 16 months of doing [jelqing] PE.”

– JP90 member from PE Gym

See his before and after results here, and these jelqing pics are from his second gaining period.

3. Stan, who went from 6 to 7 inches

He started in 2012 with 6 inches, see his jelqing pics here. And in the forum, he wrote an important note about how to measure properly:

“I just learned again that it’s very easy to fool yourself measuring if you don’t put the end of the ruler EXACTLY on the same spot every time. The pubic bone is not a perfect wall, I had already noticed when measuring BPEL that if I put the end of the ruler ever so slightly ABOVE the base of the shaft I would get an artificial 1/16″ more. Now I realize that I’ve been making that mistake when measuring BPFSL for the last few days, and thus it means that I was too hasty in confirming 7″11/16. I can still hit it when measuring “properly”, but just barely, and with not enough consistency to call it confirmed. I’m confident it will come along soon though.”

– Stan

4. Mike Howlizter, who grew to 8 inches

Check out Mike Howlizter’s 7 centimeters jelqing gains, from the Dream Penis Guide.

Starting measurements:

  • Erect Length: 5 1/4 inches.
  • Erect Girth: 4.3 inches.

Current measurements:

  • Erect Length: 8 inches.
  • Erect Girth: 5.5 inches.

Total gains:

  • Erect Length: 2 3/4 inches.
  • Erect Girth: 1 1/4 inches.

Proof of Jelqing in Western Sexual Medicine & Science

There is little to no scientific evidence of natural penis enlargement. Professional medical advice tends to be limited when it comes to penis stretching exercises.

Even so, we’ll pull out a few indirect reports and successful results to date.

Bear in mind that these are indirectly related to penis stretching

[1] Let’s start with the most viable research conducted so far, published in The National Center for Biotechnology (NCBI):

“After 6 months the mean gain in length was significant, meeting the goals of the effect size, at 2.3 and 1.7 cm for the flaccid and stretched penis, respectively.”

[2] Here’s another study on Penile Curvature & Peyronie’s disease:

“Of the 10 men who completed the study, all reported subjective improvements in length and curvature of 0.5-2.5 cm and 10-40°, respectively. Objectively, mean penile stretched length increased from 0.5-2.0 cm and curvature had been reduced by 10-45° (mean of 22°). There were no patient-described changes regarding penile sensation, worsening erectile function, or skin injury. Overall, patients reported high satisfaction rates and improvements in International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) scores.”

Naturally restoring the foreskin

Another report from NCBI stated the following about naturally restoring the foreskin:

“Nonsurgical procedures, though time-consuming, are more common. They generally involve tape, elastic, weights, or some other means of creating tension to stretch the skin on the penis. The National Organization of Restoring Men advises such a slow but safe approach called “A successful restoration regimen”. It involves wearing a stretching device during the day for four to eight hours and recommends removal if the wearer feels constriction or pain.”

And here’s an article covering a successful foreskin restoration following the above protocol.

Erectile dysfunction

[4] Erectile dysfunction was cured with pelvic floor exercises in this clinical study by NCBI:

“After 3 months, the erectile function of men in the intervention group was significantly better than in the control group. After 6 months, the blind assessment showed that 40% of men had regained normal erectile function. This study suggests that pelvic floor exercises should be considered as a first-line approach for men seeking long-term resolution of their erectile dysfunction.”

Premature Ejaculation

[5] Dr. Antonio Pastore, a urologist at Sapienza University of Rome, stated the following on the topic of curing Premature Ejaculation with natural exercises:

These men, who had suffered from premature ejaculation their entire lives, were able to improve their ejaculation time in just 12 weeks and maintain that improvement for another six months. These exercises are designed to retrain/re-educate the pelvic floor muscles to either contract or lengthen properly on command and depending on the need.”

Sexual Confidence 

[6] Jelqing can achieve a positive psychological bond with your penis, according to this Doctor:

“Would a doctor recommend Jelqing? – Well actually, if done safely a doctor might recommend it as a way for a man to get comfortable with their body and better understand their erection. If you aren’t able to achieve a full erection. It can also help you to appreciate the difference between your penis when it’s flaccid and when it’s erect which can help ease anxieties about the size of your erection.”

Other sources

[7] First from a study called the Phallosan Study Statistical Report:

“The average result of all test patients in increase of length at non erect/erect stage: 3.6 cm (1.41 inches) / 2.9 cm (1.14 inches)”

[8] And another one from The Journal of Sexual Medicine:

“Penile length significantly changed in flaccid and stretched state, more pronounced under stretched conditions (plus 1,8 cm). 15 men reported an improved quality of erection, 13 men improved rigidity. 80 % were subjectively content with the results and prolonged the continuous use of the device outside the study. There was a significant correlation between length gain and duration of daily use.”

Historical Evidence of Penis Enlargement 

Throughout history and research, it’s been proven that the physical human body is highly adaptable.

Humans have survived some of the most difficult conditions. We can see the human body’s ability to adapt to its surroundings. For example, our skin color adapts to environmental factors such as terrain and temperature. 

