The story of Steve Jobs, successful in founding Apple even though he didn't graduate from college. : Worldleader's Blog

The story of Steve Jobs, successful in founding Apple even though he didn't graduate from college.

Who doesn't know Apple? This technology brand with gadget products is selling well on the world market and is easy to find around us. Apple was founded by a man named Steve Jobs and his partner Steve Wozniak.

The story of Steve Jobs, successful in founding Apple even though he didn\'t graduate from college._e0463865_01032429.jpg
According to the Britannica website, Steven Paul Jobs or known as Steve Jobs was born on February 24 1955 in San Francisco, California, United States. Steve Jobs was raised in Cupertino, California by his adoptive parents.

Like young people in general, Steve Jobs had a lot of interest in trying many things, even though he was actually interested in engineering.
Had College and Finally Dropped Out
Even though he had a strong interest in technology, Steve Jobs was not a learner who felt at home in the formal education system.
He received his higher education at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. However, after only lasting one semester, Jobs decided to leave.
Then in early 1974, he worked at the Atari Corporation as a video game designer and when he had enough money he went to India to study Buddhism.

The Beginning of the Founding of Apple
In the fall of 1974, Jobs returned to Silicon Valley and reconnected with Stephen Wozniak, a high school friend who was then working for Hewlett-Packard.

At that time Wozniak's design was rejected by Hewlett-Packard and with his ability to design his own computer logic boards, Jobs suggested starting a business together in 1976.

The Apple 1 was first made in Apple's first office, namely the Jobs family garage. The office was built from money he earned from selling Jobs' Volkswagen minibus and Woznia's programmable calculator.

After that, the Apple 2 was created which was designed by Wozniak with a better model than the first. The Apple 2 designed by Wozniak is equipped with a keyboard and a plastic casing set to be slimmer to enclose the unit.

Jobs then succeeded in obtaining financing, distribution, and publicity for his company. Finally, Apple computer was founded in 1977 which was the same year that the Apple 2 was completed.

This machine was successful, even in 1981 Apple offered record-breaking public shares. Then in 1983, for a short time, Apple was included in Fortune 500 magazine's list of America's top companies.

Steve Jobs style work productivity
During his lifetime, Jobs not only left behind the glory of Apple, but also a work productivity that could be imitated.

Quoting from the Time website, Steve Jobs had several ways of running his business and company so that it continued to progress. Are as follows.

1. Hold meetings with interested people
Ken Segall, Jobs' long-time collaborator, wrote in his book "Insanely Simple" about what it was like to work with Jobs. At that time Jobs was about to hold a weekly meeting with the Apple Advertising Bureau. Jobs at that time saw a new person and asked who he was.
This person is Lorrie who is part of the marketing project invited to this meeting. Jobs, who felt he didn't need people from the marketing project, asked Lorrie to leave.

2. Ensure that someone is always responsible for each project
Adam Lashinsky, a reporter from Fortune investigates Apple's culture. There are several processes that make Apple the most valuable company in the world.

One of them is an accountability mindset, namely the process of implementing everyone who is responsible for everything.

DRI is a term given to find out who is responsible for the project. The DRI's name will appear frequently on the meeting agenda, so everyone knows who is responsible.

3. Not using PowerPoint in meetings
Walter Isaacson, author of the Steve Jobs biography, said that Jobs hated formal presentations. He prefers free face-to-face meetings.

Jobs would hold an agenda-free meeting with his marketing and advertising team every Wednesday afternoon. Jobs banned slideshows in his meetings because he wanted his team to debate passionately and think critically without relying on technology.

by kenzio23 | 2024-05-19 01:04 | word technology | Comments(0)


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