My DC's Graduation Location was Just Switched to Accommodate the Encampments on Campus...I'm Angry!!

My DC's Graduation Location was Just Switched to Accommodate the Encampments on Campus...I'm Angry!!

My DC attends Swarthmore College, and I just got a notification that they have decided to move the graduation off campus 30 minutes away to accommodate the encampment on campus! This angers me because this class has already lost so many traditions because of COVID-19, and now they will lose another because they prefer to allow protests. I just think it is really unfair and they should have taken into consideration that this class has already lost so much due to the pandemic. Plus the school is having to spend money unnecessarily to rent a space large enough for all of the graduates and families. Enough already!
Anonymous wrote:My DC attends Swarthmore College, and I just got a notification that they have decided to move the graduation off campus 30 minutes away to accommodate the encampment on campus! This angers me because this class has already lost so many traditions because of COVID-19, and now they will lose another because they prefer to allow protests. I just think it is really unfair and they should have taken into consideration that this class has already lost so much due to the pandemic. Plus the school is having to spend money unnecessarily to rent a space large enough for all of the graduates and families. Enough already!

Effing losers, these encampment people. I feel for ya, sorry.
I mean, that does suck, but so does Gaza not having any universities anymore and having thousands of students killed.
Swarthmore has plenty of money.
Anonymous wrote:I mean, that does suck, but so does Gaza not having any universities anymore and having thousands of students killed.

That does suck, but please tell me (I"m not OP) how these encampments are helping the cause.
ThIs cLASs LOst sO MucH
Anonymous wrote:I mean, that does suck, but so does Gaza not having any universities anymore and having thousands of students killed.

I don’t have a kid in college and I would be disappointed in the graduation being moved. However, I’m glad these protests are happening.
School administration needs to move the encampment. Preferably to Gaza.
The encampments are absurd but this is probably a good move by Swarthmore to limit impact.
Sorry but I have very very little sympathy for families who send their kids to these campuses run by EXTREME “progressives” and then cry when they make extreme decisions.

But on a brighter note—sincere congratulations on your child’s graduation!
The inconvenience is the point.
Anonymous wrote:Sorry but I have very very little sympathy for families who send their kids to these campuses run by EXTREME “progressives” and then cry when they make extreme decisions.

But on a brighter note—sincere congratulations on your child’s graduation!

+1. You knew the type of college you were picking.
Makes me appreciate Dartmouth for calling the police after protesters pitched an encampment. The schools - like Swarthmore - that have caved to the disruption that a handful of protesters are causing are pathetic. And yes, this class in particular should get to experience a traditional graduation ceremony. Canceling or moving these events does absolutely nothing for anyone in Gaza. It's performative nonsense and affected colleges need to develop a spine.
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:I mean, that does suck, but so does Gaza not having any universities anymore and having thousands of students killed.

That does suck, but please tell me (I"m not OP) how these encampments are helping the cause.

The same way students helped end the Vietnam war with protests and helped South Africa end apartheid. Citizens of Israel are also protesting with much bigger crowds against Netanyahu. Protests have always been a way to, well, protest against something. Nothing new.
Anonymous wrote:Sorry but I have very very little sympathy for families who send their kids to these campuses run by EXTREME “progressives” and then cry when they make extreme decisions.

But on a brighter note—sincere congratulations on your child’s graduation!

BOOM! +1
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