This notion is also from our repeated habits and patterns in our daily lives. Another example is when we sit in front of a computer screen in the office the whole day for years. In this scenario, you develop a poor posture with rounded shoulders.

Our bodies are malleable and can change because of several factors: 

  • Habits
  • Environment
  • Climate
  • Mindset

Our bodies adapt to what they consume. With that in mind, it’s understandable that some foods affect penis size in a good and bad way. 

Body Modification in Tribal Cultures

Body modifications are commonly seen throughout tribal cultures worldwide. Here are a few examples: 

  • Elongation of the neck in Northwest Thailand
  • Lip-disc stretching in Africa
  • Earlobe extension in South America
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Aghora Sadhus From India

In this tribe, you’ll find men doing penis tricks and modifications that you probably couldn’t imagine: 

  • Hanging heavy rocks with ropes from their balls
  • Rolling the penis up on a stick and twisting it like helicopter blades
  • Extending the penis abnormally long as if it’s a snake or grown man’s forearm

Massive Disclaimer: Do NOT try this at home. You risk losing your sexual function. 

Then you have celibate monks who don’t care about sexuality. Instead, they take massive pride in the shocking accomplishment of their cultural “penis roll trick.”

The illustrations above of body modifications are not necessarily related to sexual medicine and wellness. 

Still, they support the fact that with regular application of consistent pressure and external influences, the body can be altered in almost unimaginable ways. This idea is the basis behind jelqing, together with notions of sacred sexuality and sexual health education.

Lingam Yoga: Natural Penis Enlargement Course

Increase the power, stamina, and size of your lingam in a proven way with this unique, esoteric, and natural penis enhancement online course.

Does Size Matter?

There are no two ways about it. As a society, we are size-obsessed.

Western culture has almost unanimously embraced the term “bigger is better.” 

As a social narrative:

  • We constantly make jokes about the average penis size, including how bigger penis sizes are more likely going to satisfy a woman.
  • On TV, we have shows like Sex And The City, with a character called ‘Mr. Big’.
  • Demeaning terms like “small dick energy” is normal for calling out men.
  • The emphasis is on larger penises in porn.

Side note: If you’re addicted to porn, I highly suggest quitting, as it can affect your sexual function.

Unfortunately, men undergo body shaming over something they have absolutely no control over.

Small penis anxiety is a real problem

With the onset of high-speed internet almost everywhere, boys grow up watching porn. This can easily cause low self-esteem when they compare themselves to male porn stars. 

And unfortunately, that’s where most boys tend to get their sex education from—resulting in a skewed and incomplete picture of sexuality.

A lot of average-sized men believe they are smaller than they are. Hence, it’s not uncommon for them to resort to searching for a penis pump or penis enlargement method to feel more confident about themselves. 

One survey revealed that over 45% of men wanted a larger penis. Meanwhile, 85% of women were satisfied with their partner’s size.

This study from PLOS used life-sized 3D models of erect penises to investigate women’s preferences. It showed that most women in the study prefer average-sized penises (14.2 cm / 5.6 inches) or only slightly larger than average.

From the same source (PLOS), it was pointed out that: 

“Men dissatisfied with their penis size have historically benefited more from counseling than from surgically increasing their penis size.”

To help with this, I recommend you simultaneously work to heal that aspect through self-love.

More about that in my article on penis praise.

Penis Size Matters In Ancient Cultures

We live in a world where a man’s penis size is still equated with his value and virility.

This isn’t a new occurrence either – it has been this way throughout ancient cultures all over the world.

The Greek penis god Priapus with his oversized permanent erection, is one example. Another example is the Japanese fertility festival, where people worship the penis by carrying 300 kg of a wooden phallus through the streets.

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The penis has always been equated to masculine status and power.

In this sense, the penis is the very embodiment of a man’s ego.

But a man is a competitive creature. Almost every man out there seems to envy someone else’s penis. At the very least, they wish they had a larger appendage.

According to urologist Dr. Med El-Seweifi, it’s never a good idea to increase your penis size out of psychological issues.

Enlargement alone will only be satisfying if the problem needs to be solved on a mental level, not physically.

It takes a certain level of mindfulness and self-awareness to ensure you aren’t looking to increase your size out of self-hatred. Ask yourself and contemplate why you are doing it.

Is Penis Size Important?

To answer this question, allow me to guide you towards a Facebook post I made a while ago regarding natural penis enlargement.

The post ended up receiving a range of comments and I think it serves to show a good spectrum of thoughts on this subject.

A woman asked a critical question: “What is the whole point of this? Do you really think that 1 cm will make any difference? Aren’t there some better things to invest time and effort in?”

My response explained that dedicating time to a part of your body as complex as your penis can actually be very positive. Through the process of jelqing, a man can gain a more encouraging and positive connection between his genitals and his heart. Thus integrating sexuality and emotions.

A man responded: “Maybe you have a point in affecting the image that men have of themselves! Perhaps they will begin to love themselves more when they look at their penis?”

