In the "Krone" interview - Sienna Miller and her baby in Cannes |

In the "Krone" interview

Sienna Miller and her baby in Cannes

21.05.2024 09:00

Between pumping and a flurry of flashbulbs: the actress reveals in the "Krone" interview how she balances child and career for herself and what is really important in life.

The Cannes Film Festival in May means pure stress for everyone who works here. Hollywood star Sienna Miller agrees: "That's why I arrived with my family three days before the start of the festival to get some peace and quiet. I particularly enjoy the great atmosphere here and the sparkling blue sea".

Pumping away in the luxury suite
Miller's daughter Marlowe (11) and her five-month-old sister are also in her luggage. "I always want my little girl to be close to me," says the 42-year-old British-American actress. While Miller gives interviews about Kevin Costner's new film "Horizon", in which she plays one of the leading roles, her partner, actor and model Oli Green, 27, looks after their baby. "I'm still breastfeeding and pump the milk three or four times a day so that it can be taken across the hotel to my daughter," says Miller.

Sienna Miller is currently on the Côte d'Azur for the premiere of Kevin Costner's "Horizon". (Bild: Katharina SARTENA)
Sienna Miller is currently on the Côte d'Azur for the premiere of Kevin Costner's "Horizon".

Sienna Miller has put her career on the back burner for her family: "I have enough to do, both as a mother and in my job. But I don't have to be the biggest movie star in the world, I'm far too much of a family person for that. My two children are the most important thing to me!" Which is why Miller, who most recently lived in New York, has pulled up stakes there and returned to London.

The more family-friendly metropolis
"It's simply better in London with the baby, New York is now too hectic for me. During the pandemic, I realized that I wanted to return to my second home".

Incidentally, her late motherhood at 42 is a blessing for Sienna Miller: "We were over the moon. I'm not one of those people who criticize becoming a mother when you're over 40, on the contrary," says Miller. "There's nothing better than children!"

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