Chavez Jr vs Martinez 24/7 Video: Full Episode One - Bad Left Hook clock menu more-arrow no yes mobile

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Chavez Jr vs Martinez 24/7 Video: Full Episode One

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chavez jr vs martinez banner #2

On September 15 in Las Vegas, live on HBO pay-per-view, Julio Cesar Chavez Jr faces Sergio Martinez in one of the most highly-anticipated fights of 2012.

HBO's "24/7" is covering the fight over two episodes, and this past Saturday night, the first aired. It turns out that for me at least, it's not the "24/7" format that got old, but the likes of Pacquiao and Mayweather, whose stories have been told every fight out for years now, to the point that I can't really take another, "Here is Floyd being nice to something," or "Here are several angles of Manny running" scene.

But with this, as well as Tim Bradley's story in June, it's nice to see some fresh faces get this level of attention. There are a lot of fighters out there who are more charismatic, more interesting than we probably know. Give them a stage, and they can prove it.

Anyway, the episode's after the jump.

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