Another woman chimed in with: “Nothing wrong with tweaking things naturally as long as your happiness doesn’t depend on it.”

Here are a few more snippets from the comments:

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The Importance of Penis Size In Tantra

In Tantra, size is no big deal.

What matters most is the presence you bring as a man to lovemaking.

In other words, how skillfully you can use your wand of light (this is one reason to do kegel exercises). What matters is how emotionally connected you are. And how safe you can make your partner feel.

Being present and grounded in your own body can charge up your life-force energy so much that your partner will perceive you as physically fuller and stronger inside.

There is also the Taoist concept of genital size compatibility—three sizes for men and three for women.

Think you’re too small? It might just be because you haven’t found the right “genital match.”

Understand that compatibility is not only about men. Your genital category might be too small for her category.

Keep in mind that she can also be too big or too tight for your penis.

And finally, in tantric sex, there are sexual positions that favor small and big sizes.

So, if you and your partner don’t feel as much pleasure as you’d like, or if it’s too painful for her, try changing your sex position!

Are Male Enhancement Coaches Necessary For Jelqing?

If you want to experience real tangible results in the fastest possible way, the answer is: yes, absolutely! 

You could practice jelqing by yourself, but you’re at higher risk of potential injuries because it requires the correct technique. Working with a coach will ensure you’re performing your penis stretching exercise properly. 

I constantly hear gratitude and positive feedback from men over the jelqing exercises workout. They tell me how much The Tantric Man Experience has changed their lives!

Techniques for semen retention and mastering your sexual energy from the best jelqing program really change lives.

Top reasons why it’s good to have a coach for jelqing exercises workout

  • Spending months and years on the DIY path can lead to regretful mistakes. It’s a path of trial and error. And some mistakes you blatantly want to avoid—you’ve only got one penis!
  • Experimenting with techniques from tantric hatha yoga can be frustrating. Instead, you could shave off years of the learning curve with an experienced expert.
  • Tailor your routine based on your schedule and personal goals.
  • Achieve your goals faster with constant accountability as well as personal and community support.
  • Guarantee permanent, faster, and safer gains. 

The Tantric Man Experience is one coaching program that cuts through the noise and gives you a step-by-step plan to follow. 

The Bottom Line

We’ve all had our DIY moments—whether it’s assembling IKEA furniture or trying out new dance moves (no, the moonwalk doesn’t count anymore). But when it comes to jelqing, DIY could spell out, “Dude, I’m Injured. Yikes!”

Remember, we’re talking about your penis here, not assembling IKEA furniture. There are no spare parts if something goes south.

Unless you fancy a possible trip to the ER where you have to explain to a nurse what went wrong down there awkwardly, let’s leave the self-experimentation behind, shall we?

Instead, go the safer route by giving yourself a dose of expertise. 

Get a leg up—or, should I say, something else up—by joining my lingam yoga course (click button below). This is where you’ll get proven, safe, and natural penis enlargement techniques. Following the formula within the course can guarantee you a bigger penis by up to one inch within 90 days. 

Lingam Yoga: Natural Penis Enlargement Course

Increase the power, stamina, and size of your lingam in a proven way with this unique, esoteric, and natural penis enhancement online course.


Does jelqing cause erectile dysfunction?

If overdone or done too aggressively, then yes. Jelqing CAN lead to erectile dysfunction. However, when done properly, with the guidance of a mentor or teacher, it can actually be a way to overcome ED.

Does jelqing increase flaccid length?

Flaccid length usually increases more than erect length. On average, men gain 1 inch in erect penis length and 0.5 inches in erect girth from Jelqing after six months of practice.

Are jelqing results permanent?

Yes, results can be permanent. This is provided that proper after-exercises follow the period of jelqing. If these are adhered to, your enlarged penis can remain enlarged permanently. Besides jelqing, there are other techniques that can lead to permanent results, such as testicle sunning.

Can I do jelqing every day?

Jelq only up to 4 days a week. Make sure to take three days off. This gives you three days to rest and rebuild new cells in the penile tissue. Jelqing is safe as long as you don’t grip TOO hard and a flaccid penis is somewhat maintained. If you do, then you risk damaging penile tissue and reducing erection hardness.

Lingam Yoga: Natural Penis Enlargement Course

Increase the power, stamina, and size of your lingam in a proven way with this unique, esoteric, and natural penis enhancement online course.

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Steffo Shambo

Steffo Shambo

Men's Tantric Relationship Coach

I am the founder of The Tantric Man Experience™, a pioneering transformational coaching program for men. With over 1500 hours of certified tantra training in India and Thailand and 7 years of experience helping hundreds of men worldwide save their marriages and reignite passion in their love lives.

I have over 8 million views on YouTube and have been featured on VICE and Newstalk Radio for my life’s work - helping men unleash their full masculine potential.

My holistic FLT method seamlessly integrates ancient tantric philosophy with my modern expertise in relationships, sexuality, dating, and men’s health.

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