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Lithuanians are proud of different raw or manufactured natural products you can find in our country of rains and forests. You may be familiar with some of the products I mention, and some may surprise you:

1.蜂蜜 Honey


Since ancient times, Lithuanian people had a very special relationship with bees. Pagans believed that beekeeping defined kind-hearted men. In Lithuanian, the word “friend” - “biciulis” - has the same radical as a word “bee” - “bite”, so, to express feelings of friendship and affinity, people would present each other with bees.

立陶宛的蜂蜜多种多样:质地较硬的白色“石头蜜(akmeninis medus)”是由野蜂蜜、椴树蜜、荞麦、三叶草、松树蜜等制成。除了蜂蜜,还有许多蜂蜜制品,比如蜂蜡、蜂王浆、蜂花。这些产品都有疗愈功效。

There are different kinds of Lithuanian honey: hard and white “stone honey” (akmeninis medus) produced by wild bees, linden, buckwheat, clover, pine honey and many others. Besides honey, there are many other honey products, including wax, bee milk, and bee pollen. All are considered to be healing.


2. 牛奶 Milk


Lithuanians are known for high-quality dairy products. We produce many different kinds of dairy, including cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, different yoghurts and desserts. You can come to Lithuania and try fresh milk in a tourist village manor or even milk a cow yourself.


3.大麻制品 Hemp


Organic hemp farming has recently become quite popular in Lithuania. Fans of organic products are happy to use organic hemp oil, drink soothing hemp tea and use cosmetics based on hemp products. Hemp is known as a superfood and many people add protein-rich hemp seeds to their daily diet.


4. 草本茶 Herbal teas


Besides hemp tea, you can make tea from almost any herb growing in the forest or meadow. In summer, many Lithuanians pick their own herbs and dry them at home, or buy ready-made herbal teas in supermarkets and pharmacies. Once a Lithuanian starts feeling under the weather, most likely he or she will start by steeping some raspberry leaf, linen or pine bud tea; if one happens to suffer from indigestion, often he or she will reach for chamomile tea, or calendula for inflamation. Doctors would advise those suffering from anaemia or blood donors to drink nettle tea. There are many more herbal tea kinds for any kind of ailment. They are especially nice with sweet Lithuanian honey.


5. 荞麦 Buckwheat


Buckwheat, along with other grains, takes an important part in the daily diet of all Lithuanians. Local farmers produce high-quality ecologic buckwheat.

立陶宛的荞麦田开花了,蜜蜂在此期间会忙着酿荞麦蜜,图源自Juozas Babarskas

6. 琥珀 Amber


Maybe you have already heard about Lithuanian amber, amber jewelry and Amber Museum in Klaipeda. Baltic Sea is a cradle of these Sun-like semiprecious gemstones. Pines dropped their resin into the water, and, over millions of years, shiny pieces of amber formed.


7. 亚麻 Linen

在中国古代,亚麻价格高昂,所以孔子让他的学生把亚麻帽子换成丝绸质地的。然而,在立陶宛,亚麻是一种十分广泛使用的原料。现在有许多品牌生产精美的亚麻连衣裙,受到立陶宛人和外国人的一致喜爱。亚麻织品有许多名牌,包括Linen Tales,Magin Linen和Jurate.

Confucius asked his coevals to change linen hats to silk ones because of high price of linen in ancient China. However, in Lithuania, linen has always been a widespread material. Nowadays, there are many brands producing exquisite linen pieces, loved by Lithuanians and foreigners alike. Some notable brands include Linen Tales, Magin Linen, and Jurate.

8. 立陶宛的天然化妆品 Natural Lithuanian cosmetics

立陶宛的护肤品以本土草本植物、蜂蜜和其他天然成分为基础制成。比如,Baltic Rituals是制造琥珀皂的品牌,还有一个知名家族品牌Nimfe(仙女),生产肥皂、磨砂膏和麻油与草本植物(如金盏花等)制成的乳霜。

Lithuanian skincare is based on local herbs, honey and other natural ingredients. For example, Baltic Rituals is a brand offering stunning amber soap. Another brand to mention is family-owned Nimfe (Nymph) offering soaps, scrubs, and creams made with hemp oil and herbs such as calendula.



Some companies such as Mėta (Mint) produce both organic food, especially bread, snacks and teas, as well as cosmetic products. Among those, one can find essential oils, massage products and scrubs.

Meta的Rūgpienių kaimo®格瓦斯,立陶宛品牌,由全麦的无酵母黑面包制作成的无酒精饮料。


Along with kvass, Lithuania is famous for its beer, which you can not only try at any of the local bars, but even purchase in many places in China.


If you have any further questions about the products mentioned above, I will be happy to help!

更多关于立陶宛精彩的内容,尽在“Focus On立陶宛商务“ (Focus-On-LT-Business) 微信公众号!快来关注吧!



琥珀虽说是特产但是并不便宜,Amber Queen应该是当地最大的琥珀连锁商店了吧,里面的商品十几欧到上万欧都有,我回国的时候买了好多小礼品送给亲戚朋友,大家普遍都很喜欢。比较有意思的是,在Amber Queen买琥珀遇到的店员小姐姐居然会说汉语,问她怎么学的,她告诉我在维尔纽斯有很多中国人去买琥珀,她也认识很多中国人,实际上整个立陶宛的华人据说也就500人左右,中国购买力可见一斑。

