Henry George Charles Lascelles, 6th Earl of Harewood
(1882-1947), MajorSitter in 48 portraits
Henry George Charles Lascelles, 6th Earl of Harewood; George Lascelles, 7th Earl of Harewood
by Anthony Wysard
pencil, watercolour and gouache, 1936
NPG 6118
by Vandyk
12 x 10 inch glass plate negative, 28 February 1922
NPG x32505
Henry George Charles Lascelles, 6th Earl of Harewood; Princess Mary, Countess of Harewood
by Vandyk
12 x 10 inch glass plate negative, 28 February 1922
NPG x32506
'The Wedding of 6th Earl of Harewood and Princess Mary'
by Vandyk
12 x 10 inch glass plate negative, 28 February 1922
NPG x32507
by Vandyk
glass negative, 28 February 1922
NPG x34568
Henry George Charles Lascelles, 6th Earl of Harewood; Princess Mary, Countess of Harewood
by Vandyk
whole-plate glass negative, 28 February 1922
NPG x34569
'The Wedding of 6th Earl of Harewood and Princess Mary'
by Vandyk
hand-coloured bromide print, 28 February 1922
NPG x74770
by Vandyk, published by J. Beagles & Co
bromide postcard print, 28 February 1922; published 1922
NPG x197871
'Homecoming of H.R.H. The Prince of Wales'
by Daily Mirror, published by J. Beagles & Co
bromide postcard print, 1922
NPG x193297
'The Wedding of 6th Earl of Harewood and Princess Mary'
by Vandyk
12 x 10 inch glass plate negative, 28 February 1922
NPG x129676
Queen Mary; Henry George Charles Lascelles, 6th Earl of Harewood; King George V
by Vandyk
12 x 10 inch glass plate negative, 28 February 1922
NPG x32508
'The Wedding of 6th Earl of Harewood and Princess Mary'
by Vandyk
12 x 10 inch glass plate negative, 28 February 1922
NPG x129703
by Vandyk
12 x 10 inch glass plate negative, 28 February 1922
NPG x130069
Henry George Charles Lascelles, 6th Earl of Harewood; Princess Mary, Countess of Harewood
by Vandyk
12 x 10 inch glass plate negative, 28 February 1922
NPG x196226
'The Wedding of 6th Earl of Harewood and Princess Mary'
by Vandyk
12 x 10 inch glass plate negative, 28 February 1922
NPG x130257
'The Wedding of 6th Earl of Harewood and Princess Mary'
by Vandyk
12 x 10 inch glass plate negative, 28 February 1922
NPG x130256
Henry George Charles Lascelles, 6th Earl of Harewood; Princess Mary, Countess of Harewood
by Vandyk
12 x 10 inch glass plate negative, 28 February 1922
NPG x130258
'The Wedding of 6th Earl of Harewood and Princess Mary'
by Vandyk
gelatin silver print, 28 February 1922
NPG x198525
'Christening of George Henry Hubert Lascelles'
by Vandyk, published by J. Beagles & Co
bromide postcard print, 25 March 1923; published 1923
NPG x197873
'Christening of George Henry Hubert Lascelles'
by Vandyk, published by J. Beagles & Co
bromide postcard print, 25 March 1923; published 1923
NPG x197955
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