Following the groundbreaking success of Robert Downey Jr’s Iron Man, as Marvel Studios set out to make his sequel, they sought to push the boundaries of superhero cinema. And in their quest for innovation, they enlisted a secret weapon, the Samurai Jack creator Genndy Tartakovsky.
Known for his iconic work in animation, Genndy Tartakovsky was tasked with storyboarding Iron Man 2’s electrifying action sequences. Thereafter, Tartakovsky’s influence on the film became hard to miss. Particularly, Iron Man and War Machine’s drone fight scene caught people’s attention for transforming it into nothing short of revolutionary.
Jon Favreau Hand-Picked Genndy Tartakovsky for Storyboarding Iron Man 2 Action Scenes
When Marvel Studios decided to expand Robert Downey Jr‘s Iron Man universe with its 2010 sequel, Iron Man 2, they knew they needed something extraordinary to elevate the film’s action sequences. And that’s when director Jon Favreau went out for an epic team-up with the creator of Samurai Jack and director of Star Wars: Clone Wars — Genndy Tartakovsky.
By 2008, Samurai Jack and Star Wars: The Clone Wars had gone off the air for years, and Genndy Tartakovsky was thus looking for work. Offering to work on animated programming for the studio, Tartakovsky was eventually hand-picked by Jon Favreau, as the Iron Man director happened to be a big fan of his work.
During an interview with Ain’t It Cool News, Jon Favreau thus recalled offering the live-action project for Iron Man 2, to Genndy Tartakovsky. Asking Tartakovsky to storyboard the action sequences for Robert Downey Jr’s sequel, Favreau cited what attracted him to the animator’s work.
I really dig his sense of humor and his sense of rhythm, and the way that he acknowledges the same cinematic masters that I really love the work of, like (Akira) Kurosawa and (Sergio) Leone. And he finds a way to pastiche it without ever undermining the stakes or the reality of the tension that’s created in his action sequences.
Now clearly his stuff is a bit broad for a live-action film but I love his rhythm and his attention to detail. It has a real comic booky feel but yet it feels cinematic and not gimmicky and even his cartoons feel… there’s an elegance to them.
Thereafter, Genndy Tartakovsky, the visionary animator joined MCU with the task of storyboarding the action scenes for Iron Man 2. Tartakovsky brought his unique style and creativity to the table, forever changing the way fans viewed Robert Downey Jr.’s Tony Stark.
Genndy Tartakovsky’s Animation Expertise Revolutionized Robert Downey Jr.’s Sequel
After his initial meeting with Jon Favreau, Genndy Tartakovsky and his team headed into the production of Iron Man 2. They collaborated on storyboarding action sequences with hopes of stepping up the game from the original film. Thereafter, the result of their contribution and Tartakovsky’s influence was rightfully visible during the most notable climactic moment featuring Iron Man and War Machine against an army of robotic drones.
Robert Downey Jr and Don Cheadle’s standout sequence bore Genndy Tartakovsky’s indelible mark during the exhilarating drone fight. The high-octane scene featured Iron Man and War Machine battling a horde of unmanned robotic drones. But what truly set this scene apart isn’t just the intensity of the combat, it’s the distinct flair that Tartakovsky infused into every frame.
Genndy Tartakovsky’s influence became evident in the scene’s energy and fluid motion. Undoubtedly, his background in animation allowed Tartakovsky to approach the storyboard with a fresh perspective, focusing on exaggerated, yet incredibly precise action. Each punch, blast, and even Iron Man’s laser maneuver is rendered with a sense of stylized movement, it turned the fight sequence into not just a visual spectacle but also a dramatic sequence that’s meant to keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
Iron Man 2 is currently available to watch on Disney+.